Closed Bug 219506 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

ASSERTION: This function was called on two disconnected nodes!


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set





(Reporter: timeless, Assigned: caillon)



(1 file)

Raistlin w2k debug w/ patches that make characters not select matchiing letters :( there's also some code which prevents certain mailnews rdf servicesfrom loading. there are two errors which may or may not relate, one is a xul tree template builder and one is a dom3 thing. i'm filing the dom3 thing because that's what i have and can reproduce w/o zapping the account or restarting mozilla. profile: spell, steps: run spell and load 'mailto:' + nodeAncestors {...} nodeIdx 3 + otherAncestors {...} otherIdx 1 ###!!! ASSERTION: This function was called on two disconnected nodes!: 'Error', file i:/build/mozilla/content/base/src/nsContentUtils.cpp, line 1105 Break: at file i:/build/mozilla/content/base/src/nsContentUtils.cpp, line 1105 nsDebug::Assertion(const char * 0x03ff9f04, const char * 0x03ff9efc, const char * 0x03ff9ec4, int 1105) line 109 nsContentUtils::GetFirstDifferentAncestors(nsIDOMNode * 0x0e7b2c84, nsIDOMNode * 0x10420094, nsCOMArray<nsIDOMNode> & {...}) line 1105 + 26 bytes nsContentUtils::ComparePositionWithAncestors(nsIDOMNode * 0x0e7b2c84, nsIDOMNode * 0x10420094) line 1154 + 17 bytes nsNode3Tearoff::CompareDocumentPosition(nsNode3Tearoff * const 0x10420500, nsIDOMNode * 0x10420094, unsigned short * 0x0012c12a) line 368 + 18 bytes nsContentList::ContentAppended(nsContentList * const 0x103a5960, nsIDocument * 0x0e22d560, nsIContent * 0x1040fdc8, int 0) line 596 + 36 bytes nsDocument::ContentAppended(nsDocument * const 0x0e22d560, nsIContent * 0x1040fdc8, int 0) line 2060 nsXULDocument::ContentAppended(nsXULDocument * const 0x0e22d560, nsIContent * 0x1040fdc8, int 0) line 1199 nsXULElement::AppendChildTo(nsXULElement * const 0x1040fdc8, nsIContent * 0x10420090, int 1, int 1) line 2128 nsXULElement::InsertBefore(nsXULElement * const 0x1040fdcc, nsIDOMNode * 0x10420094, nsIDOMNode * 0x00000000, nsIDOMNode * * 0x0012c470) line 1008 + 29 bytes nsXULElement::AppendChild(nsXULElement * const 0x1040fdcc, nsIDOMNode * 0x10420094, nsIDOMNode * * 0x0012c470) line 1095 XPTC_InvokeByIndex(nsISupports * 0x1040fdcc, unsigned int 18, unsigned int 2, nsXPTCVariant * 0x0012c460) line 102 XPCWrappedNative::CallMethod(XPCCallContext & {...}, XPCWrappedNative::CallMode CALL_METHOD) line 2023 + 42 bytes 0 [native frame] 1 CompFields2Recipients(msgCompFields = [xpconnect wrapped nsIMsgCompFields @ 0x103a8c58], msgType = 11) ["chrome://messenger/content/messengercompose/addressingWidgetOverlay.js":201] listbox = [object XULElement @ 0xe941d20] newListBoxNode = [object XULElement @ 0x1041b6f0] listBoxColsClone = [object XULElement @ 0x10420270] templateNode = undefined msgReplyTo = undefined msgTo = undefined msgCC = undefined msgBCC = undefined msgRandomHeaders = undefined msgNewsgroups = undefined msgFollowupTo = undefined parent = undefined this = [object ChromeWindow @ 0xe73c9c8] 2 ComposeFieldsReady(msgType = undefined) ["chrome://messenger/content/messengercompose/MsgComposeCommands.js":1104] this = [object ChromeWindow @ 0xe73c9c8] 3 anonymous() ["chrome://messenger/content/messengercompose/MsgComposeCommands.js":247] this = [object Object] 4 [native frame] 5 anonymous(aSubject = [xpconnect wrapped nsICommandManager @ 0x103af688], aTopic = "obs_documentCreated", aData = "command_status_changed") ["chrome://messenger/content/messengercompose/MsgComposeCommands.js":1322] editor = [xpconnect wrapped (nsISupports, nsIEditor, nsIPlaintextEditor, nsIHTMLEditor, nsIEditorStyleSheets) @ 0x103e3d20] this = [object Object] 6 [native frame]
this is the code which causes it: 200 var listBoxColsClone = listbox.firstChild.cloneNode(true); 201 newListBoxNode.appendChild(listBoxColsClone); the code seems perfectly legal, so i think the assert needs to be removed or the code changed.
This used to be an error case, but isn't anymore now that it is legal to call this on disconnected nodes. I just must have missed removing that assert, even though I updated the code to properly deal with the failure code that ensues.
Attachment #146119 - Flags: superreview?(jst)
Attachment #146119 - Flags: review?(jst)
Ever confirmed: true
Comment on attachment 146119 [details] [diff] [review] remove the bogo assert r+sr=jst
Attachment #146119 - Flags: superreview?(jst)
Attachment #146119 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #146119 - Flags: review?(jst)
Attachment #146119 - Flags: review+
Checked in
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: DOM: Traversal-Range → DOM: Core & HTML
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