Bug 230251
Opened 21 years ago
Closed 21 years ago
crash sorting large folder by subject
(MailNews Core :: Backend, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: Bienvenu, Assigned: Bienvenu)
(Keywords: crash)
(1 file)
1.04 KB,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review |
I suspect this was caused by the sort optimization Neil made (or exposed by it,
at least). Purify reports the following:
[E] ABW: Array bounds write in memcpy {1 occurrence}
Writing 203 bytes to 0x16b6b430 (43 bytes at 0x16b6b4d0 illegal)
Address 0x16b6b430 is 16 bytes into a 176 byte block at 0x16b6b420
Address 0x16b6b430 points to a malloc'd block in heap 0x02440000
Thread ID: 0x860
Error location
memcpy [memcpy.asm:109]
nsMsgDBView::Sort(int,int) [nsMsgDBView.cpp:3496]
info->folder = curFolder;
=> memcpy(info->key, keyValue, actualFieldLen);
//In order to align memory for systems that require it, such
as HP-UX
//calculate the correct value to pad the actualFieldLen value
const PRUint32 align = sizeof(IdKey) - sizeof(IdDWord) - 1;
nsMsgThreadedDBView::Sort(int,int) [nsMsgThreadedDBView.cpp:346]
[E] ABW: Array bounds write in memcpy {1 occurrence}
Writing 203 bytes to 0x16b6b430 (43 bytes at 0x16b6b4d0 illegal)
Address 0x16b6b430 is 16 bytes into a 176 byte block at
Address 0x16b6b430 points to a malloc'd block in heap 0x02440000
Thread ID: 0x860
Error location
memcpy [memcpy.asm:109]
nsMsgDBView::Sort(int,int) [nsMsgDBView.cpp:3496]
info->folder = curFolder;
=> memcpy(info->key, keyValue, actualFieldLen);
//In order to align memory for systems that require it,
such as HP-UX
//calculate the correct value to pad the actualFieldLen
const PRUint32 align = sizeof(IdKey) - sizeof(IdDWord) - 1;
nsMsgThreadedDBView::Sort(int,int) [nsMsgThreadedDBView.cpp:346]
Allocation location
malloc [dbgheap.c:129]
PR_Malloc [prmem.c:474]
nsMsgDBView::Sort(int,int) [nsMsgDBView.cpp:3470]
if ((PRUint32)(pTemp - pBase) + (keyOffset +
actualFieldLen) >= allocSize) {
maxSize = (keyOffset + maxLen) * (arraySize - numSoFar);
allocSize = PR_MIN(maxBlockSize, maxSize);
=> pTemp = (char *) PR_Malloc(allocSize);
NS_ASSERTION(pTemp, "out of memory, can't sort");
if (!pTemp)
Assignee | ||
Comment 1•21 years ago
note this happens on my bug notification folder, which has 2000 messages, most
with long subjects. Sorting this folder by sender, or other folders by subject,
doesn't cause a crash.
Severity: normal → critical
Keywords: crash
Comment 2•21 years ago
Could it be that this folder has one too many messages to sort in a single
block, so it allocates a new block for the last subject, but uses the default
allocation size, whereas the subject is actually longer than that? I think that
the old code could have suffered from the problem as well, you were just lucky
that the boundaries were different in your case, here's the old code:
maxSize = (PRUint32)(maxLen + sizeof(EntryInfo) + 1) *
(PRUint32)(arraySize - numSoFar);
maxBlockSize = (PRUint32) 0xf000L;
allocSize = PR_MIN(maxBlockSize, maxSize);
and for comparison the new code:
maxSize = (keyOffset + maxLen) * (arraySize - numSoFar);
allocSize = PR_MIN(maxBlockSize, maxSize);
keyOffset is my equivalent of sizeof(EntryInfo) - I could restore the + 1 if you
thought it would help, but I think the real fix is to calculate the max size
based on the maximum of the default size and the current item's size, i.e.
maxSize = (keyOffset + PR_MAX(actualFieldLen, maxLen)) * (arraySize -
This guarantees that you allocate enough memory when numSoFar == 1.
Assignee | ||
Comment 3•21 years ago
Neil, yes, that's what's going on, and the fix is to calculate the max size
correctly. I think the reason this isn't usually a problem is because collation
keys usually are shorter than our default max len for subject strings.
Assignee | ||
Comment 4•21 years ago
make sure alloc'd block is big enough for the current field. Subsequent fields
will be handled by the existing overflow check.
Comment 5•21 years ago
Comment on attachment 138518 [details] [diff] [review]
proposed fix
Yeah, that's a better idea.
Attachment #138518 -
Flags: review+
Updated•21 years ago
Attachment #138518 -
Flags: superreview+
Assignee | ||
Comment 6•21 years ago
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Updated•20 years ago
Product: MailNews → Core
Updated•17 years ago
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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