Closed Bug 235913 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Random crashes while printing on Solaris


(Core Graveyard :: Printing: Xprint, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: roland.mainz, Assigned: roland.mainz)



(Keywords: crash, regression)


(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

After bug 224337 ("Mozilla crashes viewing") was fixed many users started to complain about random crashes when printing. A stack trace subitted via email looks like this: -- snip -- % pstack core core 'core' of 27322: ./mozilla-bin ----------------- lwp# 1 / thread# 1 -------------------- fc2c49a0 __1cUnsFontXlibSubstituteHConvert6MpkHIpHI_I_ (968288, 6c65, 0, ffbe64b8, 7ef3d0, 6c65) + 308 fc2c59b4 __1cRnsFontMetricsXlibPFindNearestSize6MpnRnsFontStretchXlib_H_pnKnsFontXlib__ (968288, 0, 0, fc2ddfce, a, fc2f0f9c) + 24 fc2ca29c __1cMGetFontNames6FpnYnsFontMetricsXlibContext_pkciipnTnsFontNodeArrayXlib__v_ (7ee4c0, ffbe6b20, ffbe68ec, 0, fc2ca158, 5) + 1b1c fd13837c __1cLnsTextFrameLMeasureText6MpnOnsIPresContext_rknRnsHTMLReflowState_rnRnsTextTransformer_pnOnsILineBreaker_rn0AJTextStyle_rn0AOTextReflowData__I_ (93ccfc, 0, ffbe6d88, ffbe6af8, ffbe6adc, ffbe6c34) + 8c8 fd1391a4 __1cLnsTextFrameGReflow6MpnOnsIPresContext_rnTnsHTMLReflowMetrics_rknRnsHTMLReflowState_rI_I_ (93ccfc, 981fa0, ffbe6d3c, 0, ffbe6ef4, 1) + 588 fd105eec __1cMnsLineLayoutLReflowFrame6MpnInsIFrame_rIpnTnsHTMLReflowMetrics_ri_I_ (ffbe7008, 93ccfc, ffbe6ef4, 0, ffbe6ef0, fd778638) + 498 fd0cfec8 __1cMnsBlockFrameRReflowInlineFrame6MrnSnsBlockReflowState_rnMnsLineLayout_nTnsLineList_iterator_pnInsIFrame_pC_I_ (93cc80, ffbe77e0, ffbe7008, ffbe6f8c, 93ccfc, ffbe6f97) + 84 fd0cfb78 __1cMnsBlockFrameUDoReflowInlineFrames6MrnSnsBlockReflowState_rnMnsLineLayout_nTnsLineList_iterator_pipCii_I_ (93cc80, ffbe77e0, ffbe7008, ffbe7004, 93cf20, 80000000) + 208 fd0cf8e4 __1cMnsBlockFrameYDoReflowInlineFramesAuto6MrnSnsBlockReflowState_nTnsLineList_iterator_pipCii_I_ (93cc80, ffbe77e0, ffbe74ac, ffbe7704, ffbe74b7, 0) + 78 fd0cf768 __1cMnsBlockFrameSReflowInlineFrames6MrnSnsBlockReflowState_nTnsLineList_iterator_piii_I_ (93cc80, ffbe77e0, ffbe753c, ffbe7704, 0, 0) + 98 fd0cde44 __1cMnsBlockFrameKReflowLine6MrnSnsBlockReflowState_nTnsLineList_iterator_pii_I_ (93cc80, ffbe77e0, 80000000, ffbe7704, 0, 0) + 63c fd0cd250 __1cMnsBlockFrameQReflowDirtyLines6MrnSnsBlockReflowState__I_ (93cc80, ffbe77e0, 0, 93cf20, 0, 93ccb8) + 2e8 fd0cb578 __1cMnsBlockFrameGReflow6MpnOnsIPresContext_rnTnsHTMLReflowMetrics_rknRnsHTMLReflowState_rI_I_ (93cc80, 981fa0, ffbe7d40, ffbe7b68, ffbe7c1c, 800000) + 4f0 fd0d5900 __1cUnsBlockReflowContextLReflowBlock6MrknGnsRect_irnSnsCollapsingMargin_irnInsMargin_rnRnsHTMLReflowState_rI_I_ (ffbe7cfc, 93cc80, ffbe7d28, 35ebe8, 40000000, ffbe8448) + 5d0 fd0cf17c __1cMnsBlockFrameQReflowBlockFrame6MrnSnsBlockReflowState_nTnsLineList_iterator_pi_I_ (972610, ffbe80c0, ffbe8448, ffbe7fe4, 40000000, ffbe8120) + 304 fd0cd8c0 __1cMnsBlockFrameKReflowLine6MrnSnsBlockReflowState_nTnsLineList_iterator_pii_I_ (972610, ffbe80c0, 0, ffbe7fe4, 0, ffbe7fb8) + b8 fd0cd250 __1cMnsBlockFrameQReflowDirtyLines6MrnSnsBlockReflowState__I_ (972610, ffbe80c0, 0, 93d14c, 0, 972648) + 2e8 fd0cb578 __1cMnsBlockFrameGReflow6MpnOnsIPresContext_rnTnsHTMLReflowMetrics_rknRnsHTMLReflowState_rI_I_ (972610, 981fa0, ffbe8620, ffbe8448, ffbe84fc, 800000) + 4f0 fd0d5900 __1cUnsBlockReflowContextLReflowBlock6MrknGnsRect_irnSnsCollapsingMargin_irnInsMargin_rnRnsHTMLReflowState_rI_I_ (ffbe85dc, 972610, ffbe8608, 35ebe8, 40000000, ffbe8d28) + 5d0 fd0cf17c __1cMnsBlockFrameQReflowBlockFrame6MrnSnsBlockReflowState_nTnsLineList_iterator_pi_I_ (77ebe4, ffbe89a0, ffbe8d28, ffbe88c4, 40000000, ffbe8a00) + 304 -- snip --
Taking myself...
Assignee: katakai → roland.mainz
QA Contact: roland.mainz → katakai
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.7beta
Comment on attachment 142503 [details] [diff] [review] Patch which fixes the problem via allocating the correct size of a CMap Requesting r=/sr= ...
Attachment #142503 - Flags: superreview?(roc)
Attachment #142503 - Flags: review?(jshin)
Keywords: regression
Comment on attachment 142503 [details] [diff] [review] Patch which fixes the problem via allocating the correct size of a CMap >- PRUint32 dbmapSize = sizeof(gDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMap); >+ PRUint32 dbmapSize = sizeof(gDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMapUnion); > mDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMap = (PRUint16*)PR_Malloc(dbmapSize); > if (!mDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMap) > return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; Would this (the line that comes right after the above) be all right? memcpy(mDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMap, gDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMap, dbmapSize); It may be necessary to copy only sizeof(gDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMap).
Jungshik Shin wrote: > (From update of attachment 142503 [details] [diff] [review]) > >- PRUint32 dbmapSize = sizeof(gDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMap); > >+ PRUint32 dbmapSize = sizeof(gDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMapUnion); > > mDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMap = (PRUint16*)PR_Malloc(dbmapSize); > > if (!mDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMap) > > return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; > > Would this (the line that comes right after the above) be all right? Yes... that's right... I verified it via adding a printf(). Right now we malloc() and copy the size of the pointer and not the size of the union - and that causes the crash (only a common crash on Solaris due some internal details of how malloc() is implemented in SYSV). > memcpy(mDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMap, gDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMap, dbmapSize); > > It may be necessary to copy only sizeof(gDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMap). Nope, see above. We would only copy the size of a pointer and not the whole CCMap data.
(In reply to comment #5) > Jungshik Shin wrote: > > >+ PRUint32 dbmapSize = sizeof(gDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMapUnion); > > Would this (the line that comes right after the above) be all right? > > Yes... that's right... I verified it via adding a printf(). Right now we > malloc() and copy the size of the pointer and not the size of the union - and My question was not about what you changed but about what you didn't change. (see below). There's no doubt that the former is necessary. > > > memcpy(mDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMap, gDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMap, dbmapSize); > > > > It may be necessary to copy only sizeof(gDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMap). > > Nope, see above. We would only copy the size of a pointer and not the whole > CCMap data. Ok. Then, what I suggested wouldn't work. What I'm worred about is an 'overshooting' by '2bytes' (on 32bit machines). Would that be all right?
Jungshik Shin wrote: > Ok. Then, what I suggested wouldn't work. What I'm worred about is an > 'overshooting' by '2bytes' (on 32bit machines). Would that be all right? I guess yes. Solaris dbx has Purify-like functionality and it did not complain when I tested the patch ... :)
Flags: blocking1.7b?
Keywords: crash
(In reply to comment #6) > Ok. Then, what I suggested wouldn't work. What I'm worred about is an > 'overshooting' by '2bytes' (on 32bit machines). Would that be all right? where would the overshooting come from? if you're confused by the same thing that I was ;) this is a union, not a struct, so the align attr does not increase the size.
Comment on attachment 142503 [details] [diff] [review] Patch which fixes the problem via allocating the correct size of a CMap (jshin: I was asked to review this patch... I hope you don't mind my doing that even though you had comments about the patch; if you do, sorry...)
Attachment #142503 - Flags: review?(jshin) → review+
Attachment #142503 - Flags: superreview?(roc) → superreview?(bzbarsky)
(In reply to comment #8) > where would the overshooting come from? > if you're confused by the same thing that I was ;) this is a union, not a > struct, so the align attr does not increase the size. Oh, you're right. Thanks. However, I've just come up with another idea than using 'sizeof....'. The macro gDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMap_SIZE is defined in gfx/src/x11shared/dbyte_special_chars.ccmap. Instead of this, PRUint32 dbmapSize = sizeof(gDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMapUnion); we can use PRUint32 dbmapSize = gDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMap_SIZE * sizeof(PRUnichar); Either way should be fine, though.
Comment on attachment 142503 [details] [diff] [review] Patch which fixes the problem via allocating the correct size of a CMap sr=bzbarsky if you use the _SIZE macro as jshin suggests. For future reference, please diff with -pu8 or something -- the ridiculous lack of context on this patch made it much more time-consuming to review it.
Attachment #142503 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky) → superreview+
Boris Zbarsky wrote: > (From update of attachment 142503 [details] [diff] [review]) > sr=bzbarsky if you use the _SIZE macro as jshin suggests. The usage of the _SIZE macro is AFAIK WRONG. If I recall it correctly the CCMAP macros access the array via |long| datatypes so a memory read at the last array position may access two bytes of unallocated memory.
Comment on attachment 142503 [details] [diff] [review] Patch which fixes the problem via allocating the correct size of a CMap Requesting sr= for original patch per last comment.
Attachment #142503 - Flags: superreview+ → superreview?(bzbarsky)
Comment on attachment 142503 [details] [diff] [review] Patch which fixes the problem via allocating the correct size of a CMap In that case add some nice clear comments indicating what's going on here.
Attachment #142503 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky) → superreview+
Boris Zbarsky wrote: > (From update of attachment 142503 [details] [diff] [review]) > In that case add some nice clear comments indicating what's going on here OK... new patch coming in a few secs...
Attachment #142503 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 142642 [details] [diff] [review] New patch with added comment fix checked in.
Pierre Chanial wrote: > (From update of attachment 142642 [details] [diff] [review]) > fix checked in. Marking bug as FIXED.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Hey, roland, you're wrong in comment #12. Pls, don't recall but look into 'gfx/src/x11shared/dbyte_special_chars.ccmap'.
Jungshik Shin wrote: > Hey, roland, you're wrong in comment #12. The CCMap stuff uses 16bit datatypes for storage - but on RISC machines we have to use stronger alignment rules since the "natural alignment" (e.g. 16bit datatypes are 16bit aligned, 32bit datatypes are 32bit aligned, etc.) is not "enougth" since the CCMap macros which access the data operate with 32bits. That issue resulted in the crashes fixed with bug 224337. Now using the _SIZE macros for allocations may not be enougth. When we access the last entry of the CCMap array we may read one 16bit word beyond the allocated range. Currently we do not seem to hit that problem because |gDoubleByteSpecialCharsCCMap_SIZE| is 144 - that perfectly can be dividided through two or even four without a rest... but when the size changes to something like 145 (or 147) we will hit the problem.
In all cases, |sizeof(....UNION)| is exactly the same as |...._SIZE * sizeof (PRUnichar)|, which is why I wrote either is fine. Please, don't guess but read the code. BTW, the size of a CCMap in terms of bytes is guaranteed to be 0 modulo the size of ALU. (i.e. multiples of 4 on 32bit machines, multiples of 8 on 64bit machines).
Flags: blocking1.7b?
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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