Closed Bug 206271 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

News Messages being marked as read automatically


(MailNews Core :: Networking, defect)

Windows 98
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jay, Assigned: Bienvenu)



(Keywords: regression, Whiteboard: [fixed on branch and trunk])


(2 files)

Windows 98SE, Mozilla 2003051808 While reading any group on any news server, messages are being marked as read "on the fly" automatically without user intervention. Can't pin down the actual occurence as to what initiates this behaviour but it seems to happen when mailcheck is taking place. Disk activity proceeds and I can watch messages being marked as READ "on the fly". Also, only current messages downloaded "today" are affected.
Confirm this on all Win32 Seamonkey Nightlies from 1.4b+.2003051004 to 1.4b+.2003051908 (BTW: both pre- and post-beta Nightlies still call themselves 1.4b!). AFAIS it's not one of the Disk Space settings in Offline&Disk Space as I assumed previously. Maybe Junk Mail Controls (JMC) running amok? (BTW2: As long as JMC do not work for news, the corresponding column should not be displayed). \V/ Live long and prosper PointedEars
I also see this with build 2003051608 and build 2003052004 on Windows XP. When I´m reading news and a mail-check occurs (either automatically or initiated by me) the unread news postings in the newsgroup I'm currently in are slowly marked as read one after another. The strange thing is that not all messages are marked as read. This bug just happened to me. Before Mozilla started marking postings as read there were 70 unread messages, when it stopped there were 4 of them still marked unread. Some more characteristics of this bug: 1. It happens only to one newsgroup at a time. 2. The messages are marked read in the order they were received. 3. With a password protected news-server I was asked for the username and password before every message that was marked read by this bug. Requesting blocking 1.4 because this bug makes reading news very uncomfortable. Raising severity to major for the same reason.
Severity: normal → major
Flags: blocking1.4?
Keywords: regression
Keywords: nsbeta1
sounds related to bug #206469 maybe? jay, can you get me a nntp protocol log?
adt: nsbeta1- Please renominate if you have a reproducible testcase/narrow down the conditions for the bug to occur and believe it warrants being fixed for the next Netscape release. Thanks.
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1-
putting news in summary
Summary: Messages being marked as read automatically → News Messages being marked as read automatically
I see this if new mail arrives and is automatically marked as Junk and moved whilst I am reading a NG. I suspect that this maybe a bizarre side-effect of the checkin for bug 180203, because it updates the current view which, when this bug manifests itself, is a NG not the Inbox. Also, when Jay first brought this up in n.p.m.mail-news ("Odd Marked as READ behaviour") I didn't have the problem. I identified that my build preceded the fix for bug 180203 whereas Jay's, and someone else seeing it, post-dated it. Once I pulled a new tree that included the fix I started seeing the problem too. I'm going to back out that fix in my local tree and see if the problem goes away again.
that would be a bizarre side-effect, since the effect of the fix in bug 180203 is just to not add a hdr to the view - it shouldn't have anything to do with marking the header read. Plus, the newsgroup view shouldn't get told about new mail headers. I wonder if what's happening is that there's some sort of global setting that says download message bodies - I've seen similar problems in IMAP where we'll start downloading bodies for offline use in folders not configured for offline use, if we were already downloading bodies for offline use for another folder. I'll go look for that.
As I said in the thread in n.p.m.m-n, it was a long-shot, but at the time Jay was running 2003-05-17 and the other person 2003-05-16 but I was running 2003-05-15 so it would appear this problem appeared between 05-15 and 05-16 and bug 180203 was the only one I could find which seemed to have anything to do with message display. I accept what you say about it not being the culprit but maybe those dates will help narrow the search down for the cause?
I'm not ruling out what you say, but it's not clear to me that this is so easily reproducible that we can say the behaviour started with one build over another. I'd like to think it's all one bug. Unfortunately, I only saw it once, and was never able to reproduce it. I don't know how reproducible it is for other folks.
The bug seems fixed for I have encountered it no more since Win32 build 2003052008. \V/ Live long and prosper PointedEars
Still seeing it in Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030524
I'm using Win2k SP-3 currently with build 2003052408 and have definitely not this bug. Maybe it's an XP problem.
This bug is still in trunk-build 2003052908. It happens (almost?) always to me when I'm reading news and a new mail arrives. It does also happen when the new mail remains in the Inbox-folder and is not marked as junk. Tested with Windows XP SP1 and a POP3 account.
do you have your inbox configured for offline use (if using IMAP)? Is anyone using IMAP, or just POP3?
POP3 here. Re comment 13: I don't think it's XP only. The reporter is on Win98
Still seeing it with build 2003060108 WinXP steps to reproduce : 1 send an email to yourself to have mail on your pop server 2 click on a newsgroup to have headers displayed in the headers pane 3 click on Get all new messages to download mail from your pop account result : while mail is being downloaded, you see newsgroup messages being marked as read. It doesn't seem to be related to junk mail filtering.
It's disappeared for me, but I suspect that it's temporary. I had the bug working consistently (if you see what I mean) and spent a couple of hours trying to establish a reproducible scenario (using the same method as Pascal). Then Moz crashed, and when I restarted it I couldn't see the problem anymore, and it still hasn't returned. The fact that it disappeared after Moz crashed makes me wonder if it would have still disappeared if I'd exited gracefully. Also, like Pascal, I can confirm that it is not only occurring when mail gets moved to Junk; guess I get so much spam that it just appeared that way. bienvenu: I tried a build with the fix for bug 180203 backed out and still saw the problem so I guess it was just my particular circumstances that led me to that.
*** Bug 209425 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I finally figured out how to reproduce this bug (tested with 1.4 branch-build 20030614): 1. Write yourself a test mail to a POP3 account. 2. Select a newsgroup which contains messages that have the status "New" (marked with green arrows on the small envelopes). You don't have to select a message. 3. Receive the testmail. Result: All messages with status "New" in the selected newsgroup slowly get their status changed to "Read" one after another. Reproducible: Always The crucial thing is that this bug does only happen with messages that have the status "New" (represented by bold lines and marked with the green arrow on the envelope). Messages that are just printed bold aren't affected. I think this is the property that made it appear random and hard to reproduce.
taking, I have a fix.
Assignee: sspitzer → bienvenu
Attached patch proposed fixSplinter Review
don't call filter plugins on newsgroups. I'm going to attach a second fix as well to prevent the caller from doing this.
Attached patch proposed fixSplinter Review
this code tried to make it so that if mail was filtered into an open local folder, we would run the spam filters on it. This patch makes it so we only do this for local folders - Imap folders automatically run spam filters when they're updated.
fix checked in (second patch), r/sr=sspitzer. I'll ping Seth about getting this into 1.4 or 1.4.1
fixed on trunk.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
yes, r/sr=sspitzer (noted over aim) thanks for fixing this, david. I'll ping asa. it's too late for rc2, I think. but we'd want this low risk for for 1.4 final.
Renominating, conditions of comment 5 are met.
Keywords: nsbeta1-nsbeta1
Comment on attachment 125696 [details] [diff] [review] proposed fix a=mkaply
Attachment #125696 - Flags: approval1.4+
I'm going to land this on the branch as soon as 1.4 rc 2 is out the door.
Flags: blocking1.4? → blocking1.4+
Whiteboard: [have r/sr/a for 1.4 branch, waiting for rc2 to be done]
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.4final
a=adt to land this on the 1.4 branch by tonight (before 2003-06-19 5am and no later please). Please mark this with the fixed1.4 keyword once this lands. Thanks.
just landed both patch on the branch. r/sr=sspitzer, a=mkaply,sspitzer,adt
Keywords: fixed1.4
QA Contact: gchan → esther
Whiteboard: [have r/sr/a for 1.4 branch, waiting for rc2 to be done] → [fixed on branch and trunk]
Using branch build 20030619 on winxp, mac osx and linux this is fixed. Note: I first confirmed I saw the problem by trying the scenario in comment 20. I then tested that scenario only with the branch builds to see the fix. replacing keyword fixed1.4 to verified1.4
Keywords: fixed1.4verified1.4
*** Bug 210073 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 210342 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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