Bug 20336
Opened 25 years ago
Closed 21 years ago
Ctrl-Enter should send the message only if there is pref to turn it off
(MailNews Core :: Composition, defect, P2)
MailNews Core
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: rzach, Assigned: sspitzer)
(Keywords: helpwanted, polish, Whiteboard: [nsbeta1+]blocked by bug 50255,[correctness],PDT-)
(1 file)
18.60 KB,
Details |
As in Navigator, 4.x, pressing Alt-Enter in the message compose window should
send the message, Alt-Shift-Enter send it later.
Linux build 1999.11.29.08
Updated•25 years ago
Target Milestone: M14
Updated•25 years ago
Updated•25 years ago
Target Milestone: M14 → M15
Comment 1•25 years ago
Note that it's CTRL-Enter on Windows and CMD-Enter on Mac. Would like to have
this for B1, but wouldn't hold for it.
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Comment 2•25 years ago
Alt-Enter now seems to attempt to send the message, but causes Mozilla to hang
(Linux build 2000.02.11.11).
Reporter | ||
Comment 4•25 years ago
No, send button is fine.
After I hit Alt-Enter, I get this in the console:
we don't handle eBorderStyle_close yet... please fix me
-------- BOX IS ROOT --------
onload top.composeWindow: [object Window]
onload toAddress:
Then Mozilla becomes unresponsive and has to be killed.
I'm going to modify the summary and nominate for beta since the hang can result
in data loss of the compose window.
Keywords: beta1
Summary: Alt-Enter should send message → Alt-Enter to send message causes a hang
Putting on the PDT+ radar for t hang and beta1. But discarding the key binding
is perfectly acceptable for beta.
Whiteboard: [PDT+]
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Comment 7•25 years ago
Btw, I think we're moving to Ctrl for shortcuts, so it should probably be
Ctrl-Enter anyway.
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Comment 8•25 years ago
On Linux build 2000.02.14.09 I don't hang anymore. Could you verify, and then
either make this into the shortcut RFE or resolve and file a new bug (or tell me
what to do)?
Why don't we just turn this bug into switching to ctrl-enter then (where did you
hear about the ctrl key?) Thanks.
Reporter | ||
Comment 10•25 years ago
In bug 23575 german writes: "We had collectively decided earlier (after a
newsgroup poll and discussion) to move away from Alt as shortcut and leave this
for menmonics only. We decided to use Ctrl as default shortcut qualifier key for
Linux et al. This is the state it should be in for beta1." Assume since we're
talking about shortcut for Edit | Send, it should now be Ctrl-Enter. CC german,
Comment 11•25 years ago
I don't understand why alt/ctrl-enter causes the application to crash. Atl-enter
is not yet binded to Send.
As zach doesn crash anymore, I remove the [PDT+] status and change back the
summary to "Ctrl-Enter should send the message". If PDT team agree, we should
remove the keyword beta1
Summary: Alt-Enter to send message causes a hang → Ctrl-Enter should send the message
Whiteboard: [PDT+]
Comment 12•25 years ago
Putting on PDT+- radar for beta1. Would not hold beta, can release note if
Keywords: relnote
Whiteboard: [PDT-]
Comment 13•25 years ago
Adding a few interested people to the cc list.
I would like to see this bug resolved as WONTFIX since I often see reports of
users who press enter/return and inadvertently also press control. This makes
them look stupid when they've sent a message that they didn't finish.
If we really need a keybinding for this, how about a 3-key binding or something a
little less likely to be pressed while typing?
Comment 14•25 years ago
I miss having a "send" binding and use control-return heavily in 4.x, but I
agree with Kathy that it's unintuitive. I'd like to see this functionality
bound to some other key -- not a 3-key sequence, just something a little less
unintuitive than control-return.
I hesitate to suggest one since I don't know what's available. Do we have a
spec anywhere for key bindings?
Comment 15•25 years ago
This is my most hated keyboard shortcut. I can't tell you how many times I've
fumbled on the keyboard, and sent a message by mistake. Please either kill this
shortcut, or put up a confirmation dialog before sending.
Comment 16•25 years ago
cc: for input.
Comment 17•25 years ago
removing relnote keyword. Will include a general statement in mailnews release
notes something like "not all keyboard shortcuts are implemented, please rely on
relative menu or toolbar items".
Keywords: relnote
Comment 18•25 years ago
Ctrl+Enter seems to me to be about as intuitive as you can get. But if there
really are some people who type it by mistake (is there some keyboard layout I
don't know about where Ctrl and Enter are next to each other?), then perhaps this
is a good case for an optional confirmation dialog.
Since the keyboard shortcut itself involves the Enter key, the default action for
the confirmation dialog should probably be Cancel. This would prevent problems
where the user presses Ctrl+Enter, sees a dialog come up, thinks `oh, whoops, I
actually meant to press Shift+Enter' (or whatever), and then does the usual human
thing by going ahead and pressing Shift+Enter (or whatever) -- thereby dismissing
the dialog and sending the message.
Comment 19•25 years ago
Nooo, please, not a confirmation dialog! The whole point of having a keybinding
here is as a "quick send without having to use the mouse". If I then have to do
something else (usually involving moving from the keyboard to the mouse) this is
no longer a win over clicking on the toolbar.
A better solution would be to use a different binding, one which users don't
tend to hit by accident. I'd suggest one if I knew of where to find the
existing bindings, in order to look for one that isn't already spoken for.
Comment 20•25 years ago
* Some e-mail/Usenet clients, such as MT NewsWatcher for example, have an
optional confirmation dialog for sending messages already. It's useful as a
sanity checker, not just as a way of making sure that you didn't hit the Send
key combination by accident.
* Why should dealing with a simple confirmation dialog involve using the mouse?
It would be Ctrl+Enter to bring up the dialog, then Tab, then Enter.
* You're going to have the problem with accidentally hitting the key-binding
occasionally no matter which key-binding you choose.
* Ask Lake if you want a list of the current bindings. They haven't been
published anywhere yet AFAIK.
Comment 21•25 years ago
* It involves the mouse because when the dialog comes up, the focus isn't in it,
so hitting return will go to the wrong window. You obviously use a
click-to-type focus model; not everyone does. This is especially true in
mozilla, where we don't mark our dialogs as transient so even Linux window
managers which are smart enough to put focus in transient windows don't know to
do so in mozilla.
* I have never accidentally hit the alt-return binding, in three years of using
4.x. Which is not to be construed as an argument that I think it's a good choice
for the binding, just that lots of people are good with keyboard control and bad
with mouse control, just as some people are the other way around.
Reporter | ||
Comment 22•25 years ago
How about a pref? ;)
Comment 23•25 years ago
akkana: Well, that's a problem with Mozilla's dialog windows on X in general,
then; it's not a problem which should spill over into deciding whether a
confirmation dialog is a good idea or not in this particular case. (And, like I
said, the dialog should be optional, so people who don't have a problem with the
key-binding can have the confirmation dialog turned off.)
We shouldn't make Mozilla's UI worse, XP, just because some X window managers are
clueless. If you followed that argument to it's logical conclusion, Mozilla could
never have any confirmation dialogs at all.
Comment 24•25 years ago
I would like a pref as well.
I also wouldn't mind a dialog asking if I want
to send. If you want Ctrl+Enter because you like the keyboard interface, you
just hit Enter for the dialog to continue if assume the default to the yes/no
choice is is "yes"
Comment 25•25 years ago
Mass moving to M16 to get these off the M15 radar. Please let me know if this
is really an M15 stopper.
Target Milestone: M15 → M16
Comment 26•25 years ago
Mass moving M16 to M17 - look for nsbeta2 before anything else.
Target Milestone: M16 → M17
Comment 27•25 years ago
moving to M18 and nominating for beta3.
Keywords: nsbeta3
Target Milestone: M17 → M18
Updated•25 years ago
Keywords: correctness
Updated•25 years ago
Keywords: correctness → polish
Comment 28•25 years ago
Today, while composing a rather important email message in the plain text
email composer, I accidentally pressed ctrl-Enter, and discovered to my
horror that it was the hotkey for "Send Now". AAAAAAARRRRGGGGGGHH!
PLEASE, if you implement this hot key for Seamonkey, provide a way to
disable it!
Comment 29•25 years ago
I hit this about once a month or so in 4.x. I think it depends a lot on the
users typing style. I have hit it a few times when trying to figure out how
get unstuck from editing a bulleted list.
Having a dialog come up may also be a problem. Generally, those damn dialogs
only come up when prompting for auto-save, and I usually hit okay straight away.
Maybe the first time the users does that, we could pop up the dialog asking if
that's the behaviour he wants... then the dialog wouldn't come up any more.
Can't we have at least have a pref?
Comment 30•25 years ago
I agree that Ctrl-Enter is far too easy to hit accidentally. Comparing the
slight benefit of having an easy accelerator, versus the continual disaster of
inadvertant sends, I think we should make it more difficult, by dropping the
feature, adding another modifier or perhaps disabling it by default, but adding
a confirmation dialog would be an abomination. I feel dirty even talking about it.
Comment 31•25 years ago
I'm astounded that so many people seem to have trouble with hitting Ctrl+Enter by
mistake ... How did you ever survive using 3.x and 4.x?
And is anyone actually going to suggest an alternative shortcut???
Comment 32•25 years ago
I have figured out what it is - ... it's when I'm using ctrl-V to paste
something, followed by an enter. But if my timing is slightly off, the ctrl
key is still pressed with my left pinky. I think it comes down to
lack of left-hand/right-hand coordination.
Comment 33•25 years ago
I've tried to keep track of the accelerators that I know are being used. If you
know of any missing, drop me a note.
Here is the URL for internal folks. I will attach the file to this bug for
external folks.
Ctrl+Shift+S is already taken, but Ctrl+Shift+M is available ("Mail")?
Or, we could use Ctrl+Shift+Enter for Send Now. If you're currently offline, it
would send later.
Comment 35•25 years ago
Comment 36•25 years ago
Jennifer--can you publish that spec on (or ask someone else to do it
for you)? It's easier for some of us to view this stuff when it's not behind the
firewall. Thanks!
Comment 37•25 years ago
Users expect that Ctrl+Shift+{somekey} performs an action which is a logical
counterpart to the one performed by Ctrl+{somekey} -- e.g.:
* Ctrl+S (save) vs. Ctrl+Shift+S (save as), in many apps
* Ctrl+P (print) vs. Ctrl+Shift+P (print preview, or print setup), in many apps
* open page in Navigator (Ctrl+O) or in Composer (Ctrl+Shift+O), in 4.x
* find in this message (Ctrl+F) or in lots of messages (Ctrl+Shift+F), in 4.x.
Therefore, Ctrl+Shift+M to send is inappropriate because it is too close to
Ctrl+M (new message). (The Aphrodite spec has Ctrl+Shift+M opening a dialog
asking which template you want to use for a new message.)
And Ctrl+Shift+Enter is inappropriate because it would be the complete *opposite*
of what 4.x (and 3.x) uses by default (Ctrl+Enter for `Send Now' and
Ctrl+Shift+Enter for `Send Later').
Comment 38•25 years ago
We could do something like the standard AIM and have it be a preference. In the
AOL chat client "Return" means send by default but it can be switched to put a
return in the message instead; ditto tabs.
I *like* Ctrl-Return and Ctrl-Shift-Return, never have a problem with early
sends. Sounds like lots of people like it, and certainly lots of people are
used to it from Communicator. So make it a pref that can be turned off.
Comment 39•25 years ago
I like it, too. In fact, Microsoft must have realized that it has some value,
too, because even though it's not published in either UI, the combination can be
used to send in both Outlook and Outlook Express.
Comment 41•25 years ago
change summary to reflect wishes of many users who have been burned by this key-
Summary: Ctrl-Enter should send the message → Ctrl-Enter should send the message only if there is pref to turn it off
Comment 42•25 years ago
A better summary might be: "Need key binding for send message", and then try to
pick one that users don't hit accidentally. I would think that even a lot of
the users who get burned by control-enter might like a key binding for Send, if
it were something that they didn't hit accidentally ... no? I certainly use
alt-enter a lot. But I don't want to get into a summary war here.
Comment 43•25 years ago
Here is what I am proposing to do:
Add a pref to turn on/off Ctlr-Enter to send message, the pref will be off by
default. Like that you wont have a surprise...
Comment 44•25 years ago
Please consider the nagable format.
user w/o pref presses <ctrl>-<enter> a dialog appears explaining what the
binding does asking should it be bound <enter> would cause yes and send the
message. There is work on a prefs panel for boolean toggles, and this would
easily fit that.
Comment 45•25 years ago
This is turning surreal.
> Add a pref to turn on/off Ctlr-Enter to send message, the pref will be off by
> default. Like that you wont have a surprise...
Yes you will, because if you've used *any* previous version of Netscape
Mail/Messenger, the keyboard shortcut you've used hundreds of times (or more
likely, tens of thousands of times) suddenly won't work any more. If that's not
a surprise, what is?
there is going to be a pref (something which reviewers will laugh at, no doubt)
to switch the keybinding from Ctrl+Enter/Shift+Ctrl+Enter (for Send Now/Send
Later) to {something}/Shift+{something}, WHAT is that {something} going to be?
Comment 46•25 years ago
so as not to be understood, my suggestion was that the pref should completely
disable a keybinding for send now (not toggle between two or more keybindings).
As for compatibility with 4.x, yes, some users might like that but reality is
that many keybindings will change. (This is true with every commercial product
upgrade I've ever made.)
Comment 47•25 years ago
OK. This discussion needs closure.
Jean-Francois has agreed to implement a pref to control whether the keybinding
ctrl-enter should be active or not. The default setting of this pref for the
Netscape commercial product will be compatible with 4.x.
No other action is plussed by this bug. Please file individual enhancement
requests if you care about the other suggestions in this bug.
Updated•25 years ago
Priority: P3 → P2
Updated•25 years ago
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+][PDT-] → [nsbeta3+][PDT-] blocked by bug 50252&50255
Comment 48•25 years ago
second pass: - per mail triage
Bug 50252 which we need to fix this on Linux has been marked nsbeta3-.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+][PDT-] blocked by bug 50252&50255 → [nsbeta3-][cut 8/29][PDT-] blocked by bug 50252&50255
Comment 49•25 years ago
So it works on Mac, and can work on Windows once the prepared fix to bug 50255 is
checked in. Are PDT saying, therefore, that Ctrl+/Cmd+Enter shouldn't be
implemented on *any* platform, just because it wouldn't work for a while on
Linux? (Couldn't you do an #ifndef???)
Comment 50•25 years ago
No need for an ifndef -- if it doesn't work, then it doesn't.
How ironic that Linux, the only platform where people didn't mind the old
binding, is the one where it doesn't work!
I still think it's ridiculous that no one is willing to consider an alternate
binding for this very useful functionality.
Comment 51•25 years ago
Maybe we should reconsider our desicion. I can checkin the fix for windows as it
has been reviewed and tested and quickly implement this key binding. It will
works on Mac and Window.
Comment 52•25 years ago
oops, I totally forget a little problem. If I implement the keybinding, we will
have a major problem on linux as CTLR+M (New Message) will be equal as
CTRL+Enter (Send message). I don't know which one will win but it will be too
dangerous to do it. Sorry, we must fix bug 50252 first.
Comment 53•25 years ago
Reviewing the key bindings, ^T is the only alphanumeric key I can find which
isn't currently bound in the mail compose window. Not especially intuitive, but
no less so than ^<Return>. There are lots of non-alphanumeric keys available,
like ^> (that sorta has a feel of sending to someone -- think redirect -- and
would seem like a fine keybinding for Send Now), ^., ^\, and all the shifted
stuff (though using shifted nonalpha keybindings, like $ or * or whatever, is
likely to run into platform incompatibilities in our event system).
Alternately, argue for the nsbeta3+-ness of 50252 or 46992 (probably the same
bug) so Pav or I can work on them.
Comment 54•25 years ago
Aside from the Linux issues, I don't see where there are any really valid
arguments. A lot of current email programs acknowledge CTRL-ENTER as a SEND
shortcut. Including NS4.x and Microsoft's Email offerings. And if the PDT team
is looking to really compete with a competitor, then obviously NS6 needs to do
everything the competitors do, better. I think this one is a no brainer.
Plus, chicks dig it.
Comment 55•24 years ago
*** Bug 56696 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 56•24 years ago
IMO, we shouldn't have a pref, but a key which is unlikely to be hit during
I think, Ctrl-Enter is much more likely to be hit accidently than Alt-Enter.
This user might accidently have his left hand rest on Ctrl, or he might be
trying to hit Shift-Enter, but get the wrong modifier. For the same reason,
Crtl-Shift-Enter is not a good key IMO, because the user might try to hit
Shift-Enter and accidently also press Ctrl.
I don't see such a risk for Alt (neither in theory, nor in my experience.
Unfortunately, we don't seem to be allowed to use Alt for shortcuts.
I propose Ctrl-0. It can be access quickly (one key per hand), and doesn't seem
to be taken.
Comment 57•24 years ago
Or what about the function keys? I don't see any of F1..F12 being taken. Any of
them (other than F1 and F10) would be fine with me, or Ctrl + any of F5..F12.
Comment 58•24 years ago
*** Bug 57052 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 61•24 years ago
*** Bug 47708 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 62•24 years ago
I think the shortcut for Send should Alt+S, just as in Outlook and ICQ. It's
very fast, and in the Mail Compose window, Alt+S isn't currently used for
anything that I can see.
In all cases I think we should be consistent using Alt+ the first letter of the
function (at least Alt+ in Windows, which is used a great deal for hotkeys),
unles the Alt+ is taken and then we could find a reasonable alternative, like
Alt+Shift+ or something else. Something that can be done with one hand and only
two fingers when possible. Alt+ is just a roll of the thumb and a tap with the
index finger. I love it.
See bug 55679 where I discuss that the toolbars in Mozilla that currently have
hotkeys, just as their counterparts on the menu toolbar do, just like Outlook
does, and so on.
Comment 63•24 years ago
Ctrl-Enter should still be supported, in addition to any other hotkey for a
number of reasons:
1. NS4.x parity
2. Parity with Outlook and Outlook express (the currently most common mail
3. Chicks dig it.
But 1 and 2 are the most important.
Comment 64•24 years ago
ctrl-s is save, this has already been argued. We need to support ctrl-enter, if
you want to argue ctrl-s, please file a separate bug. [Actually don't as I
suspect we already have one marked won't fix, but ...]
CC:ing myself.
Comment 66•24 years ago
I second the Alt+S. I see two problems with Ctrl+Enter.
1. The aforementioned accidental hitting (never had that problem... in fact,
until I read it hear, I didn't realize Outlook even had that option.
2. In all other Win32 apps with drop down AutoComplete, you can use the arrow
keys to select the option you want, and then hit Ctrl+Enter to select it.
This currently doesn't work in Mozilla (I was looking to see if there was
already a bug on this when I found this bug).
Comment 67•24 years ago
Kovu, jake, read above. Alt is reserved.
Comment 68•24 years ago
> move away from Alt as shortcut and leave this for menmonics only
I assume that's what's being refered to above... That's fine. Make the Send
button have a menmonic of "S" (as Outlook does).
Comment 69•24 years ago
marking nsbeta1=, moving to mozilla0.8. This is for putting back Ctrl-Enter. A
hidden pref to turn it off is fine.
Keywords: nsbeta3
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3-][cut 8/29][PDT-] blocked by bug 50252&50255 → [nsbeta1+]blocked by bug 50252&50255
Target Milestone: M18 → mozilla0.8
Comment 72•24 years ago
Tens of millions of AIM, Netscape 3.x/4.x, ICQ, AOL, and Outlook users have
this shortcut ingrained in their brains. We really shouldn't change it.
*** Bug 64661 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Keywords: mostfreq
Comment 74•24 years ago
Just as an additional note - I've been suffering from "accidental mail send" in
NS 4.x for several years, and couldn't ever work out which key combo it was that
I was accidentally hitting! Now I've read this bug, I know...
Believe me, Ctrl-Enter problems are probably more widespread than you think -
people just blame it on "the software playing up" - I know I did for a while.
By the way, why aren't we having total UI key rebindability, like in e.g. Word
or a decent editor? Surely XUL makes this reasonably easy; then we wouldn't have
to have a special hidden pref for every key someone didn't like...
Comment 75•24 years ago
Right now, it looks like most people want this:
1. User installs Mozilla.
2. user writes an email message, and presses ctrl+enter.
3. Dialog pops up:
|Do you wish to send the message now?|
| |
| [ ] don't ask me this again |
| |
| [OK] [Cancel] |
4. if user checks "Don't ask me this again" and clicks OK, from now on
ctrl+enter won't pop up the dialog but will immediately send the message.
5. if user checks "Don't ask me this again" and clicks Cancel, from now on
ctrl+enter won't do anything.
6. In addition, there will be a pref for this.
For bonus points, the pref could be a drop-down list for which key binding you
want for send:
- None
- Ctrl+enter
- Alt+enter
- Alt+S
- F6 or whatever
Is my summary accurate? Please comment if not.
Comment 76•24 years ago
f6 is *very* unavailable.
Comment 77•24 years ago
I like the basic dialog, but shouldn't the buttons be:
Windows: Yes No
Mac: Send Don't Send
Linux: ??? ???
Timeless: What's F6 used for (just curious) ?
Comment 78•24 years ago
Comment 79•24 years ago
The dialog sems fine (make the buttons on linux the same as the mac ones) as
long as it has "remember this", as it does in the example.
Re mapping the keybinding to something else: we have no way of saving the result
unless 18508 is fixed.
Comment 80•24 years ago
ie5.5's definition:
<tr><td>Move forward between frames.</td>
<td>CTRL+TAB or<BR>F6</td></tr>
nc4.x's definition is at least slightly confused. you should encounter the bug
where i described it. references include: bug 30864, bug 48251, bug 35134
Please read /your/ bug 30864 esp my Comments 2000-08-01 22:31 and 2000-08-11 20:08.
to borrow law's phrase: Oh dear. I'm removing [f6 from consideration] for
obvious reasons (I hope).
Comment 81•24 years ago
I strongly support Moses Lei's idea from 2001-01-10 14:17.
It seems the only method which will make everyone happy:
- CTRL + Enter, a widely used shortcut is supported.
- There is only ever one dialog box for people who want this function
- People who don't want this function can easily disable it, and should never
accidentally send a message.
You shouldn't need to go into the preferences to setup your keyboard bindings.
Comment 82•24 years ago
How would this interact with the autospell pref? As there is currently no way to
detect an aborted spell, a prompt here would be very useful.
Comment 83•24 years ago
in nc4 if you have spell check on send set then it will spell check on
ctrl+enter, and if you abort the spell check the send will abort.
That is NOT part of this bug, spell check issues are covered in other bugs, and
since we have no spell check engine [another bug] it is certainly not relevant
Comment 85•24 years ago
marking nsbeta1- and moving to future milestone.
Updated•24 years ago
Keywords: helpwanted
Comment 87•24 years ago
OK, this bug cracks me up. It's the perfect example for people who argue
against open source:
1. Start with a simple task.
2. Allow everyone to comment.
3. Keep going in circles for well over a year.
4. Keep pushing it off to later and later dates.
Sorry, it's just that everytime I see this getting pushed off yet again, I laugh
a little more.
Comment 88•24 years ago
Comment 89•24 years ago
Bringing back nsbeta1+ to have some accelerator that can send a message.
Comment 92•24 years ago
Marking dependant on 76891 - Ctrl-Enter event is not being recognized on Windows.
Depends on: 76891
Comment 94•24 years ago
*** Bug 79142 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 95•24 years ago
*** Bug 83022 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 96•24 years ago
What's going on with this bug? Even in win32 is broken we should get the
functional part of the patch in for mail/news. It might motivate people to get
win32 fixed.
Comment 97•24 years ago
Does this code work other than the CTRL+Enter being broken (i.e. if it was
changed to a different key combination then would it work)?
If so, then I see no reason not to check this in when the tree branches.
Comment 99•24 years ago
Can this keyboard shortcut be implemented, or is no one willing to do it? It
seems to me that Moses Lei proposed the right idea (2001-01-10 14:17), but it
keeps getting pushed further and further out.
I think at this point, it should either be implemented, or scrapped entirely.
Comment 101•24 years ago
So if this is in 9.4, how can the bug this depends on (50255) be in 9.5?
Rod spears moved it up on the 21st to 0.9.5 from 0.9.4.
Comment 103•24 years ago
Fine, but let's move the bugs this depends on up as well.
Comment 104•24 years ago
this isn't going to hold up the .9.4 branch so moving to .9.5. We'll work with
Rod to fix 50255 and then consider the fixes for the eMojo branch.
Keywords: nsbranch+
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.4 → mozilla0.9.5
Comment 105•23 years ago
Looks like there's another dup of this bug over in: 56696 which also has a patch.
Comment 106•23 years ago
How does this ancient bug that shipped with 6.1 suddenly become *critical* for
the current release?
Comment 107•23 years ago
I'm actually amazed that we didn't plus or move up the last bug that this
depends on: bug 50255, and it looks like 56696, where the patch resides, needs a
review. Here's the deal: We continue to not have a keyboard accelerator for
sending a mail message. I may turn this into a personal vendetta on open source
if we don't get this fixed soon. :-) The fact is, this *is* critical for any
release we might do, be it Netscape commercial or a mozilla milestone. This has
swirled for *years,* and I think we're close if roc+moz's patch in 56696 flies.
Updating summary to remove resolved dependency (50252).
If someone thinks this should be a dupe of 56696, please mark it so.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta1+]blocked by bug 50252&50255 → [nsbeta1+]blocked by bug 50255
Comment 108•23 years ago
Adding correctness Status Whiteboard, correct/expected behavior does not occur.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta1+]blocked by bug 50255 → [nsbeta1+]blocked by bug 50255,[corretctness]
Updated•23 years ago
Whiteboard: [nsbeta1+]blocked by bug 50255,[corretctness] → [nsbeta1+]blocked by bug 50255,[correctness]
Comment 109•23 years ago
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 50255 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Comment 110•23 years ago
sorry about that. ignore that. I was trying to bring up bug 50255 and typed in
the wrong field =).
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Comment 111•23 years ago
Nobody has touched 50255 in a month, and it does not have nsbranch+. This looks
like a polish bug, that it is too late to resolve. PDT-
Pls feel free to bring this to the PDT if you have a fix, and strongly belive
this is a stop ship bugger.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta1+]blocked by bug 50255,[correctness] → [nsbeta1+]blocked by bug 50255,[correctness],PDT-
Comment 112•23 years ago
Do we have any key-combination that sends the mail, or is this mouse-only? If
there's a keyboard send function, I think that it's not as big a deal as it
would be with no way to send from the keyboard.
Comment 113•23 years ago
now that I'm actually USING Netscape 6.x, I find this bug really annoying.
I don't need to use the mouse to type a message, why do I need it to SEND a
message. I really liked that funcationality in Netscape 4.x (or every other
mail client, for that matter).
Please, someone, add the accelerator. It's been almost 2 years waiting for this
minor-but-frustrating bug to get resolved.
Comment 114•23 years ago
I agree. It is the little interface issues that are holding people back from
using Mozilla. Every power-email-user I know EXPECTS to be able to send email
by that key combo.
I couldn't care less if there is a pref to turn it off though. Save that for later.
Comment 115•23 years ago
There is a non-mouse way to send: Alt-F, d It's a three-key, two-stroke combo
and I hate it (especially when menus are being slow) but it's better than using
the mouse.
Comment 116•23 years ago
I think there is general agreement that this is badly needed. This relies on bug
50255 and the engineer that owns that bug is pretty doomed with other work. If
we truly want this bug, someone needs to help get 50255 fixed, which as I
understand it, is high-risk and fairly complex. Anyone wanna help rods fix 50255?
Comment 117•23 years ago
If someone can tell me where 50255 is at, and even better provide a test case
for all keys that are currently broken, I can take a run at it. No promises,
Comment 118•23 years ago
I'm minusing this bug at this time because we need a fix for 50255 and it looks
unlikely that that fix is going to happen in time for eMojo.
Comment 119•23 years ago
Reminder: this bug has evolved into "when ctrl-enter sends a message, please
make a preference to disable the keybinding for those of us who are prone to
accidentally pressing accelerator-enter when typing text"
Strictly speaking, it's not dependent on #50255 (but #56696 is).
No longer depends on: 50255
This bug was fixed with my checkin for bug 56696 (my patch brings up a warning
dialog box when you press Ctrl-Enter; there is a checkbox in the dialog which
activates a pref to disable the dialog permanently).
However, bug 50255 means the feature still doesn't work on Windows. If you're
using Windows, please direct your votes and attention there.
Maybe we should leave this bug open until 50255 is fixed, so people can find
this before they submit a duplicate bug.
Comment 121•23 years ago
I thought the dialog that came up had a checkbox that was for never opening the
dialog again.
This bug is for allowing users to essentially disable the keybinding (have it
never send a message). Do we need another checkbox or a set of 3 radio buttons:
o Always prompt me
o Don't prompt me, send anyways
o Don't prompt me, don't send
(wording to be revised of course)
Comment 122•23 years ago
from seth in bug 56696, 2001-10-01 12:01 comments:
jglick, the current dialog has a checkbox to allow the user to disable the
confirmation dialog.
[ ] Do not show me this dialog box again
is currently hooked up to the "mail.warn_on_send_accel_key" pref.
I think that showing the alert is a good idea to prevent the user from sending
before they meant to.
"Send the message now?", what about if we are offline?
In that case, ctrl+enter is really going to be doing a "send later".
Comment 123•23 years ago
I think that if you're offline that you have to use ctrl-shift-enter to activate
Send Later. It doesn't seem to be smart enough to automatically change the binding.
Comment 124•23 years ago
Oh, and I think that there should be something in the pre UI to set this setting
by hand. Right now to get the dialog back you have to edit the config file
Assignee | ||
Comment 125•23 years ago
as far as I understand this bug, we'd need another pref to disable ctrl+enter
from sending the message.
the existing pref (that roc added) is only for controlling if we show the
warning dialog or not.
Assignee | ||
Comment 126•23 years ago
the UI issues for the new warning dialog are covered in bug
there is a UI issue, if we add a pref to allow the user to disable ctrl+enter
all together. see #102643 for that issue.
Updated•23 years ago
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.6 → mozilla0.9.7
Updated•23 years ago
QA Contact: nbaca → olgam
Updated•23 years ago
Comment 127•23 years ago
*** Bug 113116 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 128•23 years ago
Replacing duplicate with the real bug number.
Comment 129•23 years ago
I'm going to move this out.
Right now Ctrl+Enter works. There is a confirmation dialog. There is a pref to
turn that confirmation dialog on or off by going into the main mail pref panel.
Those who want Ctrl+Enter to work all the time can turn the confirmation
dialog off. Those who are worried that they might press Ctrl+Enter accidentally
can turn the confirmation dialog on. The only case we haven't solved is the
case where someone might hit Ctrl+Enter followed by an Enter accidentally and
unintentionally send the message. I think that case isn't too likely and
doesn't warrant adding an additional pref in the near future if ever.
Comment 130•23 years ago
*** Bug 133859 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 131•23 years ago
Based on the reasons given in comment #129 this bug is about a trivial as can
be. Suggest to change Priority to "P5" and Severity to "Enhancement".
Comment 133•23 years ago
Suggest marking worksforme. If the string of events in comment 129 actually
turns out to be a big problem, it can be addressed in a new bug.
Comment 135•23 years ago
Now I add 'nsbeta1' keyword for Buffy. Sorry, it's faster to edit multiple bugs
at once than manually go to each and remove minus.
Keywords: nsbeta1
Comment 136•23 years ago
The way to address comment #129 is to make "Don't send" the default button in
the confirmation dialog, thus making the sequence C-enter enter do nothing.
Let's close this bug!
Updated•22 years ago
Comment 138•22 years ago
Ctrl-Enter is not sending in build 2003032611. I have no idea when this might
have regressed, but 1.3 final worked fine.
removing nsbeta1- for re-consideration, this was a big deal for many of the 4.x
holdouts and they will not like it going away again.
Comment 139•22 years ago
Crl-Enter not working is bug 198976.
Comment 140•22 years ago
I can tell you that it did work on 20030303 but it isn't working in Mozilla/5.0
(X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4a) Gecko/20030326 and 1.3 is 20030312, so it's
sometime between those dates.
Comment 141•22 years ago
hi all..
have Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.4a) Gecko/20030401 and
ctrl+enter doesn't work in the message body.. it work in the subject line and in
the adress (to, cc,..) line... but not in the message body...
Comment 142•22 years ago
Hi everyone,
I'm a newbie to bugzilla, and found this bug while trying to figure out why my
ctrl-enter stopped working after i upgraded to Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win 9x
4.90; en-US; rv:1.4a) Gecko/20030401. I'm very impressed with how many years
of effort you guys have put in to a simple shortcut key!
Anyhow, the prob is exactly as described in comment #141, I'm guessing the ctrl-
enter is somehow trapped by the compose front-end when the cursor is in the
main text panel, as it results in a carriage return on the page. This might
mean a bug needs to be submitted to the people who work on that bit. (I don't
know exactly where though - so if someone else a bit more experienced wants
to... feel free!).
Also it should be displayed in the file menu as 'ctrl-enter' in win9x,
not 'ctrl-return'.
Comment 143•22 years ago
ctrl-enter not working is bug #198976, and appears to now be fixed
incorrect menu text is bug #106327
apologies for spam while i learn how to use bugzilla :(
Comment 144•21 years ago
This has been fixed for ages.
Closed: 23 years ago → 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Updated•21 years ago
Comment 145•21 years ago
reopening bug
If indeed this bug is fixed, the pref for NOT sending a message should be listed
in the bug somewhere. A quick scan of all recent comments does not list the pref.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Comment 146•21 years ago
brade, the dialog which comes up when you press Ctrl-Enter has a checkbox "Do
not show me this dialog box again".
Comment 147•21 years ago
brade, the dialog which comes up when you press Ctrl-Enter has a checkbox "Do
not show me this dialog box again". There is also a checkbox in the Prefs
dialog: "Mailnews|Composition|Confirm when using keybord shortcut to send message".
Updated•21 years ago
Closed: 21 years ago → 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Updated•20 years ago
Product: MailNews → Core
Updated•17 years ago
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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