Closed Bug 222438 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Problem downloading files with spaces in name


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Tim.Meader, Unassigned)


User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20030925 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20030925 There is an problem whenever you download a file in any browser based on 1.5 engine (thus Mozilla and Firebird). When you are clicking on a link to a file that has %20's for spaces in the name, when the resulting save dialog comes up it truncates that filename down to on the first part up to the first space. Example: if you click on a link to a file called "New Text Document.txt" (ie - the html for this would be <a href="http://New%20Text%20Document.txt">New Text Document.txt</a>) the dialog that pops up will ask to save it as the filename "New.txt". Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.Create a test page. 2.Create a test file "New Text Document.txt" on your harddrive. 3.In your test webpage, link the file as described (with %20's for spaces) 4.Click on the link to try to download. Actual Results: The filename proposed for saving will be truncated as described above. Expected Results: Should use the entire filename for proposed filename.
clicking on a link to a .txt file will typically show the file, not prompt to download... so I'm not sure which part of your steps to reproduce is wrong -- the filename, the way you click, or what.
Apologies... ".txt" was a bad example. Change it to whatever you like. ".exe" for example. Then repeat the same steps.
OK. Named a file "foo bar.exe". Created a file with <a href="foo%20bar.exe">test</a> in it. Clicked. Chose "save as". The filename in the filepicker was "foo bar.exe". So I can't reproduce this problem with a current build...
so does this happen with local files, as the text in comment 0 suggests, or with files from http, as the example link indicates?
I have this problem with Firebird 0.6, 0.6.1 and 0.7 release builds. This truncation of filename doesnt happen with Mozilla 1.4, 1.4.1 (I havent tried 1.5 yet cos Firebird is my default browser :-) ) Anyway, I can reproduce this whenever I click on an HREF link (on a website) with names like: How do you do.doc. The dialog that Firebird brings up shows as filename: How Additionally, since Firebird cannot seem to figure out the file type, the only option I get when I click is a download dialog with "Save to Disk" checked. With the same scenario on Mozilla 1.4.1 and 1.4, the download dialog shows filename as: How do you do.doc
Apologies again. I could've sworn that I'd tested this on a local file... but I guess I did not. My test case was based on a file on my personal webserver. So yes, it is downloading through http (or https) when this error happens. It is exactly as Comment #5 described.
I can vouch for all the browsers in Comment #5, as well as Mozilla 1.5 (the final release). I can also add that I just tested it with Mozilla 1.5 Final on OSX 10.2.8.... same problem.
I just set up a testcase for this at Click on the link, get the helper app dialog, select "save". The suggested filename I get is "foo bar.exe". Is that what you are seeing, or are you seeing "foo.exe"? If you're seeing "foo bar.exe", I would like to know how the case you are testing differs from this one. Are you sending Content-Disposition headers, for example? Further, please don't bother testing with firebird, which is in the process of forking this code, for this bug. If there is a firebird problem, file a firebird bug.
I have to tweak my comment #5 a little.... When a website has an HREF pointing to a file How do you do.doc, unless the HREF is quoted as <A HREF="How do you do.doc"> or escaped as <A HREF=How%20do%20you%20do.doc>, the webserver would return an error when this link is clicked. So when I just retested again, neither Firebird 0.7 nor Mozilla 1.5 have a problem with the download dialog box. They both identify the full file name and apt file type. The issue I really encountered (and just reproduced) is when a dynamically generated file (say, the document retrieval system hits a backend appserver to retrieve a file based on a form button click) is streamed back to the browser, and the filename has a space in it. In that case, both Mozilla 1.5 and Firebird 0.7 exhibit the behavior I described in comment #5. IE 6 on the other hand correctly displays a download dialog with the complete filename and type. My guess is that the appserver (actually a vendor product) is not quoting or escaping the filename and hence, both Firebird and Mozilla barf on the filename and subsequently the file type leading to the download dialog behavior I saw. So to recap - static HREF links with filename spaces - I dont seem to have an issue opening. dynamically generated files (mime type - application/octet-stream) with spaces in filename - cannot open correctly.
Some more info to help troubleshoot. I got a network trace going between my browser and this appserver. It seems to conrim my suspicion. The Content-Disposition header in the server response to browser is a filename with spaces but not quoted. >>>>> Start request >>>>>> GET /Billing/doccontent.dll?LibraryName=LIBSYS1^PANAGONSL03&SystemType=2 HTTP/1.1 Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/, application/, application/msword, */* Accept-Language: en-us Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; SBC) Host: Connection: Keep-Alive Cookie: ASPSESSIONIDGQGGHFNQ=BONLKBBCKKKMGDHPEDJDHPFP <<<<< End Request <<<<<< >>>>>> Start Response >>>>> HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0 Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2003 17:28:24 GMT HTTP/1.1 200 OK Set-Cookie: path=/idmws Content-Type: application/octet-stream Content-disposition: filename=CCRB Log.100903.xls Content-length: 511488 <<< I truncated the rest of response - it was the actual file contents <<<<
Yeah, the behavior for content-disposition headers changed, and purposefully. It's not changing back. All that remains to be seen is whether that's the problem Tim is having or whether he's running into something else.
Per comment #11, does it mean that Mozilla 1.5 will not "respect" an unquoted filename param in the Content Disposition header, if it has spaces? I was looking through the HTTP standard definition for this header and it looks like a filename value can be expressed as a quoted string or not. I'm trying to understand the rationale behind this permanent behavior change. Also, if the filename value was quoted by the server, would this download dialog have worked? If so, I can try hitting up the vendor to fix their product to comply with the standard...
> it looks like a filename value can be expressed as a quoted string or not. Yes, but unquoted strings are only allowed to contain certain chars there, and spaces are not in that list. > I'm trying to understand the rationale behind this permanent behavior change. The rationale was the addition of support for non-ascii filenames in this header. Supporting non-ascii filenames (via the correct encoding indicators) and also supporting broken servers that don't quote filenames containing spaces proved pretty much impossible; we chose to go with making sites that are doing the right thing work and making non-ascii filenames possible. > Also, if the filename value was quoted by the server, would this download > dialog Yes, of course. have worked?
Thanks for the info - time to go beat up my vendor :-)
I've confirmed that, yes, that was the problem. One of my main test beds was a mod_perl driven server I use that acts as a file upload/download repository. I was using the Content-Disposition header to force downloading no matter the file type. After adding the quotes around the filename all is well. Thanks for everyone's help. And just so anyone else using IMP (freeware web-based mail app) knows, it also appears to not quote the filename in their headers. I'm gonna go patch that now and try to get it into their stable branch. Thanks again.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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