Closed Bug 208903 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

download manager doesn't work with non-ASCII file names.


(SeaMonkey :: Download & File Handling, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jshin1987, Assigned: jshin1987)



(Keywords: fixed1.4.1, intl, regression, Whiteboard: [adt2])


(1 file, 2 obsolete files)

The patch for bug 175881 introudced this problem. (attachment 124826 [details] [diff] [review]). The patch has the following line - gStatusBar.label = getSelectedItem().id; + gStatusBar.label = getFileForItem(getSelectedItem()).path; The noticable change introduced by this is that the status bar shows 'garbage' characters for non-ASCII file names. Going back to |getSelectedItem().id| (chopping off 'file://' at the beginning if necessary) will solve this 'UI' regression. However, that's not touching the root cause of the problem because none of command buttons is functional (all of them is dimmed out) when a non-ASCII file is selected , with or without the change. The file operation in other parts of Mozilla work fine so that nsIFile and nsILocalFile are not to blame. [1] getFileForItem() is defined in as 357 function getFileForItem(aElement) 358 { 359 var itemResource = gRDFService.GetUnicodeResource(; 360 var fileResource = gDownloadView.database.GetTarget(itemResource, gNC_File, true); 361 fileResource = fileResource.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource); 362 return createLocalFile(fileResource.Value); 363 } 364 365 function createLocalFile(aFilePath) 366 { I added a couple of 'dump()' statements in createLocalFile(aFilePath) and printed out |aFilePath). aFilePath is "zero-extended UTF-8". For instance, U+00A0 (in UTF-8, it's 0xC2 0x80), aFilePath should have 'U+00A0'. Instead, it has 'U+00C2 U+0080'. This symptom suggests that somewhere in RDF-related code, ACString is used where AUTF8String should have been used. [1] Recently, I've been working on enabling 'Unicode' file I/O in Windows (bug 162361) and with that enabled, Mozilla-Windows has the same problem as Linux under UTF-8 locale. Therefore, I think this is an XP issue althouhg I'm filing this under Linux for now.
Just to narrow down the problem slightly, is the correct value stored in downloads.rdf in the profile?
This is to show that has the correct value for U+AC00 and U+AC01 while aFilePath in 'zero-extended' UTF-8 for two characters. in getFileForItem : 66, 69, 6C, 65, 3A, 2F, 2F, 2F, 68, 6F,6D, 65, 2F, 6A, 75, 6E, 67, 73, 68, 69, 6B, 2F, AC00, AC01 in createLocalfile : aFilePath = 2F, 68, 6F, 6D, 65, 2F, 6A, 75, 6E, 67, 73, 68, 69, 6B, 2F, EA, B0, 80, EA, B0, 81 aFilePath in createLocalfile is obtained in getFileForItem(). See my bug report. In that function, fileResource.Value (nsIRDFResource.Value) is 'string' (not 'wstring'). I tried to change that to Literal (which has wstrng Value) but then ' gDownloadView.database.GetTarget' fails because of the type mismatch. ************************************************************ * Call to xpconnect wrapped JSObject produced this error: * [Exception... "Could not convert JavaScript argument arg 0 [nsIRDFCompositeDataSource.GetTarget]" nsresult: "0x80570009 (NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://communicator/content/downloadmanager/downloadmanager.js :: getFileForItem :: line 367" data: no] ************************************************************ I think we have to change the way ??? are built from downloads.rdf. > is the correct value stored in downloads.rdf in the profile? Yes, it is.(I've just checked to make sure) Otherwise, filenames wouldn't be correctly displayed in the download manager.
The problem is that there is resource (string) and file property (wstring). File property is displayed in the download manager IIRC. So maybe we should just use the file property in the status bar too.
It looks like Jan's patch for bug 208113 will fix this problem as well because it switches to RDFLiteral from RDFResource. Then, I guess can take Value(wstring). I'll try it. Jan, the status bar is just a part of the problem. Even if the status bar correctly displays the file name (as was the case until your patch for bug 175881 went in), that doesn't solve the problem with none of command functional (because file.Exists() fails). As it stands, utf8Path is stored in nsDownloadManager.cpp, but it's stored in RDFResource and later retrieved via 'GetValue' (which is just string). Actually, a bigger question to ask is why Value (nsIRDFResource)is 'string' in the first place. Shouldn't it have been AUTF8String? However, your patch for bug 208113 looks promising. The downside of that patch is that (I'm not sure, though) downloads.rdf may not be in 'nice' UTF-8. It'd be in UTF-16, wouldn't it?
>However, your patch for bug 208113 looks promising. The downside of that patch >is that (I'm not sure, though) downloads.rdf may not be in 'nice' UTF-8. It'd be >in UTF-16, wouldn't it? no, I think it'd be in UTF-8 I checked in nsRDFXMLSerializer.cpp::rdf_BlockingWrite()
Looking at a file called %E9t%E942.txt which was downloaded in the RDF shows up as ASCII codes C3A974C3A9.
Attached patch a patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Jan's comment made me think again about what to do and came up with a different approach than I mentioned. I just used file property everywhere. Is there any problem with this? speed ?
> Looking at a file called %E9t%E942.txt which was downloaded in the RDF > shows up as ASCII codes C3A974C3A9. That's the very symptom I described. 0xE9 is interpreted as ISO-8859-1 (because your locale's codeset is ISO-8859-1) and then converted to and stored in UTF-8 (0xC3 0xA9). Now it should come up as U+00E9 (a single character), but it come up as two characters (U+00C3 and U+00A9) after crossing the XPConnect boundary (each byte in UTF-8 is zero-extended and converted to UTF-16 ) because 'Value' of RDFResource is string(instead of AUTF8String) that knows nothing about UTF-8. Anyway, attachment 125311 [details] [diff] [review] solves the problem.
I'm sure this patch would mean the status bar regressed back to showing file:// when it doesn't need to but that should be simple to fix.
>I'm sure this patch would mean the status bar regressed back to showing file:// >when it doesn't need to but that should be simple to fix. No, that's not true. The problem here is that RDF itself changes these file properties to file:/// because they are asserted as resources. My patch makes it to assert as literals, so then they are not changed. There's only one problem, we need to figure out how to fix an existing downloads.rdf file.
grr, my bugmail order is messed up forget my previous comment
I got rid of 'file://' in the status bar.
Attachment #125311 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 125390 [details] [diff] [review] a new patch (with file:// handling) asking r/sr
Attachment #125390 - Flags: superreview?(jaggernaut)
Attachment #125390 - Flags: review?(varga)
Comment on attachment 125390 [details] [diff] [review] a new patch (with file:// handling) >+ gStatusBar.label = getSelectedItem().id.replace(/^file:\/\//,''); Except that this doesn't properly convert urls back into paths...
>+ gStatusBar.label = getSelectedItem().id.replace(/^file:\/\//,''); > Except that this doesn't properly convert urls back into paths... Did you mean there could be url-escaped characters in paths obtained that way? I wonder why I didn't see any url-escaped characters in my test. Anyway, if that's an issue, it's easy to fix with nsISubURItoText if not simple url-unescaping does not work. Or, did you mean something else?
I mean that the URL to path conversion is platform-specific.
Thanks. The following should work across platforms, right? gStatusBar.label = createLocalFile(getSelectedItem().id).path;
Sounds good to me.
Comment on attachment 125390 [details] [diff] [review] a new patch (with file:// handling) >Index: xpfe/components/download-manager/resources/downloadmanager.js >+ if (selectionCount == 1) { >+ gStatusBar.label = getSelectedItem().id.replace(/^file:\/\//,''); With the above line (and one more line like it) replaced by gStatusBar.label = createLocalFile(getSelectedItem().id).path; can I get r/sr, jan, neil, jag? It's so simple to fix but it will make the download managers usable for a large portion of users. Thanks.
Comment on attachment 125390 [details] [diff] [review] a new patch (with file:// handling) r=varga, but please test across all platforms
Attachment #125390 - Flags: review?(varga) → review+
Thank you for r, Jan. I've just tested on Win32 (with my work-in-progress for bug 162361 for all Unicode chars on Win2k/XP. without it, just the locale charset). I can't put my hand on Mac (OS/2 uses '\' like Windows does, right?), but it should work as well as the current trunk code because both the current code and my patch rely on createLocalFile() that makes use of nsILocalFile interface. My patch just eliminates the indirection via getFileforItem(). If somebody could test it on Mac, it'd be nice, but I'm quite sure that it doesn't introduce a regression on Mac. jag, can you sr? TIA,
> I've just tested on Win32 This doesn't mean that I tested only on Win32. I also tested on Linux. More importanly, as I wrote, my patch can't possibly introduce a regression as far as converting URLs to the OS-specifc path is concerned because I didn't touch any of nsILocalFile implementation that's responsible for the job. I think this also has to go in for 1.4branch. Anyway, it'd be nice to get sr soon. jag? Thanks.
I'll test on Mac ASAP
I just tested on Mac, it works fine. You have my double r= :)
Thanks, Jan, for your testing on Mac and double r :-). jag, can I get sr?
Assignee: blaker → jshin
*** Bug 210423 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Adding keywords and severity from dupe and setting OS to All. Would be nice if this could be got into the branch as well as the trunk.
Severity: normal → major
Keywords: nsbeta1, regression
OS: Linux → All
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.4final
To expedite sr from jag, I'm attaching what I'm planning to land (attachment 125390 [details] [diff] [review] + comment #19). Ian, I'm going to ask for a1.4 once I check in the patch for the trunk.
Attachment #125390 - Attachment is obsolete: true
adt: nsbeta1+/adt2
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1+
QA Contact: petersen → ylong
Whiteboard: [adt2]
Comment on attachment 126367 [details] [diff] [review] 125390 + comment #19 assuming Jan's r to be standing, I'm explicitly asking jag for sr.
Attachment #126367 - Flags: superreview?(jaggernaut)
Attachment #125390 - Flags: superreview?(jaggernaut)
Attachment #126367 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 126367 [details] [diff] [review] 125390 + comment #19 >Index: xpfe/components/download-manager/resources/downloadmanager.js >=================================================================== >@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ > gStatusBar = document.getElementById("statusbar-text"); > > var selectionCount = gDownloadView.treeBoxObject.selection.count; >- if (selectionCount == 1) >- gStatusBar.label = getFileForItem(getSelectedItem()).path; >+ if (selectionCount == 1) Nit: you added a space at the end there. sr=jag
Comment on attachment 126367 [details] [diff] [review] 125390 + comment #19 >Index: xpfe/components/download-manager/resources/downloadmanager.js >=================================================================== >@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ > gStatusBar = document.getElementById("statusbar-text"); > > var selectionCount = gDownloadView.treeBoxObject.selection.count; >- if (selectionCount == 1) >- gStatusBar.label = getFileForItem(getSelectedItem()).path; >+ if (selectionCount == 1) Nit: you added a space at the end there. sr=jag
Attachment #126367 - Flags: superreview?(jaggernaut) → superreview+
Comment on attachment 126367 [details] [diff] [review] 125390 + comment #19 Thanks all. Fix was just checked in with a spurrious space removed. Now asking for a1.4. This is to fix a regression due to a patch committed to both 1.4 branch and trunk in early June. A lot of Mozilla users are affected because download manager does not work for even Latin-1 chars in filename (let alone Cyrillic/Greek/Asian and other chars). The patch (JS only) is rather simple and has been tested on all three major platforms.
Attachment #126367 - Flags: approval1.4?
Jungshik Shin if you want to get this into 1.4 you'll probably have to lobby Asa (or one of the other drivers) directly.
Comment on attachment 126367 [details] [diff] [review] 125390 + comment #19 moving approval request forward.
Attachment #126367 - Flags: approval1.4? → approval1.4.x?
Comment on attachment 126367 [details] [diff] [review] 125390 + comment #19 a=mkaply for 1.4
Attachment #126367 - Flags: approval1.4.x? → approval1.4.x+
Thanks for a1.4.x. I've just checked in the patch to 1.4.x branch
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Ehmm ... Where can I download new 1.4.x builds? I don't see a latest-1.4 dir. The latest 2003-07-xx-yy-1.4 dirs contain only OS/2 builds.
Keywords: fixed1.4.1
Blocks: 224532
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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