Closed Bug 226604 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

crash closing message compose window (with UI button)/message filter dialog


(Core :: XUL, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: kiesdan, Assigned: timeless)



(Keywords: crash)


(3 files, 1 obsolete file)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.6b) Gecko/20031123 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.6b) Gecko/20031123 Running the 2003112308 win32 build on win98se, Mozilla mail/news will crash consistently if I close the a new message composition window by clicking on the standard 'X' (Close) button (in the upper right corner of the window) of the Windows user interface. It does not crash (and closes normally) if I use the Crtl+W shortcut or the File > Close methods. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Open a new message composition window in 20031123 2. Close the window by click the Windows UI Close button 3. Crash Actual Results: Crashes with this stack dump (sorry, no talkback info): MOZILLA caused an invalid page fault in module KERNEL32.DLL at 0167:bff7b992. Registers: EAX=0000001c CS=0167 EIP=bff7b992 EFLGS=00010202 EBX=00000000 SS=016f ESP=0066f21c EBP=0066f258 ECX=0000000c DS=016f ESI=0000001c FS=3c47 EDX=81757b4c ES=016f EDI=00000000 GS=0000 Bytes at CS:EIP: 80 3e 04 74 0f 33 c0 50 50 50 68 05 00 00 c0 e8 Stack dump: 00791e20 30014557 0000001c 100411e2 007a85d0 0172b8bd 00000000 007a8630 007a85d0 00000000 10044b30 00000000 0066f250 80004003 007a8630 0066f2d0 Expected Results: Close the window
Keywords: crash
WFM Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.6b) Gecko/20031123
Attached file stacktrace (obsolete) —
I'm getting this on my Linux build. Backing out 1.401 nsWebShellWindow.cpp fixed it.
OS: Windows 98 → All
Attached file stacktrace
um... this is the one
Attachment #136214 - Attachment is obsolete: true
this patch is needed for an edge case (|PR_NewLock()| fails) so it is a correct change. But the fact that we crash would seem to imply that nsWebShellWindow::Destroy is being called twice on linux in this instance, which would be a bug which should be fixed.
Attachment #136216 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron)
Was so focused on troubleshooting/debugging that I paid little attention to the bug details. Confirming Moving to XP Toolkit/Widgets Tweaking summary The file in question was revised for bug 223736
Assignee: sspitzer → jag
Component: Composition → XP Toolkit/Widgets
Ever confirmed: true
Product: MailNews → Browser
QA Contact: esther → jrgmorrison
Summary: crash closing message compose window with Windows UI button → crash closing message compose window with UI button
Reassining to timeless, although with him traveling, someone may need to pick this up for him.
Assignee: jag → timeless
*** Bug 226645 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Summary: crash closing message compose window with UI button → crash closing message compose window (with UI button)/message filter dialog
this should block 1.6b
Flags: blocking1.6b?
I see the following: On Windows XP SP1, 2000 SP4 and Linux Mozilla crashes always when the "Message Filters" dialog is closed. On Linux I also see the crash when the Compose window is closed. This doesn't happen on Windows XP SP1 for me (I can't test the crash when closing the Compose window on Windows 2000SP4 until tomorrow). timeless' patch fixes the bug for me (tested on Linux).
Comment on attachment 136218 [details] [diff] [review] supplemental patch -uw30 sr=mscott
Attachment #136218 - Flags: superreview+
*** Bug 226655 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment on attachment 136218 [details] [diff] [review] supplemental patch -uw30 a=asa (on behalf of drivers) for checkin to 1.6beta
Attachment #136218 - Flags: approval1.6b+
I just checked this in.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Attachment #136216 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron)
nsWebShellWindow::Destroy is indeed called twice. Here's the stack of the first caller: #0 nsWebShellWindow::Destroy() (this=0x876e3b0) at /home/chb/mozilla/xpfe/ appshell/src/nsWebShellWindow.cpp:1641 #1 0x41b00d84 in nsChromeTreeOwner::Destroy() (this=0x876e3b0) at /home/chb/mozilla/xpfe/appshell/src/nsChromeTreeOwner.cpp:293 #2 0x435906af in nsMsgCompose::CloseWindow(int) (this=0x8b81da8, recycleIt=1) at /home/chb/mozilla/mailnews/compose/src/nsMsgCompose.cpp:1289 #3 0x40b723e5 in XPTC_InvokeByIndex () at nsAString.h:125 #4 0x4122c84f in XPCWrappedNative::CallMethod(XPCCallContext&, XPCWrappedNative::CallMode) (ccx=@0xbfffdf90, mode=CALL_METHOD) at /home/chb/mozilla/js/src/xpconnect/src/ xpcwrappednative.cpp:2021 #5 0x41233855 in XPC_WN_CallMethod(JSContext*, JSObject*, unsigned, long*, long*) (cx=0x876f230, obj=0x876e3b0, argc=142009264, argv=0x41b1daa8, vp=0x876e3b0) at /home/chb/mozilla/js/src/ xpconnect/src/xpcwrappednativejsops.cpp:1272 #6 0x40051936 in js_Invoke (cx=0x876f230, argc=1, flags=0) at /home/chb/ mozilla/js/src/jsinterp.c:932 #7 0x4005b7a5 in js_Interpret (cx=0x876f230, result=0xbfffe44c) at /home/chb/ mozilla/js/src/jsinterp.c:2953 #8 0x40051a07 in js_Invoke (cx=0x876f230, argc=1, flags=2) at /home/chb/ mozilla/js/src/jsinterp.c:949 #9 0x40051ce3 in js_InternalInvoke (cx=0x876f230, obj=0x876e3b0, fval=142009264, flags=2, argc=1, argv=0xbfffe6ec, rval=0x876e3b0) at /home/chb/mozilla/js/src/jsinterp.c:1026 #10 0x4002d95b in JS_CallFunctionValue (cx=0x876f230, obj=0x876e3b0, fval=142009264, argc=142009264, argv=0x876e3b0, rval=0x876e3b0) at /home/chb/mozilla/js/src/jsapi.c:3572 [...] I'll try to get the JS Stack next.
js stack: 0 [native frame] 1 MsgComposeCloseWindow(recycleIt = true) ["chrome://messenger/content/ messengercompose/MsgComposeCommands.js":2080] this = [object ChromeWindow] 2 DoCommandClose() ["chrome://messenger/content/messengercompose/ MsgComposeCommands.js":999] retVal = true externalListener = null this = [object ChromeWindow] 3 onclose(event = [object Event]) ["<unknown>":0] this = [object ChromeWindow] 4 [native frame]
turns out the js stack wasn't relevant... so nsMsgCompose.cpp has this line: 1289 rv = aWindow->Destroy(); it is the first caller of nsWebShellWindow::Destroy. the second caller is: #1 0x41b14cc1 in nsWebShellWindow::Close() (this=0x1) at /home/chb/mozilla/ xpfe/appshell/src/nsWebShellWindow.cpp:373 #2 0x41b14dcd in nsWebShellWindow::HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*) (aEvent=0xbfffee00) at /home/chb/mozilla/xpfe/appshell/src/nsWebShellWindow.cpp:486
Flags: blocking1.6b?
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