Closed Bug 222502 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

last closed window position not remembered at restart


(Core :: XUL, defect)

1.4 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: mrmazda, Assigned: mkaply)


(Keywords: fixed1.7)


(3 files, 2 obsolete files)

ID: Mozilla/5.0 (OS/2; U; Warp 4.5; en-US; rv:1.4.1) Gecko/20031014. Behavior dates back to fix checkin for bug 199507. To reproduce: 1-Open initial browser window at a position somewhat distant from 0,0 2-Help -> About Mozilla 3-Close 2nd window 4-Close original window 5-Start browser Actual results: 1-Window opens at postition in 2 & 3 above Expected results: 1-Window opens at postition in 1 & 4 above For me normally #2 above opens at 0,0, while #1 is kept around 100px to the right of 0,0, and at full screen height.
Mike, was this fixed under another bug, or was the patch never checked in?
Something fixed it before I switched from the 1.4.x branch back to the trunk about two weeks ago.
This bug now also applies to trunk, as of 2003120208 at least. A way to verify without shutting down Moz is with a window resize: To reproduce: 1-Open Moz 2-Open a new window 3-Resize the 2nd window 4-Close the 2nd window 5-Open another new window Actual behavior: 3rd window opens at size and position of closed 2nd window Expected behavior: 3rd window opens at size of 1st window in a position slightly offset from 1st window position
Attached patch patchSplinter Review
This patch was checked in by Kaply into MOZILLA_1_4_BRANCH, but it was never checked in to the trunk. Kaply, is this what we want to take, or do we need to make some changes for the trunk?
Flags: blocking1.6?
not going to block the release for this. We'd consider approving a reviewed patch.
Flags: blocking1.6? → blocking1.6-
What do we need to get this patch already long ago on the 1.4.x branch into the trunk? Is there some problem with it Mike? Is it simply waiting on Javier to request review?
I'm not sure if the branch patch will fix this on the trunk. I'm working on it.
I saw this happen once on the trunk but couldn't recreate it again. The scenario in this bug certainly doesn't fail on the trunk for me...
Happens to me every time. CZ is open, and mailnews has been opened. Smaller window is browser window number 3, 4, 5 . . ., in size and position of closed window #2. Last I checked, comment #0 is just as easy to recreate, last night IIRC.
Problem continues on the trunk.
BTW, I wrote comment 10 after experiencing the same problem after replacing MCP FP2 with eCS 1.1 (on 1 Jan.), so the likelihood of a system configuration issue seems rather remote.
OK, pertaining to comment 3, this is the way it works on Windows and the way (as far as I know) it has always worked. Do you think different?
Mozilla 1.3 on Warp 4 FP12 (800x600) exhibits the behavior described as expected behavior in comment 1 and comment 3. So does Mozilla 1.7b on Win98 (1024x768).
Mozilla/5.0 (OS/2; U; Warp 4.5; en-US; rv:1.4.2) Gecko/20040402 (1280x960) on eCS 1.1 FP4 also exhibits the behavior described as expected behavior in comment 1 and comment 3. Current trunk still exhibits the behavior described as actual behavior in comment 1 and comment 3.
The window positions are stored by nsXULWindow::SavepersistentAttributes when PAD_POSITION is dirty. In this specific scenario, it should be getting called by nsWebShellWindow::HandleEvent (when handling NS_GOTFOCUS). OS/2 wasn't behaving correctly because the frame window would never get a NS_GOTFOCUS. This is because a Windows frame will be treated as a nsWindow and therefore the nsWindow handling of activation and focus will generate the appropriate NS_GOTFOCUS, NS_LOSTFOCUS, etc. events. In OS/2, the frame is a nsFrameWindow and the message proc will resolve to be nsFrameWindow::FrameMessage. There is nothing in there to generate the needed NS_GOTFOCUS. So I basically stole the NS_GOTFOCUS, NS_ACTIVATE, NS_DEACTIVATE, NS_LOSTFOCUS, NS_PLUGIN_ACTIVATE code from nsWindow.cpp and placed it in nsFrameWindow.cpp. I don't know what kind of freaky behavior this might introduce, but it seems to me that it should be minimal; this will behave more like Windows than it did before and we are striving to emulate the Windows focus model.
Attached patch fix attempt #1 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This fix works for me. I've done some minimal testing and don't see any side effects.
Attached patch Slimmed down fix (obsolete) — Splinter Review
I tried to fix as little as possible so we potentially break as little as possible.
Attachment #146526 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Fix checked in, slimmed down a little more.
Closed: 21 years ago
Keywords: fixed1.7
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Please post the final patch you checked in.
All I added was the Dispatch of NS_GOTFOCUS It fixed the problem and has the least likelihood of side effects
Attachment #146621 - Attachment is obsolete: true
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