Bug 215784
Opened 22 years ago
Closed 21 years ago
segmentation violation when clicking on Edit/Preferences/Appearance/Fonts
(Core Graveyard :: GFX: BeOS, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter:, Assigned: sergei_d)
(Keywords: crash)
(1 file, 2 obsolete files)
2.50 KB,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review |
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (BeOS; U; BeOS BePC; en-US; rv:1.5b) Gecko/20030807
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (BeOS; U; BeOS BePC; en-US; rv:1.5b) Gecko/20030807
When I go to try and change the font sizes in Edit/Preferences/Appearance/Fonts
a crash immediately occurs as I click on Fonts. I also had the same problem in
the earlier Mozilla 1.4 milestone release for Beos.
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1.Click on Menu item Edit
2.Click on Preferences
3.Click on Appearance
4.Click on Fonts
Actual Results:
Mozilla crashed with a segmentation violation. This is the debug output from
Terminal: loading symbols
segment violation occurred
FontMatchesGenericType(char *, unsigned long, char const *, char const *):
+0026 ecdae27e: * f3 rep
Expected Results:
Opened the fonts and sizes settings dialog wndow.
Updated•22 years ago
Severity: normal → critical
Keywords: crash
Summary: segmentation violation when clicking on Edit/Preferences/Appearance/Fonts → segmentation violation when clicking on Edit/Preferences/Appearance/Fonts
Comment 1•22 years ago
WFM using 2003080304 WinXP.
reporter: do you have windows truetype fonts installed?
what version of beos are you using? 5.0.3 PE?
if you could attach a font list, that might be helpful.
also if you could temporarily remove most of your fonts and try the dialog again
to see if it works with the basic font list. if it does then try adding fonts
until it breaks.
other stuff which would help:
line numbers (if you build bezilla yourself)
disassembly (if you don't build bezilla yourself)
if you can find out what the params were to FontMatchesGenericType, that'd be great.
stack trace (probably not very useful)
some irc network should be able to help you get these details (
#bedev/#beos perhaps) if 'help' isn't sufficient.
Assignee: bugs → arougthopher
Component: Preferences → GFX: BeOS
QA Contact: sairuh → timeless
The version of Beos I am using is: RE5.0.3 PE Max Ed v2.1.Here is a list of the fonts I have installed:$ ls /boot/beos/etc/fonts/ttfonts/ANTQUAB.TTF ProFont_9ANTQUABI.TTF SIMSUN.TTFANTQUAI.TTF SYLFAEN.TTFARBLI___.TTF SwKeys2.ttfARIALN.TTF Swiss721.ttfARIALNB.TTF Swiss721_10ARIALNBI.TTF Swiss721_11ARIALNI.TTF Swiss721_12ARIALUNI.TTF Swiss721_9BATANG.TTF Swiss721_Bold.ttfBKANT.TTF Swiss721_BoldItalic.ttfBOOKOS.TTF Swiss721_Bold_12BOOKOSB.TTF Swiss721_ExtraCompressed.ttfBOOKOSBI.TTF Swiss721_Italic.ttfBOOKOSI.TTF Swkeys1.ttfBaskerville.ttf Symbol_Proportional.ttfBaskerville_Bold.ttf Symbol_Proportional_10Baskerville_BoldItalic.ttf Symbol_Proportional_12Baskerville_Italic.ttf Tele.TTFCENTURY.TTF TeleDH.TTFClassicalGaramond.ttf TeleLd.TTFClassicalGaramond_Bold.ttf TeleLdDH.TTFClassicalGaramond_BoldItalic.ttf VAG_Rounded.ttfClassicalGaramond_Italic.ttf VINERITC.TTFCommercialScript.ttf WINGDNG2.TTFCopperplate_Gothic_Bold.ttf WINGDNG3.TTFCourier10Pitch.ttf Zurich.ttfCourier10Pitch_10 Zurich_Bold.ttfCourier10Pitch_12 Zurich_BoldItalic.ttfCourier10Pitch_Bold.ttf Zurich_Italic.ttfCourier10Pitch_BoldItalic.ttf abac.ttfCourier10Pitch_Italic.ttf andmoipa.ttfDutch801.ttf arial.ttfDutch801_10 arialbd.ttfDutch801_12 arialbi.ttfDutch801_Bold.ttf ariali.ttfDutch801_BoldItalic.ttf ariblk.ttfDutch801_Italic.ttf comic.ttfESTRE.TTF comicbd.ttfEmbassy.ttf cour.ttfGARA.TTF courbd.ttfGARABD.TTF courbi.ttfGARAIT.TTF couri.ttfGOTHIC.TTF georgia.ttfGOTHICB.TTF georgiab.ttfGOTHICBI.TTF georgiai.ttfGOTHICI.TTF georgiaz.ttfHATTEN.TTF impact.ttfHumanist777.ttf l_10646.ttfHumanist777_Bold.ttf lucon.ttfHumanist777_BoldItalic.ttf marlett.ttfHumanist777_Italic.ttf micross.ttfLATHA.TTF pala.ttfLBLACK.TTF palab.ttfLBRITE.TTF palabi.ttfLBRITED.TTF palai.ttfLBRITEDI.TTF symbol.ttfLBRITEI.TTF tahoma.ttfLCALLIG.TTF tahomabd.ttfMANGAL.TTF times.ttfMSMINCHO.TTF timesbd.ttfMTCORSVA.TTF timesbi.ttfMonospace821.ttf timesi.ttfMonospace821_Bold.ttf trebuc.ttfMonospace821_BoldItalic.ttf trebucbd.ttfMonospace821_Italic.ttf trebucbi.ttfOCRAExt.TTF trebucit.ttfOUTLOOK.TTF verdana.ttfPAPYRUS.TTF verdanab.ttfPMINGLIU.TTF verdanai.ttfPOORICH.TTF verdanaz.ttfProFont.ttf webdings.ttfProFont_10 wingding.ttf$ $ ls /boot/home/config/fonts/fonts/psfonts/d050000l.afm d050000l.pfb d050000l.pfm
Sorry about the information I put in the last comment. it did not wrap because I
was using Net Positive. I will do it again with mozilla. Here is the list of
fonts I have installed again:
$ ls /boot/beos/etc/fonts/ttfonts/
ARBLI___.TTF SwKeys2.ttf
ARIALN.TTF Swiss721.ttf
ARIALNB.TTF Swiss721_10
ARIALNBI.TTF Swiss721_11
ARIALNI.TTF Swiss721_12
BATANG.TTF Swiss721_Bold.ttf
BKANT.TTF Swiss721_BoldItalic.ttf
BOOKOS.TTF Swiss721_Bold_12
BOOKOSB.TTF Swiss721_ExtraCompressed.ttf
BOOKOSBI.TTF Swiss721_Italic.ttf
BOOKOSI.TTF Swkeys1.ttf
Baskerville.ttf Symbol_Proportional.ttf
Baskerville_Bold.ttf Symbol_Proportional_10
Baskerville_BoldItalic.ttf Symbol_Proportional_12
Baskerville_Italic.ttf Tele.TTF
ClassicalGaramond.ttf TeleLd.TTF
ClassicalGaramond_Bold.ttf TeleLdDH.TTF
ClassicalGaramond_BoldItalic.ttf VAG_Rounded.ttf
ClassicalGaramond_Italic.ttf VINERITC.TTF
CommercialScript.ttf WINGDNG2.TTF
Copperplate_Gothic_Bold.ttf WINGDNG3.TTF
Courier10Pitch.ttf Zurich.ttf
Courier10Pitch_10 Zurich_Bold.ttf
Courier10Pitch_12 Zurich_BoldItalic.ttf
Courier10Pitch_Bold.ttf Zurich_Italic.ttf
Courier10Pitch_BoldItalic.ttf abac.ttf
Courier10Pitch_Italic.ttf andmoipa.ttf
Dutch801.ttf arial.ttf
Dutch801_10 arialbd.ttf
Dutch801_12 arialbi.ttf
Dutch801_Bold.ttf ariali.ttf
Dutch801_BoldItalic.ttf ariblk.ttf
Dutch801_Italic.ttf comic.ttf
ESTRE.TTF comicbd.ttf
Embassy.ttf cour.ttf
GARA.TTF courbd.ttf
GARABD.TTF courbi.ttf
GARAIT.TTF couri.ttf
GOTHIC.TTF georgia.ttf
GOTHICB.TTF georgiab.ttf
GOTHICBI.TTF georgiai.ttf
GOTHICI.TTF georgiaz.ttf
HATTEN.TTF impact.ttf
Humanist777.ttf l_10646.ttf
Humanist777_Bold.ttf lucon.ttf
Humanist777_BoldItalic.ttf marlett.ttf
Humanist777_Italic.ttf micross.ttf
LATHA.TTF pala.ttf
LBLACK.TTF palab.ttf
LBRITE.TTF palabi.ttf
LBRITED.TTF palai.ttf
LBRITEDI.TTF symbol.ttf
LBRITEI.TTF tahoma.ttf
LCALLIG.TTF tahomabd.ttf
MANGAL.TTF times.ttf
MSMINCHO.TTF timesbd.ttf
MTCORSVA.TTF timesbi.ttf
Monospace821.ttf timesi.ttf
Monospace821_Bold.ttf trebuc.ttf
Monospace821_BoldItalic.ttf trebucbd.ttf
Monospace821_Italic.ttf trebucbi.ttf
OCRAExt.TTF trebucit.ttf
OUTLOOK.TTF verdana.ttf
PAPYRUS.TTF verdanab.ttf
PMINGLIU.TTF verdanai.ttf
POORICH.TTF verdanaz.ttf
ProFont.ttf webdings.ttf
ProFont_10 wingding.ttf
$ ls /boot/home/config/fonts/fonts/psfonts/
d050000l.afm d050000l.pfb d050000l.pfm
I tried removing most of the fonts and the bug still happens. Here is a list of
the fonts I left on my system:
Welcome to the BeOS shell.
$ ls /boot/beos/etc/fonts/ttfonts/
ARIALN.TTF Courier10Pitch.ttf arial.ttf times.ttf
ARIALNB.TTF Courier10Pitch_Bold.ttf arialbd.ttf timesbd.ttf
ARIALNBI.TTF Courier10Pitch_BoldItalic.ttf arialbi.ttf timesbi.ttf
ARIALNI.TTF Courier10Pitch_Italic.ttf ariali.ttf timesi.ttf
$ ls /boot/home/config/fonts/psfonts/
d050000l.afm d050000l.pfb d050000l.pfm
I just re-installed BeOS Pr0 5, updated to 5.0.3 and downloaded Mozilla 1.5b:
Mozilla/5.0 (BeOS; U; BeOS BePC; en-US; rv:1.5b) Gecko/20030816
I only have the default set of fonts from a fresh install.
/boot/beos/etc/fonts/ttfonts> ls
Baskerville.ttf Humanist777_BoldItalic.ttf
Baskerville_Bold.ttf Humanist777_Italic.ttf
Baskerville_BoldItalic.ttf Monospace821.ttf
Baskerville_Italic.ttf Monospace821_Bold.ttf
ClassicalGaramond.ttf Monospace821_BoldItalic.ttf
ClassicalGaramond_Bold.ttf Monospace821_Italic.ttf
ClassicalGaramond_BoldItalic.ttf ProFont.ttf
ClassicalGaramond_Italic.ttf ProFont_10
CommercialScript.ttf ProFont_9
Copperplate_Gothic_Bold.ttf Swiss721.ttf
Courier10Pitch.ttf Swiss721_10
Courier10Pitch_10 Swiss721_11
Courier10Pitch_12 Swiss721_12
Courier10Pitch_Bold.ttf Swiss721_9
Courier10Pitch_BoldItalic.ttf Swiss721_Bold.ttf
Courier10Pitch_Italic.ttf Swiss721_BoldItalic.ttf
Dutch801.ttf Swiss721_Bold_12
Dutch801_10 Swiss721_ExtraCompressed.ttf
Dutch801_12 Swiss721_Italic.ttf
Dutch801_Bold.ttf Symbol_Proportional.ttf
Dutch801_BoldItalic.ttf Symbol_Proportional_10
Dutch801_Italic.ttf Symbol_Proportional_12
Embassy.ttf VAG_Rounded.ttf
Haru.ttf Zurich.ttf
Haru_Bold.ttf Zurich_Bold.ttf
Haru_Tohaba.ttf Zurich_BoldItalic.ttf
Humanist777.ttf Zurich_Italic.ttf
The following is the bebug info from my crash.
loading symbols
segment violation occurred
FontMatchesGenericType(char *, unsigned long, char const *, char const *):
+0026 ed70e27e: * f3 rep
frame retaddr
fd000ddc ed70efc7 EnumFonts(char const *, char const *, unsigned int *,
unsigned short ***) + 00000093
fd000e64 ed70f089 nsFontEnumeratorBeOS::EnumerateAllFonts(unsigned int *,
unsigned short ***) + 00000035
fd000e80 ec75490f XPTC_InvokeByIndex + 00000057
fd000eac ec8dec1d XPCWrappedNative::CallMethod(XPCCallContext &,
XPCWrappedNative::CallMode) + 00000c91
fd0010b8 ec8e4002 XPC_WN_CallMethod(JSContext *, JSObject *, unsigned int,
long *, long *) + 000000a2
fd001164 ec643563 js_Invoke + 0000058f
fd001230 ec64a822 js_Interpret + 00006732
fd0013e8 ec6435b3 js_Invoke + 000005df
fd0014a8 ec6437b7 js_InternalInvoke + 000000a7
fd001534 ec624301 JS_CallFunctionValue + 00000031
fd001564 ed7617ba nsJSContext::CallEventHandler(void *, void *, unsigned int,
void *, int *, int) + 000001d6
fd0015d8 ed7735cc GlobalWindowImpl::RunTimeout(nsTimeoutImpl *) + 00000478
fd00174c ed773e03 GlobalWindowImpl::TimerCallback(nsITimer *, void *) + 00000023
fd001768 ec74174a nsTimerImpl::Fire(void) + 00000086
fd001788 ec741829 handleTimerEvent(TimerEventType *) + 00000069
fd0017a0 ec73d6a3 PL_HandleEvent + 0000001f
fd0017b8 ec73d5c6 PL_ProcessPendingEvents + 0000006a
fd0017d0 ec73e3df nsEventQueueImpl::ProcessPendingEvents(void) + 0000003b
fd0017f8 ed44f39b nsAppShell::Run(void) + 0000011f
fd00181c ed414b50 nsAppShellService::Run(void) + 00000024
fd00182c 80015ac4 main1(int, char **, nsISupports *) + 000008c0
fd001938 80015f0f main + 00000103
fd001964 80011f55 _start + 00000061
eax ed71e248 ebp fd000ddc cs 001b
edx 00000000 esi 00000000 ss 0023
ecx 00000003 edi ed71e248 ds 0023
ebx ed726104 esp fd000dd0 es 0023
fs 527b
eflags 00010246 eip ed70e27e
trap_no 0000000e error_code 00000004
I hope this helps to fix the problem.
I quess I don't really understand the bugzilla process. This bug has been in the
BeOS port for over a month, and a couple poeple have commented here about it.
How is that this bug is still "Unconfirmed"? Is it that there are so few working
on the BeOS port?
This is still a problem. Extremely annoying.
Ever confirmed: true
Assignee | ||
Comment 9•21 years ago
cannot reproduce this bug here. at least in 1.5b with those two big patches from
bugzilla for nsWindow* and for gfx folder.
Haven't time at moment to try with unpatched sources
Reporter | ||
Comment 10•21 years ago
The mozilla browser that comes with Beos 5.03 PE MaxEdition V3 does not seem to
have this bug -Mozilla/5.0 (BeOS; U; BeOS BePC; en-US; rv:1.5b) Gecko/20030904.
I tried this in Beos 5.03 PE MaxEdition V2.1 and the the bug never showed up
there either.
Comment 11•21 years ago
An explanation is probably in order...
The crash is in libc strcmp which isn't null safe.
nsFontEnumeratorBeOS::EnumerateAllFonts(PRUint32* aCount, PRUnichar*** aResult)
return EnumFonts(nsnull, nsnull, aCount, aResult);
^^^^^^ aLangGroup vvvvvvvvvv
static nsresult EnumFonts(const char * aLangGroup, const char* aGeneric, PRUint32* aCount, PRUnichar*** aResult)
if (family && FontMatchesGenericType(family, flags, aGeneric, aLangGroup)
&& MatchesLangGroup(family, aLangGroup)) ^^^^^^^^^^
501 arougthopher 1.23
502 static int
503 FontMatchesGenericType(font_family family, uint32 flags, const char* aGeneric,
504 const char* aLangGroup)
505 {
506 if (!strcmp(aLangGroup, "ja"))
Until 1.23 EnumFonts discarded the aLangGroup field:
The new code used it without nullchecking.
I suspect this was ok until someone in xpfe decided to actually ask gfx for all
Assignee: arougthopher → timeless
Comment 12•21 years ago
Checking in nsFontMetricsBeOS.cpp;
/cvsroot/mozilla/gfx/src/beos/nsFontMetricsBeOS.cpp,v <-- nsFontMetricsBeOS.cpp
new revision: 1.33; previous revision: 1.32
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Assignee | ||
Comment 13•21 years ago
Yeah, in newer Mozilla versions Preferences panel shows all fonts, not only
those mathing criteria.
"Proper" fonts are above, all other below horizontal line.
Reporter | ||
Comment 14•21 years ago
This bug is still occuring in Mozilla versions after the version that came with
R5.0.3 PE Max Ed v3. This Mozilla version is: Mozilla/5.0 (BeOS; U; BeOS BePC;
en-US; rv:1.5b) Gecko/20030904. I have tried other versions up to Mozilla 1.5
just browser release and the full Mozilla browser inbetween. There seems to be
something different about the R5.0.3 PE Max Ed v3 Mozilla. I was wondering if it
was the way the settings for this browser were setup with PE Max Ed v3, on
install, but since I used it with no problems previously, in Pe Max Ed v2.1 and
had to run mozilla scipt first time from the terminal, this cannot be the reason.
If this is not just something about the way I have installed mozilla, why has
this bug been put as resolved.
Comment 15•21 years ago
This Mozilla version is: Mozilla/5.0 (BeOS; U; BeOS BePC; en-US; rv:1.5b)
yyyymmdd = sept 4, 2003
note the date of Comment #12: 2003-10-16 09:12, It's more than a month after the
build you're trying to use. I'm sorry, I travel, I don't time travel.
Reporter | ||
Comment 16•21 years ago
I probably did not make myself clear in comment # 14. What I meant was that this
bug does not occur in this version "Mozilla/5.0 (BeOS; U; BeOS BePC; en-US;
rv:1.5b) Gecko/20030904" but is in versions after it.
Assignee | ||
Comment 17•21 years ago
Still crashes. Especially under Dano-based OS-es.
And especially on non-western (cyrillic) preferences.
Problem appeared, it seems, since patch fro bug 206782.
Reason - strstr(family, aGeneric)in FontMatchesGenericType() crashes if
nsnull=aGeneric. Dunno, why. maybe nsnull is incompatible with 0 (as end of string)?
Workaround until big nsFontMetricsBeOS rewrite (planned) - check for
nsnull=aGeneric BEFORE strstr and return 1 ("matches") in that case.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Assignee | ||
Comment 18•21 years ago
typical sc:
loading symbols
segment violation occurred
+0023 ec050243: * 168a movb (%esi), %dl
frame retaddr
fcffb9f0 ee9283ed FontMatchesGenericType(char *, unsigned long, char const *,
char const *) + 000000fd
fcffba0c ee92905a EnumFonts(char const *, char const *, unsigned int *,
unsigned short ***) + 0000009a
fcffba94 ee9291b0 nsFontEnumeratorBeOS::EnumerateFonts(char const *, char
const *, unsigned int *, unsigned short ***) + 00000060
fcffbab8 ee20384f XPTC_InvokeByIndex + 00000057
fcffbaf4 ee36945d XPCWrappedNative::CallMethod(XPCCallContext &,
XPCWrappedNative::CallMode) + 00000c9d
fcffbcf8 ee36e964 XPC_WN_CallMethod(JSContext *, JSObject *, unsigned int,
long *, long *) + 000000a4
fcffbda4 ec6853d0 js_Invoke + 00000650
fcffbe60 ec68c375 js_Interpret + 000067e5
fcffbfd0 ec68541d js_Invoke + 0000069d
fcffc080 ec685617 js_InternalInvoke + 000000a7
fcffc108 ec666491 JS_CallFunctionValue + 00000031
fcffc138 ee97ba52 nsJSContext::CallEventHandler(void *, void *, unsigned int,
void *, int *) + 000001b2
fcffc19c ee98cbfd GlobalWindowImpl::RunTimeout(nsTimeoutImpl *) + 0000037d
fcffc2e8 ee98d437 GlobalWindowImpl::TimerCallback(nsITimer *, void *) + 00000023
fcffc304 ee1f00a1 nsTimerImpl::Fire(void) + 00000081
fcffc324 ee1f018e handleTimerEvent(TimerEventType *) + 0000006e
fcffc33c ee1eccaf PL_HandleEvent + 0000001f
fcffc354 ee1ecbd4 PL_ProcessPendingEvents + 00000074
fcffc36c ee1eda7b nsEventQueueImpl::ProcessPendingEvents(void) + 0000003b
fcffc394 ee60f75e nsAppShell::Run(void) + 0000011e
fcffc3b4 ee5d3308 nsAppShellService::Run(void) + 00000024
fcffc3c4 80013661 BLooper::SetCommonFilterList(BList *) + 00013661
fcffc4d8 80012685 BLooper::SetCommonFilterList(BList *) + 00012685
fcffc504 800122b5 BLooper::SetCommonFilterList(BList *) + 000122b5
what happens in printout printf("font %s\n", (char *)family); in
FontMatchesGenericType() - it scans all fonts at least 3 times (for different
aGenerics), then printouts first font from list again and crashes.
Comment 19•21 years ago
nsnull is 0, there's code which doesn't like zero which is why it crashes...
Assignee | ||
Comment 20•21 years ago
See previous comments. For nsnull argument, we always return 4.
Assignee | ||
Comment 21•21 years ago
Comment on attachment 139589 [details] [diff] [review]
Patch (diff -r HEAD -up7)
review request
sorry, there was typo in previous comment.
we return 1.
Attachment #139589 -
Flags: review?(cbiesinger)
Comment 22•21 years ago
Comment on attachment 139589 [details] [diff] [review]
Patch (diff -r HEAD -up7)
+ //Return 1 immediately, because 0/nsnull as argument of strstr causes
change 0/nsnull to just nsnull... they are equivalent
also, turn tabs into spaces
as for your utf8 question, see
Attachment #139589 -
Flags: review?(cbiesinger) → review-
Assignee | ||
Comment 23•21 years ago
tabs removed, temporary comments in code removed
Attachment #139589 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment 24•21 years ago
Comment on attachment 139598 [details] [diff] [review]
Patch (diff -up7 -r HEAD)
+ if(FontMatchesGenericType(family, flags, aGeneric, aLangGroup))
+ {
+ font_name.AssignWithConversion(family);
+ if (!(array[j] = ToNewUnicode(font_name)))
+ break;
+ ++j;
+ }
the indentation here seems wrong...
Attachment #139598 -
Flags: review-
Assignee | ||
Comment 25•21 years ago
last attempt for today.
Attachment #139598 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Updated•21 years ago
Attachment #139599 -
Flags: review+
Updated•21 years ago
Assignee: timeless → sergei_d
Comment 26•21 years ago
checked in
Closed: 21 years ago → 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Updated•16 years ago
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.