Closed Bug 230996 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Failure to detect two different certs with same issuer and SN


(NSS :: Libraries, defect, P1)

Windows 2000


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ken2006, Assigned: nelson)





(4 files)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7a) Gecko/20040113 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7a) Gecko/20040113 With a particular combo of 3rd-party-CA signed certs (containing x509v3 alt subject names), issued to different websites, Mozilla alerts a cert/site mismatch and then "<site> recieved a message with incorrect Message Authentication Code. If the error occurs frequently, contact the website administrator." Subsequent connections fail until restart. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Open - click on and install the 3rd-party root CA cert (it's the certificate image). 2. Open , signed by the 3rd-party CA. 3. Mozilla will (falsely) alert a site/cert mistmatch. 4. If you click the OK button to continue, Mozilla then alerts "<site> recieved a message with incorrect Message Authentication Code. If the error occurs frequently, contact the website administrator." Actual Results: Mozilla will alert a site-name-mistmatch; stating that the cert belongs to 'Interactive Engines', even though '*' is that site's cert's primary-subject CN (an indication that site-1's cert is falsely being claimed by Mozilla to have been served from site-2). Note that my CA signed that cert it and that * is in its alt-subject list. Subsequent connection attempts to site-2 ( fail until after restarting Mozilla. Also, note that connecting to the two sites in opposite order (, produces the opposite result; a warning for the second site that the first-site's cert has been presented. None of these issues occur in IE. I've tried creating different profiles, and Linux and Windows builds - all yield same result.
Oops. Steps to repro should be clarified: 1. Open - (redirects to https) 2. Accept the untrusted-cert for the session duration 3. Click on and install the 3rd-party root CA cert (it's the certificate image). 4. Restart Mozilla. 5. Open , signed by the 3rd-party CA. 6. Open , also signed by the 3rd-party CA. 7. Mozilla will (falsely) alert a site/cert mistmatch. 8. If you click the OK button to continue, Mozilla then alerts "<site> recieved.." Steps 5-8 are repeatable after completing steps 1-4.
Ken, In your original description, you cite but in your next comment, you cite Which is correct? Do you mind if I fetch and attach all the relevant certs to this bug? Otherwise, you'll have to keep the servers up until this bug is fixed.
Sorry, habit. I meant to say '' instead of You are certainly welcome to fetch the certs. The servers will stay up as well. Thanks!!
Assignee: wchang0222 → MisterSSL
Changing summary to succinctly summarize reported error message. Not yet confirmed.
Summary: "<site> recieved a message with incorrect Message Authentication Code. If the error occurs frequently, contact the website administrator." → Bad MAC alert when visiting sites in certain order
Ken, your server has a timeout time that is WAY too short. It must be no more than a second or two. Please raise it, say, 30 seconds, to give the user time to look at the cert and click OK. This is probably not the cause of the reported problem, but it is a problem.
Ken, I have reproduced the problems you describe. The certificate at has a large list of subject Alt Names, most of which are not of the correct syntax. In particular, all but one of them use an asterisk as a wildcard. e.g. * which is not proper syntax for a subject Alt Name. Subject Alt Names don't support wild cards at all, as far as I can recall. You must list all the hosts' dNSNames individually. Still investigating the bad MAC alert.
Ever confirmed: true
First a clarification about comment 6. Mozilla does honor wildcards (e.g. "*") in subject alt names, but IIRC, RFC 3280 doesn't suggest/define it, and so this behavior is probably non-standard. Therefore, one would not expect all browser products to honor it, and so if one wanted one's cert to interoperate with all standards-compliant browsers, one would not make use of wildcards. Next, I observe that once you've downloaded and trusted that root CA cert, you can visit the two URLs in either order, e.g. either and then or else and then Either way, the host name mismatch AND the BAD MAC ALERT occur on the second site you visit. The problem here is that your CA has issued two very different certs with the same serial number. Both of the certs for the two servers named above have the serial number 1. This is a violation of RFC 3280. A CA must never issue two certs with the same serial number. NSS (the crypto component of mozilla) absolutely depends on this, and attempts to enforce it. When NSS receives a second certificate that has the same issuer name and serial number as one it has previously seen, but is not the same identical certificate, NSS returns a special error code reporting this. NSS WILL NOT accept a second certificate with the same issuer name and serial number. Any attempt to use the certificate with that issuer name and serial number will get the first cert the NSS saw with those values, not the second one. That is why NSS returns the special error code about this problem. Mozilla should (and usually does) return an error dialog reporting that problem. That error should be detected BEFORE the name mismatch error is found. The user should not see the name mismatch error without seeing that other error first. But in this case, for some reason, mozilla did not report the error about two certs with the same serial number. Either the problem was not detected, or mozilla ignored it. So, mozilla went on and did the name match check, but it was checking the name of the second server against the FIRST cert that it got with that serial number, which does not bear the name of the second server, and so it reports the name mismatch. In some sense, the name mismatch is correct, because the name of the second server is NOT in the list of alt names for the first server's cert. The BAD MAC ALERT happens because NSS uses the public key from the first server's cert to talk to the second server. So, there are two separate problems here, one the fault of mozilla or NSS, and one the fault of the issuing CA. 1. The CA should reissue BOTH CERTS, with serial numbers that it has not used before (don't use serial 01 ever again!). I recommend using the number of seconds elapsed since midnight January 1, 1970, GMT, as the serial number, because that number increases monotonically. 2. We need to understand why mozilla didn't detect or report the fact that it had received a second cert with the same issuer name and serial number as another. My guess is that this is a PSM bug, not an NSS bug. I have changed the summary of this bug to reflect the real problem. Investigation of the failure will continue next week. I will attach the relevant certs here.
Summary: Bad MAC alert when visiting sites in certain order → Failure to detect two different certs with same issuer and SN
This is an NSS bug. The test for a duplicate issuer and serial number is only done if the previously-seen cert with the same issuer and SN was a "permanent" cert. The test should also be done if it is not a perm cert. patch forthcoming.
Raising to P1. Target NSS 3.9.1.
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → 3.9.1
Attached patch patch v1Splinter Review
With this patch in place, mozilla correctly displays the dialog proclaiming that you have recieved a cert with duplicte issuer and serial number. I will ask Ian to review this.
Comment on attachment 139300 [details] [diff] [review] patch v1 Ian, please review
Attachment #139300 - Flags: review?(bugz)
Comment on attachment 139300 [details] [diff] [review] patch v1 Thanks a lot for tracking this down, Nelson. I've reviewed this patch. I think it's correct (r=wtc). But Ian should still review it, and I suggest that Bob also review it.
Attachment #139300 - Flags: superreview?(rrelyea0264)
Nelson, Thank You!!! Again!! You guys are all truly an invaluable asset to this project. Your expertise sets an example for mentorship, certainly for me! I'm glad to see this browser has such a solid foundation of software engineers. Makes me proud to love this platform. Nelson, that's two good catches you've got on me!! Unless you object, I will have the certs re-issued for those servers Monday or Tues morning. The fact that Mozilla rejected the doubly-issued serial number, distinguishes it even more from all the other browsers --and several APIs -which completely ignore that discrepency. I guess this further exemplifies the reason that those 'other products' have miserable security vulnerabilities discovered on a near-monthly basis. As for my use of wildcards in the alt-subjects, I will probably opt to continue using that malformed syntax, simply because: 1) Mozilla and all others products I've tried DO tolerate it. 2) My hosting environment at work must support virtual host lists which change FAR to often to re-issue certs on a weekly or monthly basis (it's a family of intra/extranet sites for out subsidiary companies), whereas using wildcards will reduce the re-issuance to something less than a year (depending on how quickly we buy companies, ala TLDs :-). 3) If the primary subject supports wildcards, it seem(ed) intuitive that the alt's should too -- but I would never argue with the RFCs which (hopefully) have some valid reasoning for not specifically stating the alt-subj macthing behavior be the same as the primary subject's. /k
Ken, Now that I've captured the relevant certs and attached them to this bug, please fix your servers' certs at your soonest convenience. I also recommend that you read the following info on issuing valid certs: a) (skip down to the part that begins "Since you're telling readers how to be a CA") b) RFC 3280, especially sections 1-4.
Version: unspecified → 3.8
Comment on attachment 139300 [details] [diff] [review] patch v1 Good catch, Nelson.
Attachment #139300 - Flags: review?(bugz) → review+
Attachment #139300 - Flags: superreview?(rrelyea0264) → superreview+
/cvsroot/mozilla/security/nss/lib/certdb/stanpcertdb.c,v <-- stanpcertdb.c new revision: 1.62; previous revision: 1.61
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
*** Bug 39495 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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