Closed Bug 215446 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

browser "shakes" for some unknown reason


(Firefox :: General, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: hao2lian.bugzilla, Assigned: noririty)



(Keywords: regression)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.5b) Gecko/20030807 Mozilla Firebird/0.6.1+ Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.5b) Gecko/20030807 Mozilla Firebird/0.6.1+ Many people have reported this although I personally haven't experienced it. It involves certain 1.5 skinversion themes to make the browser start "shaking". See: Reproducible: Sometimes Steps to Reproduce:
i've seen this occasionally even with non 1.5 theme version skins, going back to at least phoenix .2 or .3.
For me it's always reproducable. Steps to reproduce: 1. Take a 08032003 or later nighlty build. 2. Modify Phoenity, setting the skinVersion from 1.2 to 1.5 and replace all occurances of :-moz- to ::-moz- 3. Load that theme. 4. Make sure the Bookmarks Toolbar is visible. 5. Visit any site that has iframe ads, like, although that won't work either, or (Sorry, mine, yes, has popups) 6. See the top line of the statusbar, 1 pixel hight, flicker and see the page bounce up and down about a pixel. (7. Hide the Bookmarks Toolbar and see the shaking disappear)
is this a browser or a theme issue? if the problem has existed for some before this, the skinVersion should have nothing to do with it. Cannot reproduce on default install, if third party themes are exhibiting problems, the theme author needs to determine what is causing the problem.
Shake does not occur with default theme. Bad shake with pinball on 2003-08-06 and later, Win XP. Shake seen in address bar and status bar
In reply to comment #2: It's probably true that the skin authors can make it disappear, but, however, a skin should not be able to make this happen, certainly not over night. It just started to happen, without a skin change. 20030802 does not have it, 20030803 does have it.
I can't say that I'm seeing this in Linux, but I've heard enough about it... I tried in Win98 and couldn't replicate it either, using Pinball 0.7.1 and 20030807 Win and Linux builds of FB. Taking QA since I have a vested interest in this.
QA Contact: asa → davidpjames
This is infuriating. I've taken a look at all the FB checkins on the 1st, 2nd and early hours of the 3rd of August and there are precious few skin (mainly CSS) checkins. Of those that there are, they are mainly Hyatt's WebPanels work which he subsequently ripped out. Moving up to the 5th, 6th and 7th, the only skin checkins are related to Blake's new Advanced pane (that shouldn't do it) and making Google the default search engine (maybe? can someone remove the search bar and try with Pinball?) Still, I'll go take a look through classic.jar and see what's what. I think we have enough evidence to conclude that it *isn't* a 1.2 --> 1.5 skinVersion issue; it's just a bit of a coincidence related to the fact that the only themes that *could* be affected are those that have been upped.
I have the same problem. It happen in almost every website I visit... ... Hope they will fix this problem soon.
I have the shaking-with-pinball problem too. I don't have a search bar up, BTW. I tried putting a searchbar in and removing it, but that didn't stop the shaking. What did stop the shaking was visiting That pages doesn't shake and pages visited after that page don't shake, including ones that shook before. However, if a new window is opened, there is shaking in the new window.
Due to Comment #7, summary is being changed.
Summary: 1.5 skinversion themes make browser "shake" → browser "shakes" for some unknown reason
I just try the lastest built (Aug. 10) and it still have this bug. I'm using the default skin. The browser begin to shake every time I visit . And it randomly shake in several other websites.
I'm using Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.5b) Gecko/20030809 Mozilla Firebird/0.6.1+. I did some testing with no extension installed and noticed the following: 1. The shaking only happened when: a) I was using visual styles in Windows XP (the option "Use visual styles on windows and buttons" is checked). Everything worked fine in classic Windows interface, and b) more than 1 tabs were open, at any kind of web sites. The shaking didn't go away no matter what in this situation. And c) only 1 tab was open, at web sites with relatively complex nested table structures and much content, like forums, this page, game sites with "php-nuke" style layouts. The shaking didn't go away no matter what in this situation. Example problematic sites are:,,,, etc. 2. It does not happen when: a) I was using these themes: default theme and the newest breeze theme. Maybe there are other themes which don't shake too. I didn't try all themes available. b) I was at sites with PURE CSS layouts AND only 1 tab was open *initially*. If more than 1 tab was open with these CSS sites, shaking occurred. Removing down to 1 tab, shaking stayed. But refreshing that single tab eliminated the shaking. Example sites are:,,,, etc. And c) I was at sites with relatively simple table layouts AND only 1 tab was open *initially*. Removing down to 1 tab, shaking stayed. But refreshing that single tab eliminated the shaking. Example sites are:,,152,250, etc. And d) the bookmark toolbar was removed, no matter how many bookmarks were there. 3. Removing/editing/adding any button from the toolbar didn't change the above behaviours. All of the above are always reproducible. I will post again if I find anything else.
If everybody is experiencing this on Windows, the OS should be changed. Any Linux reports?
I left it set to All just in case, but it now seems pretty clear to be limited to Win2k & XP (maybe NT as well?). Thank you Winnie (comment 12) for a very clear and thorough run down of the problem. Using that I was able to confidently clear Linux from the problem OSes, even with an oversized bookmarks toolbar that some have mentioned. OS-->Win XP I think I might go create a new theme based on the default theme (basically turn the default into a stand alone theme with no theme changes whatsoever) and then get someone with Win2k/Xp to test that. If that creates no problems, then I'll have to keep looking at differences between PB and the default theme. If it does create problems, then it is something wrong with FB's handling of themes.
OS: All → Windows XP
at 7:49 on 8/3, noririty checked in a patch for bug 180156. That patch dealt with bookmark names getting overlapped by the chevron on the bookmarks toolbar. I wonder if css in some skins may be causing the chevron boxObject width used in that patch to throw something else off. I can't test ATM, but that'd be the first place I'd look. David
-> noririty, per previous comment any thoughts on this? if you back the patch out of your own tree does this resolve itself?
Assignee: blake → noririty
Finally the problem have been fixed in the lastest nightly built(August 11 2003). Thank you,
interestingly enough, WFM too
I cannot also reproduce this, however. If anyone still sees this, please show me the steps to reproduce. (Make sure that you are using with clean profile with latest nightly build.) -> WFM
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.5b) Gecko/20030811 Mozilla Firebird/0.6.1+, clean profile and no extension. Shaking is still there for me. Steps to reproduce: 1. Use any visual style in Windows XP. 2. Install and use latest Pinball theme ( - most other themes will do too. 3. Go to sites with nested table structure ( 4. Open another tab. Basically the only difference I found since my last comment is that sites with complex table structure no longer "shake" the browser when they are opened initially. But the shaking will occur once another tab is open. Refreshing the tab does not make shaking go away.
Yes, with some theme (Pinball,Orbit Blue,Noia-Warm,...) the browser is still shaking, but the shake is minimal now (not as much as before). I'm using the Px Classic Theme right now, and I don't have shake problem anymore. I believe it's the problem with some themes is not 100% compatible with new Firebird 1.5 theme engine.
Thank you guys. I'm now see this "shakes". -> reopen
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
-> 0.7
Keywords: regression
Target Milestone: --- → Firebird0.7
possibly related to: discussed here: this sounds similar, but not exactly the same as bug 178884, which was a little more consistently reproduced. i recently saw something like this when tweaking a theme using the 0.6.1 milestone. the margin value of the chevron in browser.css was directly related to the amount/distance of the "jitter." for example, it normally only shifts 1px or so, but if the margin is increased to 10, the shake increased accordingly. just tested it, and got it to happen in the default qute theme on 0.6.1 by messing with the chevron margin. haven't used any recent nightlies.
Some time ago I´ve seen some shaking in mail, Page Info, LiveHTTPheaders in some cases reproducable and file a bug: Bug 201460 [Fix] Horizontal splitter vibrating by 1 char height (estimated) Some time later Neil created a patch, but it was never checked in, though working for him. Neil: I'm not 100% sure that I can't reproduce the bug because of this patch but I like it so I'm not backing it out of my tree to test it :-P There are also a lot of links to other bugs of this sort, reproducible only for some guys. Maybe looking at that bug(s) and patch could give some hints here?
Hi guys first of all, let me say that this is my first posting of any kind to the Mozilla wolrd, so bare with me if I say anything stoopid. Second, the stuff I'll write about is somewhat common sense, somewhat investigation and somewhat guesswork (I've got to thank taking a really **** laptop with me on my vacation for that). Now - on to my 'report' on this bug: 1. Version History: Having taken this **** laptop with me, running Win2000 on 64Mb of ram, the 'default' choise of IE was growing more and more tiresome by the day since it took ages to load and then operate. So I decided to download and use Firebird instead (something that acquainted me more with the browser and I now love it). Version installed: 0.6.1. With this version and the default themes and all, no 'shaking' whatsoever occured. I first started experiencing the effect after downloading the Phoenity Neo theme. First thing to come to mind: Theme bug - namely differently-sized gfx and maybe even an incompatibility of this PC. Today, after I decided to contribute to the bug reports (thanks to The Burning Edge blog that showed me that it's much bigger than I first thought and not just for me), I decided to update Firebird in order to be more precise. Taking a little edgy approach I downloaded and installed the P3-optimized version. Mostly because it was smaller and this laptop needs stuff to be optimized :) So I downloaded the latest build I could find (2003-08-16) and installed it. First thing that happened is that the themes where not working anymore. After freaking out a bit cause I could test my theory anymore, I downloaded Pinball since everybody's having problems with it. Which worked fine. Damn. Then I saw that Phoenity Neo had been updated. So I redownloaded and installed it. The bug was back. So the per-theme-gfx theory was getting reinforcements... 2. Observations: I forgot to mention that this **** PC, is a Compaq (yikes) 800x600, P3/500 with 64Mb ram is on a 56K connection - easily named your desert island combo (which ain't that far from where I stand now :). This might not sound important, but when your PC takes about 30 secs to switch between apps, you've got lots of time to notice the little stuff. What I noticed is that it doesn't matter how many toolbars you got open - the one that matters is the menu bar which has the 'loading' graphic on the right side. It doesn't matter if you got tabs or not. And most importantly it's not 'shaking' at all - more on this later on. It doesn't matter if the site has iframes or not. And of course this only happens when the browser is _loading_ stuff. So my theory got more and more reality by the minute. To be more specific, my whole theory was that the animated loading graphic, had two different sizes. This was really backed up by the fact that the static graphic had two of its sides 'chopped off'. If you notice the Phoenity Neo blue marble and its shadow when in idle mode, you'll see that its left and bottom sides have one col/row respectively missing. While loading the marble and its shadow appear fine. 3. What I did: I just extracted everything from the .jar file, opened up a graphics app, and checked the four images. I'm using the 'small icons' version since I'm on a limited-sized display, but this applies to the normal size one too. The small icons version gives me just one pixel of 'shaking', while the normal version gives two. Images check results were the following: neothrobber_small.gif: 31x30 pixels neothrobber_small_load.gif: 33x32 pixels neothrobber.gif: 44x44 pixels neothrobber_load.gif: 46x46 pixels So, all of the 'sudden', the theory was verified. The graphics WERE different. So I took the final step. Using the graphics app, I cropped the bigger images to match the smaller ones. My neothrobber_small_load.gif was now 31x31 pixels and I went and created a new phoenityneo15.jar file with everything as it was except for the new image. I replaced the one I had downloaded earlier with my new one, fired up Firebird and the tada!!! Shaking was gone... 4. Conclusions (about time since I already took up too much space) a. This has nothing to do with theme versions. b. This has nothing to do with OSes. Guess: If there is a difference between Linux and Windows, then my guess would be that on Windows, the main menu bar automatically resizes itself in order to accomodate its contents, while in Linux it does not after its initial display (maybe it resizes the content instead?) c. Guess: All the shaking and stuff is caused by fast connections. I think that your pages load that fast that instead of a displacement, you see shaking. I'm on a very slow connection and it takes time to load each page's elements. During that time, the menu bar is expanded then contracted then expanded again, yada yada. The same thing on a fast connection would look like a shake indeed. d. Guess: People reported they had problems with iframes. That would make sense if the browser starts loading the iframe content and the bigger animated graphic showed up. That's all for now from me guys. I think I've forgotten one thing or two, but the most important stuff is here. Sorry for submitting such as long message, but I wanted to be as detailed as possible. To sum it all up, I'd check how the loading graphic and the menu bar are displayed and resized. I think that's where the trick is. If I'm all wrong and this bug hasn't been isolated by next week when I'll get back to my base with some normal PCs to test on, I'll get back on it. And finally - after getting to know Firebird instead of just running it for 5 mins and saying 'that looks nice, ok, bye bye', I'd like to thank the developers from bringing this great app to us and all of the community for helping to make it even better. I've used Mozilla quite a bit and totally respect it. But something tells me that I'll kill both IE and Mozilla and jump on to Firebird for good... Nice to meet you guys Theremon
IMHO we need to close this bug as fixed and if some themes still shake open individual bugs against the shaking themes. I think I am begininning to agree with the last poster that this is all sloppy coding and image sizes in the themes that are still shaking. This bug was orginally against a specific problem involving the chevron in the bookmarks toolbar, and that issue appears to be resolved. The remaining shakiness appears to be attributable to other issues in the themes and their associated image files.
Can someone verify the thrust of comment 26, which as best I can tell is that a build from 2003-08-16 or presumably later does not seem to have this shaking any longer? I know for a fact that the throbber size in Pinball is identical through the entire cycle, so if Pinball was indeed shaking at one point that could not have been the cause.
In my opinion, I believe the built after 8-11-2003 does not seem to have this shaking any longer. I believe shaking cause by a bad theme, not the browser itself. I'm using Px Classic theme since 8-11-2003 and don't see any shaking anymore.
Hi again guys after reading the last couple of comments, I guess that my previous rumbling caused some confusion. Let's try to clear things up: 1. I didn't say that on a build after 2003-08-16 there was no shaking anymore. I said that I TESTED my wrong-sized-graphics theory on the latest build which at the time was 2003-08-16. After the testing and all, it became obvious that this is not 100% browser-related (except if the self-resizing-toolbar guess is true). It's a theme issue. Put one and two together: earlier versions than 2003-08-16 might as well behave the same. 2. When I say that there's a difference in image dimentions, I'm not talking about the animated throbber alone. An animated .gif cannot have different-sized frames anywayz. Of course the Pinball throbber is identical throughout its cycle. I'm talking about two different images. The one displayed when there's no browser activity (a static .gif) and one that's displayed while there is activity (an animated .gif). I was talking about a difference between the images that accomodate these two states. The static image was shorter than the animated one. So when the higher image got to be displayed, the menu bar resized itself and hence the displacement. 3. Pinball 0.7 (pinball-fb_0.7.jar) - the one I installed, has identically sized images for the two states, so no displacement can occur. Please check with the Phoenity Neo theme that helped me identify this whole thing to the extend I did. Best regards, Theremon
It might be important to note that the MailNews preview pane in Mozilla 1.4 and especially in recent nightly builds will shake when displaying certain emails ( the vertical 3-pane divider will shift left then right ). This might be related.
I think that people misunderstood the reason I wanted to close this bug. 1. I believe that the underlying cause that was making mutilple different themes shake in the mainline code was, in fact fixed. There might be more causes for shaking that are theme independent, but it now appears that there are at least some things wrong with some of the themes themselves. It also appears that the old code (before we noticed the shaking) covered up for some of this sloppy coding in the themes (like the static and animated gifs for the throbber not being the same size). 2. There have been exactly zero really useful reports of shaking since the chevron patch was applied. No URLs to visit to exhibit shaking. No procedure to duplicate, etc. Just people complaining that it still shakes. So I think that having all of these theme shaking issues grouped under one bug is at this point detrimental to fixing the problem and or problems. If they are under one bug then only a common cause will be searched for. If we close this bug as being fixed by the bookmark chevron patch and then people open new bugs with a test case against each problem theme including information as to what toolbars need to be visible to see the shaking, which ones can be hidden to stop the shaking, etc, URLs to duplicate, then it can be determined which ones are theme issues and which are not and combine those which need to be combined under one bug. We don't appear to be making a lot of progress the way we are going. I'm not saying it does not still shake, nor am I saying it is definitely a problem with the themes, but I think we need to treat these as seperate issues with each theme until it is proven to be a common cause. I also will once again make a plea to help the developers by providing them with enough information to duplicate your problem.
about comment 15 by djk with my 20030817 build and using the gorilla theme i also see the shaking. But i kan STOP the shaking PERMANENT, by not showing the bookmarks toolbar (right-click throbber uncheck bookmarks toolbar).
I am seeing this in Mozilla 1.4 release. I didn't see this in the ALPHA version of Mozilla 1.4 Im using LINUX and seeing this happen I'm not even using the Firebird/Thunderbird builds, but this is the bug the livejournal community referred me to. I may just go back to the alpha, lol.
From .bookmark-item { -moz-appearance: none !important; } seems to be causing the problem.
Can someone who is seeing this check the latest Pinball (at this moment, 0.7.4-rc1)? I commented out most of the extra bookmark stuff that no longer appears in the default theme. You'll need a very recent nightly (20030823+ I would imagine) since this also contains the toolkit transition fix. If the shaking goes away, then I'll resolve the bug as invalid or wfm (wfm doesn't chalk up [as many?] negative points to the reporter)
WFM based on numerous comments in the MozillaZine forums. Theme authors will have to update their themes as described in comment #35.
Closed: 21 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
BTW, there's a points sytem @ Bugzilla? I must be in the negative hundreds by now then.
hao2lian: there's, but it's unofficial and infrequently updated.
*** Bug 213554 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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