Closed Bug 233419 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

hangs when an SVG group element is enclosed within a XUL template's action block


(Core :: SVG, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: andrew, Assigned: alex)


(Keywords: stackwanted)


(4 files)

User-Agent: Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7a) Gecko/20040207 If we wish to generate more than one SVG element every time a XUL template finds a match, the elements must be enclosed within an SVG group. The uri="?instancename" attribute is associated with the group. As far as I can acertain, if the block contains an SVG element that uses units - for example <svg:ellipse cx="1cm" cy="1cm"/>, as opposed to <svg:ellipse cx="16" cy="16"/> - then Mozilla hangs. In the attached example, I have included extra snippets of SVG which are commented out. They demonstrate small variations that curiously work without a problem. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Place the attached files svggrpexample.xul and svggrpexample.rdf in the same directory. 2. Open ("File->Open File...") svggrpexample.xul within a version of Mozilla with native SVG support. Actual Results: Mozilla hangs as soon as the browser area is wiped. Excessive amounts of memory begin to be consumed. The subsequent memory swapping degrades system performance greatly. Expected Results: Mozilla should have displayed three ellipses in the top left corner, one on top of another. Each ellipse should belong to it's own group, and each group should have an ID that matches the corresponding resource name in the RDF file.
Attached file RDF example data
Can someone please attach some stack trace sampes of the "hanging" mozilla ?
Keywords: stackwanted
Attached file Stack trace
A stack trace taken while Mozilla was in its hung state.
I managed to get this to happen once; cpu usage was 0, so it's a deadlock (as the stack shows) rather than an infinite loop....
Found this going on in another thread. ;) GDB was unable to give me a full stack trace in a timely manner, so I have included only the most recent frames. The 'art_vpath_render_bez()' function is called many hundreds of thousands of times more. CPU usage plumets while running this test, although that is most likely due to the excessive swapping going on.
The infinite (well nearly-infinite) loop happens because there is no viewport axis context in content/svg/content/src/nsSVGLength.cpp::mmPerPixel(). mmPerPixel returns a very small value if the context is missing, leading to a very large path being created.
Ever confirmed: true
The axis context for nsSVGLengths wasn't correctly restored when content was moved from one doc to another. This is now fixed on the trunk.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Fixed by what?
by the checkin alex made before adding that comment?
I'm sorry - there's no explicit comment that something was actually checked in (or by who). Just a diagnostic comment and then a comment that it's been fixed. However, if that's what happened then that's good enough.
Jason: Sorry, I should have been clearer in my comment. I did check in a fix for this problem.
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