Closed Bug 231536 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

enhance sdrtest to work with mozilla's ########.s files


(NSS :: Tools, enhancement, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: nelson, Assigned: nelson)



(4 files)

sdrtest should be able decrypt the entries from mozilla's ########.s files (where ######## is a random decimal number). It should be able to do the base 64 decoding of the data. It should be able to take input from stdin. It should be able to create entries for that file. It should be able to do base 64 encoding of the output. It should display usage when invoked with no arguments. And, of course, it should continue to work in the QA script. Patch that does all these things forthcoming.
Attached patch patch v1Splinter Review
This patch adds a new command line option, -a means ascii encoded (base 64 encoded) input and/or output. With this patch, the -i and -o options may use the name "-" to mean read from stdin, or write to stdout. The use of "-" implies -a. That is, the input to stdin, or output to stdout is always base 64 encoded. When an error occurs, the program now displays an error message that tells what error occurred as well as what operation failed.
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: --- → 3.10
Comment on attachment 139463 [details] [diff] [review] patch v1 Bob, please review this patch. Please see the comments in this bug for explanation of the changes.
Attachment #139463 - Flags: review?(rrelyea0264)
So I have a app which does most of this which I had not gotten around to checking in. The basic differences is from your requirements are: 1) it's a new app, so there is no backward compatibility with sdrtest. 2) it always decodes base64 data. 3) It takes a general ascii string and picks out the base 64 data from the stream, tries to decode the result, and if successfull outputs the result. Also errors are sent to an optional logfile. The app was based on SDR, and has a number style things you cleaned up in your patch. I'll attach it to the bug and we can deside which (or both) should be checked in. bob
Attached file pwdecrypt.c
Bob, because this patch also fixes some bugs, I'd like to check it in, so please review it. I see no reason sdrtest and pwdecrypt can't coexist.
Comment on attachment 139463 [details] [diff] [review] patch v1 r=relyea
Attachment #139463 - Flags: review?(rrelyea0264) → review+
/cvsroot/mozilla/security/nss/cmd/sdrtest/sdrtest.c,v <-- sdrtest.c new revision: 1.12; previous revision: 1.11 Thanks for the review Bob.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This fix is in the NSS_3_9_BRANCH, which I just created this morning. So I changed the target milestone to 3.9.1. Please let me know if you think this fix should not be in a 3.9.x patch release.
Target Milestone: 3.10 → 3.9.1
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