Closed Bug 230204 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

IWB installer updates


(SeaMonkey :: Installer, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mkaply, Assigned: mkaply)


(Keywords: fixed1.4.2, fixed1.6)


(2 obsolete files)

We made some changes for the installer for IBM Web Browser that should be on the trunk. 1. Resized panels so they translate better. 2. Added the ability to find the previous install from an arbitrary INI file. 3. Fixed a bug where we had named a variable in CONFIG.INI incorrectly. 4. Added support for a new location for files - OS2SYSDIR (\\OS2\\SYSTEM) 5. Added support for objects on the desktop to be updated or to fail when trying to create if they exist already. 6. Fixed bug where on the final summary install page we left the (~X) in for DBCS languages. 7. Added some better comments in CONFIG.INI
Attachment #138485 - Flags: review?(pedemont)
Attachment #138485 - Flags: review?(pedemont) → review+
checked in everywhere
Closed: 21 years ago
Keywords: fixed1.4.2, fixed1.6
Resolution: --- → FIXED
When compiling Mozilla 1.6 yesterday I got the following error g++ -o setup.exe -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -Wall -Wconversion -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Woverloaded-virtual -Wsynth -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy -Wno-long-long -pedantic -Zomf -pipe -DNDEBUG -DTRIMMED -O2 setup.o extra.o ifuncns.o logging.o xpi.o dialogs.o nsEscape.o nsINIParser.o xpnetHook.o setup.res -Zlinker /EXEPACK:2 -Zlinker /PACKCODE -Zlinker /PACKDATA -Zlinker /PM:PM -L../../../../dist/bin -L../../../../dist/lib -lmozregsa_s -ljar50_s -lmozz_s -lxpnet_s -lsocket -ldl -lm -Zlinker /ST:0x100000 weakld: error: Unresolved symbol '_strcmpi'. Ignoring unresolved externals reported from weak prelinker. G:\MozCompile\obj\xpinstall\wizard\os2\setup\ifuncns.o(ifuncns.o) : error LNK2029: "_strcmpi" : unresolved external after some previous warnings about strcmpi. Is this a typo and you really wanted to use stricmp() instead? To fix this I simply replaced all instances of strcmpi() in mozilla\xpinstall\wizard\os2\setup\ifuncns.c with stricmp() and the compile worked.
Attachment #138485 - Attachment description: Installer changes for IWB → Installer changes for IWB [Checked in: Comment 2]
Attachment #138485 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 138485 [details] [diff] [review] Installer changes for IWB [Checked in: Comment 2] Not a "user" problem: this '01/09/2004 14:05' check-in made the 'OS2GCC Depend' tinderbox turn red too: { weakld: error: Unresolved symbol '_strcmpi'. Ignoring unresolved externals reported from weak prelinker. E:\OS2_2.45_Clobber\mozilla\obj\xpinstall\wizard\os2\setup\ifuncns.o(ifuncns.o) : error LNK2029: "_strcmpi" : unresolved external } :-(
"Surprisingly", the 'OS2VACPP Dep' (MOZILLA_1_4_BRANCH) tinderbox is unaffected... (There is no OS/2 tinderbox for MOZILLA_1_6_BRANCH.) For the record: (I did a quick search, if relevent) <> (If you believe cleanup on the other files is "needed", please file another bug.) <> { Comparing Two Strings While Ignoring Case Unfortunately, the ANSI C library doesn't include any functions for case-insensitive string comparison. Fortunately, most C compilers provide their own "in-house" functions for this task. Symantec uses the function strcmpl(). Microsoft uses a function called _stricmp(). Borland has two functions--strcmpi() and stricmp(). You need to check your library reference manual to determine which function is appropriate for your compiler. } <> { The _stricmp() function is identical to stricmp(). Use _stricmp() for ANSI naming conventions. }
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.7alpha
Attachment #138812 - Flags: review?(bsmedberg)
Comment on attachment 138812 [details] [diff] [review] Replace all instances of strcmpi() in mozilla\xpinstall\wizard\os2\setup\ifuncns.c with stricmp() [Checked in: Comment 8] this is mkaply's call, so MOA=bsmedberg as long as mkaply agrees.
Attachment #138812 - Flags: review?(bsmedberg) → review?(mkaply)
yeah my bad. We had removed all the strcmpi for GCC and then I put them back. I fixed this.
Closed: 21 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment on attachment 138812 [details] [diff] [review] Replace all instances of strcmpi() in mozilla\xpinstall\wizard\os2\setup\ifuncns.c with stricmp() [Checked in: Comment 8] Check in: { 01/11/2004 21:15 mozilla/ xpinstall/ wizard/ os2/ setup/ ifuncns.c 1.13 }
Attachment #138812 - Attachment description: Replace all instances of strcmpi() in mozilla\xpinstall\wizard\os2\setup\ifuncns.c with stricmp() → Replace all instances of strcmpi() in mozilla\xpinstall\wizard\os2\setup\ifuncns.c with stricmp() [Checked in: Comment 8]
Attachment #138812 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #138812 - Flags: review?(mkaply)
Green is back on 'OS2GCC Depend on 01/11 21:20' :-)
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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