Closed Bug 232035 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

nsPrintEngine::FindPrintObjectByDOMWin() leaks window ?


(Core :: Printing: Output, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set





(Reporter: keeda, Assigned: keeda)




(Keywords: memory-leak)


(3 files, 2 obsolete files)

nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindowInternal> domWin(GetDOMWinForWebShell(aPO->mWebShell)); This leaks since GetDOMWinForWebShell() returns an addrefed pointer. (Found during code inspection. I am not even entirely sure when this code is hit.)
This should fix it. I initially thought about making it return already_addrefed etc. But we seem to be moving more towards not returning refs when not required, so this patch does that.
Attachment #139795 - Flags: review?(dbaron)
dbaron's window counting stuff makes it very easy to prove that this is indeed a real leak. Steps to reproduce (in a windows debug build): 1) Start mozilla. Go to any frameset page. (say ) 2) Click on the content area of any of the frames to focus it.(select some text) 3) Go to Print preview. 4) Close Print priview. Shutdown mozilla. Note window count at shutdown. > --DOMWINDOW == 4 > --DOMWINDOW == 3 I leaked three window instances in the above test.
Assignee: core.printing → keeda
> nsIDOMWindowInternal * > nsPrintEngine::GetDOMWinForWebShell(nsIWebShell* aWebShell) > { > NS_ASSERTION(aWebShell, "Pointer is null!"); > > nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindow> domWin = do_GetInterface(aWebShell); > > nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindowInternal> domWinInt(do_QueryInterface(domWin)); > - if (!domWinInt) return nsnull; > > - nsIDOMWindowInternal * dw = domWinInt.get(); > - NS_ADDREF(dw); > - > - return dw; > + return domWinInt; > } This is actually equivalent to NS_ASSERTION(aWebShell, "Pointer is null!"); nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindowInternal> domWinInt = do_GetInterface(aWebShell); Maybe we could just do away with the function?
Attached patch Updated patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This does what peterv said. Just replaces the function with do_GetInterface() everywhere. This also includes a cleanup from a patch that jst mailed me. It makes this code use nsIDOMWindow instead of nsIDOMWindowInternal unless necessary, and also makes another potentially leaky fucntion return alredy_AddRefed<>
Attachment #139795 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #139845 - Flags: superreview?(peterv)
Attachment #139845 - Flags: review?(dbaron)
Comment on attachment 139845 [details] [diff] [review] -w version of the above. It may be (slightly) more easy to review in places Rename FindFocusedDOMWindowInternal to FindFocusedDOMWindow Fix indentation in the definitions of nsPrintEngine::IsThereAnIFrameSelected and nsPrintEngine::SetupToPrintContent and the definition of the latter. In FindFocusedDOMWindowInternal, it seems a little dodgy to cast nsIDOMWindowInteral* to nsIDOMWindow* (since it looks like this is used for equality comparisons). Ask jst or peterv if they want to let this code depend on that continuing to work. With those, r=dbaron.
Attachment #139845 - Flags: review?(dbaron) → review+
Keywords: mlk
Attached patch Updated patchSplinter Review
> In FindFocusedDOMWindowInternal, it seems a little dodgy to cast > nsIDOMWindowInteral* to nsIDOMWindow* (since it looks like this is used for > equality comparisons). Ask jst or peterv if they want to let this code > depend on that continuing to work. Actually, that part of the patch came from jst, so he should be ok with that. But I can change it back to a QI if anyone asks me to. Let me know. I've fixed the rest of the stuff you pointed out.
Attachment #139844 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached patch diff -w of aboveSplinter Review
Attachment #139845 - Flags: superreview?(peterv)
Attachment #139886 - Flags: superreview?(peterv)
Comment on attachment 139886 [details] [diff] [review] diff -w of above r=jst
Attachment #139886 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 139886 [details] [diff] [review] diff -w of above sr=jst, that is (since dbaron already reviewed).
Attachment #139886 - Flags: superreview?(peterv) → superreview+
Checked in. Surprisingly (at least it surprised me), this caused a 428 byte increase in mZ on linux. Windows didnt change much at all. Looks like do_GetInterface() expands to quite a bit of code? +428 (+3976/-3548) text (DATA) +428 (+3976/-3548) +1356 nsPrintEngine::SetupToPrintContent(nsIDeviceContext*, nsIDOMWindow*) +595 nsPrintEngine::IsWindowsInOurSubTree(nsIDOMWindow*) +558 nsPrintEngine::EnablePOsForPrinting() +416 nsPrintEngine::IsThereARangeSelection(nsIDOMWindow*) +353 nsPrintEngine::FindFocusedDOMWindow() +353 nsPrintEngine::FindPrintObjectByDOMWin(nsPrintObject*, nsIDOMWindow*) +274 nsPrintEngine::IsThereAnIFrameSelected(nsIWebShell*, nsIDOMWindow*, unsigned char&) +42 nsPrintEngine::Print(nsIPrintSettings*, nsIWebProgressListener*) +10 nsPrintEngine::PrintPreview(nsIPrintSettings*, nsIDOMWindow*, nsIWebProgressListener*) +6 nsPrintEngine::GetIsIFrameSelected(int*) +6 nsPrintEngine::GetIsRangeSelection(int*) +5 nsPrintEngine::GetIsFramesetFrameSelected(int*) +2 .nosyms.text -2 nsPrintEngine::ShowPrintErrorDialog(unsigned, int) -112 nsPrintEngine::ReflowPrintObject(nsPrintObject*, int) -170 nsPrintEngine::IsThereAnIFrameSelected(nsIWebShell*, nsIDOMWindowInternal*, unsigned char&) -257 nsPrintEngine::GetDOMWinForWebShell(nsIWebShell*) -273 nsPrintEngine::FindPrintObjectByDOMWin(nsPrintObject*, nsIDOMWindowInternal*) -352 nsPrintEngine::FindFocusedDOMWindowInternal() -416 nsPrintEngine::IsThereARangeSelection(nsIDOMWindowInternal*) -610 nsPrintEngine::IsWindowsInOurSubTree(nsIDOMWindowInternal*) -1356 nsPrintEngine::SetupToPrintContent(nsIDeviceContext*, nsIDOMWindowInternal*)
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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