Closed Bug 229639 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Various invalid XBL documents due to extraneous text


(Core :: XUL, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: bc, Assigned: bc)



(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

While attempting to validate XBL documents in the tree I ran across several which contain #text in inappropriate locations. Rather than attach a patch for each individual file, I am attaching a patch for all of them. The changes are trivial and involve either surrounding the text in comments or removing extraneous characters. I am not sure where is the appropriate place to file this so I am filing it under XP Miscellany. Please reassign as appropriate.
Attached patch patch v0 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Comment on attachment 138106 [details] [diff] [review] patch v0 sr=bzbarsky. Damn the preprocessor shit that causes people to write invalid XBL.
Attachment #138106 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #138106 - Flags: review?(
Don't damn the XUL preprocessor, save it -- or rather, someone who owns it (who?) ought to make it barf on perl/sh-style comments that aren't nested in XML or SGML (or whatever the right term is for <!-- ... -->) comments. /be
Remove the <!-- --> additions. These files are not XBL, they are source files that need to be preprocessed into XBL. If you want to check for validity of these files, you need to run them throught the preprocessor first. There's no reason for the preprocessor to barf on such cases. The whole point is that those comments get removed before being shipped. Regarding some of the other changes, maybe XBL should be changed to allow text nodes anywhere as comments? Maybe not. The stray quotemark should definitely be removed.
Assignee: nobody → bc
Component: XP Miscellany → XP Toolkit/Widgets
This comment is just my 2 cents worth. Ignore as you please. It just seems that since these are marked as XML they should be well formed. The text in the prolog causes them to not be well-formed xml. It would be nice if these files aren't intended to be well formed XML that they not be named as XML. Allowing text elsewhere isn't that big a deal. In an ideal world though, it would be nice if these were well formed XML and that the preprocessor syntax used XML instead of C style preprocessor stuff.
Hixie, I don't want to gild the lilly here, but if these files are not XBL, do we want their suffixes to be other than .xml? Formal purity of bodily fluids demands it, etc. /be
JS is presumably not "valid" JS when it has preprocessor directives in the middle either, should we rename all our preprocessed JS files to something else for the same reason? Seems like a lot of work for little gain to me. :-) Anyway, that's not my problem, speak to bryner/ben/blake et all, they're the main people who would be affected. r=hixie on the editor only patch.
Actually, good makefile practice would use distinct suffixes for distinct content types, so preprocessing could be done by common suffix-based inference rules. How do we run the preprocessor currently? I mean, how do we decide what files need it? /be
I guess with bz's sr on the v0 patch and hixie's r on the editor only v1 patch, the v1 version could be checked in. I don't have cvs permission for the Mozilla source tree, so someone else will have to do that. I am just a newbie on this so take this for what it is worth, but I would like to explain some of the potential benefits I see from using valid content where possible. This bug started because of a crash in some XBL someone else wrote to allow DocBook to be displayed using CSS/XBL. Looking through bugzilla I found Bug 223799 (the whack-a-mole XBL bug ;-). The big issues there were: a) invalid XBL caused crashes and b) no one knows what is valid XBL. Starting with Hixie's XBL spec, I tried to create a relaxNG grammar that I and others could use to author and test valid XBL. This bug (and some others) are a result of trying to apply that grammar to the existing content in the tree. Using well-formed and potentially valid XBL has the benefit of: making widely available tools developed for standard content available for us to use, allowing existing errors to be found easily, making sure new content is valid, educating XBL authors and potentially stopping the "whack-a-mole" strategy of dealing with invalid XBL. This is a win for everyone even if preprocessed XBL is left in it's current state. If preprocessed XBL had a different extension it would be easier to separate real validity errors from those caused by unpreprocessed "XBL raw source". It might be a bigger win if we could do this for all XBL. I intend to improve the grammar for XBL and to develop one for XUL that would hopefully provide some of the same benefits. It is something to consider even if it is not something that is practical at the moment.
It definitely would be cool if to-be-preprocessed XML files (XBL, XUL, XHTML) had their own extension (say, .pre-xml) and as part of the build process we ran them through the pre-processor *and checked them with a validator*. We should probably do the same with our JS and CSS files, in fact. That's probably another bug though.
Comment on attachment 138106 [details] [diff] [review] patch v0 I don't do fb reviews... r=me too on the editor.xml only changes though.
Attachment #138106 - Flags: review?(
Comment on attachment 138106 [details] [diff] [review] patch v0 I will file a different bug on changing pre-processed files to a different extension.
Attachment #138106 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 138122 [details] [diff] [review] patch v1 for xpfe/global/resources/content/bindings/editor.xml only setting the review and superreview requests. I can't set them to + though.
Attachment #138122 - Flags: superreview?(bz-vacation)
Attachment #138122 - Flags: review?(
Attachment #138122 - Flags: review?( → review+
Filed Bug 229683 on the pre-processed content file extensions.
For what it's worth, I think that not having validity checking of XBL/XUL/JS at compile time (or worst-case as a Tinderbox test) is the single biggest waste of my review time (in followup bugs, strict JS warning fixes), and up there for my debugging time until I started carefully ignoring UI bugs. So anything we can do to facilitate such validity checking I would welcome with open arms. We need this even more for preprocessed XBL/XUL/JS, since now it's possible to write XBL/XUL/JS that's valid on some platforms but not others. In fact, if it were up to me I would have made having such tinderbox tests an absolute requirement for using the preprocessor. I guess that's why it's not up to me. ;)
Comment on attachment 138122 [details] [diff] [review] patch v1 for xpfe/global/resources/content/bindings/editor.xml only sr=bzbarsky
Attachment #138122 - Flags: superreview?(bz-vacation) → superreview+
C:\moz_src\mozilla\xpfe\global\resources\content\bindings>cvs commit -m "Bug 229 639. Various invalid XBL documents due to extraneous text (editor.xml portion). Patch by Bob Clary <> r=neil, sr=bz" editor.xml Checking in editor.xml; /cvsroot/mozilla/xpfe/global/resources/content/bindings/editor.xml,v <-- edito r.xml new revision: 1.3; previous revision: 1.2 done I don't know if you need this bug open for other files, but I'm guessing so due to the subject, so leaving open for Bob to resolve how he sees fit.
Thanks everybody!
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified FIXED using LXR.
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