Closed Bug 237975 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

[FIXr]Crash with xbl generated link, opening in new tab [@ nsAttributeTextNode::DetachListener ]


(Core :: XBL, defect, P1)






(Reporter: martijn.martijn, Assigned: bzbarsky)




(Keywords: crash, fixed1.7, testcase)

Crash Data


(5 files, 2 obsolete files)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7b) Gecko/20040317 Firefox/0.8.0+ Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7b) Gecko/20040317 Firefox/0.8.0+ See it at: The attached testcase you must open local on your computer. to reproduce it: Open the the link you see in a new tab (in the background) and repeat those steps very quickly (ten times or so) Then close each tab very quickly again. In this way, you get the highest chance to get a crash, although you have a chance of a crash right the first time. See also: This post mentions that builds younger than 2004-01-27 are vulnerable to this crash: Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.See details 2. 3. Actual Results: Crash Expected Results: No crash
Attached file Testcase for the crash
Attached file Talkback crash details
Martin, the talkback data is not useful on its own. What's the talkback incident id so we can look up the stack?
Oh, sorry, but somehow I am not able to send the talkback. Every time it shows me an error message: "The Agent is unable to connect to the server. Please check your proxy servers settings or try again later." I've tried it many times. Shutted down the firewall. Still no go :(
Severity: normal → critical
Uhm, I was not able to send the talkback to: But to Netscape (!?) worked: Incident ID: TB31483088W It's not the same one as I attached, it's a fresh crash, at: 19-3-2004 19:20
0x7a1ffe1e 0x021fd71d gklayout.dll + 0x9fa9a (0x00f8fa9a) gklayout.dll + 0x9fa5c (0x00f8fa5c) gklayout.dll + 0x9fa33 (0x00f8fa33) gklayout.dll + 0xc583c (0x00fb583c) xpcom.dll + 0x3cd6d (0x6107cd6d) gklayout.dll + 0xcac19 (0x00fbac19) gklayout.dll + 0xca98f (0x00fba98f) gklayout.dll + 0x1534d4 (0x010434d4) gklayout.dll + 0x7f36e (0x00f6f36e) gklayout.dll + 0x7a3a2 (0x00f6a3a2) gklayout.dll + 0x7f514 (0x00f6f514) xpcom.dll + 0x3cd6d (0x6107cd6d) gklayout.dll + 0xd17fb (0x00fc17fb) xpc3250.dll + 0xb113 (0x60c3b113) jsd3250.dll + 0x4cf4 (0x60654cf4) js3250.dll + 0x1a90b (0x60d4a90b) js3250.dll + 0x1a189 (0x60d4a189) js3250.dll + 0x2616 (0x60d32616) gklayout.dll + 0x14dd73 (0x0103dd73) xpcom.dll + 0x28f64 (0x61068f64) appshell.dll + 0x7c49 (0x600e7c49) Mozilla.exe + 0x1df4 (0x00401df4) appshell.dll + 0x7c49 (0x600e7c49) Mozilla.exe + 0x1df4 (0x00401df4) Mozilla.exe + 0x1969 (0x00401969) Mozilla.exe + 0x2d2b (0x00402d2b) Mozilla.exe + 0xdd5e (0x0040dd5e) kernel32.dll + 0x1eb69 (0x77e5eb69)
Martijn, the talkback servers are claimed to be working correctly now.... would you mind sending a talkback to again? The stack in comment 6 is not helpful either (no symbols).
Ok, done. I've got Talkback ID: TB7533K
chofmann, could you get the stack info?
Whiteboard: TB7533K
I've gotta get my account stuff sent to jpatel so I can get to talkback query server... getting that done now... jay can you dig this one out of the tb database?
0x0283857a 0ba0a391 Email Address ------- Product ID Mozilla1.7 Build ID 2004031615 Trigger Time 2004-03-29 00:25:26.0 Platform Win32 Operating System Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 Module null URL visited User Comments Crasher for Boris: [Bug 237975] Crash with xbl generated link, opening in new tab Since Last Crash null sec Total Uptime null sec Trigger Reason Access violation Source File Name Trigger Line No. Stack Trace 0x0283857a nsAttributeTextNode::DetachListener [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/content/base/src/nsTextNode.cpp, line 356] nsAttributeTextNode::~nsAttributeTextNode [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/content/base/src/nsTextNode.cpp, line 117] nsAttributeTextNode::`scalar deleting destructor' nsGenericDOMDataNode::Release [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/content/base/src/nsGenericDOMDataNode.cpp, line 82] nsCOMPtr_base::~nsCOMPtr_base [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpcom/glue/nsCOMPtr.cpp, line 82] nsEventStateManager::~nsEventStateManager [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/content/events/src/nsEventStateManager.cpp, line 310] nsEventStateManager::`scalar deleting destructor' nsJSEventListener::Release [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/dom/src/events/nsJSEventListener.cpp, line 79] nsPresContext::~nsPresContext [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/layout/base/src/nsPresContext.cpp, line 209] GalleyContext::`scalar deleting destructor' nsPresContext::Release [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/layout/base/src/nsPresContext.cpp, line 233] nsCOMPtr_base::~nsCOMPtr_base [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpcom/glue/nsCOMPtr.cpp, line 82] nsDOMEvent::`scalar deleting destructor' XPCJSRuntime::GCCallback [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/js/src/xpconnect/src/xpcjsruntime.cpp, line 549] 0x088b0674
Chris, what are the local variables on that last stack frame? In particular, what are the values of |mListener|, |mParent|, and |target| there?
Since it looks like nobody has touched the bug, I guess I can at least get a stack trace even if I can't fix anything: Attached is the stack trace plus the memory bz was looking for. I can't figure out what mParent is, so I included the thing being returned by GetParent() for good measure. That doesn't look like it makes any sense though. Firefox, debug build. WinXP SP1; VC7.1/VS.NET 2003 checkout start: Mon Apr 12 01:51:16 PDT 2004 checkout finish: Mon Apr 12 02:07:04 PDT 2004 As I said in the MZ thread, this seems to have regressed near 2004-01-27 - and the code seems to have been added as v.3.41 of nsTextNode.cpp on 2004-01-26. (mozilla/content/base/src/nsTextNode.cpp) HTH - If not, mail me and I'll be quiet in the future :) (nsIContent*)(mParentPtrBits & ~kParentBitMask) 0x02e08bb0 { mDocument=0xfeeefeee { ... } mParentPtrBits=0xfeeefeee } nsIContent * mListener { mRawPtr=0x02e098e8 { mRefCnt={mValue=0x00000001 } _mOwningThread={mThread=0x003062a8 } mNameSpaceID=0x00000000 ... } } nsRefPtr<nsAttributeTextNode::nsAttrChangeListener> Before QI on nsTextNode line 350: target { mRawPtr 0x0012f884 nsIDOMEventTarget * { nsISupports { __vfptr 0x011c8abf * [0x0] 0x8308458b * [0x1] 0x0c7401e0 * [0x2] 0x51fc4d8b * } nsISupports } } nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEventTarget> Index Function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *1 gklayout.dll!nsIContent::GetParent() Line 103 2 gklayout.dll!nsAttributeTextNode::DetachListener() Line 348 + 0x8 3 gklayout.dll!nsAttributeTextNode::~nsAttributeTextNode() Line 117 4 gklayout.dll!nsAttributeTextNode::`scalar deleting destructor'() + 0xf 5 gklayout.dll!nsGenericDOMDataNode::Release() Line 81 + 0xd0 6 gklayout.dll!nsTextNode::Release() Line 151 + 0xc 7 gklayout.dll!nsCOMPtr<nsIContent>::~nsCOMPtr<nsIContent>() Line 510 8 gklayout.dll!nsEventStateManager::~nsEventStateManager() Line 306 + 0xbd 9 gklayout.dll!nsEventStateManager::`scalar deleting destructor'() + 0xf 10 gklayout.dll!nsEventStateManager::Release() Line 353 + 0xd3 11 gklayout.dll!nsPresContext::~nsPresContext() Line 205 + 0x12 12 gklayout.dll!GalleyContext::~GalleyContext() Line 59 + 0x8 13 gklayout.dll!GalleyContext::`scalar deleting destructor'() + 0xf 14 gklayout.dll!nsPresContext::Release() Line 233 + 0xd6 15 gklayout.dll!nsCOMPtr<nsIPresContext>::~nsCOMPtr<nsIPresContext>() Line 510 16 gklayout.dll!nsDOMEvent::~nsDOMEvent() Line 251 + 0x4d 17 gklayout.dll!nsDOMEvent::`scalar deleting destructor'() + 0xf 18 gklayout.dll!nsDOMEvent::Release() Line 254 + 0xd3 19 xpc3250.dll!XPCJSRuntime::GCCallback(JSContext * cx=0x02baddf0, JSGCStatus status=JSGC_END) Line 556 + 0x12 20 gklayout.dll!DOMGCCallback(JSContext * cx=0x02baddf0, JSGCStatus status=JSGC_END) Line 1881 + 0x17 21 js3250.dll!js_GC(JSContext * cx=0x02baddf0, unsigned int gcflags=0x00000000) Line 1419 + 0xc 22 js3250.dll!js_ForceGC(JSContext * cx=0x02baddf0, unsigned int gcflags=0x00000000) Line 1000 + 0xd 23 js3250.dll!JS_GC(JSContext * cx=0x02baddf0) Line 1681 + 0xb 24 gklayout.dll!nsJSContext::Notify(nsITimer * timer=0x02d84630) Line 1834 + 0xd 25 xpcom.dll!nsTimerImpl::Fire() Line 386 26 xpcom.dll!nsTimerManager::FireNextIdleTimer() Line 616 27 gkwidget.dll!nsAppShell::Run() Line 142 28 appshell.dll!nsAppShellService::Run() Line 524 29 firefox.exe!main1(int argc=0x00000001, char * * argv=0x00308758, nsISupports * nativeApp=0x00a2b638, const nsXREAppData & aAppData={...}) Line 1287 + 0x20 30 firefox.exe!xre_main(int argc=0x00000001, char * * argv=0x00308758, const nsXREAppData & aAppData={...}) Line 1807 + 0x29 31 firefox.exe!main(int argc=0x00000001, char * * argv=0x00308758) Line 51 + 0x11 32 firefox.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 398 + 0x11 33 kernel32.dll!77e814c7()
Attached patch Possible patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
That helps a good deal! It looks like the mParent pointer is just bogus at that point. Based on where we're destroying the node from, it looks like the node has a ref to it from the ESM, which makes it hang about long after its parent and frame are gone (because the ESM is hanging about because JS holds a ref to an event and hasn't GCed). So the point is, the parent is gone, and we never got told about it (nothing calls SetParent() on the generated content nodes that I can see). Then when we get destroyed we try to mess with the parent, and that fails. What this patch does is to set the parent to null when our frame goes away, which is when we want it happening. Mook, could you check whether this helps? I can't reproduce the crash at all in SeaMonkey (possibly something in the chrome does something differently to events), so I can't test whether this helps....
That patch does indeed appear to fix it - at least I can't seem to trigger it anymore, using a build that was exactly the same except for the patch. Thanks! Actually, I did manage to get the crash in Seamonkey as well - you have to make sure new tabs open in background, which IIRC is not the default in Seamonkey. There were no trunk Win32 Fire* builds at the time to test with :)
> you have to make sure new tabs open in background Exactly what I was doing. The problem is that the crash is timing-dependent, gc-dependent, and OS-allocation-pattern dependent (and I was testing on Linux). David, what do you think of the patch? See the XXX comments in particular... I can't quite decide where this functionality most cleanly belongs.
I've managed to get a debug build running on my home machine. So I can confirm also that the testcase doesn't seem to crash anymore with the patch. It always seemed to me that Firefox was far more susceptible to the crash.
From the comments in the patch, I've made a similar testcase, but with a first-letter css-rule in it. This indeed still crashes with the patch from Boris.
Attachment #146102 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 146103 [details] [diff] [review] Er, I meant this. David, what do you think? See comment 14 for a description of the problem I'm trying to solve....
Attachment #146103 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron)
Attachment #146103 - Flags: review?(dbaron)
I've compiled the last patch from Boris, and I don't get a crash, with at least 2 minutes of vigorously middle-clicking on the link and closing the tabs.
Attached file stack TB7533K
Keywords: stackwantedtestcase
Summary: Crash with xbl generated link, opening in new tab → Crash with xbl generated link, opening in new tab [@ nsAttributeTextNode::DetachListener ]
Whiteboard: TB7533K
Comment on attachment 146103 [details] [diff] [review] Er, I meant this. r+sr=dbaron, but maybe call |aParent| something like |aRealContent|?
Attachment #146103 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron)
Attachment #146103 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #146103 - Flags: review?(dbaron)
Attachment #146103 - Flags: review+
Checked in on the 1.8a trunk with the change to aRealContent. Leaving open for now, because I think this should go into 1.7....
Assignee: hyatt → bzbarsky
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: qawanted
OS: Windows 2000 → All
Priority: -- → P1
Hardware: PC → All
Summary: Crash with xbl generated link, opening in new tab [@ nsAttributeTextNode::DetachListener ] → [FIXr]Crash with xbl generated link, opening in new tab [@ nsAttributeTextNode::DetachListener ]
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.7final
Comment on attachment 146103 [details] [diff] [review] Er, I meant this. a=chofmann gor 1.7
Attachment #146103 - Flags: approval1.7+
Checked in on the 1.7 branch.
Keywords: fixed1.7
Er, and marking fixed, even.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified FIXED with trunk build 2004-07-25-09 on Windows XP.
Crash Signature: [@ nsAttributeTextNode::DetachListener ]
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