Closed Bug 233340 Opened 21 years ago Closed 15 years ago

[meta] Password Manager: should exclusively store passwords from URLs


(SeaMonkey :: Passwords & Permissions, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: benc, Unassigned)


(Depends on 2 open bugs)


(Keywords: meta)

(dup checked before filing)
choffman made an interesting point today:

all passwords should be stored in password manager.

This bug is a tracking bug for that idea, as far as passwords in URL's go.

Please do not link up bugs that have to do w/ other features, this is passwords

As far as implementation, I think the general idea is that we need to be
trapping entry points where passwords are used, and making sure password manager
is called for storage, while removing the password from the URLs. This would
prevent the propgration of URL's w/ passwords (into history, into bookmarks, as
forwarded mail, into client generated content, etc.)
what if password manager is disabled? I don't think people would be happy if
they couldn't follow links on (non-anonymous) ftp servers with pw mgr disabled...
We should make sure password manager gets a crack at storing these, but only in
the same way it ever does -- if not disabled it asks the user whether they want
to store the password or not. We can't make it mandatory (shared machines, super
sekret passwords, kiosk set ups, etc.).
Blocks: 240639 found some more...
Depends on: 146289, 186695
Blocks: 232560
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Assignee: dveditz → nobody
Component: Passwords & Permissions → Password Manager
Product: SeaMonkey → Toolkit
QA Contact: password.manager
Old bug with unclear purpose --> INVALID.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
No longer blocks: 232560
Component: Password Manager → Passwords & Permissions
Product: Toolkit → SeaMonkey
No longer depends on: 130327
No longer depends on: 88771
No longer blocks: 240639
Keywords: meta
Summary: Password Manager: should exclusively store passwords from URLs → [meta] Password Manager: should exclusively store passwords from URLs
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