Closed Bug 225686 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

No way to disable Postscript/(default|.*) printer


(Core :: Printing: Output, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: dvschweiger, Assigned: dvschweiger)



(2 files, 2 obsolete files)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2.1) Gecko/20021204 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2.1) Gecko/20021204 There is no way to disable the Postscript/(default|.*) printer. Patch will follow Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Open print dialog Actual Results: Postscript/default and companions are listed in the dropdown. Whatever you do - sing, dance, pray - the **** will not go away Expected Results: Postscript/default and companions are not listed in the dropdown if a certain pref is set XPrint can be disabled if needed by undefining XPSERVERLIST but until now the Postscript/#? printers always occupy the dropdown
Attached patch patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #135480 - Flags: superreview?(bz-vacation)
Attachment #135480 - Flags: review?(bz-vacation)
Attachment #135480 - Flags: review?(bz-vacation) → review?(roc)
What exactly is the goal of this patch? Is it to hide the existence of the PS module from the user in a build that has it? If so, why?
Reasons why I had filed this bug report: - better customisation - better control over user actions (the PS module allows execution of any command, being a highlevel security risk for kiosk applications) - PS module should be disabled in absentia of a local print queue - read LTSP/Linux kiosk project archives - avoid DOS attacks against printers as I had reported in - the issue 1.6a enabling ordinary users to trigger complete firmware hangup, making a manual power cycle mandatory. HP customer support suggests to use gs as filter to make the print job valid Postscript.
> better control over user actions (the PS module allows execution of any > command, being a highlevel security risk for kiosk applications) Is there a bug on this? Why would kiosk apps even build the PS module if they don't want it, though? > read LTSP/Linux kiosk project archives URL? >the issue 1.6a It's marked dup of a fixed bug. If it's not fixed, please reopen it (and cc It sounds like the printer in question does not handle some L3 or L2 feature or other that we are using, and Kenneth has been thinking about eliminating the use of such. Thanks for explaining the motivations for this patch.
The code looks OK. But, is there a reason why it's not acceptable to just use a custom Mozilla bulid with Postscript disabled?
Comment on attachment 135480 [details] [diff] [review] patch >Index: gfx/src/gtk/nsDeviceContextSpecG.cpp >+ nsCOMPtr<nsIPref> pPrefs = do_GetService(NS_PREF_CONTRACTID); >+ PRBool psPrintersDisabled = PR_FALSE; >+ if (pPrefs) { >+ (void) pPrefs->GetBoolPref("print.postscript.disabled", &psPrintersDisabled); If that call failed, psPrintersDisabled now has an undefined value. DO NOT ignore XPCOM errors thrown by XPCOM methods. Yes, I know the code you were modifying does the same when it gets the "print.printer_list" pref. Then again, that code also leaks the pref value, so I don't know as you want to be emulating it too much (and in fact, if you have the time and desire to fix that leak, it would be much appreciated -- it should probably get into an nsXPIDLCString and then assign the .get() from that to printerList if the call succeeds). >Index: modules/libpref/src/unix/unix.js >+pref("print.postscript.disabled", false); Why litter the pref system's hashtables with stuff that you have to hardcode in the C++ anyway? If you feel the need to put this here for documentation purposes, comment it out or something.
Attachment #135480 - Flags: superreview?(bz-vacation) → superreview-
What the hell is a nsXPIDLCString? This is my first code contribution for Mozilla, pls do not expect that I know the sources as good as you, Roland or other long term Zillanians :)
Attached patch patch^2 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #135480 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #135492 - Flags: superreview?(bz-vacation)
Attachment #135492 - Flags: review?(roc)
Why does bugzilla block me from assigning the bug to myself? I filed the bug, I own it. Stupid beast. 50 points from Gryffindor :)
> Why does bugzilla block me from assigning the bug to myself? Because you have no rights as far as bugzilla is concerned? ;)
Assignee: printing → dvschweiger
Ever confirmed: true
Attachment #135480 - Flags: review?(roc)
An nsXPIDLCString is a way of automatically managing string allocation. CopyCharPref allocates a char* buffer and returns it in the out param. If you look at the code you're putting your if check around it does something like: + printerList = PR_GetEnv("MOZILLA_POSTSCRIPT_PRINTER_LIST"); + if (!printerList) { + (void) pPrefs->CopyCharPref("print.printer_list", &printerList); + } + printerList = strdup(printerList); Oops. It just leaked the string that prefs allocated. In my opinion, the code should be more like: + printerList = PR_GetEnv("MOZILLA_POSTSCRIPT_PRINTER_LIST"); + nsXPIDLCString prefsList; + if (!printerList) { + if (NS_SUCCEEDED(pPrefs->CopyCharPref("print.printer_list", + getter_Copies(prefsList)))) { + printerList = prefsList.get(); + } + } + printerList = strdup(printerList); This way the destructor of the nsXPIDLCString will deallocate the buffer that prefs allocated.
Comment on attachment 135492 [details] [diff] [review] patch^2 sr=bzbarsky, but bonus points for rolling the leak fix into this patch... ;)
Attachment #135492 - Flags: superreview?(bz-vacation) → superreview+
All hail to the bugzilla dictatorship! :) Who is in charge of updating my accounts ACL?
Can we please avoid introducing more users of the deprecated nsIPref? Please use nsIPrefService/nsIPrefBranch. + PRBool psPrintersDisabled = PR_FALSE; I'd think naming the variable psPrintersEnabled (and inversing the pref meaning) would be more readable.
Why is Mozilla using its own strings classes instead of the ISO C++ string classes?
Guys, is it possible that you take only the finger I handed you and not try to grab the whole hand and everything attached to it? WTF is nsIPrefService/nsIPrefBranch?
biesi, the code is already using nsIPref; this is not introducing another user but just using a pointer we already have hanging around, really... David, see for details. I'm ok with leaving the pref stuff as-is, because if we start asking for cleanup of code near what David is touching he's screwed -- the printing code is some of the worst in Mozilla (we've just found a memory leak and a use of an interface that should no longer be used in just the dozen lines of this patch....) David, Mozilla is using its own string classes because support for the ISO ones was piss-poor when most of this code was written. My sr on the existing patch stands, assuming follow-up bugs are filed on the other issues raised here (nsIPref, memory leak, etc). Feel free to just assign said bugs to me.
Attachment #135492 - Flags: review?(roc) → review?(cbiesinger)
Comment on attachment 135492 [details] [diff] [review] patch^2 ok... rename psPrintersDisabled to psPrintersEnabled (same for the pref), and r=biesi
Attachment #135492 - Flags: review?(cbiesinger) → review+
Attachment #135492 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Changed the all.js line to say "true" instead of false, removed the tabs this patch introduced (don't do that!) and Checking in gfx/src/gtk/nsDeviceContextSpecG.cpp; /cvsroot/mozilla/gfx/src/gtk/nsDeviceContextSpecG.cpp,v <-- nsDeviceContextSpecG.cpp new revision: 1.57; previous revision: 1.56 done Checking in modules/libpref/src/unix/unix.js; /cvsroot/mozilla/modules/libpref/src/unix/unix.js,v <-- unix.js new revision: 3.88; previous revision: 3.87 done
David, can this bug be marked resolved?
If you do, see comment 18, last paragraph...
fixed in 1.6b Thanks you all for helping.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
did you file the follow-up bugs per comment 18 (last paragraph)?
Erm... the patch doesn't cover the gfx/src/xlib (e.g. nsDeviceContextSpecXlib.cpp). Please file a patch or reassign the bug to me...
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Bug 230157 filed per comment 18... Next time, please do follow the review conditions! Over to Roland to fix xlib issues, if any.
Assignee: dvschweiger → Roland.Mainz
David, using mozilla prefs is a bad idea since we have to edit the prefs fore each account. If a kiosk user manages to switch accounts he can use the PS module exploit again.
For the log: Patches for nsDeviceContextSpec(G|Xlib).(cpp|h) can easily be ported to the Xlib toolkit (build with "configure --enable-default-toolkit=xlib; gmake") via copying the sources from gfx/src/gtk/ to gfx/src/xlib/ (like % cp gfx/src/gtk/nsDeviceContextSpecG.cpp gfx/src/xlib/nsDeviceContextSpecXlib.cpp) and rename the variable names s/GTK/Xlib/. No magic involved... :)
Attachment #138668 - Flags: superreview?(bz-vacation)
Attachment #138668 - Flags: review?(cbiesinger)
bz: Slighly offtopic... but I guess there is already a bug which asks for cleanup in nsDeviceContextSpec(G|Xlib).* ... but AFAIK that work was deferred until the s/nsIPref/nsIPrefBranch/ lands (the cleanup would kill a bunch of other issues in that code anyway and looking for the remaining issues during that change may not be hard) ...
Comment on attachment 138668 [details] [diff] [review] Patch for 2004-01-08-trunk, Xlib port and env var override r=smontagu
Attachment #138668 - Flags: review?(cbiesinger) → review+
Attachment #138668 - Flags: superreview?(bz-vacation) → superreview?(roc)
Attachment #138668 - Flags: superreview?(roc) → superreview?(jst)
Attachment #138668 - Flags: superreview?(jst) → superreview+
Assignee: Roland.Mainz → dvschweiger
QA Contact: dvschweiger
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