Closed Bug 214797 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

remove nsFileSpec uses from search


(SeaMonkey :: Search, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cls, Assigned: shliang)




(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

nsInternetSearchService still uses nsFileSpec instead of using nsILocalFile.
Attached patch v1.0 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #129041 - Flags: superreview?(jaggernaut)
Attachment #129041 - Flags: review?(alecf)
Comment on attachment 129041 [details] [diff] [review] v1.0 + temp.Append(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2(extensions[ext_count])); AppendASCIItoUTF16(temp, extensions[ext_count]); (needs nsReadableUtils.h) + if (foundIconFlag == PR_TRUE) Instead of that, just say |if (foundIconFlag)|. + rv = ((nsIFile*)localFile)->GetFileSize(&contentsLen); That cast there shouldn't be needed, since nsILocalFile inherits from nsIFile. Same in other places. It's good that you're using spaces instead of tabs, though at least two lines mix tabs and spaces, leading to weird spacing issues. Could you fix those? Other than that, sr=jag
Attachment #129041 - Flags: superreview?(jaggernaut)
Attachment #129041 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #129041 - Flags: review?(darin)
Attachment #129041 - Flags: review?(alecf)
Comment on attachment 129041 [details] [diff] [review] v1.0 >Index: xpfe/components/search/src/nsInternetSearchService.cpp >+ nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> engineFile; >+ rv = NS_NewNativeLocalFile(nsDependentCString(baseFilename), PR_TRUE, getter_AddRefs(engineFile)); >+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; > > nsString data; >+ rv = ReadFileContents(engineFile, data); looks like indentation inconsistencies here. >- if (pngIconFile.IsFile()) >- { >- iconSpec = pngIconFile; >- foundIconFlag = PR_TRUE; >- } >- } >+ static const char *extensions[] = { >+ ".gif", >+ ".jpg", and here you are changing the indentation style. maybe try to keep things consistent? or does the file already mostly use 2 space indents? >+ ".jpeg", >+ ".png", >+ 0, >+ }; nit: use nsnull instead of 0 :) >+ >+ int ext_count = 0; >+ while (extensions[ext_count] != 0) { nit: while (extensions[ext_count]) { or while (extensions[ext_count] != nsnull) { >+ uri.Left(temp, uri.Length()-4); nit: it is generally encouraged to use Substring instead of Left,Mid,Right > char *contents; > >+ NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(localFile); >+ > sourceContents.Truncate(); > >- contentsLen = fileSpec.GetFileSize(); >+ rv = ((nsIFile*)localFile)->GetFileSize(&contentsLen); >+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; > if (contentsLen > 0) indentation >+ while (total < contentsLen) { >+ rv = inputStream->Read(contents+total, >+ PRUint32(contentsLen), >+ &howMany); >+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { >+ delete [] contents; indentation r=darin with nits fixed
Attachment #129041 - Flags: review?(darin) → review+
Attached patch v1.1Splinter Review
This patch fixes the nits with the exception of the .Append(NS_ConvertASCIIToUCS2) one. LXR shows no AppendASCIIToUTF16 function. Btw, most of the indentation issues come from existing tabs in the file but I didn't want to touch all of those spots.
Attachment #129041 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 129767 [details] [diff] [review] v1.1 Transferring r= and seeking sr= for the nit that couldn't be resolved.
Attachment #129767 - Flags: superreview?
Attachment #129767 - Flags: review+
Attachment #129767 - Flags: superreview? → superreview?(jag)
Comment on attachment 129767 [details] [diff] [review] v1.1 sr=jag. Feel free to go with this, or with AppendUTF8toUTF16.
Attachment #129767 - Flags: superreview?(jag) → superreview+
Attached patch v1.1.1Splinter Review
de-bitrotted v1.1 patch
I did not check in sipaq's patch because he changed spaces to tabs, instead I reupdated cls's original patch and checked it in.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I could be wrong, but I think this patch caused this bug:
Product: Core → SeaMonkey
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