Closed Bug 219752 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

create a new file to store nsPermissionManager's data in


(Core :: Graphics: Image Blocking, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: mvl, Assigned: mvl)


(Keywords: relnote)


(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

My recent changes to nsPermissionManager created some compatibility problems. See bug 215461 I think it is time to create a new fileformat. It should get a new name. cookperm.txt isn't really logical anymore, now it contains permissions for more types. Things I would like in that format: - older versions of mozilla shouldn't kill things newer versions added - reuse an existing parser, to reduce copied code - be human readable
a few random thoughts: 1) we need a versioning system, so older mozillas ignore newer versions, and newer mozillas can (try to) import data 2) we should consider adding an extra field (metadata) with the permission - we may or may not want to do this. it would be useful, for instance, to be able to specify "this site can set lifetime-limited cookies", and then specify that lifetime as an integer that is stored alongside the permission value itself. perhaps we would want different fundamental types - integer, bool, string; much like prefs.
my random thoughts: * Could using nsIPersistentProperties work? (other than that is isn't persistent. save isn't implemented). A permission could look like: We can just store lines that the current version doesn't understand, and write them out later. could be used for the metadata. This format takes more memory though. * Versioning is nice, but having code to read all kinds of old version files is bloat. Not that i expect changes that much :)
The best way to make sure the version system would work, is just to add the version to the file name. So hostperm1.txt for the first version.
Attached patch patch v1 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This patch creates a new file, named "hostperm.1". The format is: host \t cookie \t 1 \t The first part is an identifier. The patch only tries to parse lines with identiefiers it understands. At the moment, that is only "host". In the future, someone might add code to make it understand "regex" for example. If it doesn't understand it, it ignores it. But when writing, it first reads lines with unknown identifiers from the file, and writes them right back. after that, it writes the "host" lines. So, if in some future version you can add "regex" lines, they won't get lost on using an old version. The patch also loads the old cookperm.txt if there is no new hostperm.1 file. I didn't use an existing parser, because i couldn't find any that would do the job. And with nsStringArray.ParseString, the parser isn't that big :) Metadata could be added later, by using a "host-meta" identifier for example.
Comment on attachment 136309 [details] [diff] [review] patch v1 Requsting review on the patch, but take a look at comment 4 before you read the patch. It tries to explain what the patch does.
Attachment #136309 - Flags: superreview?(darin)
Attachment #136309 - Flags: review?(dwitte)
Comment on attachment 136309 [details] [diff] [review] patch v1 >Index: extensions/cookie/nsPermissionManager.cpp >=================================================================== >+static const char kMatchTypeHost[] = "host"; >+ >+ one too many newlines eh? > nsresult > nsPermissionManager::Read() > { > nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> fileInputStream; > rv = >NS_NewLocalFileInputStream(getter_AddRefs(fileInputStream), >mPermissionsFile); >+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { >+ // Try finding the old-style file i wonder if we want to just check for NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND here, rather than a blanket NS_FAILED(rv). i'll defer to darin on this one. > /* format is: >+ * matchtype \t type \t permission \t host you have an extra space after |matchtype| >+ * Only host is supported for matchtype can you put |host| in quotes... |"host"| ? >+ * type corresponds to what Add() wants as type |type is a string that identifies the type of permission (e.g. "cookie")| >+ * permission is an integer, what AddInternal wants |permission is an integer between 1 and 15| > nsASingleFragmentCString::char_iterator iter; now that this variable is only used in the compatibility-code block, can you shift its declaration to inside that? >+ // Split the line at tabs >+ lineArray.ParseString(PromiseFlatCString(buffer).get(), "\t"); you don't need the PromiseFlat here. >+ if (lineArray[0]->Equals(kMatchTypeHost)) { >+ if (lineArray.Count() != 4) >+ continue; if (lineArray[0]->Equals(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(kMatchTypeHost)) && lineArray.Count() == 4) { >+ nsCAutoString typeString; >+ nsCAutoString host; >+ lineArray.CStringAt(1, typeString); >+ lineArray.CStringAt(3, host); >+ PRUint32 type = GetTypeIndex(typeString.get(), PR_TRUE); hmm, do this instead: PRUint32 type = GetTypeIndex(lineArray[1]->get(), PR_TRUE); >+ rv = AddInternal(host, type, permission, PR_FALSE); rv = AddInternal(*lineArray[3], type, permission, PR_FALSE); and then kill typeString and host variables. >@@ -737,89 +785,107 @@ nsPermissionManager::Write() >+ // Start with reading the old file, and remember any data that >+ // wasn't parsed, to put it right back into the new file. hmm, i wonder if we really need to do this. if we add a new type (e.g. "regex"), we could always bump the version number of the file... it would avoid this complexity, at the cost of old mozillae not reading any permissions at all. on this note, do we want to be deleting older versions once we've converted them? e.g. if we read in a cookperm.txt and write out a hostperm.1, maybe we should delete the old file... it might lead to user confusion if they switch back to an older mozilla, and see a bunch of older permissions lurking about. it also wouldn't be good to have a bunch of old permission files lurking in everyone's profile, by the time we get to hostperm.4... we also need a "cruft policy", so that e.g. each release, we remove compatibility code to read permission files from three releases ago. so we could remove the cookperm.txt-related code in 1.9? >+ nsCStringArray rememberList; >+ nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> fileInputStream; >+ rv = NS_NewLocalFileInputStream(getter_AddRefs(fileInputStream), mPermissionsFile); >+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { >+ nsCOMPtr<nsILineInputStream> lineInputStream = do_QueryInterface(fileInputStream, &rv); >+ NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); we don't want to abort writing if we couldn't get the unparsed strings... how about this? NS_NewLocalFileInputStream(getter_AddRefs(fileInputStream), mPermissionsFile); nsCOMPtr<nsILineInputStream> lineInputStream = do_QueryInterface(fileInputStream); if (lineInputStream) { ... >+ if ((typeLength = buffer.FindChar(kTab))) { >+ const nsASingleFragmentCString &matchType = Substring(buffer, 0, typeLength); >+ if (matchType.Equals(kMatchTypeHost)) >+ continue; >+ } since we know kMatchTypeHost doesn't contain tabs, how about just... if (StringBeginsWith(buffer, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(kMatchTypeHost))) continue; (and then you could fold it into the |continue| statement above it) >+ /* format is: >+ * matchtype \t type \t permission \t host \t extra space again >+ nsCAutoString line; >+ for (PRInt32 i = 0 ; i < rememberList.Count() ; ++i) { >+ rememberList.CStringAt(i, line); >+ bufferedOutputStream->Write(PromiseFlatCString(line).get(), >+ line.Length(), &rv); >+ bufferedOutputStream->Write(&kNew, 1, &rv); > } for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < rememberList.Count(); ++i) { bufferedOutputStream->Write(rememberList[i]->get(), rememberList[i]->Length(), &rv); bufferedOutputStream->Write(&kNew, 1, &rv); } > // Make a copy of the pointer, so we can increase it without loosing > // the original pointer losing, not loosing. >- for (i = 0; i < mHostCount; ++i) { >+ for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < mHostCount; ++i) { i think some compilers (with broken scoping) will complain that you redeclare i here. beware of that when you check in. >+ if (permission && mTypeArray[type]) { >+ // Write matchtype >+ // only host is possible at the moment. s/host/"host"/ >+ char permissionString[5]; >+ PRUint32 len = PR_snprintf(permissionString, sizeof(permissionString) - 1, "%d", permission); a real nitpick here, but... s/%d/%u/ ? r=me with those addressed, but i think we need to decide on the three points i raised. what are your thoughts mvl/darin?
Attachment #136309 - Flags: review?(dwitte) → review+
>>@@ -737,89 +785,107 @@ nsPermissionManager::Write() >>+ // Start with reading the old file, and remember any data that >>+ // wasn't parsed, to put it right back into the new file. > >hmm, i wonder if we really need to do this. if we add a new type (e.g. >"regex"), we could always bump the version number of the file... it would avoid >this complexity, at the cost of old mozillae not reading any permissions at >all. Imo, the nice thing of the patch is that you can add new types without much effort. No reading old files, no cruft poilicy, no hostperm.56, just add it. So hopefully, it will take a while before we need hostperm.2. Also, older mozillas just only see the types they know, and ignore the rest, wothout deleting them. I think this is just cleaner to use, although the code is a little bit more messy. (But being able to read n old version will be messy too :) )
Attached patch patch v2Splinter Review
Updated the patch to dwittes review comments, except for what i defendend in the previous comment.
Attachment #136309 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 137812 [details] [diff] [review] patch v2 Caarying forward dwittes r=, trying to get sr. It would be good to land this as soon as possible, last changes here led to some regressions....
Attachment #137812 - Flags: superreview?(darin)
Attachment #137812 - Flags: review+
Attachment #136309 - Flags: superreview?(darin)
>hmm, i wonder if we really need to do this. if we add a new type (e.g. >"regex"), we could always bump the version number of the file... it would avoid >this complexity, at the cost of old mozillae not reading any permissions at >all. Maybe we could go the "simple" road, and just create a new file for every type. So we have for now. When we add regexes, we create perm.regex. Older mozillas won't even look at the file, so the data want be lost. There also is no need for the code to preserve unknown data. So it will be less bloaty, without conflicts when new features are added. Also, less older files to worry about how and when to delete.
attached a patch that only knows about host based permissions. If we add regexes later, we need to decide if we just add a file (regexperm.1?) or bump the current file. This approach removes the code to keep all the unknown lines writing. If you want to add stuff, just create a new file, or bump the version :)
Comment on attachment 137812 [details] [diff] [review] patch v2 >Index: extensions/cookie/nsPermissionManager.cpp >+ // Try finding the old-style file >+ const char oldPermissionsFileName[] = "cookperm.txt"; declare static? >+ if (!PL_strcmp(buffer.get() + stringIndex, "0F")) >+ continue; nit: use raw |strcmp| instead. >+ CopyUCS2toASCII(bufferUnicode, buffer); please use LossyCopyUTF16toASCII instead b/c it makes it clear that you understand that this could be a lossy operation. a comment might be good to explain why this is actually ok. sr=darin (sorry it took so long for me to get to this patch)
Attachment #137812 - Flags: superreview?(darin) → superreview+
>on this note, do we want to be deleting older versions once we've converted >them? i don't think we want to do to much of this. i know the profile could end up with a bunch of old files, but seriously... i think there are folks out there that switch between multiple versions of mozilla (at least, think about mozilla and netscape 7). we shouldn't prevent older versions from working as they did prior to running a newer mozilla.
ok, i vote for the former patch (patch v2), for greater backwards compatibility. however, i'd like to see a small optimization for the vastly common case: store a boolean flag that says whether unknown lines were encountered during ::Read(), and then only re-parse the file in ::Write() if that boolean is true. saves reading in the whole file again in ::Write(), for the common case of no unknown lines.
Checked in patch v2, updated to darins and dwittes comments.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
adding relnote keyword, because the release notes have a list of file names in the profile, and cookperm.txt changed to hostperm.1 This should be updated for new releases.
Keywords: relnote
Er... I know I'm a bit late to the party, but is it a bit late to change the name of this file? "hostperm.1" is really obscure. Having read the bug, I can see the reasoning - but I'm afraid I don't buy it. No other Mozilla files (or any files I know of) use file extensions as a versioning scheme. Extensions are there to denote a filetype - the correct one in this case would seem to be ".txt", as it's a textual file. Gerv
(In reply to comment #17) > see the reasoning - but I'm afraid I don't buy it. No other Mozilla files (or > any files I know of) use file extensions as a versioning scheme. > > Extensions are there to denote a filetype - the correct one in this case would > seem to be ".txt", as it's a textual file. This file isn't for end-users, so why does the file extension matter?
I am an "end-user" of Mozilla and try to help other end-users in newsgroups. And I and others have written tens of posts explaining other people where to find the cookies and other permission in the profile. So it definitely makes sense to give the file a name that describes what's inside!
(In reply to comment #19) > I am an "end-user" of Mozilla and try to help other end-users in newsgroups. And > I and others have written tens of posts explaining other people where to find > the cookies and other permission in the profile. So it definitely makes sense to > give the file a name that describes what's inside! this presumes that we want to support end-users directly modifying these files. that isn't a goal AFAIK. if it is, then i agree that the filename should change. assumption: advanced users that are willing to muck around with obscure files in their profile won't really be hindered by file extensions. if we just think about what typical end-users care about, i think we can conclude fairly easily that they won't care what we name this file. they'll care a lot more that we provide a good UI to control user permission settings.
> that isn't a goal AFAIK. It may not be a goal, but it's totally inevitable. No-one thought that end users would have to have anything to do with xul.mfl, which is why it was thought it could have a different name on each platform - but they do. And the name causes grief every time. > assumption: advanced users that are willing to muck around with obscure > files in their profile won't really be hindered by file extensions. One part is convenience. What application is associated with .1 files on your system? Or anyone else's? Gerv
>One part is convenience. What application is associated with .1 files on your >system? Or anyone else's? my system does not determine file types by whatever happens to follow the last dot in the name, so this is not an issue ;)
(In reply to comment #21) > > assumption: advanced users that are willing to muck around with obscure > > files in their profile won't really be hindered by file extensions. > > One part is convenience. What application is associated with .1 files on your > system? Or anyone else's? no application is associated with .1 files on my WIN32 partition, and that's a good thing IMO. (right click, "open with" works for me in a pinch... or, vi from my cygwin terminal -- i did say advanced users! ;-) ) how about this: what application is associated with .db on your system? answer: likely none. why? because, it's a binary file not meant to be edited by hand. it is just a matter of fact that hostperm.1 is a text file. i would even like to see it have default readonly permissions on supported platforms to help discourage random editing in that file. also, i don't think anyone is double-clicking .mfl files to edit them. maybe they need to locate the .mfl file in order to know to delete it, but that's a whole different story. bottom line: i don't think we need to design this to be ideal or convenient for users that want to hand edit hostperm.1
What's the point of the extension then? Calling the file "Site Permissions" (no extension) won't cause the file to be auto-opened by anything, and will make Mac users or at least system designers cheer. (Indeed, why are any of our data files named so obscurely. "Site Passwords", "Download History", "Form History", "Browsing History", "User Preferences", "Window States" etc are all self documenting file names that save documentation folks on help sites some work - fact is, people do go editing these files, whether we want them to or not. Quality should permeate all aspects of the app. This is a nit, but the quality of an application is measured more than in its total of features, it's in the details.
> What's the point of the extension then? Future proof versioning. You can't use headers, because that will fail when you switch to xml for example. We want versioning to not have to come up with new filenames when the file format is changed. Not that i expect that to happen any time soon, but you never know. And why not think about it while you have the opportunity? And on the filename: I just tried to make the old filename match up to reality somewhat more, and add version info. I wouldn't have cared to give it an other name (like "Site Permissions V1" or so), if someone mentioned it before. Now, it is more a pain, because there must be backward compatibility code. And there already is too much of that :(
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