Closed Bug 236921 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

[FIXr]CRASH when inspecting div with border-color inherit


(Other Applications :: DOM Inspector, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: soberholtzer, Assigned: bzbarsky)



(2 files, 4 obsolete files)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7a) Gecko/20040219 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7a) Gecko/20040219 When using the DOM inspector to inspect an element with style 'display: none' and 'border-color: inherit', attempting to view 'computed style' crashes with what looks like a null object dereference (invalid memory address 0x0000001c). Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Load the attached HTML page in Mozilla. 2. Navigate DOM inspector to the div whose text is 'this is the inner div'. Note: This is a LOT easier if you have the 'InspectThis' extension installed. 3. Once the proper div is selected, attempt to change the view from 'DOM Node' to 'Computed Style'. Actual Results: *boom* Expected Results: I expected to see the computed style rules for the selected div :)
Confirming with Mozilla 1.7a under WinXP. I get exactly the same invalid memory address, almost sounds like pointer problem or something like that. It crashes right here: 205 const StyleStructInfo& info = gInfo[aSID]; 206 207 // Get either &mInheritedData or &mResetData. 208 char* resetOrInheritSlot = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(char*, this) + info.mCachedStyleDataOffset; 209 210 // Get either mInheritedData or mResetData. 211 char* resetOrInherit = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(char*, *NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(void**, resetOrInheritSlot)); 212 Here's the stacktrace: nsCachedStyleData::GetStyleData(const nsStyleStructID & eStyleStruct_Color) line 211 + 3 bytes nsStyleContext::GetStyleData(nsStyleStructID eStyleStruct_Color) line 247 + 15 bytes nsStyleContext::GetStyleColor() line 70 + 17 bytes nsRuleNode::ComputeBorderData(nsStyleStruct * 0x03bacd44, const nsCSSStruct & {...}, nsStyleContext * 0x03bad9f4, nsRuleNode * 0x03bad614, const nsRuleNode::RuleDetail & eRulePartialMixed, int 0) line 3239 + 8 bytes nsRuleNode::WalkRuleTree(nsStyleStructID eStyleStruct_Border, nsStyleContext * 0x03bad9f4, nsRuleData * 0x0012d63c, nsCSSStruct * 0x0012d67c) line 129 + 42 bytes nsRuleNode::GetBorderData(nsStyleContext * 0x03bad9f4) line 1095 + 31 bytes nsRuleNode::GetStyleData(nsStyleStructID eStyleStruct_Border, nsStyleContext * 0x03bad9f4, int 1) line 129 + 12 bytes nsStyleContext::GetStyleData(nsStyleStructID eStyleStruct_Border) line 251 nsComputedDOMStyle::GetStyleData(nsStyleStructID eStyleStruct_Border, const nsStyleStruct * & 0x00000000, nsIFrame * 0x00000000) line 2924 + 12 bytes nsComputedDOMStyle::GetBorderColorFor(unsigned char 2, nsIFrame * 0x00000000, nsIDOMCSSValue * * 0x0012d924) line 3237 nsComputedDOMStyle::GetBorderBottomColor(nsIFrame * 0x00000000, nsIDOMCSSValue * * 0x0012d924) line 1074 nsComputedDOMStyle::GetPropertyCSSValue(nsComputedDOMStyle * const 0x03bd3070, const nsAString & {...}, nsIDOMCSSValue * * 0x0012d924) line 285 + 21 bytes nsComputedDOMStyle::GetPropertyValue(nsComputedDOMStyle * const 0x03bd3070, const nsAString & {...}, nsAString & {...}) line 250 + 40 bytes XPTC_InvokeByIndex(nsISupports * 0x03bd3070, unsigned int 5, unsigned int 2, nsXPTCVariant * 0x0012daa4) line 102 XPCWrappedNative::CallMethod(XPCCallContext & {...}, XPCWrappedNative::CallMode CALL_METHOD) line 2022 + 42 bytes XPC_WN_CallMethod(JSContext * 0x02022670, JSObject * 0x032845f0, unsigned int 1, long * 0x031a17f8, long * 0x0012dd74) line 1287 + 14 bytes js_Invoke(JSContext * 0x02022670, unsigned int 1, unsigned int 0) line 941 + 23 bytes js_Interpret(JSContext * 0x02022670, long * 0x0012e6a8) line 2962 + 15 bytes js_Invoke(JSContext * 0x02022670, unsigned int 2, unsigned int 2) line 958 + 13 bytes nsXPCWrappedJSClass::CallMethod(nsXPCWrappedJSClass * const 0x02a13f68, nsXPCWrappedJS * 0x03a6a870, unsigned short 23, const nsXPTMethodInfo * 0x02057f68, nsXPTCMiniVariant * 0x0012e9f4) line 1336 + 22 bytes nsXPCWrappedJS::CallMethod(nsXPCWrappedJS * const 0x03a6a870, unsigned short 23, const nsXPTMethodInfo * 0x02057f68, nsXPTCMiniVariant * 0x0012e9f4) line 450 PrepareAndDispatch(nsXPTCStubBase * 0x03a6a870, unsigned int 23, unsigned int * 0x0012eaa4, unsigned int * 0x0012ea94) line 117 + 31 bytes SharedStub() line 147 nsTreeBodyFrame::PaintText(int 4, nsTreeColumn * 0x03b41430, const nsRect & {...}, nsIPresContext * 0x0310f368, nsIRenderingContext & {...}, const nsRect & {...}, int & 3757) line 2809 nsTreeBodyFrame::PaintCell(int 4, nsTreeColumn * 0x03b41430, const nsRect & {...}, nsIPresContext * 0x0310f368, nsIRenderingContext & {...}, const nsRect & {...}, int & 1500) line 2575 nsTreeBodyFrame::PaintRow(int 4, const nsRect & {...}, nsIPresContext * 0x0310f368, nsIRenderingContext & {...}, const nsRect & {...}) line 2417 nsTreeBodyFrame::Paint(nsTreeBodyFrame * const 0x03198058, nsIPresContext * 0x0310f368, nsIRenderingContext & {...}, const nsRect & {...}, nsFramePaintLayer eFramePaintLayer_Overlay, unsigned int 0) line 2202 PresShell::Paint(PresShell * const 0x03a48454, nsIView * 0x03b3cbd0, nsIRenderingContext & {...}, const nsRect & {...}) line 5621 + 31 bytes nsView::Paint(nsView * const 0x03b3cbd0, nsIRenderingContext & {...}, const nsRect & {...}, unsigned int 0, int & 0) line 262 nsViewManager::RenderDisplayListElement(DisplayListElement2 * 0x03156888, nsIRenderingContext * 0x03b64170) line 1399 nsViewManager::RenderViews(nsView * 0x03b3cbd0, nsIRenderingContext & {...}, const nsRegion & {...}, void * 0x032c46e0) line 1317 nsViewManager::Refresh(nsView * 0x03b3cbd0, nsIRenderingContext * 0x03b64170, nsIRegion * 0x03abf7a8, unsigned int 1) line 882 nsViewManager::DispatchEvent(nsViewManager * const 0x03aa5e60, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012f678, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f584) line 1867 HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent * 0x0012f678) line 79 nsWindow::DispatchEvent(nsWindow * const 0x03b3cc6c, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012f678, nsEventStatus & nsEventStatus_eIgnore) line 1064 + 10 bytes nsWindow::DispatchWindowEvent(nsGUIEvent * 0x0012f678, nsEventStatus & nsEventStatus_eIgnore) line 1090 nsWindow::OnPaint(HDC__ * 0x00000000) line 5000 + 28 bytes nsWindow::ProcessMessage(unsigned int 15, unsigned int 0, long 0, long * 0x0012fb60) line 3780 + 19 bytes nsWindow::WindowProc(HWND__ * 0x001103fe, unsigned int 15, unsigned int 0, long 0) line 1346 + 27 bytes USER32! 77d43a50() USER32! 77d43b1f() USER32! 77d444f5() USER32! 77d44525() NTDLL! 77f75da3() USER32! 77d43ddf() nsAppShellService::Run(nsAppShellService * const 0x00a4b238) line 484 main1(int 1, char * * 0x002e2638, nsISupports * 0x009aef88) line 1291 + 32 bytes main(int 1, char * * 0x002e2638) line 1678 + 37 bytes mainCRTStartup() line 338 + 17 bytes KERNEL32! 77e814c7()
Ever confirmed: true
So the problem is that aContext->GetParent() is null in nsRuleNode::ComputeBorderData and that it's not null-checked in the border->SetBorderColor(side, parentContext->GetStyleColor()->mColor); line. Now that parent is null because nsComputedDOMStyle::GetStyleData is broken like that.... it should be doing something similar to what nsInspectorCSSUtils::GetStyleContextForContent. In fact, would it be truly evil to use nsInspectorCSSUtils inside nsComputedDOMStyle?
I'd like to rename nsIInspectorCSSUtils anyway, because I think that things there can be potentially used by non-inspector consumers.
And the fact that we have an interface in layout specific to inspector, if only by name, is not really cool, either.
This is a bug in nsRuleNode -- 'border-color: inherit' on the root needs to set the foreground value. We might want to fix nsStyleBorder's constructor to initialize to the correct defaults as well...
A fix for this bug should probably also fix this testcase, and should definitely not make it crash.
Personally, I think anyone who specifies 'inherit' for a property on the root node should be shot.
Personally, I think anyone who doesn't realize that a rule can match multiple nodes _including_ the root node.... well, you know.
Of course in that testcase the style context of the <html> _does_ have a parentContext (probably the scrollframe or some silly thing like that).
Yep. // resolve a new style for the root frame rootPseudoStyle = styleSet->ResolvePseudoStyleFor(nsnull, rootPseudo, scrollPseudoStyle); This is in nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructRootFrame
Er, that's not the style for the root node.. silly me.
Attached patch Rather evil patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Comment on attachment 143458 [details] [diff] [review] Rather evil patch So the nsInspectorCSSUtils changes are just to avoid duplication of code. The nsComputedDOMStyle changes are to make sure we get the right style. The nsCSSFrameConstructor changes are to make the display of dbaron's testcase right, and the nsRuleNode changes fix the crash.
Attachment #143458 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron)
Attachment #143458 - Flags: review?(caillon)
Comment on attachment 143458 [details] [diff] [review] Rather evil patch >Index: content/html/style/src/nsInspectorCSSUtils.cpp > nsInspectorCSSUtils::GetStyleContextForContent(nsIContent* aContent, >- // No frame has been created, so resolve the style ourselves >+ // No frame has been created or we have a pseudo, so resolve the >+ // style ourselves > nsRefPtr<nsStyleContext> parentContext; > nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> parent = aContent->GetParent(); should be = aPseudo ? aContent : aContent->GetParent(); > nsRefPtr<nsStyleContext> sContext = >- GetStyleContextForContent(aContent, presShell); >+ GetStyleContextForContent(aContent, nsnull, presShell); Given that this was the only user, the version in nsComputedDOMStyle would have been sufficient for inspector (but not for computed style!). >Index: layout/html/style/src/nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp > styleContext = aPresShell->StyleSet()->ResolveStyleFor(aDocElement, >- aParentStyleContext); >+ nsnull); To match this, do you need to fix implementations of nsIFrame::GetParentStyleContextFrame ? Other than that, looks good, although a diff -w would have been nice.
> should be = aPseudo ? aContent : aContent->GetParent(); Doh. Indeed. > To match this, do you need to fix implementations of > nsIFrame::GetParentStyleContextFrame ? Yes, I do.
Attachment #143458 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached patch Same, but without -w for checkin (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #143666 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron)
Attachment #143666 - Flags: review?(caillon)
Attachment #143458 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron)
Attachment #143458 - Flags: review?(caillon)
Attachment #143666 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron) → superreview+
Assignee: dom-inspector → bzbarsky
Summary: CRASH when inspecting div with border-color inherit → [FIX]CRASH when inspecting div with border-color inherit
Comment on attachment 143666 [details] [diff] [review] Updated to comments, diff -w (FOR REVIEW ONLY) >- // No frame has been created, so resolve the style ourselves >+ // No frame has been created or we have a pseudo, so resolve the >+ // style ourselves > nsRefPtr<nsStyleContext> parentContext; >- nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> parent = aContent->GetParent(); >+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> parent = aPseudo ? aContent : aContent->GetParent(); I don't think this needs to be a strong reference, does it? r=caillon
Attachment #143666 - Flags: review?(caillon) → review+
You're right, it does not. I'll make that change before checking in. Targeting at 1.8a, but if someone feels this should go into 1.7b, please speak up (and request approval)....
OS: Windows 2000 → All
Priority: -- → P2
Hardware: PC → All
Summary: [FIX]CRASH when inspecting div with border-color inherit → [FIXr]CRASH when inspecting div with border-color inherit
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.8alpha
Comment on attachment 143666 [details] [diff] [review] Updated to comments, diff -w (FOR REVIEW ONLY) Yeah, I think this crash fix would be good to get for beta if we can. From an extension standpoint, this will make inspector not suck as much for 1.7 final. Otherwise, users who want this crash fix in a "stable" release will have to wait for 1.8. Anyway, this shouldn't be hit too much by websites apart from the rule node change (which should be safe IMO), as its hit mostly from computed style code so it would be good to get what exposure we can in a beta. If problems arise from this, I'll be happy to back it out.
Attachment #143666 - Flags: approval1.7b?
Attachment #143666 - Flags: approval1.7b? → approval1.7?
Comment on attachment 143666 [details] [diff] [review] Updated to comments, diff -w (FOR REVIEW ONLY) a=asa (on behalf of drivers) for checkin to 1.7
Attachment #143666 - Flags: approval1.7? → approval1.7+
Checked in for 1.7.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Might not be relevant, but this is new for me: ###!!! ASSERTION: Cannot find NonTransparentBackground in a null context: 'context', file nsCSSRendering.cpp, line 2497
Since pulling yesterday shortly after this landed, I'm been getting ASSERTs whenever I load a document. On the Mozilla start page, it happens about 18 times. On others, I just give up. --------------------------- nsDebug::Assertion --------------------------- ASSERTION: Cannot find NonTransparentBackground in a null context: 'context', file c:/Mozilla/mozilla/layout/html/style/src/nsCSSRendering.cpp, line 2497 Windows XP, VC7 2003
Attached patch Fix assert (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This should fix the assert (which was being triggered by the root's context being passed in with aStartAtParent true). aStartAtParent is a quirks hack in any case, so not applying that quirk to the root seems reasonable to me. All that said, this whole method looks totally bogus. We should be walking up the parent tree, not the style context tree, in my opinion... as things currently stand, "special" beveled borders on positioned elements depend on the background color of the parent, not of the containing block.
Attachment #143666 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #143668 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #145137 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron)
Attachment #145137 - Flags: review?(dbaron)
Attachment #145137 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron)
Attachment #145137 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #145137 - Flags: review?(dbaron)
Attachment #145137 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 145137 [details] [diff] [review] Fix assert Could this please be approved for 1.7? Fixes an assert that got triggered as a result of the first patch in this bug...
Attachment #145137 - Flags: approval1.7?
Comment on attachment 145137 [details] [diff] [review] Fix assert a=chofmann for 1.7
Attachment #145137 - Flags: approval1.7? → approval1.7+
Comment on attachment 145137 [details] [diff] [review] Fix assert Checked in for 1.7.
Attachment #145137 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Thanks. Works nicely.
when compiling on gcc on winxp: d:/mozilla/mozilla/layout/html/style/src/nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp:4566: undefin ed reference to `NS_NewObjectFrame(nsIPresShell*, nsIFrame**)' ../../dist/lib/libgkhtmlstyle_s.a(nsCSSFrameConstructor.o)(.text+0xaf10):d:/mozi lla/mozilla/layout/html/style/src/nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp:4574: undefined refe rence to `NS_NewObjectFrame(nsIPresShell*, nsIFrame**)' ../../dist/lib/libgkhtmlstyle_s.a(nsCSSFrameConstructor.o)(.text+0xaf69):d:/mozi lla/mozilla/layout/html/style/src/nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp:4581: undefined refe rence to `NS_NewObjectFrame(nsIPresShell*, nsIFrame**)'
What does that have to do with this bug, pray tell?
this bug had a checkin to the file nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp and now I cant compile...:(
Yes, but your problem is in code pretty totally unrelated to the code touched by this bug.
Product: Core → Other Applications
QA Contact: timeless → dom-inspector
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