Closed Bug 237183 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Reimplement handling of FPU control word corruption on OS/2


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jhpedemonte, Assigned: jhpedemonte)




(4 files, 4 obsolete files)

As you may remember from bug 215581 and bug 224487, OS/2 has an issue where calling certain system functions changes the FPU control word, such that we get random crashes due to divide-by-zero, floating-point-underflow, etc. The ugly hacks introduced in the two mentioned bugs never worked 100%. Now we finally did it the right way, by implementing an exception handler for every thread that intercepts any of these floating point exceptions and resets the FPU control word to what we want.
Attached patch NSPR patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This patch adds an exception handler for every NSPR thread that is created. It also exports the exception handler function so it can be used by nsAppRunner.cpp.
This patch removes the hacks from the two mentioned bugs, and sets the exception handler in main().
Attachment #143658 - Flags: review?(wchang0222)
Attachment #143659 - Flags: review?(brendan)
Comment on attachment 143659 [details] [diff] [review] moz patch (everything else) (checked in) What about Firefox and Thunderbird? Any other apps hosted on that build on OS2? /be
Attachment #143659 - Flags: review?(brendan) → review+
Attached patch Toolkit patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Thanks for pointing this out, Brendan. Same changes as done to xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp in previous patch. Also, got rid of XP_PC, which should have happened a long time ago.
Attachment #143667 - Flags: review?(mkaply)
Comment on attachment 143658 [details] [diff] [review] NSPR patch "md/prosdep.h" is an internal header file. You should declare OS2_FloatExcpHandler in "private/pprthred.h". It is a shame that you have to export OS2_FloatExcpHandler just for nsAppRunner.cpp. Could you duplicate OS2_FloatExcpHandler in nsAppRunner.cpp? If not, it should be renamed PR_OS2_FloatExcpHandler. I also think the right functions to export are PR_OS2_SetFloatExcpHandler(void) and PR_OS2_UnsetFloatExcpHandler(void), rather than the floating point exception handler. Another idea is to move the DosSetExceptionHandler call to _PR_MD_INIT_THREAD and the DosUnsetExceptionHandler call to _PR_MD_CLEAN_THREAD. This should handle NSPR-created threads, the primordial thread, and attached threads.
Attached patch NSPR patch v2 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
wtc, is this what you had in mind? Using _PR_MD_INIT_THREAD & _PR_MD_CLEAN_THREAD does make it much cleaner. Now I no longer need to edit nsAppRunner.cpp.
Attachment #143658 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #143667 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #143658 - Flags: review?(wchang0222)
Attachment #143667 - Flags: review?(mkaply)
Attachment #143719 - Flags: review?(wchang0222)
Comment on attachment 143719 [details] [diff] [review] NSPR patch v2 Well, scratch this. According to the OS/2 docs, it looks like the EXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD has to be on the stack. With this code, it gets malloced. So even though it works, I'll have to rethink this.
Attachment #143719 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #143719 - Flags: review?(wchang0222)
Attached patch NSPR patch v3 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Taking wtc's suggestion of creating PR_OS2_SetFloatExcpHandler() and PR_OS2_UnsetFloatExcpHandler().
Attachment #143723 - Flags: review?(wchang0222)
And here are the corresponding changes to the two nsAppRunner.cpp files.
Attachment #143724 - Flags: review?(mkaply)
Comment on attachment 143724 [details] [diff] [review] nsAppRunner patch (checked in) r=mkaply
Attachment #143724 - Flags: review?(mkaply) → review+
Comment on attachment 143723 [details] [diff] [review] NSPR patch v3 Javier, I didn't realize that the exception registration record must be allocated on the stack. Given that, I think we should export the exception handler itself (name it PR_OS2_FloatExcpHandler) rather than two functions to set and unset the exception handler. I still think it is better to duplicate the exception handler in nsAppRunner.cpp so that NSPR doesn't need to export the exception handler. Now that I understand this issue better, I think the best solution may be to implement JS's SET_FPU() and RESTORE_FPU() macros to set and unset the exception handler. It may be rather difficult to do that because you'd also need a new macro for declaring the exception registration record as a local variable, or you'd need to define SET_FPU() and RESTORE_FPU() to contain { and } to delimit a new lexical scope in which you declare the exception registration record as a local variable. So, that's my review comment. I'll leave it up to you and mkaply to decide on a solution that's a right compromise between elegance, expediency, and maintenance cost.
wtc, it's one thing to have SET_FPU twiddle the coprocessor control register, it's another to have it set and restore an exception handler. This was happening way too often in the JS engine. Really, it needs to be done at startup, somehow (if it affects all threads in the process). /be
I like the new patch Javier put together. I think it is much more elegant to set and unset the exception handler from other threads. This makes things more extensible, for instance if we decided to explicitly create a thread somewhere else in Mozilla and add exception handlers.
Comment on attachment 143723 [details] [diff] [review] NSPR patch v3 Hi Javier, 1. nsprpub/pr/include/private/pprthred.h >+#if defined(XP_OS2) >+#define INCL_DOS >+#define INCL_DOSERRORS >+#define INCL_WIN >+#include <os2.h> >+#endif Are these needed for the definition of the EXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD type? >+#endif /* xp_os2 */ Nit: capitalize xp_os2. 2. nsprpub/pr/src/os2extra.def >+ _PR_OS2_SetFloatExcpHandler >+ _PR_OS2_UnsetFloatExcpHandler Why do we need an underscore before PR? 3. nsprpub/pr/src/md/os2/os2thred.c >+ULONG >+_System OS2_FloatExcpHandler(PEXCEPTIONREPORTRECORD p1, >+ PEXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD p2, >+ PCONTEXTRECORD p3, >+ PVOID pv) Nit: make this function static. >+NSPR_API(void) >+PR_OS2_SetFloatExcpHandler(EXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD* excpreg) ... >+NSPR_API(void) >+PR_OS2_UnsetFloatExcpHandler(EXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD* excpreg) Change NSPR_API to PR_IMPLEMENT. >+void >+ExcpStartFunc(void* arg) Nit: make this function static. > PRStatus > _PR_MD_CREATE_THREAD(PRThread *thread, > void (*start)(void *), > PRThreadPriority priority, > PRThreadScope scope, > PRThreadState state, > PRUint32 stackSize) > { >- thread->md.handle = thread->id = (TID) _beginthread(start, >+ PARAMSTORE* params = malloc(sizeof(PARAMSTORE)); >+ params->start = start; >+ params->thread = thread; >+ thread->md.handle = thread->id = (TID) _beginthread(ExcpStartFunc, > NULL, > thread->stack->stackSize, >- thread); >+ params); > if(thread->md.handle == -1) { > return PR_FAILURE; > } In nsprpub/pr/src/md/windows/w95thred.c, I had to solve a problem that also requires a wrapper function around the thread start routine. In w95thred.c, I solved it by adding a new field to PRThread (or rather _MDThread) to store 'start' (see _PR_MD_CREATE_THREAD in w95thred.c). Your solution (malloc'ing PARAMSTORE) also works and avoids making 'start' a member of PRThread/_MDThread. You may want to use PR_Malloc/PR_Free instead of malloc/free. This is mainly for a consistent style with the rest of NSPR.
> Are these needed for the definition of the > EXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD type? Actually, I only need one of those defines, but I need to add the other defines for other files, which include this header, but specify their include defines after this header. Does that make sense? I basically have to work around the silly design implementation of the OS/2 headers. > Why do we need an underscore before PR? That's how all of the function names are exported, with a leading underscore. I'll post a new patch with your suggestions.
New patch with wtc's comments.
Attachment #143723 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #143723 - Flags: review?(wchang0222)
Attachment #144331 - Flags: review?(wchang0222)
Missed this one. Another case of OS/2 include hell.
Attachment #144365 - Flags: review?(mkaply)
Comment on attachment 144331 [details] [diff] [review] NSPR patch v3.1 (checked in) r=wtc. I'd like to explain my question about nsprpub/pr/src/os2extra.def: > PR_NewMonitor > PR_EnterMonitor > PR_ExitMonitor > PR_GetCurrentThread > PR_AttachThread > PR_DetachThread >+ ; >+ ; Exception handler functions that are used by nsAppRunner.cpp >+ ; >+ _PR_OS2_SetFloatExcpHandler >+ _PR_OS2_UnsetFloatExcpHandler Why don't the other exported symbols need a leading underscore?
Attachment #144331 - Flags: review?(wchang0222) → review+
Because those are exported in order to insure compatibility with plugins built with the Visual Age compiler, which did not prepend an underscore to functions.
*** Bug 228379 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I checked the NSPR part onto the preclient branch. I don't have authority for NSPR trunk.
Comment on attachment 144331 [details] [diff] [review] NSPR patch v3.1 (checked in) I checked in this NSPR patch on the NSPR trunk (NSPR 4.5).
Attachment #144331 - Attachment description: NSPR patch v3.1 → NSPR patch v3.1 (checked in)
Comment on attachment 144365 [details] [diff] [review] XPCOM patch (checked in) Well, mkaply checked in the XPCOM patch, so I assume he reviewed it.
Attachment #144365 - Attachment description: XPCOM patch → XPCOM patch (checked in)
Attachment #144365 - Flags: review?(mkaply) → review+
Comment on attachment 143659 [details] [diff] [review] moz patch (everything else) (checked in) Asking approval for 1.7 for the JS part of this patch (the nsAppRunner.cpp change is superceded by a later patch). This patch is low risk since it just backs out a previous OS/2 fix, which is no longer necessary.
Attachment #143659 - Flags: approval1.7?
Comment on attachment 143724 [details] [diff] [review] nsAppRunner patch (checked in) Also seeking approval for 1.7 final for this patch, which creates the exception handler for the main thread (the NSPR change that handles all the other threads has already been checked in). Low risk, affects OS/2 only.
Attachment #143724 - Flags: approval1.7?
Comment on attachment 143659 [details] [diff] [review] moz patch (everything else) (checked in) a=mkaply for the JS part.
Attachment #143659 - Flags: approval1.7? → approval1.7+
Comment on attachment 143724 [details] [diff] [review] nsAppRunner patch (checked in) a=mkaply On the WinMain stuff, remove the (WIN32) Now that we are ecplicitly #iffing XP_WIN, we shouldn't need the WIN32 check.
Attachment #143724 - Flags: approval1.7? → approval1.7+
Attachment #143659 - Attachment description: moz patch (everything else) → moz patch (everything else) (checked in)
Attachment #143724 - Attachment description: nsAppRunner patch → nsAppRunner patch (checked in)
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This patch broke my patch for OS/2 large file support in bug 170911 . I needed to define INCL_LONGLONG for os2.h to pick up. I put it in _os2.h, which I believe is the correct place . With this new patch, the macros from _os2.h are ignored since os2.h is first included in pprthred.h . The macros for os2.h should only be in one place, so I'm reopening this bug to get that regression fixed.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
That's not how you handle a situation like this. Open a new bug for the regression and reference this bug.
Closed: 21 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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