Closed Bug 218690 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

[10.1] Mouse pointer doesn't change over links when moving pointer from tab


(Camino Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: stefanh, Assigned: stuart.morgan+bugzilla)



(1 file)

Camino 2003081810 and 2003090802 on OS 10.1.5 When you swith to a new tab and move the pointer straight down from the tab to the browser window, the pointer won't change over links. As soon as you move the pointer to someplace outside the browser window and back the pointer starts to change over links. How to repro: 1. Open two tabs with, for instance, bugzilla reports. 2. Switch tab. Keep pointer over tab. 3. Move pointer straight down to the Mozilla banner (link). 4. Notice that the pointer doesn't change to a hand. Move pointer over other links on page and notice the absence of a hand. 5. Move pointer back to tab or someplace else outside browser window. 6. Move pointer back to Mozilla banner & notice that the pointer change to a hand. I've seen this for a long time, but haven't found any reports. The only related bug I've found is bug 161794. Doesn't occur in Mozilla (using 2003082903 for the moment).
Hm I'm not seeing this behaviour. Whta I do see is that the Mozilla banner link stops some where on the left, where the image stops. When hovering over that piece of course you don't get the micky mouse hand.
I should have written "Move pointer straight down from tab to *any* link"....
same problem for me. i'm using os x 10.1.5. i think the earlier patch only worked for os x 10.2 and later....
10.2 doesn't seem to have have this problem at all.
Summary: Mouse pointer doesn't change over links when moving pointer from tab → [10.1.5] Mouse pointer doesn't change over links when moving pointer from tab
not sure what we can do here, don't have access to a 10.1 box but we need to try.
Target Milestone: --- → Camino0.8
Perhaps Bug 20022 fixed this recently, could you please update again?
Still broken. This appears to be very closely related to bug 234207, which has exactly the same behavior and fix (moving out of the content area (even to the tabs) then back in. It's simply one extra way to trigger it that only occurs on 10.1.5. I won't dup it, as there is unique behavior, but I suspect that a patch for one would fix both.
Assignee: pinkerton → sbm5
Summary: [10.1.5] Mouse pointer doesn't change over links when moving pointer from tab → [10.1] Mouse pointer doesn't change over links when moving pointer from tab
Sorry for spam; forgot to keep pink as a CC.
Assume that we are in a new tracking rect only if we were in the old tracking rect, as indicated by whether or not we are accepting mouse events (rather than assuming we are always in a new tracking rect). This will always give us correct behavior with respect to mouse tracking, since we are only interested in the event opposite our current setting (leaving if on, entering if off). As a bonus, this fixes the issue where we lose mouseovers after resizing the window. Theoritically, this could fail to trigger the explicit mouseEntered and mouseExited cursor resets sometimes, but so could the old code. Both ways are just guesses, but this one is a much better guess.
Comment on attachment 147507 [details] [diff] [review] Better guess at where we are in relation to a tracking rect Requesting sr, since it's simple. Pinkerton, I can't remember if you can sr cocoa widget code; if not please reset the sr? to someone who can.
Attachment #147507 - Flags: superreview?(pinkerton)
this patch doesn't fix 234207. am i doing something wrong?
> this patch doesn't fix 234207. am i doing something wrong? No, this fixes *only* the window-resizing part of bug 234207. The rest of that bug I still only know how to fix by removing the hackery, but that's not an option for 10.1 (and maybe 10.2, we don't know yet).
> No, this fixes *only* the window-resizing part of bug 234207. I should ammend that statement: this fixes *this* bug, and it also as a side effect fixes the window-resizing part of bug 234207.
landed on trunk and branch. thanks!
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Attachment #147507 - Flags: superreview?(pinkerton)
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