Closed Bug 229285 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

separate nsIXULOverlayProvider from nsIXULChromeRegistry


(Core :: XUL, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: benjamin, Assigned: benjamin)



(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

per my plan at I'm separating the chrome registry into a set of smaller interfaces. This bug is for nsIXULOverlayProvider (because that's the easiest one). First-draft patch forthcoming.
This is a working patch for seamonkey. I want to get review comments on this (not necessarily detailed nitpicks, but at least that the interfaces are correct). Before checking in, of course, I'm gonna need to patch the toolkit, as well as chromelite and perhaps the embed chrome service.
Attachment #137888 - Flags: superreview?(hyatt)
Attachment #137888 - Flags: review?(bryner)
oops, bryner is module owner
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.7alpha
I'd prefer if you could avoid the goto usage in nsXULDocument.cpp.
darin has been pushing the goto-preventing-early-returns style as a way to cut codesize by significant amounts. Is there an alternate coding style that prevents the goto but doesn't have early returns? (multiple comptr and string destructor code is the culprit).
I'm worried that this is making things more complicated than they need be. What sort of code other than the chrome registry would ever implement nsIXULOverlayProvider? If we don't know of any, then I would say the category thing is overkill.
Comment on attachment 137888 [details] [diff] [review] nsIXULOverlayProvder (seamonkey-only) More work needed on this: I wasn't separating out non-chrome XUL correctly. As for the category, I can't think of a use-case, so we can probably just use a contractid. However, I do want to keep the category for the styleprovider (in my proposal), because I definitely see an extension use-case for that, plus separating the userContent/userChrome provider from the chrome provider and perhaps the scrollbar provider.
Attachment #137888 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #137888 - Flags: superreview?(hyatt)
Attachment #137888 - Flags: review?(bryner)
This appears to work nicely on seamonkey. I'm having a problem with my new firebird build; it has an undefined entity in the help overlay. I don't know whether this is because of this patch or is a fluke or something else.
Attachment #138434 - Flags: review?(bryner)
Comment on attachment 138434 [details] [diff] [review] nsIXULOverlayProvider My firebird bug was a fluke, I think. This should be ready for review. Hyatt, do you want to review this, or should I ask jst?
Attachment #138434 - Flags: superreview?(hyatt)
Attachment #138434 - Flags: superreview?(hyatt) → superreview+
Comment on attachment 138434 [details] [diff] [review] nsIXULOverlayProvider r=bryner
Attachment #138434 - Flags: review?(bryner) → review+
I tried to check this in, but it caused orange on the tboxen that were running the Txul test. Mozilla runs fine, it's just the -chrome flag with a file: URI causes assertions like "no xul:window". I have backed it out... would love suggestions on what might have caused this.
FIXED on trunk. I had misplaced the close-brace in nsXULDocument::EndLoad such that non-chrome XUL docs never called ResumeWalk...
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Please don't add trailing whitespace. Nagging cuz the misplaced brace (really, misplaced PrepareToWalk/ResumeWalk code -- indentation was off) caught my eye. Reviewers must have blinked. I'm happy to review XUL document/prototype code, obviously.... /be
This broke the minimo build (I'm not sure which option specifically). See the egg build on
Minimo's not tier 1, but it is heading that way. Benjamin, can you look into this? I'll leave it to you to reopen, or not -- main thing is to fix the bustage. /be
I'm on it... this is due to --disable-xul. dougt, do we need to build rdf/chrome at all for minimo? Don't we use the minimo chrome registry?
Attachment #139134 - Flags: superreview?(bryner)
Attachment #139134 - Flags: review?(dougt)
Comment on attachment 139134 [details] [diff] [review] Don't build chrome registry if --disable-xul is specified If you're going to take this approach, it seems like embedding/minimo/chromelite should be built ifndef MOZ_XUL instead of ifdef MINIMO.
Comment on attachment 139134 [details] [diff] [review] Don't build chrome registry if --disable-xul is specified i have something similar in my tree. however, i just changed ifndef MOZ_XUL_APP to ifdef MOZ_XUL_APP.
Comment on attachment 139134 [details] [diff] [review] Don't build chrome registry if --disable-xul is specified what dbaron said.
OK, I've checked in a patch that builds embedding/minimo/chromelite when XUL_APP is not defined, and rdf/chrome otherwise.
Attachment #139134 - Flags: superreview?(bryner)
> darin has been pushing the goto-preventing-early-returns style as a way to cut > codesize by significant amounts. Is there an alternate coding style that > prevents the goto but doesn't have early returns? (multiple comptr and string > destructor code is the culprit). Why isn't such code fused by the compiler? If you have to write nsCOMPtr<nsIWhatever> whatever = ...; nsCAutoString s; rv = whatever->GetSomeString(&s); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; do more stuff; if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; do yet more stuff; return rv; like so: nsCOMPtr<nsIWhatever> whatever = ...; nsCAutoString s; rv = whatever->GetSomeString(&s); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { do more stuff; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { do yet more stuff; } } return rv; then (a) the success case takes the branch-predicted-not-taken path, which hurts on modern (super-scalar) CPUs; (b) we might as well manually refcount, since there is a single return and a single place to put the NS_IF_RELEASE or the NS_RELEASE or whatever; my original point (c), we need a better compiler, because any decent basic block analyzing optimizer should be able to fuse the common destructor calls that pile up before early returns, along with fusing the returns. I don't like bending our code around weak compilers (gcc pre 3.5? ;-) -- when the compilers get fixed, the code is still bent. And I don't like the very real costs in (a), either -- they show the penalty for overindenting normal-case code is not just aesthetic. About (b), the only thing to say is that code with manual refcounting ages badly, assuming it was written by Top Men -- and if it wasn't, then it's leaky from the get-go. In past kernel hacking lives, I and a few comrades could keep things balanced in C (no autostrings/smartptrs), but even then, the kernel hacker gene pool eventually regressed to the mean. We have smart pointers and auto-strings -- let's use them as if we had them, not as if we were stuck with manual ref-counting, which does not scale across a large project. Sorry to spam a closed bug, but I wanted to record these thoughts and get some reactions. /be
Attachment #139134 - Flags: review?(dougt)
Component: XP Toolkit/Widgets: XUL → XUL
QA Contact: shrir → xptoolkit.widgets
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