Closed Bug 232032 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

XPIDL generated headers may give false impression an interface is frozen


(Core :: XPCOM, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: caillon, Assigned: caillon)



(1 file)

I was looking at the generated header nsISelectionController.h (which is NOT frozen) and saw the following contained within: /** * Interface for manipulating and querying the current selected range * of nodes within the document. * * @status FROZEN * @version 1.0 */ This is caused by the forward declaration of nsISelection (the next line in the generated output is: class nsISelection; /* forward declaration */ This is a problem IMO because it is one of the first things a reader sees when the file is opened. In fact, this totally threw me because at the time I opened the file, I could only see 35 lines without scrolling. As it happens, the forward declaration is on line 36 of the generated output in this case, so I did not realize for a while that this was referring to nsISelection instead of nsISelectionController, (which was the interface I cared about since I was reading it). I fear that people may make this same mistake and falsely assume that an interface is frozen when it is not. Additionally, someone wishing to grep their generated headers for @status FROZEN would get unreliable results. I am filing this as an xpidl bug, because I don't think that XPIDL should output comments describing forward declared interfaces into other interface headers. Especially since many of our javadoc style comments do not actually name what they are describing such as /** * nsIFoo * * An interface for .... */ although we probably want to start doing this as well. For a more generic argument (since the presence or lack thereof of @status comments is not really something xpidl needs to concern itself with really), a forward declare denotes that the actual semantics of the class are not really important to know for the present and the definition will come later. So comments describing the forward declared interface are unnecessary for a reader to understand the generated header. If they care to figure out what a forward declared interface does, they are quite free to look it up in its own header. Another argument is that it is without a doubt important to understand the base interface of a derived interface, but those interfaces are always #include'd by law, and #included files do not get comments output into the generated header. So in this scenario, the more important interface will not receive a comment, but the not-so-important interface will. That hardly seems fair ;-) For reference, this behavior was introduced as part of mccabe's fix for bug 24734 (rev 1.75 of xpidl_header.c). I have a patch which I believe should fix this.
I just wonder why they went to the trouble to do this? I agree with your argument, but I wonder if there's something we're missing. Caillon, if shaver doesn't respond get at least brendan or someone, jband/jst, to comment and buy in, and it will be r= for me. Hey, probably reduce the build times slightly ;-)
Comment on attachment 139793 [details] [diff] [review] Patch Totally the right thing. Thanks for the excellent analysis, too. BTW: I tend to be much better at keeping up with my request-queue mail than random bugmail (of which I still a fair bit), if you need me for other patches in the future. sr=shaver
Attachment #139793 - Flags: superreview+
Comment on attachment 139793 [details] [diff] [review] Patch r=dbradley Go for it.
Attachment #139793 - Flags: review+
Oops, I had thought I requested reviews but it doesn't appear so. Thanks for the quick responses, both of you! Fix checked in 01/24/2004 15:01 PST.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: xpidl → XPCOM
QA Contact: pschwartau → xpcom
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