Closed Bug 205682 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Save page as (complete) : URLs referred to are turned to/sent back in UTF-8


(Core :: Networking, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: jshin1987, Assigned: jshin1987)




(Keywords: intl)


(1 file, 3 obsolete files)

Mozilla sends URLs in UTF-8 when an inline image with a non-UTF-8 filename in a non-UTF-8 document is right-clicked on and 'view image' is selected. The same is true of background images. How to reproduce : Go to In the page (in EUC-KR), right-click on the second blue ball (next to 'KO : EUC-KR : raw 8bit') and select 'view image'. Mozilla sends the URL in url-escaped UTF-8. On the other hand, if you do the same on the third blueball (<img src="url-escaped image name in EUC-KR.png">), Mozilla sends the URL in url-escaped EUC-KR. --------------- Because viewing an in-line image in the current window is not speed-critical(unlike in general cases discussed in bug 129726), we can get away with trying once more with the origin charset if the first request (with UTF-8 url) fails. Javascript code that invokes this is at There's already some fallback mechanism for failed requests, but afaik, it falls back to the locale charset instead of origincharset. I'm writing from memory and I have to check again. Related to this bug is bug 199237.
There's another symptom which is more serious. When 'Web page complete' is chosen in 'Save Page As' dialog box, images with names in the encoding 'native to the document' are not downloaded because URLs are sent back in UTF-8, but the server doesn't know how to handle URLs in UTF-8 because its filesystem charset is not UTF-8. As a result, web pages saved with 'web page complete' do not include images. This would surprise users because they are able to view images, but can't save them using 'Save Page As' and "Save image as'
Summary: view image/view background image sends URL in UTF-8 → once loaded, image urls are sent back in UTF-8 (view image, save page as, save image as)
This bug was fixed by bz's recent nsIURI-related check-in(s) ( bug 47534. I thought there's another bug in which |originCharset| was made to be set explicitly, but couldn't find. bz, can you tell me which one is?). That is, contextual menu 'view image' and 'save image' work fine with non-ASCII urls. (Try it at However, now 'save page (as complete)' doesn't work. Files referred to in a html document with _relative_ urls are not downloaded/saved but instead their urls (relative) are turned absolute in the downloaded/saved version of the html document. I'm going to file a new bug on that.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Probably bug 166996? That's what added the function the checkin for bug 47534 uses... What's up with the persistence stuff? Is it broken only on non-ASCII uris? Or all URIs? Is it something that broke with the bug 47534 checkin? If this is only broken for non-ASCII, does hacking all the NS_NewURI calls in nsWebBrowserPersist to pass the page charset of whatever page it's failing on fix things? (I hope it does....) In any case, please cc me on this bug that you file.
I'm reopening with a revised summary line because only 'view image'/'save image' was fixed. 'Save page as' (added in comment #1) issue is still with us. :-) Thanks, bz. Yeah, it's bug 166996. As for the persistent stuff, I was mistaken. It turned out that Mozilla always turned URLs (referred in <a href="....">) to absolute URLs and never downloaded referred documents (i.e. Mozilla is not a 'recursive batch-mode downloader'. there's a bug filed for this *feature*) although inline images are downloaded and saved. So, there's nothing wrong with turning relative urls to absolute urls and fixes for bug 166996 and bug 47534 did NOT introduce a new bug. (they just fixed a part of this bug.) However, when converting (relative) urls to absolute urls, it also turns URL specs to UTF-8 (url-escaped). It also tries to download inline images with UTF-8 URLs only to get an error message returned from the server. A bit interesting is that Mozilla saves 'the error page' (in html) as if it's an image file and ends up with a strange link like '<img src="dl_files/a.html"> I added PR_LOG() to nsStandardURL::Init() as suggested by Darin in bug 150376 and found that |originCharset| is sometimes 'EUC-KR' (doccharset), but other times it's null for files with non-ASCII names. I suspect it's null whenever a url spec (urlstring) is passed from xpfe code to load/open it.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
> However, when converting (relative) urls to absolute urls, it also turns URL > specs to UTF-8 (url-escaped). Yeah; that could be the NS_NewURI calls I mentioned in comment 3. Does hacking them to pass "EUC-KR" (literal string for now) as the charset fix the EUC-KR tescase? Just trying to establish which code needs to be fixed, exactly... ;)
Thanks. I added "EUC-KR" to all 4 calls in NS_NewURI() in the file and it worked in ko_KR.EUC-KR, ja_JP.EUC-JP and ko_KR.UTF-8 locales. Now I have to figure out how to get the value to use when calling NS_NewURI() and which one to invoke with |charset| BTW, non-ASCII inline images are saved into 'a.gif' (and presumably 'b.gif', 'c.gif', and so forth) instead of their original names (url-escaped. It's not clear what to do when the local filesystem charset is different from the charset of a document to save) This should be a separate bug, anyway.
Summary: once loaded, image urls are sent back in UTF-8 (view image, save page as, save image as) → Save page as (complete) : URLs referred to are turned to/sent back in UTF-8
The persistance object only does this whole fixup thing if it's told to saveDocument, so there should be a document object floating around somewhere to get the charset off of....
Attached patch a patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
It took a bit more extensive change than I thought at first. Anyway, it works as intended. There may be still some rough edges. I used 'const char*' for |a(Origin)Charset| (partly because that's what NS_NewURI accepts), but changing some of them to |nsACString| may be better. Any comment would be welcome.
Comment on attachment 128053 [details] [diff] [review] basically the same patch with nsACString Asking for r/sr. I'll replace the following comment to FixupNode() + * The charset of a document is passed along so that the charset conversion + * is done, if necessary, when fixing up nodes. with The charset of .... passed along so that the uri attribute of the fixed-up node will be created with |originCharset| set to the charset.
Attachment #128053 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #128053 - Flags: review?(adamlock)
Why pass the charset around? Why not just set it as a member at the same time as we set mCurrentBaseURI or something? btw, check that adam is still reading his email address?
Attached patch a new patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Instead of passing around the charset, I use member variables, mCurrentCharset and mCharset as suggested by bz.
Attachment #127800 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #128053 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #128053 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #128053 - Flags: review?(adamlock)
Comment on attachment 128609 [details] [diff] [review] a new patch It seems that adamlock's new email address (adamlock @ is not yet in bugzilla. bz, do you know anyone else I can ask for r?
Attachment #128609 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Comment on attachment 128609 [details] [diff] [review] a new patch >Index: embedding/components/webbrowserpersist/src/nsWebBrowserPersist.cpp > // Persist the main document > nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc(do_QueryInterface(aDocument)); >+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(doc, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); Don't add this -- it's not going to happen. We already ensure aDocument is non-null and the QI will never fail for a document object. > // Save the document > nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> docAsDoc = do_QueryInterface(aDocument); >+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(docAsDoc, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); Same. >+ rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(uri), >+ nsDependentCString(((nsCStringKey *) aKey)->GetString()), >+ (data->mCharset).get()); How about nsDependentCString(((nsCStringKey*)aKey)->GetString(), ((nsCStringKey*)aKey)->GetStringLength()) ? Also, data->mCharset.get() should work, no? No need for parens there. >- nsIDOMNode *aNode, const char *aAttribute, PRBool aNeedsPersisting, >+ nsIDOMNode *aNode, const char *aAttribute, PRBool aNeedsPersisting, Don't add spaces at ends of lines. >+ nsresult rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(uri), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aURI), >+ mCurrentCharset.get(), mCurrentBaseURI); Just pass aURI without converting; NS_NewURI will convert as and if needed. sr=me with those changes. Adam is really the only person qualified to do the r=, in my opinion. Just mail him at whatever address works and as for review if bugzilla has not been updated to that address yet.
Attachment #128609 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky) → superreview+
Before asking Adam for r, I thought it might be easier if I upload a new patch with bz's concerns all addressed.
Attachment #128609 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 129359 [details] [diff] [review] a new patch (per bz's comment) Assuming bz's sr still stands, I'm now asking for r.
Attachment #129359 - Flags: review?(adamlock)
Comment on attachment 129359 [details] [diff] [review] a new patch (per bz's comment) r=adamlock Looks good to me
Attachment #129359 - Flags: review?(adamlock) → review+
Comment on attachment 129359 [details] [diff] [review] a new patch (per bz's comment) Thanks, Adam. Asking for a1.5b. This is a rather low-risk and simple patch that fixes problems with saving html documents with images/frames/iframes (in non-ASCII filenames). I've been using this patch for a couple of weeks now on my build and it's worked fine on both Linux/Win(well, there's nothing platform specific). A lot of international users (who want to save non-ASCII documents) would be glad to see this fixed. This attachment doesn't have sr stamp, but this is an update to the previous version addressing the concerns of bz who gave me sr.
Attachment #129359 - Flags: approval1.5b?
Comment on attachment 129359 [details] [diff] [review] a new patch (per bz's comment) approved for 1.5 landing
Attachment #129359 - Flags: approval1.5b? → approval1.5b+
Thank you all. Fix got landed in the trunk.
Closed: 22 years ago22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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