Closed Bug 215587 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

memory leak in nsClipboard::GetData


(Core Graveyard :: GFX: Xlib, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: wbardwel, Assigned: timeless)


(Keywords: memory-leak)


(1 file, 3 obsolete files)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020529 Build Identifier: recent 1.5 nsClipboard::GetData mallocs space for the final param passed to XGetWindowPropery and then frees what was put in that param. This is wrong, that param should be the address of a pointer that is NULL, XGetWindowProperty overwrites the param with a pointer to space that X allocated itself. You should then XFree the pointer. (So in the current code, the malloced space is leaked, and the X allocated space is freed with the wrong routine (but it might get away with that if XFree is the same as free.) Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. 2. 3. Will attach simple patch
Old code looks like it could sometimes return random data, because it doesn't always fill in "data". I made a second patch that just returns an empty string in those cases, and fixes the memory leak.
Assignee: jaggernaut → wbardwel
Component: XP Toolkit/Widgets → GFX: Xlib
Keywords: mlk
QA Contact: jrgm → timeless
Attachment #129471 - Flags: review?(akkana)
Severity: normal → critical
Ever confirmed: true
Comment on attachment 129471 [details] [diff] [review] Better patch widget/src/xlib/nsClipboard.cpp Yes, this is better. Thanks! Does length end up being set right? Should we force it to zero if data == 0, or just assume that strlen already did that for us?
Attachment #129471 - Flags: superreview?(blizzard)
Attachment #129471 - Flags: review?(akkana)
Attachment #129471 - Flags: review+
length/bytes will be 0 if XGetWindowProperty is never called, or if it returns no data. That code has other problems, like the fact that it can skip calling XGetWindowProperty but still try to convert an empty string, and that you are supposed to keep calling XGetWindowProperty (updating the offset) until it has actually read all of the data for the property (right now it just reads the first 16k). I think that the clipboard code may need a re-write in general, there are a lot of clipboard related bugs... This fix still helps with some basic reliability issues, if not the correctness ones.
Comment on attachment 129471 [details] [diff] [review] Better patch widget/src/xlib/nsClipboard.cpp >--- ./widget/src/xlib/nsClipboard.cpp Fri Mar 14 20:04:05 2003 >+++ nsClipboard.cpp Fri Aug 8 17:46:53 2003 >@@ -342,7 +342,6 @@ >@@ -375,8 +374,8 @@ > > // Place the data in the transferable > PRInt32 length = bytes; >- PRUnichar *testing = (PRUnichar *)malloc(strlen((char *)data)*2+1); >- nsPrimitiveHelpers::ConvertPlatformPlainTextToUnicode((const char *)data, >+ PRUnichar *testing = (PRUnichar *)malloc(data?strlen((char *)data)*2+1:3); >+ nsPrimitiveHelpers::ConvertPlatformPlainTextToUnicode((const char *)data?data:"", > length, > &testing, > &length); That +1 should really be inside the *2 (which should be *sizeof(PRUnichar)), the null terminator is also 16 bits. The 3 should be 2: |(strlen("")+1)*sizeof(PRUnichar)|. >@@ -391,7 +390,8 @@ > aTransferable->SetTransferData("text/unicode", > genDataWrapper, > length); >- free(data); >+ if (data) >+ XFree(data); Why XFree? It was |malloc|'ed, so |free|.
Attachment #129471 - Flags: superreview?(blizzard) → superreview-
The XFree is because it was not malloced. XGetWindowProperty allocates the data. Part of the fix is to stop mallocing an block and then passing the address of the pointer to the malloced block to XGetWindowProperty, which was then overwriting that pointer with the address of the space that XGetWindowProperty allocated itself.
Assignee: wbardwel → timeless
Attachment #129469 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #129471 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #143874 - Flags: superreview?(blizzard)
Attachment #143874 - Flags: review?(akkzilla)
Attachment #143874 - Flags: superreview?(blizzard) → superreview+
+ const char *constData = ""; + if (data) + data = (const char*) data; What are the second and third lines for? Should that third line be constData =?
oops, yeah.
Attachment #143874 - Flags: review?(akkzilla) → review-
Attachment #143874 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #144542 - Flags: review?(akkzilla)
Attachment #144542 - Flags: review?(akkzilla) → review+
mozilla/widget/src/xlib/nsClipboard.cpp 1.25 mozilla/widget/src/xlib/nsClipboard.cpp 1.26 i messed up the commit
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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