Closed Bug 234861 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

[FIXr]presentation attributes don't work in anonymous content


(Core :: SVG, defect, P2)






(Reporter: alex, Assigned: bzbarsky)




(2 files, 3 obsolete files)

I am generating some anonymous SVG content for a frame through the nsIAnonymousContentCreator interface. The problem is that in the generated content, SVG presentation attributes ("fill", "stroke", etc) don't get mapped into the element's style. This is a result of the bug#233370 patch which delegated the style mapping to document sheets. Apparently document sheets don't get applied to anonymous content.
Yep. The problem is that the attr sheet is not applied to anonymous content, because it's a document sheet. It really shouldn't be a document sheet but a UA one, in my opinion.... except possibly in non-XHTML HTML documents (per what CSS2.1 is saying, if I follow it correctly). Or am I on crack?
SVG attributes should indeed be in the UA stylesheet. Only certain HTML presentational attributes are supposed to be implemented at the author level.
OK. So HTML and XHTML should behave differently here? XHTML should be like all other *ML and the attributes should be at the ua level, while HTML they should be at the author level? (I'm just clarifying so I only have to change this code once.... ;) )
Correct. And the list of presentational attributes for HTML is defined as any attribute that is not in the following list: abbr, accept-charset, accept, accesskey, action, alt, archive, axis, charset, checked, cite, class, classid, code, codebase, codetype, colspan, coords, data, datetime, declare, defer, dir, disabled, enctype, for, headers, href, hreflang, http-equiv, id, ismap, label, lang, language, longdesc, maxlength, media, method, multiple, name, nohref, object, onblur, onchange, onclick, ondblclick, onfocus, onkeydown, onkeypress, onkeyup, onload, onload, onmousedown, onmousemove, onmouseout, onmouseover, onmouseup, onreset, onselect, onsubmit, onunload, onunload, other event handler attributes that are non-standard, profile, prompt, readonly, rel, rev, rowspan, scheme, scope, selected, shape, span, src, standby, start, style, summary, title, type (except on LI, OL and UL elements), usemap, value, valuetype, version. Elements (e.g. <center>) must always be at the UA-level, even in HTML.
This seems strange to me, i thought that presentational attributes in (x)html and most other markups were supposed to be overruled by CSS. (svg would be logical if it was different since SVG is mostly about presentation anyway). I take it that i've missunderstood things then? Anyway, this still means that presentational attributes in HTML-elements in anonymous content still won't work. Not sure how big of a deal that is since we always use XHTML there. And i guess since XBL is an namespace aware language we don't support putting non-namespace aware HTML in it, even through DOM.
Yes, but the host document is what matters, not the type of element, since the document is what's putting sheets in the style set.... At the moment, the thought I'm having is to explicitly put mAttrStyleSheet in the ua level in the style set for XML docs (this includes XHTML) and to create a new "preshint" level for use by HTML docs. At the same time, I am trying to look forward to when we implement attr mapping for XUL. At that point, if a document contains both XHTML and XUL, say, their attrs would get mapped at different places in the cascade... so I'm trying to figure out a clean way to handle the whole mess.
If it's the host document that matters then wouldn't we get bitten in the ass if we did proper attrmapping for XUL and then used XBL formcontrols? I don't see any big problems with having two mapped-attrs stylesheets at different places in the cascade. The stylesystem doesn't care that a stylesheet is a mapped-attrs stylesheet right? And we already have different stylesheets for inlinestyle and mappedattrs.
> and then used XBL formcontrols? Only if we expected the XUL attr weirdness to work in there. It's really only useful for persist stuff to work, so it's easy not to depend on it. On the other hand, I guess we could do what you suggest. Have all documents have two mapped attr sheets, and have those sheets check whether a node is in the XUL namespace to decide whether to map its attributes...
That does not sound as attractive as I first thought, I had hoped that the elements could manage this themselfs. But i realize that that might not be all that easy. I'm not very oppinionated either way, especially since i don't know enough about the changes involved.
> i thought that presentational attributes in (x)html and most other markups were > supposed to be overruled by CSS. That's what I said, no?
So, can anyone point me towards the attrib sheet that currently does the mapping ... and to where it needs to be moved? As for where it needs to be moved, that's the question. It needs to be moved to the UA level, unless we're in HTML, when it needs to be moved to the preshint level, which needs to be added. Also, in the UA level we need to make sure that it comes after other UA sheets no matter what. Alternately, we create several preshint levels at different points in the cascade and decide which one it goes in based on the document type. Silly HTML exception.
Attached patch Proposed patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #145850 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 145851 [details] [diff] [review] Er, actually more like this I suppose I could have created two different preshint levels (for HTML and others), at the two different places in the cascade. But that seemed like overkill; unless someone does something weird with UA sheets the attr sheet should be the most important sheet in the UA level for XML documents with this patch.
Attachment #145851 - Flags: superreview?(jst)
Attachment #145851 - Flags: review?(dbaron)
Blocks: 2942
Comment on attachment 145851 [details] [diff] [review] Er, actually more like this Sorry for dragging my butt with this review. sr=jst, assuming dbaron is fine with this change.
Attachment #145851 - Flags: superreview?(jst) → superreview+
Comment on attachment 145851 [details] [diff] [review] Er, actually more like this I'm not crazy about nsDocument.h including nsStyleSet.h, but I guess it's OK. You added a line of extra whitespace in nsHTMLDocument.h, but other than that, r=dbaron.
Attachment #145851 - Flags: review?(dbaron) → review+
Yeah, the alternative was rewriting all this code to move ownership of the attr sheet and such out of the document, which I wasn't quite ready for....
Assignee: alex → bzbarsky
OS: Windows XP → All
Priority: -- → P2
Hardware: PC → All
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.8alpha
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I get the following build error now: c++ -o nsXBLBinding.o -c -DOSTYPE=\"Linux2.6\" -DOSARCH=\"Linux\" -D_IMPL_NS_LAYOUT -I./../../base/src -I./../../html/style/src -I./../../html/base/src -I./../../html/document/src -I./../../xml/document/src -I./../../xul/content/src -I../../../dist/include/xpcom -I../../../dist/include/string -I../.. /../dist/include/js -I../../../dist/include/dom -I../../../dist/include/gfx -I../../../dist/include/layout -I../../../dist/include/xultmpl -I../../../d ist/include/widget -I../../../dist/include/view -I../../../dist/include/caps -I../../../dist/include/htmlparser -I../../../dist/include/necko -I../../. ./dist/include/xpconnect -I../../../dist/include/pref -I../../../dist/include/docshell -I../../../dist/include/webshell -I../../../dist/include/lwbrk - I../../../dist/include/xul -I../../../dist/include/xuldoc -I../../../dist/include/rdf -I../../../dist/include/imglib2 -I../../../dist/include/unicharut il -I../../../dist/include/locale -I../../../dist/include/intl -I../../../dist/include/content -I../../../dist/include -I/usr/src/packages/BUILD/mozill a/dist/include/nspr -I/usr/X11R6/include -fPIC -I/usr/X11R6/include -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -Wall -Wconversion -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -W overloaded-virtual -Wsynth -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy -Wno-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-long-long -pedantic -O2 -march=i586 -mcpu=i686 -fmessage-length=0 -Wall -f no-strict-aliasing -fshort-wchar -pthread -pipe -DNDEBUG -DTRIMMED -ffunction-sections -O2 -march=i586 -mcpu=i686 -fmessage-length=0 -Wall -fno-strict -aliasing -I/usr/X11R6/include -DMOZILLA_CLIENT -include ../../../mozilla-config.h -Wp,-MD,.deps/nsXBLBinding.pp nsXBLBinding.cpp In file included from ../../../dist/include/necko/nsNetUtil.h:58, from nsXBLBinding.cpp:58: ../../../dist/include/xpcom/nsIInterfaceRequestorUtils.h:42: warning: `class nsGetInterface' has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor In file included from ../../../dist/include/xpcom/nsIServiceManager.h:178, from ../../../dist/include/necko/nsNetUtil.h:60, from nsXBLBinding.cpp:58: ../../../dist/include/xpcom/nsIServiceManagerUtils.h:48: warning: `class nsGetServiceByCID' has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../dist/include/xpcom/nsIServiceManagerUtils.h:81: warning: `class nsGetServiceByContractID' has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../dist/include/xpcom/nsIServiceManagerUtils.h:114: warning: `class nsGetServiceFromCategory' has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor In file included from ../../base/src/nsDocument.h:45, from ../../xml/document/src/nsXMLDocument.h:42, from nsXBLBinding.cpp:67: ../../../dist/include/xpcom/nsWeakReference.h:36: warning: `class nsSupportsWeakReference' has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ../../../dist/include/xpcom/nsWeakReference.h:71: warning: `class nsWeakReference' has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor In file included from ../../xml/document/src/nsXMLDocument.h:42, from nsXBLBinding.cpp:67: ../../base/src/nsDocument.h:460: error: syntax error before `virtual' In file included from nsXBLBinding.cpp:70: ../../../dist/include/xpcom/nsSupportsArray.h:50: warning: `class nsSupportsArray' has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor gmake[4]: *** [nsXBLBinding.o] Error 1
forget it. It worked the second time :-(
Reopening because the original problem is still not fixed: nsIAnonymousContentCreator-created SVG contents' presentation attributes remain dysfunctional.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Alex, please attach a testcase. I can't fix a bug I can't reproduce. It's an XML document, right? Not HTML?
I'd love to attach a test case, but I haven't got one that would be suitable. The testcase I'm currently using is dependent on code on the xtf branch and is huge. I've got this loaded up in the debugger and i can see that basically for svg content created via nsCSSFrameConstructor::CreateAnonymousFrames() -> nsCSSFrameCTOR::ConstructFrame(), the style resolution in nsCSSFrameCTOR::ResolveStyleContext() never calls nsSVGElement::UpdateContentStyleRule(). For 'normally' constructed svg elements, presentation attribs work fine. The stack in this case looks like this: #1 0x4153f144 in nsSVGElement::UpdateContentStyleRule() (this=0x88a5a50) at nsSVGElement.cpp:711 #2 0x4153dbbf in nsSVGElement::WalkContentStyleRules(nsRuleWalker*) ( this=0x88a5a50, aRuleWalker=0x8775808) at nsSVGElement.cpp:269 #3 0x41383a85 in nsHTMLStyleSheet::RulesMatching(ElementRuleProcessorData*, nsIAtom*) (this=0x87ab230, aData=0xbfffe580, aMedium=0x80bc380) at nsHTMLStyleSheet.cpp:605 #4 0x4121ef49 in EnumRulesMatching (aProcessor=0x87ab234, aData=0xbfffe580) at nsStyleSet.cpp:333 #5 0x40793538 in nsVoidArray::EnumerateForwards(int (*)(void*, void*), void*) (this=0x887f110, aFunc=0x4121ef1a <EnumRulesMatching>, aData=0xbfffe580) at nsVoidArray.cpp:648 #6 0x412215c5 in nsCOMArray_base::EnumerateForwards(int (*)(void*, void*), void*) (this=0x887f110, aFunc=0x4121ef1a <EnumRulesMatching>, aData=0xbfffe580) at nsCOMArray.h:65 #7 0x41221177 in nsCOMArray<nsIStyleRuleProcessor>::EnumerateForwards(int (*)(nsIStyleRuleProcessor*, void*), void*) (this=0x887f110, aFunc=0x4121ef1a <EnumRulesMatching>, aData=0xbfffe580) at nsCOMArray.h:221 #8 0x4121f2cb in nsStyleSet::FileRules(int (*)(nsIStyleRuleProcessor*, void*), RuleProcessorData*) (this=0x887f0d0, aCollectorFunc=0x4121ef1a <EnumRulesMatching>, aData=0xbfffe580) at nsStyleSet.cpp:433 #9 0x4122002d in nsStyleSet::ResolveStyleFor(nsIContent*, nsStyleContext*) ( this=0x887f0d0, aContent=0x88a5a50, aParentContext=0x87d65f4) at nsStyleSet.cpp:532 #10 0x41092902 in nsCSSFrameConstructor::ResolveStyleContext(nsIPresContext*, nsIFrame*, nsIContent*) (this=0x85fcb50, aPresContext=0x8806580, aParentFrame=0x87d664c, aContent=0x88a5a50) at nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp:6584 #11 0x4109410f in nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrame(nsIPresShell*, nsIPresContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsFrameItems&) ( this=0x85fcb50, aPresShell=0x88c2498, aPresContext=0x8806580, aState=@0xbfffe9b0, aContent=0x88a5a50, aParentFrame=0x87d664c, aFrameItems=@0xbfffe808) at nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp:7165 Interestingly, looking at frame #8, I can see that the stylesheet that ultimately leads us to nsSVGElement::UpdateContentStyleRule() is in the eDocSheet list, not the eAgentSheet list. Any ideas?
Ok, I could be totally wrong here, but your patch assumes that the PresShell(s) has/have been created by the time nsDocument::ResetStyleSheetsToURI is called, right? It looks like that is not the case and mAttrStyleSheet just gets added as a doc stylesheet in DocumentViewerImpl::CreateStyleSet() when the PresShell is constructed.
Yeah, that's probably it. I hate the document construction sprawl. :(
Attached patch Fix up content viewer too (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Alex, does this patch make things work for you?
Boris: Yeah, this fixes all of my testcases :-)
Comment on attachment 149349 [details] [diff] [review] Fix up content viewer too I had to move the preshint level out of the UA level for non-HTML because the code in nsStyleSet that munges the quirks stylesheet assumes (and asserts, and crashes if the assumption is violated) that all sheets in the UA level are nsICSSStyleSheet. If we ever fix that, we can probably eliminate the ePresHintSheet level....
Attachment #149349 - Flags: superreview?(jst)
Attachment #149349 - Flags: review?(dbaron)
Target Milestone: mozilla1.8alpha1 → mozilla1.8alpha2
I think I prefer keeping the levels separate -- do we now have the invariant that we have a single rule processor for each level? (That's how it should be, IMO.) In some cases, the rule processor is a CSSRuleProcessor pointing to multiple sheets.
Comment on attachment 149349 [details] [diff] [review] Fix up content viewer too >@@ -1192,10 +1209,9 @@ nsDocument::doCreateShell(nsIPresContext > NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); > > // Note: we don't hold a ref to the shell (it holds a ref to us) > mPresShells.AppendElement(shell); >- *aInstancePtrResult = shell.get(); >- NS_ADDREF(*aInstancePtrResult); >+ shell.swap(*aInstancePtrResult); Is |*aInstancePtrResult| guaranteed to be null? > nsStyleSet::FileRules(nsIStyleRuleProcessor::EnumFunc aCollectorFunc, > RuleProcessorData* aData) > AddImportantRules(lastDocRN, lastUserRN); //doc > AddImportantRules(lastOvrRN, lastDocRN); //ovr Can't these two be condensed? >- // There should be no imporant rules in the preshint level >+ // There should be no imporant rules in the preshint or HTMLpreshint level Fix spelling of "important"? > AddImportantRules(lastUserRN, lastAgentRN); //user > AddImportantRules(lastAgentRN, nsnull); //agent Both user->doc and agent->user include pres-hint rules. I'd rather you not walk them, but instead have a DEBUG-only function that asserts that GetImportantRule is always null. I didn't really review the ordering stuff, since I figured one person tracing through all the necessary ordering stuff is enough. r=dbaron with those changes If the assertion in my previous comment about one rule processor per level is correct, then perhaps it's worth cleaning that up in a followup patch (and perhaps making the way stylesheets are combined into a CSSRuleProcessor a little less side-effect-ish)?
Attachment #149349 - Flags: review?(dbaron) → review+
(And I think that followup patch would allow me to finish my next patch for bug 239008.)
> Is |*aInstancePtrResult| guaranteed to be null? Good point. I'll check. > Can't these two be condensed? Hmm.. probably. Again, I'll check. I'm not sure I'll get to fixing this up before the 14th... if I don't, I'll pick this up when I get back in July.
note that nsCOMPtrs will always be nulled before passed as return-value-pointer. This might not however be the case with rawpointers which means that you shouldn't rely on it in the general case.
(In reply to comment #33) > > Is |*aInstancePtrResult| guaranteed to be null? > Good point. I'll check. It was really more of a rhetorical question. Our convention is that it isn't, so you need to assign null before swapping.
Yeah, that's what I've done in the updated patch (assign null up front in that function).
Attachment #149349 - Flags: superreview?(jst)
Attached patch Updated to comments (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #149349 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 153218 [details] [diff] [review] Updated to comments David, would you give this a last once-over?
Attachment #153218 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron)
Attachment #153218 - Flags: review?(dbaron)
Comment on attachment 153218 [details] [diff] [review] Updated to comments Perhaps AssertNoImportantRules should even assert if something QIs to nsICSSStyleRule, although then we'd need a different function for style attribute rules once that's it's own level.
Attachment #153218 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron)
Attachment #153218 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #153218 - Flags: review?(dbaron)
Attachment #153218 - Flags: review+
Attachment #153218 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Summary: presentation attributes don't work in anonymous content → [FIXr]presentation attributes don't work in anonymous content
Target Milestone: mozilla1.8alpha2 → mozilla1.8beta
Fixed (again, dammit :) ).
Closed: 21 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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