Closed Bug 210393 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

win32 fails to build using cygwin make 3.80 "unable to find"


(SeaMonkey :: Build Config, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: daa, Assigned: mozbugs-build)



(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

cygwin has moved to make-3.8.0 whic fails trying to build mozilla. the problem is they defaulted the make mode to --win32. Failure is: unable to find in obj-i586-pc-msvc which looks like a VPATH failure
fix summary
Summary: cygwin make 3.8.0 will not build mozilla → win32 fails to build using cygwin-perl-2.8.x
Summary: win32 fails to build using cygwin-perl-2.8.x → win32 fails to build using cygwin make 3.80
daa: is there a way to "un-default" the make mode? I can't seem to find anything in "man make" about the --win32 switch you mention.
Severity: blocker → normal
Summary: win32 fails to build using cygwin make 3.80 → win32 fails to build using cygwin make 3.80 "unable to find"
The problem is not that the MAKE_MODE defaults to --win32 when building under a dos prompt. The problem is that make no longer auto-translates the paths given to VPATH into a native cygwin path. Apparently, this was a bug. See .
I do not see a quick fix for this. The obvious solution is to just make VPATH & srcdir use native cygwin paths. (Note that both VPATH & srcdir are set from the same @srcdir@ variable.) Unfortunately, this causes a problem for native win32 tools which do not use the cygwin-wrapper script, like cl or mingw gcc, as some of the optional arguments (e.g. include paths) also use $(srcdir) . To get around that problem, we would need to use the cygwin-wrapper script every time we ran the compiler (as we do for NSPR & LDAP) which would increase the build times about around 8% based upon the numbers from bug 141834. We could drop that number a bit by applying the patch which has been rotting over in bug 206643. Alternatively, we could modify the make-makefile script and each of the 1000+ Makefiles to use a different variable (ie, not @srcdir@) to set VPATH. This will lead to us using the native cygwin paths for VPATH but using the native dos paths for srcdir & topsrcdir. I'm not sure how much hacking of the make-makefile script would be required for that. Touching each of the Makefile.ins, while trivial, isn't something I'd look forward to doing.
Severity: normal → critical
Attached patch v1.0 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This patch: * makes us use native cygwin paths for srcdir & VPATH * requires that HOST_CC, HOST_CXX, CC, CXX, CPP, RC, XPIDL_COMPILE & XPIDL_LINK are called using the CYGWIN_WRAPPER * requires that the cygwin-wrapper has proper permissions (ie. executable) so that we dependencies upon tools which use the wrapper still work (e.g. XPIDL_COMPILE) * Removes the _NO_AUTO_VARS mess * Replaces the multiple $(shell cygpath) calls with a $(if) to make sure that win32 builds always use the full path to the source file (bug 141834) The increased build time was no where near as bad as I thought it would be. This is a completely different machine though. Pre-patch 3 hr 25 min Post-patch 3 hr 31 min
Attachment #128440 - Flags: review?(leaf)
Attachment #128440 - Flags: superreview?(bryner)
Comment on attachment 128440 [details] [diff] [review] v1.0 One thing I forgot to mention about this patch: You will need to do a 'make distclean' after applying the patch and build from scratch. Otherwise, the existing Makefiles will have the wrong path for VPATH and things will fail.
Comment on attachment 128440 [details] [diff] [review] v1.0 As I discussed with cls today, this breaks MSVC builds in a few different ways.
Attachment #128440 - Flags: superreview?(bryner) → superreview-
Attachment #128440 - Flags: review?(leaf)
Attached patch v1.1Splinter Review
This patch should fix the problems bryner mentioned. * Call AS, LD & MKDEPEND using the wrapper * Makes dependencies work again by removing the invalid dos pathname from the .pp file * Turns on DEPENDENT_LIBS for mingw * Fixes the DEPENDENT_LIBS problem by creating a dummy header to be used by nsIGenericFactory.h
Attachment #128440 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #129083 - Flags: superreview?(bryner)
Attachment #129083 - Flags: review?(leaf)
Attachment #129083 - Flags: review?(leaf) → review+
In order for midl-generated files to build, you need to add MIDL to the list of programs run with $(CYGWIN_WRAPPER) in, and also apply this patch.
Comment on attachment 129083 [details] [diff] [review] v1.1 >@@ -641,6 +619,33 @@ >+ifneq (,$(strip $(DEPENDENT_LIBS))) >+DEFINES += -DHAVE_DEPENDENT_LIBS >+INCLUDES += -I. >+# This much match value in nsIGenericFactory.h I assume this should be "must match". sr=bryner with that change and the fix for midl (though I should note that this seems to slow the build down on my machine more than I'd hoped).
Attachment #129083 - Flags: superreview?(bryner) → superreview+
bryner: Are things faster if you build with the latest patch in bug #206643 (major performance improvement in cygwin-wrapper)? I would be curious to know if others get substantially better build times as I do (mind you, I'm using "antiquated" hardware--PII266 with 256MB).
Patches have been checked in.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.5beta
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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