Closed Bug 226377 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

localeVersion should be separate from milestone.txt


(SeaMonkey :: Build Config, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dbaron, Assigned: dbaron)



(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

For point releases it's often the case that there are no changes requiring localization. (Hopefully we can make this happen for final releases as well, relative to the beta.) Thus I think we shouldn't be filling in the locale version from milestone.txt, but rather from a separately stored number. It would be quite simple to just put this number in -- that's the solution I'm tempted to use for now. (We could just call it LOCALE_VERSION instead of MOZILLA_VERSION.) We could do the same for skin versions as well (although they should probably be separate for the new and old apps). Does this seem reasonable?
Flags: blocking1.6b?
Sounds good, it's one change I do have in my vision for a long-term solution for this problem :) We should really have a LOCALE_VERSION and a SKIN_VERSION separated from MOZILLA_VERSION (though localizers tend to do new localization releases even for point releases, fixeing bugs in their L10n packs). Most time we need to change LOCALE_VERSION between beta and final though, as we have no L10n freeze and usually get in some string changes in the tree freeze period. Nayways, the real nice solution would be to also switch from .in files to using the XUL preprocessor (and use LOCALE_VERSION and SKIN_VERSION there) - but I don't know how I would set such variables there and use it...
defines for the preprocessor are the same as C++, using the DEFINES makefile var. Since this is used all over the tree, we should probably include it in for global usage. --BDS
Flags: blocking1.6b? → blocking1.6b+
Attached patch patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This adds MOZILLA_LOCALE_VERSION and MOZILLA_REGION_VERSION. Someone should check that I made the distinction between language packs and content packs correctly...
Comment on attachment 136386 [details] [diff] [review] patch > dnl Get mozilla version from central milestone file > MOZILLA_VERSION=`$PERL $srcdir/config/ -topsrcdir $srcdir` >+MOZILLA_LOCALE_VERSION=1.6b >+MOZILLA_REGION_VERSION=1.6b should we really hardcode those in Shouldn't we have all those versions defined in some sperate file, so that 1) it would be easier to find and change, 2) easier to use a different definition e.g. for FB and/or TB?
I'm planning to add additional variables such as: TOOLKIT_LOCALE_VERSION BROWSER_LOCALE_VERSION etc... But those aren't automated yet at all. (And probably likewise for SKIN_VERSION.) I guess they could be put in a separate file and could source it...
>I guess they could be put in a separate file and could source it... maybe a modified milestone.txt?
I think we're going the wrong way here... imo the preprocessor is a much better solution to this problem. It's available for immediate use and gives a lot more flexibility (for example to bump toolkit/app versions separately), and doesn't require builders to reconfigure when we bump localeVersions.
bsmedberg: true, I'm with you on this. I'll try to play around with that as soon as I've got time (and that may be a while). I'm not sure what to do here though. This bug has blocking1.6b+ and r= pending on the patch. A patch reverting everything to 'normal' files but using the XUL preprocessor might be too big to get in at this stage. Should we get this patch in (I'd like better if the version numbers weren't tied into though), or should we leave both versions tied to MOZILLA_VERSION for 1.6 and resolve it the correct way (XUL preprocessor) on 1.7a?
Comment on attachment 136386 [details] [diff] [review] patch Robert and David: I'm fine with a configure-based hack for the purposes of 1.6b/final, but Robert is right; the actual version string must be someplace other than Robert, you or I can get a preprocessor-based version system working after 1.7a opens.
Attachment #136386 - Flags: review?(kairo) → review-
Attached patch patchSplinter Review
This uses an external file to store the versions.
Attachment #136386 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 136616 [details] [diff] [review] patch r=bsmedberg on the build-config stuff; I didn't see problems with the contents.rdf but I didn't look really hard at them.
Comment on attachment 136616 [details] [diff] [review] patch This patch looks good to me... I'd be happy if we could get rid of the distiction of "locale" and "region" in Mozilla completely, but it looks you caught them the right way. Thanks. bsmedberg: BTW, can we use those variables in for the XUL preprocessor approach as well?
Attachment #136616 - Flags: review?(kairo) → review+
Comment on attachment 136616 [details] [diff] [review] patch a=asa (on behalf of drivers) for checkin to 1.6beta
Attachment #136616 - Flags: approval1.6b? → approval1.6b+
Fix checked in to trunk, 2003-12-02 15:18/22 -0800.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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