Closed Bug 234740 Opened 21 years ago Closed 20 years ago

<fieldset> default view is nicer under IE


(Core :: Layout: Form Controls, enhancement)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: postmaster, Unassigned)




(7 files, 3 obsolete files)

User-Agent: Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040206 Firefox/0.8 The default rendering of Fieldset is much nicer under IE6.0SP1, with round corner and a more uniform spacing between content and border. Can we improve that? (I know style sheet can improve it - but default rendering is important too, especially because it looks nice 'enough' on IE, few people will think to style their fieldset) Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. 2. 3.
Feel free to attach styles that you think would make it better. The default rendering is determined by at the moment. If your styles make it look better and don't break anything, no reason we can't just add them there.
franCk: Could you attach screenshot? With Windows 2000 I get same result in MSIE 6 SP1 as in trunk build of Mozilla.
Summary: [RFE] <fieldset> default view is nicer under IE → <fieldset> default view is nicer under IE
In the screenshot notice the round corner in IE (yes IE can do round corner too) and the nicer looking space at the top (I bet they ignore the presence of the legend to compute the top padding). Adam: is there is something wrong with my system? It si definetely not the same here, how is it on W2k? Boris: thanks for the lead, I'll try something as soon as I have more cycle, but if other wants to do it before, just do it! (note: by nicer I don't necessarily mind 'like IE', for example I don't believe that styling the legend in blue as in IE is a good idea, it makes it look like a link which it is not.)
Looks to me from that screenshot like IE is applying the OS "fieldset" style to that fieldset.... are fieldsets in native dialogs drawn the same way?
I added this code to my userContent.css: fieldset {-moz-border-radius:5px} (In reply to comment #4) > Adam: is there is something wrong with my system? It si definetely not the same > here, how is it on W2k? Not, nothing wrong. Just Both MSIE 6.0 and Mozilla have right-angled corners on my Windows 2000.
Finally I had more cycles :-) I tried a few ones and feel pretty satisfied with the 'Using silver border, round corner, tweaked padding and standard legend' version. Trying a few things with the legend color did not prove very satisfying - thus if someone wants to check in the revised default for fieldset I bet it will improve our look, it is actually sad that Moz, that has CSS round corner support, is beaten by IE here! Here is the style, no need for diff I bet... display: block; margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px; padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em ; border: 1px solid silver; -moz-border-radius:0.5em; Thanks!
Attachment #141806 - Attachment is patch: false
Attachment #141806 - Attachment mime type: text/plain → text/html
franCk: You have to use system color keywords - see Also you should try to increase font size and watch margin around legent text.
Attached file Corrected color to match UI (obsolete) —
Thanks Adam - I learned something today :-) This new attachment is using ThreeDFace color (as the original border actually) and I feel it looks OK. For the margin, I like it tight, I bet, thus I leave it that way. Finally concerning the <legend> tag I thinkthe default behaviour is good enough - and any way it is much more likely that people will style it, because some like it bold, some like it blue, some like it hot :-) Remember here we just want to improve the default behaviour of <fieldset> because the one in IE is appealing enough for many people and they won't style it... To summarize the new proposed default style for <fieldset> with the help of Adam would be: display: block; margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px; padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em; border: 1px solid ThreeDFace; -moz-border-radius:0.5em; (it is the third one in the attachment)
Attachment #141806 - Attachment is obsolete: true
This change in your proposed CSS makes fieldset border invisible on gray background, original was okay: - border: 2px groove ThreeDFace; + border: 1px solid ThreeDFace; In attached testcase in 4th example you also changed color of legend text without setting background, so legend also disappeared in my browser.
Attached file A new trial :-/
Well Adam - now I understand why nobody does UI stuff :-) You're damn right and I have already sent 3 attachnment to get a very little stuff done, sorry guys :-) In this last version I use the same color for the border as the color used for the input box (Graytext) and it make even some sense - but I left the solid look I feel a group is better like that with a solid line. Thus here it is (3rd case as usual in the attachment) : display: block; margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px; padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em; border: 1px solid Graytext; -moz-border-radius:0.5em; Looks nice to me! Adam? Luckily, you seem to have a special color set :-) (Note that for the legend stuff, although I don't care really, in the fifth case I've tried to set the color to what seems 'meaningful' (Highlight) and in the last case the same color as the border (Graytext). However I don't know if it matches IE stuff because I'm at home and I don't have IESP1 under XP, but only IE 6.0 unde W98 - this actually explains why your mileage may vary as you noticed Boris and Adam :-). The rendering depends on the OS and it must use some OS control, anyway I'm not sugesting any change to legend only to fieldset... and BTW, I feel the rounded corner is nice even under W98 :-)
Attachment #141809 - Attachment is obsolete: true
> border: 1px solid Graytext; GrayText keyword is for "Grayed (disabled) text", so why common (probably active) fieldset have to looks like other disabled text in system? > Adam? Luckily, you seem to have a special color set :-) I have window background setted to 192:192:192 (RGB), because default white is to bright for my eyes.
Attached file Next trial
1st and 2nd are same as in previous trials, 3rd is changing corners and padding.
Attached patch patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
I'l try it. -> aha This patch adds radius border and tweaks top padding.
Assignee: nobody → aha
Comment on attachment 141856 [details] [diff] [review] patch I have one note: -moz-border-radius can't be changed by web author CSS, because this property IMHO doesn't meet CSS syntax.
Attachment #141856 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron)
Attachment #141856 - Flags: review?(dbaron)
> -moz-border-radius can't be changed by web author CSS, because > this property IMHO doesn't meet CSS syntax. It can, and it does (for unofficial extensions) :-) Gerv
Gerv: AFAIK CSS properties have to start with "a-z" letter (CSS 2.0 - 4.1.1) and char "-" doesn't meet this requirements. When non-Gecko UA meets "-moz-*" property, it should generate parse error - because it's incorrect format of property name, not unknown property that should be ignored. For example some 1.x version of Safari ignore rest of CSS definition file after "-moz-some-property:some-value}". IMHO Mozilla internal CSS properties starts with "-" char, because such names can't colidate with any further CSS property name. Boris or David, correct me, if it's wrong interpretation of CSS spec.
CSS2.1 changes this.
Ian: Thank for note. CSS 2.1 WD allows "-" <>.
Well I believe adam has a point here and it may cause a small problem that could change our perception of the proposal (and I'm the original suggester :-). Imagine the following situation, we change the default behaviour to : -moz-border-radius 0.5em But then, if for some reason, someone does not want anymore round corner, is he forced to use a -moz-border-radius 0em in his style? If yes, I'm sure you see the problem, nobody (except us :-) would do that and people will complain that Mozilla does not render the same as IE because it does round corner. Note that apparently IE has a behaviour that I believe is different from Mozilla (but I may be wrong, correct me if I am) - if there is no styling (CSS or local) then IE apply the default style with round corner and blue legend, which is, as Boris noted, the same as the OS style for fieldset. But as soon as there is a style for the fieldset border (border: 1px groove; or even, and that's more interesting, border-width:2px;) then the round corner disappear and the whole style of the fieldset border is replaced by a default look quite similar to what Mozilla does (groove except it has a different color). You see that in the attachment with the example 2 (there is border-width:3px:). So what do you think? Before we introduce a default behaviour that can not be overriden shall we wait for the implementation of the CSS2.1 round corner stuff, which at least will give the chance to everybody to set the value :-) OK that's my thought of the day :-) PS: note that I may be wrong and I'm not to sure how to test that, maybe the -moz-border-radius is overiden in the same way as in IE (but someone will have to explain me why :-) PPS: oh, by the way I prefer my color for the fieldset (Graytext) as in the last example in the attachment because although the fieldset is an active element, the line is just here to suggest a grouping, help the eyes, and is secondary, should stay in the background... hence it is not active really but fainter. However whatever, I'll be happy even with a black line, as soon as it has round corner, a tweaked padding and maybe a style of solid (groove, which looks really ugly with square corner (you have the feeling that the line breaks in the lower left and upper right corners) is more or less OK with round corner, however I don't see why it should be a 3D element it is just a grouping not a button, I suggest solid as a style)...
Sounds to me like IE is doing the equivalent of -moz-appearance, like I said in comment 5.
*** Bug 236387 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment on attachment 141856 [details] [diff] [review] patch The padding change is fine with me, but I'd rather stay away from the -moz-border-radius. r+sr=dbaron on the padding change, though.
David, could you check it to the tree?
Attachment #141856 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #141856 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron)
Attachment #141856 - Flags: review?(dbaron)
Comment on attachment 143216 [details] [diff] [review] only padding change patch checked in
FWIW, my thoughts... Some (possibly) useful information:- * On Windows, you will only see the rounded borders in IE on WinXP and above - XP is the first WinOS to implement Themes at the widget level ie. Luna - Therefore, the appearance of the corners and colors is dependant on the current theme * To really fix this bug, we need to draw the OS's current theme for Fieldset - David Hyatt added a new Theme API back in 2001/2002 ( - Looks like we need to implement NS_THEME_FIELDSET on Windows (+ other OS's) * a bug hasn't been filed yet * see meta Bug 117584 - "NS_THEME_* implementations (meta bug)" - Windows native control for Fieldset is a GroupBox Therefore, any border-radius set in CSS is going to be wrong, since the radius decision is based on a particular platform & OS version & current theme. I'd imagine that the Fieldset's radius, color, thickness, legend font, legend font color etc. are all themeable. Therefore the NS_THEME_FIELDSET would have to lookup the current properties for the native Groupbox. Also, I'm not sure about the changes to the padding for Fieldset, it seems that the changes were to match one browser (IE6) on one OS (WinXP). Don't know if they will be ok on other OS's, wonder if there is a spec for determining the padding for a Fieldset....
Assignee: aha → nobody
OK I verified it today with Firefox PR. It is indeed nicer with the new padding - and I've checked on different platform it worked (but not on Mac). I think I'll close that one, because the change to make it work 'as in IE' are extensive and probably covered by some other bug on -moz-appearance implementation, as Boris explanation in comment 21 suggest. As far as I'm concerned this bug has fulfilled his role - but feel free to differ and reopen it :-)
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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