Closed Bug 214498 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Receiving "UID STORE no matching messages" error


(MailNews Core :: Networking: IMAP, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: thomas-mzll-01, Assigned: Bienvenu)



(1 file)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.5a) Gecko/20030721 Mozilla Firebird/0.6 Build Identifier: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.1 (20030723) Occasionally I will receive a popup error when downloading new mail via IMAP. It says, "The current command did not succeed. The mail server responded: UID STORE no matching messages." It seems to happen more often after I attempt to purge my mailbox of deleted messages using "Compact Mailboxes." It seems to go away if I reboot my system, but not if I just restart Thunderbird... however that could be just a coincidence. I've received this message for quite a while, with earlier versions of Mozilla Mail, and now continuing with a recent build of Thunderbird. I am using IMAP connected to a Rockliffe MailSite IMAP server (version 4.x, I think). It seems to happen regardless of whether it is me telling Tbird to "check for new mail," or whether it is doing an automatic check for new mail. I do not ever recall having this problem with Outlook Express. Reproducible: Sometimes Steps to Reproduce:
I am having the same problem with my school e-mail. [On the system powered by Mail2Word.]
could you attach an imap protocol log showing this problem, by following these instructions? thx.
Ever confirmed: true
I have this logging turned on and next time this happens, I will upload the log. Is it OK to strip out the beginning of the log that reveals some data I don't want to be public here? (server hostname, folder names, etc?) Also, what setting should that environment flag be set to, IMAP:5? or a different number?
yes, IMAP:5 Yes, you can strip out the stuff in the beginning, but I do want to see everything that happens when the INBOX is selected, so everything after folder discovery/listing.
OK I have a log here that might be useful, since the problem just happened. Two things though: 1. Most of the log is just filled with nulls. Out of about 2.4MB, 2.1MB of that was null characters, in the beginning of the log. What's that about? 2. I need to find a way to strip out my personal data. For example, a lot of my private mail shows up in this log, incoming and outgoing. I can't let anyone see this stuff, so what is the best way to strip it out (maybe a perl regex I can run on this)?
I've never seen nulls in a log - I don't know what's going on there. You can send me the log directly - I don't care about the personal info and I won't let anyone else see it. Or, you can just use a text editor to strip it out. There's no perl script that I know of that does that.
Attached patch proposed fixSplinter Review
clear out the arrays of messages to classify after classifying them - we were just reclassifying all the messages each time we got new mail, which is harmless but inneficient. I don't think IMAP servers are supposed to complain about stores on non-existent UIDs (NMS doesn't) but we shouldn't be doing this. If the store fails, we won't try to re-apply the keywords, but I don't think that's a huge deal. It would be hard to fix because of the async nature of imap commands.
Wow that was fast! I'll keep my fingers crossed. :) How would I go about testing this fix? Will it be incorporated in tonight's nightly build? (Actually I'm using thunderbird, so I need to figure out when this patch would show up in the next tbird build.)
ah, it should be in the next thunderbird build made after I check this in, since I believe thunderbird is still building from the trunk, since the trunk is in 1.5 beta lock down anyway, and presumably stable.
Comment on attachment 129449 [details] [diff] [review] proposed fix r/sr/a=sspitzer for 1.5 beta
Attachment #129449 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #129449 - Flags: review+
Attachment #129449 - Flags: approval1.5b+
fix checked in - please let me know if it's faster.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
whoops, I mean, please let me know if this fixes it for you.
As soon as the next tbird build comes out I will start using it. It may take a while for me to be positive it is fixed, since it is intermittent, and sometimes goes a few days without doing it. Thanks! (And to think I've been experiencing this problem for a looooong time and for some reason never reported it!)
I am now testing this unofficial 8/10 nightly build of Thunderbird which should have this patch in it. So far, so good, but I will report back if the bug occurs again or in a few weeks if it hasn't happened again. Thanks!
Bad news. :-( I experienced the same error message today, using Thunderbird 8/10 unofficial build that is described here: Although I don't know how to confirm that your patch is within this build, I do believe the person making this build pulled CVS after your patch was applied, since his build is 8/10 and your patch was checked in 8/8. I had logging turned off like you recommended, but am turning it back on now, set to IMAP:5. I hope the nulls don't come back and ruin the log. One thing I want to stress is, when the bug occurs, it seems to happen shortly after I have run the Compact Mailboxes option to purge the inbox. I will send you a log privately as soon as I can reproduce it with logging turned on. Thanks for your help.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
I'm not convinced that's an 08/10 thunderbird build since the message was posted Aug 8th, 3:22PM and my checkin went in at 7PM, Aug 8th.
He's using an unofficial build and by the looks of it it would not have your fix david. Reporter, you are best to wait for this weeks thunderbird build which comes out on Wednesday. I'm re-closing this.
Closed: 22 years ago22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I think what happened was the guy posted the message originally on 8/8, before your patch. Then on 8/10 he made a new build from the CVS, and edited his post to say "8/10 build" in the subject line. (You can see the post was edited on 8/10.) So I do think his build probably has the patch in it, but I will wait and test the official nightly that comes out next from you, Scott. Thanks guys!
He confirmed it was a build from 8/10: However, I will not bother reporting anything else until I get the next official build.
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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