Closed Bug 214400 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

4.x Profile Migration


(Thunderbird :: Mail Window Front End, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mscott, Assigned: mscott)




(1 file)

We already have code in mozilla which knows how to migrate a 4.x profile.Currently thunderbird and firebird turn the migration code off with an ifdef because most of our users aren't coming from 4.x and they were upset that installing these apps for the first time was causing migration of ancient 4.x profiles. I need a way to dynamically change this at run time so some set of customers can automatically migrate a Netscape 4.x profile. Note: profile migration does NOT include the address book due to a proprietary format of the Netscape 4.x address book. It does include: mail settings, mail folders and mail filters.
No longer blocks: bms
Blocks: bms
Attached patch the fixSplinter Review
This adds a pref to all.js for thunderbird, firebird and seamonkey called: profile.allow_automigration Thunderbird and Firebird set this to false because by default they do not want to support 4.x profile migration. Today, seamonkey DOES support auto 4.x profile migration so we set this pref to TRUE by default for seamonkey. If someone is deploying Thunderbird or Firebird and they want to support auto migration of 4.x profiles, they can now just change: profile.allow_automigration to true in all.js This patch also removes a MOZ_XUL_APP ifdef in nsProfile since we now use a pref instead of an ifdef to determine whether to go down the auto migratin path or not.
Note: I don't have Netscape 4.x so I have not had the opportunity to test this out yet. =)
Target Milestone: --- → Thunderbird0.2
I and a few others in the group could test this as we all currently have NC 4.7x or 4.8 installed. Interesting what one can find out while browseing the TB bugs list. I have posted to NTMM a request for volunteers to test this preference.
That would be great Killjay. Here's what they need to do: 1) Take the 0.2 candidate build and uninstall it 2) before launching you need to edit the all.js file in <install directory>\defaults\pref and change: pref("profile.allow_automigration", false); to pref("profile.allow_automigration", true); 3) Launch thunderbird and if we detect your 4.x profiles you should be prompted for 4.x profile migration unless I messed something up. 4) NOTE: If you already ahve a thunderbid profile you probably have to 'hide' mozreg.dat from your windows directory so we temporarily won't see your existing thunderbird profile. Profile migration only happens when a user first launches thunderbird with out any profiles.
There is no mozreg.dat - probably meant registry.dat In any case, hid the existing tbird profile by renaming the folder. My ISP account and all mail folders and content were migrated from 4.8. BUT not my Newsgroups - not sure if it should? Otherwise it worked OK. Posting with it here 20030826. -- Gus (NTMM)
Regarding the Newsgroups, the folders for the different servers are there in the profile under News, but they contain no msf files. -- Gus
RE: Comment #5 where I mention that I'm posting with Thunderbird. Sorry it was part of a message to NTMM, not for here. I used Firebird to post this here. Should the msf files have been migrated as well? BTW, have tbird 20030829 installed and images are go for me.
How does this differ from the Tools menus Import... | Mail | Communicator 4.x selection? This is the tool that I used 4 weeks ago to bring over all my saved mail folders I used with NC 4.8. By difference I mean the results, not auto versis manual. As Gus pointed out in comment #5 the method outlined in these comments worked to auto-migrate the mail files. Two other NTMM posters also tested with same results, so your code passes the acid test.
Ron, thanks a lot for helping to organize testing on this work. I *really* appreciate it. Please pass on my thanks and appreciation to the netscape.test.multimedia for helping me out with this.
This commnet accidently got posted to the bug on palm pilot sync. Didn't notice that bugzilla advanced to next bug after posting connent #8. Been tossing around how to document this feature. My best idea is to add a comment to the zip file allong these lines. SEE README FILE FOR ENTERPRISE ROLLOUT CONFIGURATION OPTIONS. The in the ReadMe.txt place the instructions presented here for setting up the all.js, etc. The other options I considered were a popup like the profile manager or a popup dialog on first run.
Clarification of my comment #6 The directory contains the server folders. The Folders pane in the Mail/News Client does not show the servers/groups. -- Gus
Just another note about the directory server entries: For example, the normal one may be whereas the ones entered via this migration process, provide which seems to be totally useless. Subscribing thereafter to results in two directory folders. -- Gus
Blocks: 219336
Some issues came out of this which I'm going to spin off into more generic bug fixes for 4.x profile migration. But here they are: 1) Even though a new profile is imported via the "profile converter" utility, thunderbird prompts you to add a new email account/news account after it launches. We should not do this as the auto import should bring in all the settings from communicator 4.8 which includes, mail server settings, new server settings (if any) and Address Book Settings (LDAP). So after the profile converter utility imports the profile, thunderbird should just launch and not try to prompt the user for adding another account.
Depends on: 219485
QA Contact: asa
fixed in thunderbird 0.3
Blocks: 221542
No longer blocks: 221542
Blocks: 222652
checked into the trunk.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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