Closed Bug 200546 Opened 22 years ago Closed 19 years ago

[midas] enter inside a <p> behaves different from IE


(Core :: DOM: Editor, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set





(Reporter: doronr, Assigned: Brade)



(Keywords: testcase, Whiteboard: midas)


(1 file)

In midas, if I press enter inside a <p> (which has a border via css) it inserts
a newline and the <p> basically has 2 lines.

In IE, it creates a new <p> with the same style rules.

Not sure how important this is, maybe just a relnote?
Attached file testcase
testcase - go to the line with a border and press enter.
moving to owners
Assignee: jfrancis → brade
Does this happen in regular composer as well?
Depends on: 92686
Whiteboard: midas
Target Milestone: --- → Future
This is basically a duplicate of 92686.
I posted a detailed comment in bug <a
href="">92686</a>, but I
just wanted to reiterate here that hitting enter should create a new paragraph.
It's what my users expect to happen, and the fact that it doesn't is causing
enormous confusion.
Keywords: testcase
Seems to be indeed a dup of 92686 (the user expects a <p>, which by default has
a large padding, but gets <br> instead). Please mark as dup.
I think this bug is a feature request.  It is not a duplicate since bug 92686 is
resolved (and working well as far as I know).  Bug 92686 is specific to the core
editor while this is specific to the Midas widget.  Composer may have its own
version of this bug (as may an email client, etc.).

The author of the page with the Midas widget on it should have the ability to
make the editor work like a textarea (<br> mode) or work in <p> mode.  I'd like
to add a command to this documentation:
Please make suggestions.  :-)

It should be trivial to implement when I find a spare hour.  The nsIHTMLEditor
flag returnInParagraphCreatesNewParagraph needs to be toggled appropriately. 
Probably it'll be a bunch of trivial/wrapper code to create the necessary command.
Flags: blocking1.9a1?
The testcase seems to behave as expected for my firefox 1.5, has this been fixed by another bug or I'm just lucky?
(In reply to comment #8)
> The testcase seems to behave as expected for my firefox 1.5, has this been
> fixed by another bug or I'm just lucky?

No, the behaviour still differs completely from IE:s. Testing with latest trunk/XP
I've installed the latest trunk "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.9a1) Gecko/20060107 Firefox/1.6a1" and the behaviour is the same than IE from my point of view. Pressing enter creates a new paragraph, pressing Shift+Enter creates a new line.

In an old Mozilla "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8b2) Gecko/20050312" the behaviour is as described in this bug, very different from IE.
Alfonso, foucs the "text in a box" paragraph and press enter several times. You should now see the difference.

In IE this will add a new <p> for each time you press enter. In Mozilla you will add <p>:s, but also <br>. 
Ok, now everything it's clear to me.

The original issue described in comment 0 is fixed in bug 285873. But now there are bugs if you press enter in an empty paragraph, as José Jeria explains comment 11 and also bug 322202 gives a good explanation.

I personally think that this bug should be closed as the original issue was just a difference in behaviour between Midas and IE (that's it: you may like the behaviour or not but it was consistent), and the current problem is a bug without the need to look at IE, if I press enter inside a paragraph I don't want sometimes a <br> and sometimes a <p>. 

So confirming bug 322202 seems like a good idea to me.
Yes I agree. Should this be marked as WFM or FIXED?

I will confirm bug 322202
Closed: 19 years ago
Flags: blocking1.9a1?
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I seem to have marked this as fixed... 

Anyway, this bug was fixed by bug 92686 and bug 285873
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