Closed Bug 200511 Opened 22 years ago Closed 18 years ago

Flash plugin crashes - M17x FF10 [@ NPSWF32.dll][@ GetQDGlobalsBlack ][@ ntdll.dll - NPSWF32.dll][@]


(External Software Affecting Firefox Graveyard :: Flash (Adobe), defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: tracy, Assigned: jst)




(Keywords: crash, topcrash+, Whiteboard: [upgrade to Flash 7])

Crash Data


(1 file)

seen with mozilla and commercial builds for 2003-04-03-03-trunk (not happening on windows nor linux) -create a new profile and launch that profile -go to crash I normally hit this site in International Browser smoketest IB.4 using a bookmark that I copy to a newly created profile. With that bookmark I had not been seeing this crash. However, today, I lost the bookmark file and had to hit the page directly from the link in the smoketest page. Crash. So I back tested only to discover that builds have been crashing at for at least a month. :-( Note the IB.4 smoketest requires switching View | Character Coding | Auto Detect to Universal. But it doesn't matter if it's set to that or set to off. Either way the crash still occurs.
exact same bug, but marked WFM: bug 197717. Do you still crash after upgrading Flash plug-in too ?
Keywords: crash
Summary: Crash entering NY times → Crash entering NY times [@ GetQDGlobalsBlack ]
marking invalid. sorry folks. updating Flash on my system got rid of this crash. But, shouldn't the browser catch the flash version and ask to update instead of crashing?
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
You may want to reopen and move to Plug-ins to ask Peter ?
Component: Browser-General → Plug-ins
Good suggestion Olivier. Peter, should Mac have a way to catch cases like this and serve up a plugins download dialog instead of crashing?
Resolution: INVALID → ---
Assignee: asa → peterlubczynski
QA Contact: asa → bmartin
We've had lots of bugs similar to this. See: Bug 119480 Bug 134350 Bug 197717 What version(s) of Flash crash or work correctly? I think we'd need some kind of hack to catch this and direct the upgrade.
Summary: Crash entering NY times [@ GetQDGlobalsBlack ] → [OSX]Older Flash causes crash entering NY times [@ GetQDGlobalsBlack ]
I believe everything before r67 was buggy. Maybe we just shouldn't load them?
*** Bug 203286 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 204633 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 207617 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 211230 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I had this exact problem and was able to resolve it by ugradeing to the latest flash and shockwave plugins, however, what puzzles me is that the new flash plugin is exactly the same as the old one. I was able to isolate the problem to 'NP-PPC-Dir-Shockwave' in the '/Library/Internet Plug-Ins' directory - when I had that plugin in the 'Plug-Ins' directory crashed, when I removed it it did not crash. Im wondering if somehow its not the plugin, but some kind of plugin preferences causing the problem.
*** Bug 211831 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 209169 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 212194 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 210987 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 213113 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 212568 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 215438 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 215804 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 217019 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
We need to do something about this for 1.5. It's gonna bite a lot of people and crashing isn't the best way to inform the user to upgrade flash versions.
Flags: blocking1.5b?
Flags: blocking1.5?
Flags: blocking1.5b?
Peter, do you have any cycles to look into this? Bryner, can you help?
Peter, do you have any cycles to look into this? Bryner, can you help? This at the top of our topcrash list and would definitely be a good one to get for 1.5.
Flags: blocking1.5? → blocking1.5+
This is #2 top crash for all mozilla crash reports on all platforms. be a good one to nail...
The only thing we can do to fix this is to warn uers if they have an older Flash version installed. We can't work around the crash at all.
Meaby blocking flash for those with old plugins?
We should probably do what Simon suggests in comment #8. Some kind of check could be put into nsPluginsDirDarwin.cpp when we know the version number for Flash. There's also an ugly hack in nsPluginHostImpl::GetPluginFactory that can probably be removed.
*** Bug 218481 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Keywords: topcrash
Peterl, can you help us with that check?
*** Bug 219590 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Ok, I finally found a Mac with 10.2.6, Flash 6.0 r29, and even a debug build of Seamonkey 1.5b from a few weeks ago but I'm not crashing at the nor with other top sites with Flash like,, or Can someone please help me reproduce this problem by attaching a minimal testcase, their version of the problem Flash plugin, and ensuring the problem still happens in daily builds? Thanks.
Whiteboard: [need help reproducing]
Peter, I can crash consistently by reloading until a flash banner ad comes up. I'm running Flash 6.0 r47 on Mac OS X 10.2.6 with the latest 1.5 branch build.
I can also reproduce by hitting a flash banner at with the latest trunk build.
ok, I see it in a 1.5 nightly. I'm making a build now. I wonder if it's just not showing up in a debug build.
Whiteboard: [need help reproducing]
Peter, any progress? Is there anything I can do to help here?
yeah, ok, I see the problem even in my debug build from yesterday. Only certain sites with Flash seems to crash. A simplified testcase would be very helpful to explain why some sites crash and others do not. I noticed Flash 7 doesn't crash but does not come pre-installed. Disabling the Flash 6 plugin will create the need for everyone to download an upgrade if they want Flash support, even if they weren't seeing this problem.
Whiteboard: [upgrade to Flash 7]
*** Bug 220013 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
peter: we don't have to do anything without the user's consent. would you object to a warning the first time a user with a an affected plugin tries to download a .swf? the warning could give the user the options of: 1) continue anyway and risk crashes 2) just move the bad plugin out of the way and not view flash content 3) download a fixed plugin the real solution, of course, is to make mozilla more tolerant of buggy plugins: bug 156493 but that's not happening before 1.5...
*** Bug 220973 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 221497 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 223136 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
nominating because this got blocking 1.5+ but wasn't fixed. Not sure of the current status...
Flags: blocking1.6?
Flags: blocking1.6? → blocking1.6-
*** Bug 232635 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Unable to reproduce this with the latest version of Mozilla & Flash Player (Mozilla 1.6 and Player 7). Confirmed on Win 2k/ XP/ Mac OX 10.3
Browsing <> today 2004.03.28 sets both Mozilla 1.7b as well as Firefox 0.8 spinning, for instance when browsing exactly this page: <>. Firefox starts spinning a little bit later than Mozilla (i.e. I can work a little longer with Firefox than with Mozilla). The sample page makes heavy use of Flash. I am on OSX 10.3.3 and the Flash player is 7.0 r14. Don't know if it is the same bug. No problems in Safari.
leif: 7.0 r14 doesn't suffer from this bug. you ought to open a new one.
*** Bug 202968 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
There are a lot of crashes related to older Flash plugins on all platforms. Changing OS to All and updating summary with Talkback info for tracking. This continues to be a topcrasher for Mozilla 1.7 and Firefox 0.9.x.
OS: MacOS X → All
Hardware: Macintosh → All
Summary: [OSX]Older Flash causes crash entering NY times [@ GetQDGlobalsBlack ] → Older Flash causes crash entering NY times - M17 FF092 [@ GetQDGlobalsBlack ][@ NPSWF32.dll]
Adding relnote keyword. We should tell users to upgrade to the latest version of Flash to avoid this crash.
Keywords: relnote
*** Bug 243357 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Summary: Older Flash causes crash entering NY times - M17 FF092 [@ GetQDGlobalsBlack ][@ NPSWF32.dll] → Older Flash causes crash entering NY times - M18a2 FF09x [@ GetQDGlobalsBlack ][@ NPSWF32.dll][@]
Depends on: 211213
added a relnote
Keywords: relnote
Summary: Older Flash causes crash entering NY times - M18a2 FF09x [@ GetQDGlobalsBlack ][@ NPSWF32.dll][@] → Older Flash causes crash entering NY times - M17x FF10PR1 [@ GetQDGlobalsBlack ][@ NPSWF32.dll][@]
Summary: Older Flash causes crash entering NY times - M17x FF10PR1 [@ GetQDGlobalsBlack ][@ NPSWF32.dll][@] → Older Flash causes crash entering NY times - M17x FF10RC2 [@ GetQDGlobalsBlack ][@ NPSWF32.dll][@]
Still a topcrasher for Firefox 1.0. It'll be nice to find out if users that have upgraded to Flash 7 are still seeing this crash. If anyone can still reproduce, please report back with your version.
Summary: Older Flash causes crash entering NY times - M17x FF10RC2 [@ GetQDGlobalsBlack ][@ NPSWF32.dll][@] → Older Flash causes crash entering NY times - M17x FF10 [@ GetQDGlobalsBlack ][@ NPSWF32.dll][@]
Marc Bejarano claimed I had to open a new bug. Perhaps I misunderstand but now we are asked about Flash 7. I have Flash 7. The two top (in hits, not quality) news sites, and have become completely framed by flash animations. So much that have complained to about since they, after all, recommened Firefox. And why recommend a Firefox when it cannot handle their own web site's animations? So yes, it still crashes. But somehow it as become better. I takes longer time before it crashes. But it still crashes. And it hogs the system, uses a lot of processor power. I check it in the termnail, in the top command. I freequently closes pages that gets my machine (PowerBook G4 from 2004 with 1,2 GB ram) «work hard».
leif: are you really crashing, or just hanging? this bug was about the whole browser crashing and the reproducible test cases i had were fixed by upgrading the version of flash. i'm not surprised this is still a top crasher. i think comment 29 is still the way to go.
Peterl has not chimed in for a while, reassigning to jst in case he can help. If there is anyone else that can work on this, please reassign again.
Assignee: peterlubczynski-bugs → jst
*** Bug 279114 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 269452 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Summary: Older Flash causes crash entering NY times - M17x FF10 [@ GetQDGlobalsBlack ][@ NPSWF32.dll][@] → Flash plugin crashes - M17x FF10 [@ GetQDGlobalsBlack ][@ NPSWF32.dll][@]
Flash 7.0 r19 still crashes with the 2005-01-20 Win32 build of Mozilla (I haven't checked it with the 01-24 build yet, and I'm downloading a large file right now) at and other Keenspot comics (see bug 279114 for a local version of the page, a network trace and a Talkback ID)
fwiw this wfm with a clean profile, flash 7.0 r19 installed post mozilla install. I tested with sites here and several duped bugs. no crash as seen with Windows Mozilla build 2005-01-25-07-trunk on Win XP sp2
Keywords: topcrashtopcrash+
Summary: Flash plugin crashes - M17x FF10 [@ GetQDGlobalsBlack ][@ NPSWF32.dll][@] → Flash plugin crashes - M17x FF10 [@ NPSWF32.dll][@ GetQDGlobalsBlack ][@ ntdll.dll - NPSWF32.dll][@]
*** Bug 279789 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
WFM on latest branch. Perhaps original reporter can try a newer one. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8b4) Gecko/20050818 Firefox/1.0+
downgrade your flash player if you want to feel the pain everybody is talking about ;)
(In reply to comment #64) > downgrade your flash player if you want to feel the pain everybody is talking > about ;) No thanks. Is there any good reason for "downgrading" in this case?
the only reason would be for you to reproduce the crash. you said WFM and there's a reason for that. anyway, we should knock this off. the 47 cc's probably aren't enjoying this as much as we are :(
In that case, the bug should just be marked as invalid or WONTFIX with a final recommendation to update flash. Unfortunately, it won't allow me to mark it. So...
the status whiteboard already says what it need to. leaving this bug open means that more people find it. and some day, the bug will be fixed. firefox shouldn't crash. see bug 156493.
Depends on: 156493
we could include flash instiller in firefox update this would stop this crash and fix some of the security bugs (make it only install if you use old version
*** Bug 353014 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 285837 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 334501 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 347890 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 353100 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 346428 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 348211 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Before some hours I duped some Flash crasher bugs to this one. It seems that the crash also appears for newer Flash versions as 7. The top stack frame is mostly NPSWF32.dll or I'm not definitely sure if that was the right decision. How should we deal with these bugs? Duping or better not? If we dupe them we should update the whiteboard accordingly. Any idea?
it depends on what we're trying to track with this bug. i thought we were just tracking the particular flash bug in pre-r67 releases that et al were tickling. some of the bugs you just duped are definitely different bugs in flash because people are using newer versions. i say we undupe the recent ones and get some adobe folks to look into the newer reproducible crashes and then dupe appropriately. any objections?
If there are valid crashes that you see with the current Flash Player (9r16 or higher), then please let us (Adobe Flash Player team) know, either with this bug or by filing new bugs, and adding me as a cc:. Thanks.
I have the problem in Seamonkey 1.0.5 on Linux x64 with a npwrapped Flash 7-plugin. Downgrading to 1.0.4 solves the problem.
(In reply to comment #80) > I have the problem in Seamonkey 1.0.5 on Linux x64 with a npwrapped Flash > 7-plugin. Downgrading to 1.0.4 solves the problem. > I can comfirm the same problem using Firefox on Ubuntu Dapper 6.06 x64 using nspluginwrapper. Flash 7 no longer loads. It can also cause a lock-up when using the embedded browser inside Liferea. Problem only appeared with the recent Ubuntu upgrade from to
(In reply to comment #79) > If there are valid crashes that you see with the current Flash Player (9r16 or > higher), then please let us (Adobe Flash Player team) know, either with this > bug or by filing new bugs, and adding me as a cc:. Thanks. Shockwave Flash 9.0 d55 Details - talkback ids: 25901486, 25901765, 25901768
ok. i unduped the non-dupes. willem: please file a new bug for what you described in comment #80 and cc myself, michelle, marjorie, and hubert. i'll mark this as invalid since it ended up being a bug in the flash player which has been fixed by the developer.
Closed: 22 years ago18 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
No longer depends on: 156493
Component: Plug-ins → Flash (Adobe)
Flags: blocking1.6-
Flags: blocking1.5+
Product: Core → Plugins
QA Contact: bmartin → adobe-flash
Version: Trunk → unspecified
Target Milestone: --- → 2003
Version: unspecified → 6.x
Target Milestone: 2003 → 2004
Crash Signature: [@ NPSWF32.dll] [@ GetQDGlobalsBlack ] [@ ntdll.dll - NPSWF32.dll] [@]
Version and milestone values are being reset to defaults as part of product refactoring.
Target Milestone: 2004 → ---
Version: 6.x → unspecified
Product: External Software Affecting Firefox → External Software Affecting Firefox Graveyard
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