Closed Bug 234395 Opened 21 years ago Closed 15 years ago

firefox crashes on startup if home is on NFS mount


(Firefox :: General, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: t.bubeck, Unassigned)


(Keywords: crash, Whiteboard: [needs retesting on Mac with home-on-NFS])

Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; de-AT; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113

Starting firefox gives a crash. Something similar has happened a while ago with
Camino when the home directory is on NFS. My home is indeed on NFS. Could this
be the problem? 

Here is the dump:


Date/Time:  2004-02-15 10:14:38 +0100
OS Version: 10.2.8 (Build 6R73)

Command:    firefox-bin
PID:        732

Exception:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (0x0006)
Code[0]:    0x00000001Code[1]:    0x8fe01280

Thread 0 Crashed:
 #0   0x8fe01280 in halt
 #1   0x8fe106b4 in link_in_need_modules
 #2   0x8fe12a24 in _dyld_bind_fully_image_containing_address
 #3   0x900052b4 in _dyld_bind_fully_image_containing_address
 #4   0x9000520c in sigaction__
 #5   0x005ac8c0 in _ZN13nsProfileLock15LockWithSymlinkERK10nsACString
 #6   0x005acc24 in _ZN13nsProfileLock4LockEP12nsILocalFile
 #7   0x0059e1f0 in _ZN9nsProfile21LoadDefaultProfileDirER9nsCStringi
 #8   0x0059d884 in _ZN9nsProfile15StartupWithArgsEP17nsICmdLineServicei
 #9   0x00682ca0 in _ZN17nsAppShellService16DoProfileStartupEP17nsICmdLineServicei
 #10  0x008491a8 in _Z24InitializeProfileServiceP17nsICmdLineService
 #11  0x00849cec in _Z5main1iPPcP11nsISupportsRK12nsXREAppData
 #12  0x0084a5e0 in _Z8xre_mainiPPcRK12nsXREAppData
 #13  0x00009850 in main
 #14  0x000094e4 in _start (crt.c:267)
 #15  0x00009358 in start

Thread 1:
 #0   0x9002568c in select
 #1   0x0151f77c in poll
 #2   0x0151bfc8 in _pr_poll_with_poll
 #3   0x000bde98 in _ZN24nsSocketTransportService3RunEv
 #4   0x0504614c in _ZN8nsThread4MainEPv
 #5   0x0151d410 in _pt_root
 #6   0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

PPC Thread State:
  srr0: 0x8fe01280 srr1: 0x0002f030                vrsave: 0x00000000
   xer: 0x20000000   lr: 0x8fe09c38  ctr: 0x8fe29468   mq: 0x00000000
    r0: 0x00000004   r1: 0xbfffeca0   r2: 0x8fe0b7f4   r3: 0x00000180
    r4: 0x00000000   r5: 0x00000180   r6: 0x0000000a   r7: 0x2e64796c
    r8: 0x2f6c6962   r9: 0x00000000  r10: 0x8fe4850c  r11: 0x0000001a
   r12: 0x8fe71ba7  r13: 0x00000000  r14: 0xbffff590  r15: 0x00000000
   r16: 0xbffffdb0  r17: 0x009f0000  r18: 0x009e0000  r19: 0xbffff690
   r20: 0xbffff580  r21: 0x00000000  r22: 0xbffff5f0  r23: 0xc0a8010c
   r24: 0xbfffeea0  r25: 0x0108b730  r26: 0x00000011  r27: 0x005ac424
   r28: 0x8fe4841c  r29: 0x8fe484ec  r30: 0x8fe484ec  r31: 0x8fe099bc


Date/Time:  2004-02-15 10:15:01 +0100
OS Version: 10.2.8 (Build 6R73)

Command:    firefox-bin
PID:        735

Exception:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (0x0006)
Code[0]:    0x00000001Code[1]:    0x8fe01280

Thread 0 Crashed:
 #0   0x8fe01280 in halt
 #1   0x8fe106b4 in link_in_need_modules
 #2   0x8fe12a24 in _dyld_bind_fully_image_containing_address
 #3   0x900052b4 in _dyld_bind_fully_image_containing_address
 #4   0x9000520c in sigaction__
 #5   0x005ac8c0 in _ZN13nsProfileLock15LockWithSymlinkERK10nsACString
 #6   0x005acc24 in _ZN13nsProfileLock4LockEP12nsILocalFile
 #7   0x0059e1f0 in _ZN9nsProfile21LoadDefaultProfileDirER9nsCStringi
 #8   0x0059d884 in _ZN9nsProfile15StartupWithArgsEP17nsICmdLineServicei
 #9   0x00682ca0 in _ZN17nsAppShellService16DoProfileStartupEP17nsICmdLineServicei
 #10  0x008491a8 in _Z24InitializeProfileServiceP17nsICmdLineService
 #11  0x00849cec in _Z5main1iPPcP11nsISupportsRK12nsXREAppData
 #12  0x0084a5e0 in _Z8xre_mainiPPcRK12nsXREAppData
 #13  0x00009850 in main
 #14  0x000094e4 in _start (crt.c:267)
 #15  0x00009358 in start

Thread 1:
 #0   0x9002568c in select
 #1   0x0151f77c in poll
 #2   0x0151bfc8 in _pr_poll_with_poll
 #3   0x000bde98 in _ZN24nsSocketTransportService3RunEv
 #4   0x0504614c in _ZN8nsThread4MainEPv
 #5   0x0151d410 in _pt_root
 #6   0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

PPC Thread State:
  srr0: 0x8fe01280 srr1: 0x0002f030                vrsave: 0x00000000
   xer: 0x20000000   lr: 0x8fe09c38  ctr: 0x8fe29468   mq: 0x00000000
    r0: 0x00000004   r1: 0xbfffeca0   r2: 0x8fe0b7f4   r3: 0x00000180
    r4: 0x00000000   r5: 0x00000180   r6: 0x0000000a   r7: 0x2e64796c
    r8: 0x2f6c6962   r9: 0x00000000  r10: 0x8fe4850c  r11: 0x0000001a
   r12: 0x8fe71ba7  r13: 0x00000000  r14: 0xbffff590  r15: 0x00000000
   r16: 0xbffffdb0  r17: 0x009f0000  r18: 0x009e0000  r19: 0xbffff690
   r20: 0xbffff580  r21: 0x00000000  r22: 0xbffff5f0  r23: 0xc0a8010c
   r24: 0xbfffeea0  r25: 0x011186b0  r26: 0x00000011  r27: 0x005ac424
   r28: 0x8fe4841c  r29: 0x8fe484ec  r30: 0x8fe484ec  r31: 0x8fe099bc


Date/Time:  2004-02-15 10:17:56 +0100
OS Version: 10.2.8 (Build 6R73)

Command:    firefox-bin
PID:        391

Exception:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (0x0006)
Code[0]:    0x00000001Code[1]:    0x8fe01280

Thread 0 Crashed:
 #0   0x8fe01280 in halt
 #1   0x8fe106b4 in link_in_need_modules
 #2   0x8fe12a24 in _dyld_bind_fully_image_containing_address
 #3   0x900052b4 in _dyld_bind_fully_image_containing_address
 #4   0x9000520c in sigaction__
 #5   0x005ac8c0 in _ZN13nsProfileLock15LockWithSymlinkERK10nsACString
 #6   0x005acc24 in _ZN13nsProfileLock4LockEP12nsILocalFile
 #7   0x0059e1f0 in _ZN9nsProfile21LoadDefaultProfileDirER9nsCStringi
 #8   0x0059d884 in _ZN9nsProfile15StartupWithArgsEP17nsICmdLineServicei
 #9   0x00682ca0 in _ZN17nsAppShellService16DoProfileStartupEP17nsICmdLineServicei
 #10  0x008491a8 in _Z24InitializeProfileServiceP17nsICmdLineService
 #11  0x00849cec in _Z5main1iPPcP11nsISupportsRK12nsXREAppData
 #12  0x0084a5e0 in _Z8xre_mainiPPcRK12nsXREAppData
 #13  0x00009850 in main
 #14  0x000094e4 in _start (crt.c:267)
 #15  0x00009358 in start

Thread 1:
 #0   0x9002568c in select
 #1   0x0151f77c in poll
 #2   0x0151bfc8 in _pr_poll_with_poll
 #3   0x000bde98 in _ZN24nsSocketTransportService3RunEv
 #4   0x0504614c in _ZN8nsThread4MainEPv
 #5   0x0151d410 in _pt_root
 #6   0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

PPC Thread State:
  srr0: 0x8fe01280 srr1: 0x0002f030                vrsave: 0x00000000
   xer: 0x20000000   lr: 0x8fe09c38  ctr: 0x8fe29468   mq: 0x00000000
    r0: 0x00000004   r1: 0xbfffeca0   r2: 0x8fe0b7f4   r3: 0x00000180
    r4: 0x00000000   r5: 0x00000180   r6: 0x0000000a   r7: 0x2e64796c
    r8: 0x2f6c6962   r9: 0x00000000  r10: 0x8fe4850c  r11: 0x0000001a
   r12: 0x8fe71ba7  r13: 0x00000000  r14: 0xbffff590  r15: 0x00000000
   r16: 0xbffffdb0  r17: 0x009f0000  r18: 0x009e0000  r19: 0xbffff690
   r20: 0xbffff580  r21: 0x00000000  r22: 0xbffff5f0  r23: 0xc0a8010c
   r24: 0xbfffeea0  r25: 0x011184b0  r26: 0x00000011  r27: 0x005ac424
   r28: 0x8fe4841c  r29: 0x8fe484ec  r30: 0x8fe484ec  r31: 0x8fe099bc


Date/Time:  2004-02-15 10:25:22 +0100
OS Version: 10.2.8 (Build 6R73)

Command:    firefox-bin
PID:        400

Exception:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (0x0006)
Code[0]:    0x00000001Code[1]:    0x8fe01280

Thread 0 Crashed:
 #0   0x8fe01280 in halt
 #1   0x8fe106b4 in link_in_need_modules
 #2   0x8fe12a24 in _dyld_bind_fully_image_containing_address
 #3   0x900052b4 in _dyld_bind_fully_image_containing_address
 #4   0x9000520c in sigaction__
 #5   0x005ac8c0 in _ZN13nsProfileLock15LockWithSymlinkERK10nsACString
 #6   0x005acc24 in _ZN13nsProfileLock4LockEP12nsILocalFile
 #7   0x0059e1f0 in _ZN9nsProfile21LoadDefaultProfileDirER9nsCStringi
 #8   0x0059d884 in _ZN9nsProfile15StartupWithArgsEP17nsICmdLineServicei
 #9   0x00682ca0 in _ZN17nsAppShellService16DoProfileStartupEP17nsICmdLineServicei
 #10  0x008491a8 in _Z24InitializeProfileServiceP17nsICmdLineService
 #11  0x00849cec in _Z5main1iPPcP11nsISupportsRK12nsXREAppData
 #12  0x0084a5e0 in _Z8xre_mainiPPcRK12nsXREAppData
 #13  0x00009850 in main
 #14  0x000094e4 in _start (crt.c:267)
 #15  0x00009358 in start

Thread 1:
 #0   0x9002568c in select
 #1   0x0151f77c in poll
 #2   0x0151bfc8 in _pr_poll_with_poll
 #3   0x000bde98 in _ZN24nsSocketTransportService3RunEv
 #4   0x0504614c in _ZN8nsThread4MainEPv
 #5   0x0151d410 in _pt_root
 #6   0x90020c28 in _pthread_body

PPC Thread State:
  srr0: 0x8fe01280 srr1: 0x0002f030                vrsave: 0x00000000
   xer: 0x20000000   lr: 0x8fe09c38  ctr: 0x8fe29468   mq: 0x00000000
    r0: 0x00000004   r1: 0xbfffeca0   r2: 0x8fe0b7f4   r3: 0x00000180
    r4: 0x00000000   r5: 0x00000180   r6: 0x0000000a   r7: 0x2e64796c
    r8: 0x2f6c6962   r9: 0x00000000  r10: 0x8fe4850c  r11: 0x0000001a
   r12: 0x8fe71ba7  r13: 0x00000000  r14: 0xbffff590  r15: 0x00000000
   r16: 0xbffffdb0  r17: 0x009f0000  r18: 0x009e0000  r19: 0xbffff690
   r20: 0xbffff580  r21: 0x00000000  r22: 0xbffff5f0  r23: 0xc0a8010c
   r24: 0xbfffeea0  r25: 0x01118540  r26: 0x00000011  r27: 0x005ac424
   r28: 0x8fe4841c  r29: 0x8fe484ec  r30: 0x8fe484ec  r31: 0x8fe099bc

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Click Firefox Icon
2. Crash

Actual Results:  

Expected Results:  
Working Firefox :-)
Tilmann, please report what build you're using. Also, is this a clean install or
an install over a previous version of Firefox?
I'm using the "official" firefox 0.8 downloaded from
There was and still is firebird 0.7 ("official") on this machine, too. Please
remember, this is Mac OS X.

> There was and still is firebird 0.7 ("official") on this machine, too.

Hmm. This worksforme with Firefox 0.8 on Mac OS 10.2.8. Are you sharing profile
(with some extensions?) with the 0.7 release?

Might be related to bug 232972, but your stack looks different.
The problem of bug196487 may have recurred.
Same problem under Windows XP, Firefox crashes on startup after installation.

Alert Message:
"Error lauching browser window:no XBL binding for browser"
(In reply to comment #5)
> Same problem under Windows XP, Firefox crashes on startup after installation.
> Alert Message:
> "Error lauching browser window:no XBL binding for browser"

The causes of the problem differ in the error report of the problem of this report.
Please try after repealing a new profile or Extentions.
Looking at the stack trace, it's trying to acquire the lock using a symlink -
which is what it should be doing if the profile is on an NFS volume. Looking at
that code, I don't quite see how this could happen.

The machine on which this crashed was running 10.2.8. Does the Firefox build use
the --with-macos-sdk config switch? If so, what version? If not, what OS version
is the build machine? (leaf?)

Confirming, since there's a stack trace ending in a crash.
Ever confirmed: true
I'm almost sure, that it has to do with home on NFS. I tried it with a second
(fresh) user having it's home on NFS and the same error occurs.

Running it with a third user having its home on a local disks works.

All tests were made on the same machine.
(In reply to comment #8)
> I'm almost sure, that it has to do with home on NFS. I tried it with a second

Yes. Given the stack trace, that's well known. The last function in Gecko code,
LockWithSymlink, is unique to that situation.
I'm getting the same behavior using OS X 10.2.8 and FireFox .8.  Is there any
sort of workaround?  We'd like to deploy at my company, but we can't until this
issue is resolved.

I'd be happy to test or post a crash log.
Today's nightly (5/21/04) Mac Firefox build crashes on startup (I am running
MacOS 10.3.3).  An earlier nightly from early May was working fine.  It
generates a crash when run on the mount as well as on the normal user folder.

Setting as a potential blocker for Firefox 0.9.
Flags: blocking0.9?
(In reply to comment #11)
> Today's nightly (5/21/04) Mac Firefox build crashes on startup (I am running
> MacOS 10.3.3).  An earlier nightly from early May was working fine.  It
> generates a crash when run on the mount as well as on the normal user folder.

Can you attach a stack trace for both of these cases so we can see if, in the
NFS home dir case, it is the same as the crash for which we do have a stack trace?

Today's nightly 5/23/04 MachO build does not crash on Mac OS 10.3.3.
Never seen this, and it's old. If you can come up with a 100% reproducable test
case, please re-request. 
Flags: blocking0.9? → blocking0.9-
I'm the original reporter of this bug and downloaded 2004-05-31 nightly 0.8.0+

Everything seems to be OK now. This version works on my system, whereas the
still installed 0.8 ("official") still crashes.
I can confirm that the problem has to do with NFS shares.  My home directory was
on an NFS share and FireFox would crash at startup every time.  However, we're
moving to Open Directory in my company with all home directories on an AFP
share.  Now that my home directory is on an AFP share, I can open any version of
FireFox without a crash.
Keywords: crash
Summary: firefox crashs on startup → firefox crashes on startup if home is on NFS mount
Assignee: bross2 → nobody
QA Contact: general
Does this bug still exist?  If so, can you add an up-to-date stack trace?  If not, please resolve the bug as worksforme.
Whiteboard: [needs retesting on Mac with home-on-NFS]
As written in comment #15 the bug is RESOLVED (since 2004) :-)

Apart from that, I dont own a Mac anymore, BUT thanks for coming back to this issue.
Thanks, I had missed comment 15.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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