Closed Bug 232201 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

nsIPrefBranchInternal should inherit from nsIPrefBranch


(Core :: Preferences: Backend, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: benjamin, Assigned: benjamin)


(Keywords: memory-footprint)


(2 files)

caillon points out that in bug 231076 we increased codesize by 100 bytes which really shouldn't be necessary. This can really add up since we're converting all the old nsIPref client code. If nsIPrefBranchInternal inherits from nsIPrefBranch, we can save a QI and a comptr, and I'm pretty sure it costs nothing.
Attachment #139918 - Flags: superreview?(darin)
Attachment #139918 - Flags: review?(alecf)
ugh... I'm really not into interface inheritance. I want it to be very expclit that nsIPrefBranchInternal is a seperate interface. is there another reason other than code size to make this change?
(In reply to comment #2) > ugh... I'm really not into interface inheritance. I want it to be very expclit > that nsIPrefBranchInternal is a seperate interface. What does this mean? Are you philosophically opposed to interface inheritance? I try to use interface inheritance whenever appropriate, defined as: 1) interface2 extends the functionality of interface1 2) you'ld never have interface2 without interface1 3) you're not planning on implementing interface2 as a tearoff In these cases I feel that interface inheritance is not only appropriate, but should be recommended. This is IMO a model case for interface inheritance.
i agree with bsmedberg.. plus it reduces the size of a pref branch object by one WORD ;-)
Comment on attachment 139918 [details] [diff] [review] nsIPrefBranchInternal inherits from nsIPrefBranch i think there are other places (in necko for sure) where you can avoid separate QI's to nsIPrefBranchInternal just as you have done in mozPersonalDictionary.cpp sr=darin
Attachment #139918 - Flags: superreview?(darin) → superreview+
Actually, would it make sense to rename this thing into nsIPrefBranch*2* while having it inherit from nsIPrefBranch? I don't really see what is "internal" about it, to be honest. If we don't, then the inheritance chain will be kind of weird when we DO have an nsIPrefBranch2....
Comment on attachment 139918 [details] [diff] [review] nsIPrefBranchInternal inherits from nsIPrefBranch The internal is a reserved interface that will never be made public or frozen. If and when we do a to-be-frozen interface, then yes we should call it "2" If we need to move a method over to the "2" interface, then we can... but the internal one will always be internal. and I'm convinced, or at least persuaded, that this should inhert. r=alecf
Attachment #139918 - Flags: review?(alecf) → review+
checked in... I'm gonna leave this open to patch a small basketful of consumers.
Whiteboard: first patch checked in, additional consumers to be updated
This reduced codesize beyond my wildest hopes, so I've gone through the tree and updated a lot of clients. I didn't touch mailnews (too painful) or any clients that use the non-root prefbranch.
Attachment #140068 - Flags: superreview?(darin)
Attachment #140068 - Flags: review?(alecf)
Comment on attachment 140068 [details] [diff] [review] part 2, update many callers *sigh* I guess this is good for code size and all, I'm just sad to see lots of code going from calling a frozen interface to calling an internal interface. r/sr=alec on a side note, I'm wondering if its time for nsIPrefBranch2, now that we've decided to freeze nsIObserver after all. Originally we put AddObserver() on nsIPrefBranchInternal because we didn't want to "freeze" topics, like pref-changed and so forth. I think we're now in a world where that is fairly safe. When we do that, we probably want to add getStringPref() and getUnicharPref() to simplify nsA[C]String access to prefs.
Attachment #140068 - Flags: review?(alecf) → review+
I can fix this in mailnews when I'm removing nsIPref (bug 226005)
Comment on attachment 140068 [details] [diff] [review] part 2, update many callers sr=darin very nice!!
Attachment #140068 - Flags: superreview?(darin) → superreview+
In my tree, I get Venkman failing to init on a QI error from nsIPrefBranch to nsIPrefBranchInternal in pref-manager.js, probably because of this fix...
part 2 got checked in last week, with happy codesize savings. Comment #13 was due to a bad build.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: first patch checked in, additional consumers to be updated
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.7alpha
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