Closed Bug 229836 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Black being rendered as Green (poor smilies are ill)


(Core :: Graphics: ImageLib, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set





(Reporter: Bugzilla-alanjstrBugs, Assigned: tor)





(3 files)

Some of the smileys at are green edged instead of black. This happens on Windows and Linux. They appear correctly in Internet Explorer and Konquerer. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.6b) Gecko/20031226 Firebird/0.7+ And in Opera some are black, some green and some red...?
smiles are yellow with green black and blue borders in BeZilla 1.4
In Safari 1.0, they're a mixture of black, blue and green borders :-)
this smiley renders with green borders Linux 20031231: Opera 7.50P1 on Linux doesn't even render it (at all). Gimp 1.2.3 loads it with black borders and a grey background. Once I remove the background from this image and save it, Mozilla and Opera load it fine with black borders.
OS: Windows 2000 → All
I looked at 1 image in particular, <> (it's the left-most on the line with the 'moose-smiley', with 1 large eye). The border shows green in Mozilla 2003123105, even when showed on a single page (so no background is involved). But it shows black in Safari 1.0, in Preview and in GraphicConverter. GraphicConverter showed me that the green color (index 1) was used for transparency, and the border was really black (index 12, but somehow Mozilla decided to use green for the border too).
OS: All → Windows 2000 Mozilla/Win98 shows it green, Opera and Irfanview golden/brown as it should be. Image properties from IrfanView: 31x23x4 BPP Compression: GIF - 6 images Size: 31 x 23 pixel Color: 16 (4 BitsPerPixel) I downloaded with Opera, Mozilla shows it green.
ACD See shows the images also with a green border. Maybe an error in the images?
Regression Big regression from Mozilla 1.3 to Netscape 7.1, (assumed to be like Mozilla 1.4) small regression from Netscape 7.1 to Mozilla 1.4.1 I could attach 31 kb sized screenshots of each of them, but don´t think, it´s needed. So I guess this regressed sometime between Mozilla 1.3 and Mozilla 1.4, and then some more from Mozilla 1.4 to Mozilla 1.4.1. Can somebody test with 1.4a, 1.4b ?
Assignee: general → jdunn
Component: GFX → ImageLib
Summary: Black being rendered as Green → Black being rendered as Green (poor smilies are ill)
this smiley regressed from 1.3 to 1.4a: was brown in 1.3, now green in 1.4a installed 1.4a from zip, crashed in imglib2.dll when loading the smiley page, Talkback TB28317957E sent to
screenshot as seen with Mozilla BuildID 2003042604, made with Mozilla 1.4b Build ID 2003050714. This regressed between 1.4a BuildID 2003040105 and 2003042604.
The fix for bug 199701 is checked in in that period. It checks the colorindex for valid upper boundary and set it to 0 if it exceeds. I tried convert.exe from an older ImageMagick (Win version 5.4.7) on the some GIFs (blijeknipoog.gif, datwasikkeniet.gif, wink.gif) and got an error about an invalid colormap index.
I forgot to say that the patch for bug 208622 has moved this boundary check.
Why is it being set to zero instead of the max, if it exceeds the max? Or is that just because its invalid.
ok, that was tor's patch, assigning the bug to him.
Assignee: jdunn → tor
Attachment #138427 - Flags: review?(paper)
alanjstr: I manipulated the palette of an image ( by setting all colors to white. IE still shows the black text in black, so I assume that IE also set the colors of pixels with and invalid color index to zero (black).
Comment on attachment 138427 [details] [diff] [review] map illegal index values to black technically, the red green blue comments when setting rgbRowIndex to 0 might be incorrect, but I'll pretend I'm on unix and give it a r+. ;)
Attachment #138427 - Flags: review?(paper) → review+
Attachment #138427 - Flags: superreview?(blizzard)
Attachment #138427 - Flags: superreview?(blizzard) → superreview+
Checked in.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Seems fixed in build 20040121 on Mac OS X 10.2.8
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