Closed Bug 206337 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Trunk M17rc1 crash on exit [@ nsDownloadManager::Observe]


(SeaMonkey :: Download & File Handling, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jcarpenter0524, Assigned: Biesinger)



(4 keywords)

Crash Data


(1 file)

trunk topcrash [@ nsDownloadManager::Observe] nsDownloadManager::Observe 48 Crash data range: 2003-05-09 to 2003-05-19 Build ID range: 2003050908 to 2003051808 Count Platform List 27 Windows NT 5.1 build 2600 21 Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 11 Windows 98 4.10 build 67766222 1 Windows NT 5.2 build 3790 1 Windows 98 4.10 build 67766446 Stack Trace: nsDownloadManager::Observe [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/components/download-manager/src/nsDownloadManager.cpp line 913] nsObserverService::NotifyObservers [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpcom/ds/nsObserverService.cpp line 212] nsProfile::ShutDownCurrentProfile [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/profile/src/nsProfile.cpp line 1346] DoOnShutdown [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 777] main [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1655] WinMain [c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1672] WinMainCRTStartup() KERNEL32.dll + 0x2847c (0x77ea847c) Source File : c:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/components/download-manager/src/nsDownloadManager.cpp line : 913 (20206838) Comments: closing last mozilla windows... (20182012) Comments: closing mozilla (20143011) URL: (19985481) URL: (19985481) Comments: ok i just sent one of these. it seems to be crashing EVERY time i close the browser. my last report mentioned PDF and ezcd creator if you need to search for it. this is getting VERY annoying. (19985433) URL: (19985433) Comments: had opened a PDF linked to from google. when i closed acrobat reader (opened in a separate window not in browser) all was fine. i then closed the browser window and got the crash probably while it was reloading itself to the systray. this is a fresh XP (19985433) Comments: install i've only patched windows and installed mozilla and ezcd creator 5.x.x that came with my plextor dvd+rw acrobat reader logitech mouseware and java (19980402) Comments: crash while closing mozilla (19975358) Comments: can't remember what was open computer was locked for about 5 hours (19963945) URL: (19958616) URL: (19957230) Comments: closing mozilla...
Severity: normal → critical
This continues to be a topcrasher for Mozilla 1.4 RC1. There are also recent crashes with Trunk and M140 Branch builds. Here is the latest from Talkback for M140RC1: Count Offset Real Signature [ 14 nsDownloadManager::Observe ee318bdd - nsDownloadManager::Observe ] [ 6 nsDownloadManager::Observe dc724c05 - nsDownloadManager::Observe ] [ 5 nsDownloadManager::Observe db67695b - nsDownloadManager::Observe ] [ 5 nsDownloadManager::Observe be5208a6 - nsDownloadManager::Observe ] [ 5 nsDownloadManager::Observe 5fc208d5 - nsDownloadManager::Observe ] [ 2 nsDownloadManager::Observe e17a3db8 - nsDownloadManager::Observe ] [ 1 nsDownloadManager::Observe ffe942a6 - nsDownloadManager::Observe ] [ 1 nsDownloadManager::Observe b5cfd71a - nsDownloadManager::Observe ] [ 1 nsDownloadManager::Observe aadec7ef - nsDownloadManager::Observe ] [ 1 nsDownloadManager::Observe 7fe98028 - nsDownloadManager::Observe ] [ 1 nsDownloadManager::Observe 79f96350 - nsDownloadManager::Observe ] [ 1 nsDownloadManager::Observe 6c3f8b17 - nsDownloadManager::Observe ] [ 1 nsDownloadManager::Observe 4a9d34e0 - nsDownloadManager::Observe ] [ 1 nsDownloadManager::Observe 49b99ad8 - nsDownloadManager::Observe ] Crash date range: 2003-05-31 to 2003-06-09 Min/Max Seconds since last crash: 6 - 608161 Min/Max Runtime: 1021 - 716864 Count Platform List 15 Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 13 Windows NT 5.1 build 2600 9 Windows 98 4.10 build 67766222 6 Windows 98 4.10 build 67766446 2 Windows 98 4.90 build 73010104 Count Build Id List 45 2003052908 No of Unique Users 20 Stack trace(Frame) nsDownloadManager::Observe [d:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/components/download-manager/src/nsDownloadManager.cpp line 917] nsObserverService::NotifyObservers [d:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpcom/ds/nsObserverService.cpp line 212] nsProfile::ShutDownCurrentProfile [d:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/profile/src/nsProfile.cpp line 1346] DoOnShutdown [d:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 777] main [d:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1655] WinMain [d:/builds/seamonkey/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1672] WinMainCRTStartup() KERNEL32.dll + 0x2847c (0x77ea847c) (20817000) Comments: closing last mozilla window... (20816278) Comments: Sitting at the front page of I hit alt then released as to read a story. I then pressed alt+f4 to close it. It seemed to close just fine then the feedback agent appeared. (20798349) Comments: Had read my email sent a post sorted inbox items and went to File Exit to end program. (20719866) Comments: Had quit mozilla then right clicked on task bar icon to quit totally then mozilla crashed (20669639) Comments: cloed down browser (20655221) Comments: closed the browser (20637123) URL: on exiting the taskbar icon thing. (20637110) URL: on reloading the taskbar icon thing. (20636610) URL: on reloading the taskbar icon thing. (20618674) URL: exiting taskbar.
Keywords: qawanted
Summary: trunk topcrash [@ nsDownloadManager::Observe] → Trunk M140RC1 crash on exit [@ nsDownloadManager::Observe]
*** Bug 238917 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 238446
Chris: can you ask a someone (with a "Can't save files." comment) from the reports if renaming "downloads.rdf" in the profile helps ?
Updating summary with M17a since this is a topcrasher for Mozilla 1.7 alpha. matti: I've identified a user that has been crashing consistently and will ask him to try your suggestion.
Summary: Trunk M140RC1 crash on exit [@ nsDownloadManager::Observe] → M17a Trunk M140RC1 crash on exit [@ nsDownloadManager::Observe]
Summary: M17a Trunk M140RC1 crash on exit [@ nsDownloadManager::Observe] → M17a M17b Trunk M140RC1 crash on exit [@ nsDownloadManager::Observe]
Summary: M17a M17b Trunk M140RC1 crash on exit [@ nsDownloadManager::Observe] → Trunk M17beta crash on exit [@ nsDownloadManager::Observe]
No luck with responses from users. I just emailed another user to see if he/she can help us.
Matti: Do you think it's a corrupt downloads.rdf file that might be causing this? If so, is there a way to edit the file to see if we can reproduce the crash ourselves?
from a mail conversation between bz and me about this bug: maybe some people write-protected their downloads.rdf, or created a folder with that name, and that caused this crash? Christian Biesinger wrote: >> See and note crash #13. Any idea what's up? > > > Well, that line is: > if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; Talkback is a lying little bitch about line numbers. > OK, more likely is the line before: > rv = mDataSource->GetSources(gNC_DownloadState, intLiteral, PR_TRUE, getter_AddRefs(downloads)); > > helpful would be the contents of local variables... Yeah... See comments in .seamonkey about privacy issues. :( > Could > rv = gRDFService->GetDataSourceBlocking(downloadsDB.get(), getter_AddRefs(mDataSource)); > if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; > possibly fail? (in ::Init) I don't see why not (eg failure to create downloads.rdf on disk). > Some lines before that, there's > obsService->AddObserver(this, "profile-before-change", PR_FALSE); > obsService->AddObserver(this, "profile-approve-change", PR_FALSE); > PR_FALSE means, I suppose, "keep strong reference". > > that'd keep the object alive and explain the crash... Indeed. We should probably move those to the very end of the method, since we don't want a ref to us sticking about if we failed to init. > Failure of: > rv = GetProfileDownloadsFileURL(downloadsDB); > might also explain it, but I find that somewhat unlikely - it's basically GetSpecialDirectory followed by GetUrlSpecFromFile. GetSpecialDirectory returns a non-directory in this case, eh? Lovely... just lovely. > guess that analysis should be put into some bug. Yeah. Wanna file? ;) > the question is of course why GetDataSourceBlocking would fail; and if that analysis is correct. Indeed.... I'm not sure how to test it offhand, but as I pointed out above it _can_ fail and we should deal with it failing. > does trunk talkback show the crash? assuming it works... It does not show the crash, and it does work. But it has 114 incidents from 95 users recorded. 1.7b branch has 1585 crashes from 1136 users recorded; of these crashes 12 are in this method. So by simple ratios we should expect about 4/5 of a report of a crash in this method on trunk. Given that, 0 is not too surprising. ;) -Boris
Attached patch patchSplinter Review
Assignee: firefox → cbiesinger
Attachment #146699 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #146699 - Flags: review?(
Comment on attachment 146699 [details] [diff] [review] patch sr=bzbarsky if you add a comment explaining that those two calls MUST be the last things in Init() and why.
Attachment #146699 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky) → superreview+
ok, I'll add the following comment: // The following two AddObserver calls must be the last lines in this function, // because otherwise, this function may fail (and thus, this object would be not // completely initialized), but the observerservice would still keep a reference // to us and notify us about shutdown, which may cause crashes.
Sounds good.
Comment on attachment 146699 [details] [diff] [review] patch Why not just comment that you can't usefully observe profile changes until your members are initialized, or something?
Attachment #146699 - Flags: review?( → review+
hm... I do want to express that failure from Init should destroy the object and these observers are preventing it
Comment on attachment 146699 [details] [diff] [review] patch checked in on trunk. this probably fixes an 1.7b topcrash, and would be good to have for 1.7. risk is low.
Attachment #146699 - Flags: approval1.7?
Filed bug 241611 on equivalent Firefox code.
M17beta -> M17rc1 for tracking. This continues to be a topcrash for Mozilla 1.7 RC1. Any chance we can get this checked in on the 1.7 branch? If it's a low risk patch, it would be nice to see if this crash goes away in RC2 (we don't have enough Talkback data for the MozillaTrunk to verify this fix or a solid reproducible test case yet).
Summary: Trunk M17beta crash on exit [@ nsDownloadManager::Observe] → Trunk M17rc1 crash on exit [@ nsDownloadManager::Observe]
Jay, we can check it into branch as soon as it gets approval. Kinda need that, y'know.
Comment on attachment 146699 [details] [diff] [review] patch a=chofmann for 1.7
Attachment #146699 - Flags: approval1.7? → approval1.7+
checked in on 1.7 branch Checking in nsDownloadManager.cpp; /cvsroot/mozilla/xpfe/components/download-manager/src/nsDownloadManager.cpp,v <-- nsDownloadManager.cpp new revision:; previous revision: 1.91 done I'm leaving this open for now, to see whether this actually fixed the crash
Keywords: fixed1.7
Any news on whether this actually fixed the crash?
If anyone was able to reproduce this before the fix, please try to crash with a recent Trunk nightly and let us know how it went. I don't see any crashes in the latest MozillaTrunk Talkback data, but until Mozilla 1.7 rc2 goes out, we won't know how it looks on the branch. So far, so good.
Marking fixed since the patch is in. We can verify it once we get more Talkback data for rc2. But if anyone is able to reproduce with a recent build, please reopen.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified on the branch, Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.8a2) Gecko/20040701. not crashing on exit. verified patch checkin on Mozilla 1.7 branch tree.
Keywords: fixed1.7verified1.7
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Crash Signature: [@ nsDownloadManager::Observe]
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