Closed Bug 22871 Opened 25 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Use an em-dash rather than a hyphen as the Navigator window title seperator character


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: karl, Assigned: bugmail)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: Works on Mac and Windows; awaiting Unix)


(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

Sorry if this is the wrong component.

The title seperator ' - ' (which are used to seperate a page or e-mail title
and "Mozilla" in the titlebar) should be ' – '. Currently it's set to 'space
hyphen-minus space', but it should be 'space en-dash space'. The en-dash is
U+2013. A en dash is typographically correct, wheras a hypen is not!

This could be fixed by changing all 'titleSeperator.label' (and similar)
entities to ' – '.
Assignee: trudelle → don
Hey Don, doesn't Ben Goodger own this?
BULK MOVE: Changing component from XUL to XP Toolkit/Widgets: XUL.  XUL 
component will be deleted.
Component: XUL → XP Toolkit/Widgets: XUL

Target Milestone: M20
*IGNORE* - more massive spam, changing open XPToolkit bug's QA contact to

QA Contact: paulmac → jrgm
Move to M21 target milestone.
Target Milestone: M20 → M21
[--> XP Apps: GUI]
Severity: normal → trivial
Component: XP Toolkit/Widgets: XUL → XP Apps: GUI Features
Since Don has left, Vishy is taking his bugs in bulk, pending reassignment.
Assignee: don → vishy
Summary: Title seperator should be en dash → Title separator should be en dash
There are three of these, in Editor, Navigator and Messenger.

/editor/ui/composer/locale/en-US/editor.dtd, line 26
/xpfe/browser/resources/locale/en-US/navigator.dtd, line 11
/mailnews/base/resources/locale/en-US/messenger.dtd, line 23 

Can anyone tell me how to represent this character in a DTD? Are they UTF-8?

> Can anyone tell me how to represent this character
> in a DTD? Are they UTF-8?

Yes, but you can use numerical character references. – or –
It doesn't like:
<!ENTITY titleSeperator.label " &#8211 ">
<!ENTITY titleSeperator.label " &#x2013 ">
at all :-(

"XML Parsing error: error in processing external entity reference"


> It doesn't like:
> <!ENTITY titleSeperator.label " &#8211 ">

You forgot the ;. It should be &#8211;
Ah. Doh!

That works, but on Windows at least, it looks exactly the same. Is that to be 

<!ENTITY ndash   CDATA "&#8211;" -- en dash, U+2013 ISOpub -->
why aren't we using &ndash; ?
> <!ENTITY ndash   CDATA "&#8211;" -- en dash, U+2013 ISOpub -->
> why aren't we using &ndash; ?

Because &ndash; is only an *HTML* (and DocBook) named entity. XML has only 
*four* named entities. We have to create others ourselves, and that's exactly 
what we're doing with:

<!ENTITY titleSeperator.label " &#8211; ">

Regarding it being displayed as an ordinary dash, I think this may have 
something to do with glyph substitution. If the font doesn't contain an en-dash 
glyph, a dash is used instead.
Does that mean we shouldn't bother? Or will there be cases in the future where 
the titlebar font does have the right glyph?

> Or will there be cases in the future where 
> the titlebar font does have the right glyph?

Probably yes. Doesn't Windows 2000 use the Tahoma font? (Which *does* include 
an en-dash.)
i'd prefer for us to define ndash and use it.
<!ENTITY ndash   CDATA "&#8211;" -- en dash, U+2013 ISOpub -->
<!ENTITY titleSeperator.label " &ndash; ">

does anyone have an objection to this?
Is there some global file we can declare it in, or do we have to declare it
three times? It just seems like a bit of a waste of effort; we could just add a
comment saying which entity it was.

> i'd prefer for us to define ndash and use it.
> <!ENTITY ndash   CDATA "&#8211;" -- en dash, U+2013 ISOpub -->
> <!ENTITY titleSeperator.label " &ndash; ">

Excuse me for asking, but *why*?

(I have no objection, but I'm wondering why you want to define it this way.)
clarity and future use. wrt better candidates for placing that entity: i dunno.
OK, so it's not a major issue - so we should be able to check it in and get on 
with life. r=? sr=?

The current patches use lines of the form:
<!ENTITY editorWindow.titlemodifiermenuseparator " &#8211; "> <!-- en-dash -->
which seems like a reasonable compromise. If ever we find there's a central 
place for defining entities, we'll shift it out there.


Depends on: 74172
Depends on: 74753
Assignee: vishy → dr
Severity: trivial → normal
Component: XP Apps: GUI Features → XP Miscellany
OS: other → All
Priority: P3 → P2
Hardware: Other → All
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Gerv: I'm taking this. Your patch is more or less fine, but it won't work at all
on linux due to bug 74753. And I don't want to fix 74172 either until 74753 is
fixed, for obvious reasons :(
Summary: Title separator should be en dash → window title separator should be en-dash (&ndash;)
Actually, this bug is not quite right. The three dashes have well-defined and
standard usages in text.

The shortest, the hyphen, is used to signal adjectives or substantives composed
of several words or to separate a word across two successive lines of text.

The n-dash is used to indicate a duration or an extend between two limits. A
small space should be present before and after the n-dash.

The m-dash, largest of the dashes, is reserved for the isolation of portion of
clauses: it is pratically equivalent to parenthesis. There are no spaces before
or after the m-dash in English texts.

Thus it should be plain that the separator character between the document TITLE
and the Mozilla/Build ID blurb must be the m-dash.
Actually, this bug is not quite right. The three dashes have well-defined and
standard usages in text.

The shortest, the hyphen, is used to signal adjectives or substantives composed
of several words or to separate a word across two successive lines of text.

The n-dash is used to indicate a duration or an extend between two limits. A
small space should be present before and after the n-dash.

The m-dash, largest of the dashes, is reserved for the isolation of portion of
clauses: it is pratically equivalent to parenthesis. There are no spaces before
or after the m-dash in English texts.

Thus it should be plain that the separator character between the document TITLE
and the Mozilla/Build ID blurb must be the m-dash.
Assignee: dr → greg
I see this bug is now assigned to me. I'm not sure how this's
possible I accepted it by mistake, but who konws.

Should I edit the attached patch and replace the n-dash entities with m-dashes?
Changed patch to use em-dashes rather than en-dashes. Although not technically
correct, I left the padding whitespace on either side in case some platform
resolves it to a hyphen.
Depends on: 92503
Dan Rosen ( reassigned it to you for whatever reason. :)
Blocks: 104166
Attachment #29037 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Summary: window title separator should be en-dash (&ndash;) → Use an em-dash rather than a hyphen as the Navigator window title seperator character
Whiteboard: Works on Mac and Windows; awaiting Unix
Invalid. All other Windows apps use a hyphen, including 4.x, and being 
inconsistent with them wouldn't improve usability at all (in fact it would 
decrease usability by a couple of pixels:-).
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Although the idea of closing XP bugs because of Windows standards is itself
invalid, in fact it's entirely inappropriate to have the application name in
text in Mac OS title bar text, anyway. Thus, bug 107695.
Component: XP Miscellany → XP Apps: GUI Features
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
Target Milestone: Future → ---
I think this bug should be reopen. Now Linux vs. titlebar bug is fixed, and it '-' should be replaced with en-dash or em-dash. Yes, Windows is using '-' everywhere, but i want to have my Firefox in Linux typographical right and nevermind that Microsoft id*ots.
Component: XP Apps: GUI Features → UI Design
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