Closed Bug 231518 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Decompiler must quote keywords and non-identifier property names


(Core :: JavaScript Engine, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: brendan, Assigned: brendan)





(4 files)

Adrian Klein and Martin Honnen have reported several cases where the decompiler does not quote reserved identifiers used to name properties. The first case was function do_something() { var obj = new Object(); obj['name'] = 'Just a name'; obj['if'] = false; obj['some text'] = 'correct'; } which decompiles with obj['if'] rendered as the illegal obj.if. Martin Honnen's followup pointed out a case with object literals: function f() { return {'if': "then"}; } I already fixed the first case, but Martin's post turned over a virtual rock, under which crawled a number of bugs, including footprint bloat in Decompile dating from the introduction of ECMA Edition 3 Unicode identifiers. Patch soon. /be
Attached patch proposed fixSplinter Review
- Save footprint by eliminating old (pre-ECMA-Edition-3) IsASCIIIDentifier static helper and its calls. This was used to decompile o.p\uBC19rop as o['p\uBC19rop'] before the Edition 3 support for Unicode identifiers went in. But when Unicode id support was done, IsASCIIIdentifier was not removed. Now, we need only test ATOM_KEYWORD in order to decide whether bytecode such as JSOP_GETPROP<obj, 'if'>, which comes from an input expression of the form obj["if"], should be decompiled as obj['if']. If the property identifier is not a reserved id, we can decompile using dot notation -- provided we call QuoteString(..., 0) to escape any non-ASCII characters in the id. The Decompile cases had redundant QuoteString(..., 0) calls before goto do_for*in* jumps, which could be commoned at the jump target(s). So I consolidated all such calls. See the code that goes to do_fornameinloop, and code below that label that depends on lval, atom, xval, and rval being set correctly for the current JSOP_FOR* bytecode. - Share a bunch of similar Sprint calls using a |const char *fmt| local. Also fused the JSOP_SETPROP += vs. = (SRC_ASSIGNOP vs. no such note) cases via %s= and a conditionally empty assignment-operator-string Sprint argument. - Fix JSOP_ENUMELEM (again), it was not conspiring with JSOP_FORELEM correctly at all. It ends with a goto do_forinbody, which code depends on the |tail| local variable, but |tail| was not set by JSOP_ENUMELEM -- instead, it was hacked in JSOP_FORELEM, with a random 1 subtracted from its value reckoned from the ifeq at the top of the (for example) |for (o[p] in q);| loop. But the bytecodes needed to execute o[p] come between the forelem;ifeq and the enumelem ops, and these indexing expression bytecodes have arbitrary length in general, so there's no way JSOP_FORELEM can compute |tail|. The fix is to propagate the tail (loop-closing goto) bytecode pointer via a forelem_tail local, analogous to forelem_done, from JSOP_FORELEM's case in Decompile to JSOP_ENUMELM's case. The latter case can then subtract the current pc to compute the prper |tail| value, before the goto do_forinbody. - Clean up some unnecessarily nested assignments in conditions, etc. /be
Comment on attachment 139454 [details] [diff] [review] proposed fix Passes the JS testsuite. /be
Attachment #139454 - Flags: review?(shaver)
One tiny change, here's the diff-diff (old patch on left, new on right): 7c7 < +++ jsopcode.c 20 Jan 2004 00:06:46 -0000 --- > +++ jsopcode.c 22 Jan 2004 23:48:02 -0000 167c167 < + js_printf(jp, "%s%s", *lval ? "." : "", xval); --- > + js_printf(jp, *lval ? ".%s" : "%s", xval); To illuminate this further, the code here is part of the do_forinloop jazz that wants to handle for (x in o), for (x.y in o), and for (x[z] in o), where y may be a keyword (in which case we want for (x['y'] in o) as output). So lval, atom, xval, and rval are all set, and if (atom), we have for (x in o) or for (x.y in o) where y is known not to be a keyword, and lval == "" tells whethe we have for (x in o) or for (x.y in o); else if (xval), we have the indexed case: for (x[z] in o). The above tweak just reduces by one the somewhat carefree %s format mania in the decompiler. Hope this is all clear. /be
Comment on attachment 139454 [details] [diff] [review] proposed fix We clearly need some of these bits to be added to the test suite. And for my birthday, I would like a copy of O'Reilly's "Mastering the Spidermonkey Decompiler", thanks. The duplication of the ATOM_KEYWORD ? (quote, o[p]) : (0, o.p); QuoteString(...); logic makes me wonder if we should have a macro to unify, but it's not a showstopper. r=shaver.
Attachment #139454 - Flags: review?(shaver) → review+
Attached patch like this?Splinter Review
I'll check this in after a handshake with shaver, here or in irc. /be
Comment on attachment 139734 [details] [diff] [review] like this? money. r=shaver
Attachment #139734 - Flags: review+
Fixed. /be
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I'd like to get this in straight away. /be
Attachment #140223 - Flags: review?(shaver)
Generalizing bug as I should have done originally. /be
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Summary: Decompiler must quote keywords → Decompiler must quote keywords and non-identifier property names
Attachment #140223 - Flags: review?(shaver) → review+
Followup fix is in. /be
Closed: 21 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
*** Bug 232736 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Does your fix also catch this variation? js> a = new RegExp; // js> b=eval(uneval(a)); js> b.toSource(); 3: TypeError: b has no properties js>
In short, "no": js> build() built on Jan 25 2004 at 09:14:22 js> a = new RegExp; /(?:)/ js> b=eval(uneval(a)); /(?:)/ js> b.toSource(); /(?:)/ That was fixed by bug 225550 a while ago
Re: comment 12: Please don't spam closed bugs with clearly unrelated issues. /be
I'll write to Adrian and Martin.
js1_5/Regress/regress-231518.js checked in.
Flags: testcase+
verified fixed.
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