Bug 229636
Opened 21 years ago
Closed 21 years ago
search for helper apps in mozilla directory before $PATH
(Core Graveyard :: File Handling, defect)
Core Graveyard
File Handling
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: Biesinger, Assigned: Biesinger)
(Blocks 1 open bug)
(1 file, 2 obsolete files)
14.31 KB,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review |
mozilla should search for helper apps in the program directory, if the path is
not absolute.
reason: people who ship a mozilla(-based) browser on cd (as viewer for some html
on that cd) sometimes want to specify a specific helper app (also on the cd) for
some file types. currently, they can't really, because helper apps are searched
for only in $PATH.
On unix it's generally considered a security risk to alter the user's PATH
withouth her consent. It's most definitely a security risk to alter a
privileged account's PATH or even have the current directory in the PATH.
Please don't even think of doing this on unix.
Even my Windows XP home edition can have admisistrative and normal accounts so
I tend to think the unix issues would also apply. This seems like an idea that
will cause more trouble than it's worth.
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Comment 2•21 years ago
If someone can write to the mozilla execution path, you're already in trouble,
since you're running a binary they could write to.
Please explain to me exactly how doing this will lead to any trouble that's not
already present?
Alternately, please explain how else the goal (launching an app that comes with
Mozilla when you don't know where Mozilla was installed) can be accomplished, if
not by using a relative path and trying it relative to the install dir.
> If someone can write to the mozilla execution path, you're already in
> trouble, since you're running a binary they could write to.
It's not about writing to a specific object, it's about finding objects
using specific search rules.
> Please explain to me exactly how doing this will lead to any trouble
> that's not already present?
Are you saying that knowing an insecurity exists allows you to exploit it
in new code? I hope not.
Now consider this: application Z is found to contain a security hole. An
update is issues and the user dutifully installs it. Unfortunately, the
mozilla cd contains an older version. Under the proposal here mozilla would
use the insecure version. A very bad idea.
> Alternately, please explain how else the goal ...
I see a distinction between mozilla components (using a broad definition)
and bundled third-party apps. I would treat bundled apps as toxic waste and
not run them without explicit user permission. I can see mozilla trying the
system search rules and, if and only if they fail, asking the user if it
may use its own version. Something like: "I've found a helper app
squirreled away in my attic. May I use it.? You just can't presume an app
can be used just because you happen to have a copy. There can be very good
reasons why a particular app does not exist.
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Comment 4•21 years ago
> Are you saying that knowing an insecurity exists allows you to exploit it
> in new code? I hope not.
No, I am saying that I don't see the insecurity in the new code.
You're drawing a line between trusting bundled third party apps and trusting the
third-party Mozilla itself (since this is clearly not a build or a
build installed with the OS by the OS distributor). There is no such line. If
you're trusting the crap on that CD you put into the machine, you are trusting
it. The version of Mozilla on the CD can be old and have security holes just
like apps on the CD could be. There is no difference. There are probably good
reasons Mozilla is not on the machine either, forcing you to run it off the CD.
Sorry, but your arguments so far are specious. If you can explain how running
apps from the mozilla dir is different from running XPCOM components from there
or Mozilla itself, I'll listen. So far you haven't deigned to do so, and I see
no difference.
Assignee | ||
Comment 5•21 years ago
> Now consider this: application Z is found to contain a security hole.
err, how many applications (executables) do you expect exist in a mozilla
program directory? I have exactly 4 here:
that makes 3 on linux (which you are mostly worried about), one of them being
mozilla itself.
Are you aware that the only way to make use of this feature is to edit
mimeTypes.rdf and make it readonly (because otherwise mozilla makes the path
> err, how many applications (executables) do you expect exist in a mozilla
> program directory?
There's nothing preventing the author of the supposed cdrom from putting
anything he want in that directory. It's actually a logical place given the
cdrom. My point is that, if mozilla is going to look in its own bin
directory, it should have knowledge of what its own components are and just
load them.
> Are you aware that the only way to make use of this feature is to edit
> mimeTypes.rdf and make it readonly
So what. This is something that users can do, either intentionally or not.
It's also something that other programs can do. You are proposing changing
a search rule based on what many would consider a normal operation. That is
just risky as far as I'm concerned.
bz: of course running a cdrom is risky but so is running anything. It about
minimizing risk not eliminating it. I see no reason to make it easy to
bypass the normal system search rules, particularly just to fix mozilla's
problems with read-only files.
Let me try this again. There are XPCOM components, there are GRE
components, there are executables, there are plugins, there are any number
of other things. They can be scattered across cdroms, disks, whatever.
There is probably no way to plan for all possible combinations but it is
possible to plan for the common, and some of the uncommon, cases. I am
arguing that items on cdroms, or any removable media, are less trustworthy
than those on the local system just because they're removable. This is
particularly true for a non-essential package like mozilla. Sure, removable
media are very useful for restoring systems but that's not the issue here.
Oh yes, the bug summary specifically mentions helper apps not mozilla
components. I think they are even less trustworthy than mozilla components.
I am arguing that it's far better to trust the system than a cdrom.
BTW, wouldn't it be better in the long run to fix mozilla's problem with
read-only files? I really don't see why runtime-behavior depends on the
ability to write to a file.
Comment 7•21 years ago
People creating CD ROMs using Mozilla who need a proprietary plug-in for
some of the content currently can't do it without writing to the disk,
because there is no way to tell Mozilla to look on the CD for plugins.
Proposed solution:
Let Mozilla check it's own directory for plugins.
In response to this, tenthumbs wrote:
> There's nothing preventing the author of the supposed cdrom from putting
> anything he want in that directory. It's actually a logical place given the
> cdrom. My point is that, if mozilla is going to look in its own bin
> directory, it should have knowledge of what its own components are and just
> load them.
We're not talking about components, we're talking about plugins.
>> the only way to make use of this feature is to edit mimeTypes.rdf and
>> make it readonly
> This is something that users can do, either intentionally or not.
Not if the file is on the CD-ROM.
> It's also something that other programs can do.
Again, not if the file is on the CD-ROM.
> of course running a cdrom is risky but so is running anything. It about
> minimizing risk not eliminating it.
If you trust the CD, why would trust one of the executables on there any more or
less than any other? There is no reduction in risk here. Once you are running
programs from the CD, you are at the mercy of the CD.
> I see no reason to make it easy to bypass the normal system search rules
People creating CD ROMs using Mozilla who need a proprietary plug-in for
some of the content currently can't do it without writing to the disk,
because there is no way to tell Mozilla to look on the CD for plugins.
> particularly just to fix mozilla's problems with read-only files.
I'm not sure what you are referring to here.
> I am arguing that items on cdroms, or any removable media, are less
> trustworthy than those on the local system just because they're removable.
We're not arguing that point. We're arguing that once you've agreed to run
this code, running more code from the same source makes no difference to the
trust level.
> I am arguing that it's far better to trust the system than a cdrom.
The system may not have the plug-in at _all_. That's the problem.
> BTW, wouldn't it be better in the long run to fix mozilla's problem with
> read-only files? I really don't see why runtime-behavior depends on the
> ability to write to a file.
Again, I'm not sure how this is relevant here. Maybe I am missing something.
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Comment 8•21 years ago
OK, let's assume a developer need to find a helper app from his plugin. He
can 1) search for it himself without mozilla's help, 2) search for it using
the system's search rules, or 3) expect mozilla to help him. Case 1 isn't
important here. In case 2 having mozilla alter the system's search rules is
unexpected and possible a big problem. This is one of the places I consider
the proposal here a security issue.
So let's now assume that mozilla is helping case 3. Is it possible that
this mozilla-on-a-disk might find a pre-existing user profile with possibly
plugins of its own and will this mozilla handle this profile the same way
as a normal mozilla will. If so then there is the possibility that the
profile plugins will load. If they are _not_ expecting to operate in the
case 3 environment then I claim this is another security issue.
I have a lot of trouble with the idea that mozilla should trust itself just
because it's mozilla. Obviously anyone can hack mozilla if they want to,
given the source code. I see no reason why mozilla should allow even the
most remote security hole. Make these people do it themselves. At the very
least you could probably force these people to not use the mozilla name.
Now, adding code will make mozilla larger and this proposal is about a very
limited issue so I think any code should be wrapped in a configure option.
If you're compiling a plugin you can build your own mozilla too.
On a unix-like system you don't need to change any code at all. You just
need to change the startup scripts. If you start with an executable then
you should do it there not in a shared library. After all a shared library
is expected to be used by more than one application. I think you're doing
this in the wrong component. Personally, I think all this sort of stuff
should be done before mozilla itself starts.
As for read-only files, I just think that any instance of an application
should be able to run if it can read its config files and any state files
from a previous instance. Whether an instance can write should only affect
subsequent instances not the current one.
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Comment 10•21 years ago
When did plugins enter the picture? THIS BUG IS NOT ABOUT PLUGINS. Further,
the read-only issue is completely unrelated to this bug.
Note that this is filed as a Windows bug, not a Unix one; I agree that on Unix
adjusting the startup scripts to set $PATH would be a completely equivalent
solution; in that case, how is it preferable to a solution that works XP?
Comment 11•21 years ago
One common way to start a helper app is with a plugin so I say plugins are
very relevant to this bug. I claim it's important that _all_ methods that can
execute helper apps behave as expected.
To be honest I couldn't care less what mozilla does on Windows but any xp
method affects Linux/unix. Unix history has many stories about unexpected
behavior if a search path is changed. There's no need for mozilla to repeat
past mistakes by inserting code into mozilla. The very small percentage of
mozilla users who think they need this can hack the code or scripts or
whatever. Even on Windows I see no reason why these poeple couldn't have a
mozilla.bat instead of mozilla.exe.
Assignee | ||
Comment 12•21 years ago
on windows mozilla does not search $PATH for helper apps. does that answer your
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Comment 13•21 years ago
You didn't answer the salient question from comment 10, tenthumbs.
Comment 14•21 years ago
> on windows mozilla does not search $PATH for helper apps. does that answer
> your question?
It raises more. This bug is supposedly about Windows so why is $PATH mentioned
in the summary? If this bug is cross-platform then why have people claimed
it's only about Windows?
bz: I think I've addressed all the issues. You'll have to give me some idea as
to what I was unclear on.
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Comment 15•21 years ago
What you were unclear on is why it's better from a security point of view if
someone shipping Mozilla has to put a binary in the program dir _and_ change the
startup script to add the program dir to $PATH (as opposed to the current
proposal, where the would just put a binary in the program dir). The end result
for the user is completely identical; all it is is a slight hassle for the
distributor; not enough hassle to not do it, but enough to be annoyed.
Also note that no one has claimed that this bug is "about Windows". Just that
it's not "only about Unix", and that "Windows needs a solution, and there is
absolutely no reason for Unix not to use that solution".
Biesi, I think you should just do this.
OS: Windows 2000 → All
Hardware: PC → All
Assignee | ||
Comment 16•21 years ago
I didn't change mac and beos... the "nice" solution doesn't seem to fit in
their structure, and I didn't feel it was worth the effort to implement this in
another way.
can do that though, if you want me to.
there was some reindenting in unix/nsOSHelperAppService.cpp, but it should be
readable in this patch. tell me if you want a -w version though.
Assignee | ||
Updated•21 years ago
Attachment #141429 -
Flags: review?(bzbarsky)
Assignee | ||
Updated•21 years ago
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.7beta
Comment 17•21 years ago
I think you both are presuming that distributors/embedders will always consider
mozilla's interests. My experience is that they don't really care so I wouldn't
let them do anything that could damage my product's reputation. If you want to
allow this I can't stop you but I think it's a terrible mistake.
Assignee | ||
Comment 18•21 years ago
why would embeddors damage mozilla's reputation? it's their own product, not
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Comment 19•21 years ago
And frankly, they can already do it in so many ways (disabling security
settings, adding spyware addons, etc, etc)...
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Comment 20•21 years ago
Is NS_OS_CURRENT_PROCESS_DIR really the right thing? That's the install dir,
not the dir we got started from?
I'm not sure when I'll be able to get to the rest of the review.
Assignee | ||
Comment 21•21 years ago
bz: huh?
from nsDirectoryServiceDefs.h:
61 /* Property returns the directory in which the procces was started from.
62 * On Unix this will be the path in the MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME env var and if
63 * unset will be the current working directory.
64 */
so this is indeed the dir in which the process was started.
it's also what
bah. that code should be removed, now that GetFileTokenForPath does this. I'll
make a new patch sometime in the next few days.
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Comment 22•21 years ago
Um.. we do NOT want to be getting helpers from the dir we started from, do we?
That has all the issues that tenthumbs brought up, indeed. We want to be using
the install dir.
Assignee | ||
Comment 23•21 years ago
oh, that's what you meant
yeah, correct. but I believe the documentation is wrong :) especially if you
consider that it uses MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME on linux. also, the implementation
always gets the path of the executable, i.e. the directory that we really want.
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Comment 24•21 years ago
I would rather not rely on the fact that no one will fix the code to follow the
Is there no way to get the actual program dir from the directory service?
Assignee | ||
Comment 25•21 years ago
bsmedberg: any idea on comment 24?
Comment 26•21 years ago
The value NS_OS_CURRENT_PROCESS_DIR is the OS "current directory".
The value NS_XPCOM_CURRENT_PROCESS_DIR is the directory of the mozilla
executable. This is almost always what people actually want.
Comment 27•21 years ago
random thought of the
Assignee | ||
Comment 28•21 years ago
filed Bug 234515 to improve the comment about NS_OS_CURRENT_PROCESS_DIR, and
will fix the patch.
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Comment 29•21 years ago
Comment on attachment 141429 [details] [diff] [review]
>Index: nsExternalHelperAppService.cpp
>+nsresult nsExternalHelperAppService::GetFileTokenForPath(const PRUnichar * platformAppPath,
>+ nsresult rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_OS_CURRENT_PROCESS_DIR, aFile);
>+ rv = localFile->InitWithPath(nsDependentString(platformAppPath));
You want to do these in the opposite order (in case the path is a full path).
>Index: unix/nsOSHelperAppService.cpp
>+ // XXX provided the string code has all it's bugs fixed, we should be able to
>+ // remove this PromiseFlatCString call.
>+ localFile->InitWithNativePath(PromiseFlatCString(Substring(start_iter, colon_iter)));
Since darin's landing, should be safe to remove the comment and the
PromiseFlatCString call.
With those and the directory id issue I pointed out earlier, r=bzbarsky.
Attachment #141429 -
Flags: review?(bzbarsky) → review+
Comment 30•21 years ago
> why would embeddors damage mozilla's reputation? it's their own product,
> not mozilla's.
Customers are fickle and have their own agendas. They may like you today but
may jettison you in a picosecond tomorrow if it suits their purposes,
particularly if they can blame you for their mistakes.
I hope you all know what you're doing.
The last patch is cross-platform at all even though there are arguments here
that this idea is. Why?
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Comment 31•21 years ago
> The last patch is cross-platform at all
You meant "isn't"?
That patch makes identical changes to OS/2, Windows, and Unix. I too would be
interested in an explanation of why MacOS and BeOS don't need this change, though.
Comment 32•21 years ago
Yes, "isn't." Brain cramp.
I still think this is a useless Windows-only hack that should be forgotten but
if you're going to do it at all you should do it everywhere.
Assignee | ||
Comment 33•21 years ago
bz: see comment 16
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Comment 34•21 years ago
Ah, right... platform-specific api crap.... Yeah, fixing those to do this would
be rather hard.
Assignee | ||
Comment 35•21 years ago
(In reply to comment #29)
> Since darin's landing, should be safe to remove the comment and the
> PromiseFlatCString call.
ok it took me some while until I realized that I had done this already as part
of bug 78919.
which now forced me to apply this patch manually in parts. oh well.
Assignee | ||
Comment 36•21 years ago
Attachment #141429 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Assignee | ||
Updated•21 years ago
Attachment #142381 -
Flags: review?(bzbarsky)
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Comment 37•21 years ago
Comment on attachment 142381 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v2
r=bzbarsky, but please file a followup bug for beos and mac.
Attachment #142381 -
Flags: review?(bzbarsky) → review+
Assignee | ||
Comment 38•21 years ago
Comment on attachment 142381 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v2
bz: ok, will do that once I check this in
Attachment #142381 -
Flags: superreview?(darin)
Comment 39•21 years ago
Comment on attachment 142381 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v2
>Index: nsExternalHelperAppService.cpp
>+nsresult nsExternalHelperAppService::GetFileTokenForPath(const PRUnichar * platformAppPath,
>+ nsIFile ** aFile)
this function looks like its trying hard to avoid nsCOMPtr. i understand why.
how about this instead:
nsDependentString platformAppPath(aPlatformAppPath);
// First, check if we have an absolute path
nsIFile* file;
nsresult rv = NS_NewLocalFile(platformAppPath, PR_TRUE, (nsILocalFile **)
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
PRBool exists;
if (NS_FAILED(file->Exists(&exists)) || !exists) {
*aFile = file;
return NS_OK;
// Second, check if file exists in mozilla program directory
rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_XPCOM_CURRENT_PROCESS_DIR, &file);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
rv = file->Append(platformAppPath);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
PRBool exists;
rv = file->Exists(&exists);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && exists) {
*aFile = file;
return NS_OK;
>Index: nsExternalHelperAppService.h
>+ * The base class implementation will first try to interpret platformAppPath
>+ * as an absolute path, and if that fails look for a file next to the mozilla
... and if that fails [it will] look for a file next to ...
>Index: os2/nsOSHelperAppService.cpp
hmm... #ifndef XP_OS2 code in OS/2 only code. that's odd. i assume that's why
you are okay removing it. want to make sure there isn't a reason for its
existance? or maybe you've already checked with one of the OS/2 guys?
>Index: unix/nsOSHelperAppService.cpp
> nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> localFile (do_CreateInstance(NS_LOCAL_FILE_CONTRACTID));
> if (!localFile) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED;
> PRBool exists = PR_FALSE;
>+ // ugly hack. Walk the PATH variable...
>+ char* unixpath = PR_GetEnv("PATH");
>+ nsCAutoString path(unixpath);
>+ nsACString::const_iterator start_iter, end_iter, colon_iter;
>+ path.BeginReading(start_iter);
>+ colon_iter = start_iter;
>+ path.EndReading(end_iter);
while you're at it, you might as well just use |const char *| for
the iterator instead of nsReadingIterator. like this:
nsCAutoString path(unixpath);
const char *start_iter, *end_iter, *colon_iter;
start_iter = path.BeginReading();
colon_iter = start_iter;
end_iter = path.EndReading();
that's slightly less code in the end.
sr=darin with these changes.
Attachment #142381 -
Flags: superreview?(darin) → superreview+
Assignee | ||
Comment 40•21 years ago
(In reply to comment #39)
> nsIFile* file;
> nsresult rv = NS_NewLocalFile(platformAppPath, PR_TRUE, (nsILocalFile **)
> &file);
I have to say that I dislike this cast. (well, casts in general, really ;) )
I much prefer the way I did this...
I did use your suggestion of moving the nsDependentString to the beginning of
the function to not create it twice.
> hmm... #ifndef XP_OS2 code in OS/2 only code. that's odd. i assume that's why
> you are okay removing it. want to make sure there isn't a reason for its
> existance? or maybe you've already checked with one of the OS/2 guys?
I suspect this is just left over from the unix nsOSHelperAppService from which
the os/2 file was forked... mkaply?
> start_iter = path.BeginReading();
oh cool, the BeginReading signature is finally sane?
Assignee | ||
Comment 41•21 years ago
(In reply to comment #40)
> oh cool, the BeginReading signature is finally sane?
Doesn't seem to be, looks like I still need:
const char* start_iter = path.BeginReading(start_iter);
Assignee | ||
Comment 42•21 years ago
Attachment #142381 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment 43•21 years ago
biesi is correct - it was part of my unix port - it can be removed.
Assignee | ||
Comment 44•21 years ago
thanks, "final patch" checked in.
filed bug 236844 and bug 236845 for beos and mac
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Updated•9 years ago
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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