Closed Bug 210134 Opened 22 years ago Closed 15 years ago

JA-IME: can not commit the non-first candidate un-commit character by hit enter on linux RH8.0


(Core :: Widget: Gtk, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: amyy, Assigned: jshin1987)



(Keywords: inputmethod, intl, Whiteboard: [adt3])

Build: 06-20 1.4 branch build on linux RH 8.0 This problem is on linux RH8.0, but not on RH7.3. And it is not a regression from N7.02 (by the time we ship N7.02, I didn't have RH8.0 only RH7.3). Steps to reproduce: 1. Launch browser, open Composer or any other input fields. 2. Press Shift_space to invoke the Japanese IME. 3. Start type some thing which can bring up more than one candidate characters, e.g. kannji. 4. Hit space key to bring up the candidate window. 5. Press space to select anything other than first one choice. 6. Press enter to commit. Result: Can not commit. 7. No matter how many times you hit the enter, the string won't change. The work around is you move the mouse focus to the compose window, hit enter, then will commit. This is very bad especially when you try to input a long string. And I don't see it on gedit.
CC'd ftang and momoi
Can you type the number corresponding to the choice you want and then hit enter. Is that possible?
Do I understand you correct? there is no number associated with the candidate.
Xianglan found out it's not in mozilla 1.0.1. And I saw it on N7.02 (1.02). So looks like mozilla problem.
I think the exact problem is in metacity. RH8's metacity has the problem. When I updated this to the latest metcity, this problem did not happen. For RH9, metacity has been updated and does not have the problem. So there is no problem for Mozilla. There are two options for RH8, 1. Install new metacity 2. Use over-the-spot input mode I have no idea to modify our Mozilla to solve this problem.
Thanks to Katakai-san we now have critical additional info on the default Metacity Windows Manager on RH8 & RH9. For RH8 users using "on-the-spot" default, either they can change the option to "over-the-spot" or update to the new version of Metacity Windows Manager. To change the option to "over-the-spot", see this document: user_pref("xim.input_style", "over-the-spot") should be able to avoid this problem. To summarize: RH7 and RH 9 users should not have this problem. RH8 users can take one of 2 ways to avoid the problem as described above. I suppose we can release note this rather than ship with the "over-the-spot" default for all versions of RH Linux. What do you think?
For metacity versions in various Linux distributions, see this page:
adt: nsbeta1+/adt3
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1+
Whiteboard: [adt3]
The choice is to either rel note this for RH8 users or reset the default input style to "over-the-stop". If the latter, we need to make a change to unix.js probably.
Writing this to rel notes is the best solution, I think.
Depends on: 206550
> Xianglan found out it's not in mozilla 1.0.1. And I saw it on N7.02 (1.02). > So looks like mozilla problem. mozilla-1.0.1 in RH8 had the over-the-spot prefs.js option added by default due to my Red Hat Bugzilla report here. In RH9 that option disappeared, but it didn't seem to matter because that option didn't seem to work in later 1.2.1 and 1.4 versions of Mozilla in my testing. I have been fighting Japanese input problems (mainly the one described in Bug 143540) for several years now, and I have never experienced the behavior mentioned at the top of this report. Unresolved mozilla-1.2.1 and mozilla-1.4 kinput2 window placement problem in RH9 and higher.
Another issue which really confuses me when everyone (Red Hat, you folks) mention on-the-spot being preferable, I have NEVER been able to get on-the-top to work in Red Hat Linux Mozilla.
This has been release noted for 1.4.
For now, assign to myself
Assignee: ftang → jshin1987
Component: Internationalization → Widget: Gtk
QA Contact: amyy → gtk
per comment 5 and comment 6, this bug is out-of-date.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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