Closed Bug 220855 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

CERT_NameToAscii fails when cert name attribute too long


(NSS :: Libraries, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: nelson, Assigned: nelson)




(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

The End Entity cert for NIST test 4.3.10, which is in a file named ValidRolloverfromPrintableStringtoUTF8StringTest10EE.crt, has a commonName attribute in the Subject Name that is 71 characters long. The commonName in question is: Valid Rollover from PrintableString to UTF8String EE Certificate Test10 NSS fails this test in two different ways. This bug report is about one of those failures. NSS is unable to print the subject name of that cert because of the length of the commonName attribute. RFC 3280 defines upper bounds for the lengths of the various attribute types in a Name. The bound for a commonName attribute is 64 characters. NSS enforces that limit in CERT_CreateAVA and in CERT_NameToAscii. Both operations simply fail if any attribute's length exceeds its respective upper bound. If any attribute is too long, CERT_NameToAscii returns NULL. It doesn't return a string that contains any useful information about the other attributes, or about the attribute that was too long. I think that's bad. Some alternatives for CERT_NameToAscii are: 1. when an attribute is too long, simply truncate it to the maximum length, and go on. 2. when an attribute is too long, display "Value Too Long" instead of the actual value. 3. remove the length checks entirely 4. Raise the length limits so that no limit is less than, say, 128 or 256.
*** Bug 216119 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Nelson, now that NIST acknowledged that that test was incorrect, I think this bug can be resolved INVALID, right? Do we want to be more lenient about the length of cert name attributes?
I propose to implement alternative #1 above in time for NSS 3.9. It should only be a few lines of code, and it will make the programs that depend on this function MUCH more useful in the presence of certs that are slightly out of spec.
Priority: -- → P3
Summary: NIST test failure when cert name attribute too long → CERT_NameToAscii fails when cert name attribute too long
Target Milestone: --- → 3.9
Retargetting to 3.9.1. Patch forthcoming.
Target Milestone: 3.9 → 3.9.1
Attached patch patch v1 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
truncate too-long strings, and change last character to "!" to signify truncation.
This cert demonstrates the problem and shows the fix.
Comment on attachment 139540 [details] cert with too-long OU in subject name (base64) Wan-Teh, please review.
Attachment #139540 - Flags: review?(wchang0222)
Comment on attachment 139540 [details] cert with too-long OU in subject name (base64) sorry, wrong attachment.
Attachment #139540 - Flags: review?(wchang0222)
Comment on attachment 139538 [details] [diff] [review] patch v1 Wan-Teh, please review.
Attachment #139538 - Flags: review?(wchang0222)
Comment on attachment 139538 [details] [diff] [review] patch v1 Adding "!" is not a strong enough indication that the string has been truncated. First, some company names, for example, "Yahoo!", contain "!". Second, this cannot be detected programmatically. Why don't we add an error code to report this condition? >+ ** XXX Perhaps we should see if we're in the middle of a >+ ** multi-byte UTF8 character. This is an issue.
Wan-Teh, previouslt this code did detect the condition and report it with an error. This patch changes it to not do that, and display something useful to a user instead. This function is used to generate strings that are displayed, e.g. by certutil or pp. The present code (which outputs an error and no string) makes it impossible for a user of those programs to see the name in a cert that contains an invalid (too long) name attribute. The point of this patch is to give the user a readable useful string, while still calling attention to the error in a humanly readable way. As for being programmatically detectable, I submit that there are other APIs that should be used for that purpose. I will look into the UTF8 issue.
Thanks for the explanation. I think "..." is a more common indication of truncation than "!". Is the string in question always UTF-8?
taking bug.
Assignee: wchang0222 → MisterSSL
Attached patch patch v2Splinter Review
Deal with multi-byte UTF9 characters. Add elipsis (...) to show string too long.
Attachment #139538 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #139538 - Flags: review?(wchang0222)
Comment on attachment 139638 [details] [diff] [review] patch v2 Wan-Teh, please review. This patch addresses your review comments to the previous patch.
Attachment #139638 - Flags: review?(wchang0222)
Before and after pictures: Before: Subject: "!Invalid AVA!" After: (slightly edited here to preserve some anonymity of cert holder) Subject: "****,OU=Domain Control Validated,OU=See www.geo** ***.com/qu****sl/cps (c)03,OU=Business Registration: https://serv ices.****c****,****,C=US" See the ellipsis ------------------------^^^ The results are much more useful.
Comment on attachment 139638 [details] [diff] [review] patch v2 r=wtc. 1. I find the test (avaValue->len > maxLen + 3) a little hard to understand. I would write the test like this: if (avaValue->len > maxLen) { maxLen -= 3; /* must be room for "..." */ 2. I don't know how to detect whether we are in the middle of a multi-byte UTF-8 character, so I'll trust that your test ((xxx & 0xc0) == 0x80) is correct. 3. Does maxLen mean the number of bytes or the number of UTF-8 characters?
Attachment #139638 - Flags: review?(wchang0222) → review+
Comment on attachment 139638 [details] [diff] [review] patch v2 If maxLen may be < 3, my proposed rewrite may reduce maxLen below 0. To address that will make the code complicated and Nelson's version will turn out to be simpler.
Answers to comment 17 1. The new code wants to display up to maxLen characters from the original string, PLUS 3 dots, so that is what the test tests. To avoid reallocating, we ensure that the existing string has room for the 3 dots. Yes, this means that if a string exceeds maxLen by only 1 or 2, we let it slide. 2. The test I used was taken from John Meyer's new UTF8 parser code. That code expects the first byte to encode the length of the rest, and the remaining bytes will match the test given. 3. I have wondered about this myself. I have not found an authoritative answer to this question. As implemented, maxLen means bytes. This could be changed. I have thought about implementing special NSS UTF8 functions that return the character count in a UTF8 string (UTF8_strlen), or copy a UTF8 string up to some character limit (UTF8_strncpy). A related question is: how should command line tools display UTF8 strings? e.g. What (if anything) can pp or certutil do to cause the charaacters to be displayed properly ? For Comment 18: That's why I want to display the elipsis _after_ the allowed length of characters.
/cvsroot/mozilla/security/nss/lib/certdb/alg1485.c,v <-- alg1485.c new revision: 1.19; previous revision: 1.18
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
(In reply to comment #19) > A related question is: how should command line tools display UTF8 strings? > e.g. What (if anything) can pp or certutil do to cause the charaacters to > be displayed properly ? If you don't want to assume UTF-8, you could use something like iconv_open("char", "UTF-8") to convert to the locale's charset.
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