Closed Bug 200965 Opened 21 years ago Closed 20 years ago

regchrome seg faults on alpha linux when compiled with -O2


(Core :: XPCOM, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: jt.marsh, Assigned: dougt)


(Keywords: crash)


(2 files)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux ppc; en-US; rv:1.4a) Gecko/20030405
Build Identifier: 

++ pwd
+ MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/var/tmp/mozilla-root/usr/lib/mozilla-1.4a
+ ./regchrome
/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.74096: line 163: 15498 Segmentation fault      (core dumped)
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`:`pwd`/.. MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=`pwd` ./regchrome
error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.74096 (%install)

RPM build errors:
    Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.74096 (%install)

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
rpm -bb SPECFILE
Actual Results:  
regchrome seg faults

Same thing with the 1.3 release. 1.2.1 was the last successful build for me.

(gdb) where
#0  0x2000089ab84 in nsRDFXMLSerializer::SerializePrologue ()
   from /var/tmp/mozilla-root/usr/lib/mozilla-1.4a/components/
#1  0x2000089b2e0 in nsRDFXMLSerializer::Serialize ()
   from /var/tmp/mozilla-root/usr/lib/mozilla-1.4a/components/
#2  0x20000896000 in RDFXMLDataSourceImpl::Serialize ()
   from /var/tmp/mozilla-root/usr/lib/mozilla-1.4a/components/
#3  0x20000894fc0 in RDFXMLDataSourceImpl::rdfXMLFlush ()
   from /var/tmp/mozilla-root/usr/lib/mozilla-1.4a/components/
#4  0x2000089537c in RDFXMLDataSourceImpl::Flush ()
   from /var/tmp/mozilla-root/usr/lib/mozilla-1.4a/components/
#5  0x2000054277c in nsChromeRegistry::WriteInfoToDataSource ()
   from /var/tmp/mozilla-root/usr/lib/mozilla-1.4a/components/
#6  0x20000542d20 in nsChromeRegistry::UpdateDynamicDataSource ()
   from /var/tmp/mozilla-root/usr/lib/mozilla-1.4a/components/
#7  0x20000543234 in nsChromeRegistry::UpdateDynamicDataSources ()
   from /var/tmp/mozilla-root/usr/lib/mozilla-1.4a/components/
#8  0x20000546bc4 in nsChromeRegistry::InstallProvider ()
   from /var/tmp/mozilla-root/usr/lib/mozilla-1.4a/components/
#9  0x2000054c5c4 in nsChromeRegistry::InstallPackage ()
   from /var/tmp/mozilla-root/usr/li#10 0x20000550da0 in
nsChromeRegistry::ProcessNewChromeBuffer ()
   from /var/tmp/mozilla-root/usr/lib/mozilla-1.4a/components/
#11 0x2000055030c in nsChromeRegistry::CheckForNewChrome ()
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit--- 
   from /var/tmp/mozilla-root/usr/lib/mozilla-1.4a/components/
#12 0x2000053a4d4 in nsChromeRegistry::Init ()
   from /var/tmp/mozilla-root/usr/lib/mozilla-1.4a/components/
#13 0x200005388b8 in nsChromeRegistryConstructor ()
   from /var/tmp/mozilla-root/usr/lib/mozilla-1.4a/components/
#14 0x20000148ad8 in nsGenericFactory::CreateInstance ()
   from /var/tmp/mozilla-root/usr/lib/mozilla-1.4a/
#15 0x200000f808c in nsComponentManagerImpl::CreateInstanceByContractID ()
   from /var/tmp/mozilla-root/usr/lib/mozilla-1.4a/
#16 0x200000f9054 in nsComponentManagerImpl::GetServiceByContractID ()
   from /var/tmp/mozilla-root/usr/lib/mozilla-1.4a/
#17 0x2000014ab8c in nsGetServiceByContractID::operator() ()
   from /var/tmp/mozilla-root/usr/lib/mozilla-1.4a/
#18 0x20000147f18 in nsCOMPtr_base::assign_from_helper ()
   from /var/tmp/mozilla-root/usr/lib/mozilla-1.4a/
#19 0x120000c48 in main ()
I had the same problem with Red Hat 7.2
compile nsRDFXMLSerializer.cpp with "-fno-strict-aliasing" and it works.

there's a similar problem somewhere in layout/xul/... but I don't remember the
specifics.  I gave up and compiled everything "-O"

==> rdf
marking NEW
Assignee: ssu → rjc
Component: Installer → RDF
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: crash
Alpha = DEC
Severity: normal → critical
Hardware: Other → DEC
compiled nsRDFXMLSerializer (Mozilla 1.3) with "-O -fstrict-aliasing
frame 0 is actually nsRDFXMLSerializer.cpp:909:

	if (entry->mPrefix) {
	    rdf_BlockingWrite(aStream, NS_LITERAL_STRING(":"));
	    nsAutoString prefix;
	    entry->mPrefix->ToString(prefix);	 <== here
	    rdf_BlockingWrite(aStream, prefix);

compiling with -fno-inline didn't crash.
I don't know if this is related or not, but...

I compiled everything using -O, and that worked, but now XUL.mfasl gets hosed so
that when I startup Mozilla a second time, I have no bookmarks and no pulldown
that's bug 184204
since there's no QA on RDF I can't remove reassign it...
QA =
QA Contact: bugzilla → rjc
QA Contact: rjc → ajschult
this is a hacked version of nsRDFXMLSerializer::SerializePrologue that exhibits
this bug.  needs to be linked against xpcom, nspr4, plds4 and plc4.

output compiled with -O:

output compiled with -O2:
Seg fault

as before, -fno-strict-aliasing fixes the -O2 case
this doesn't look like an RDF problem (unless it's using nsAtoms improperly, or
nsNameSpace is screwed up), and it's doing nothing but rot in RDF.


also, I had been using gcc 2.96-112, which is the most up-to-date gcc from Red
Hat (HP) for Alpha.  7.2 also comes with gcc3 (3.0.4).  using that, the testcase
works fine.  I'm rebuilding everything else to see if gcc3 fixes regchrome as well.
Summary: Building 1.4a on alpha redhat 7.1, regchrome seg faults → regchrome seg faults on alpha linux when compiled with -O2
Assignee: rjc → dougt
Component: RDF → XPCOM
QA Contact: ajschult → scc
In the debugger, can you look and see what fooEntry.mCurrent,
fooEntry.mCurrent->mPrefix, etc., are, to see what exactly it's crashing on?
I just rebuilt with gcc3 and regchrome works.
I'll try out the debugger tomorrow.
with -O2
fooFirst = {mCurrent = 0x12001bd20}
fooLast = {mCurrent = 0x12001bd20}
fooEntry = {mCurrent = 0x20000176400}
fooEntry.mCurrent->mPrefix = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x0}, <No data fields>

with -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing
fooFirst = {mCurrent = 0x12001bd20}
fooLast = {mCurrent = 0x12001bd20}
fooEntry = {mCurrent = 0x12001bd20}
fooEntry.mCurrent->mPrefix = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x12001bd00}, <No
data fields>}

looks like "fooEntry = fooFirst" is busted
Does the patch in bug 212082 help?  (With what version of gcc do you see the
problem?  You might need to change the ifdefs or make the change unconditional
if it's less than 3.)
> Does the patch in bug 212082 help?

I hoped the same, but tried it out last month with no change in behavior.

> with what version of gcc do you see the problem? 

only gcc296 (3.0.4 works).  I just defined NSCAP_FEATURE_DEBUG_PTR_TYPES
Maybe a bug in 2.96?  2.96 was never an official release, after all.
I cannot reproduce this with the reduced test case and gcc 3.3. I guess it has
been fixed by the pointer aliasing fixes. I recommend closing this bug.
right.  gcc3.0 worked for me as well.

resolving INVALID... this was probably a gcc bug and/or it's not worth working
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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