Closed Bug 238039 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Integrate Mozilla with Innotek Font Engine


(Core Graveyard :: GFX: OS/2, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jhpedemonte, Assigned: jhpedemonte)



(Keywords: fixed1.7)


(2 files, 6 obsolete files)

The Innotek Font Engine ( is a FreeType2 based engine that provides anti-aliasing of fonts on OS/2. In addition, it exports several functions which can be used by Mozilla in order have better font support on OS/2. The main thing the engine offers is that we can query whether a font supports a given glyph.
Attached patch patch v1 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
In addition to the code that links to and uses the FT2LIB functions, this patch also contains fixes for warning in gfx/src/os2 that were annoying me. For the moment, since this patch has not been tested outside of my computer, the user is required to set the environment variable MOZILLA_USE_EXTENDED_FT2LIB=T in order to make use of the new code. Eventually, if all the kinks are worked out and the performance is good, then I'll switch it on by default.
The patch also contains some code from the patch in bug 189480, so setting this bug dependent on that one.
Depends on: 189480
I install v1 with every new nightly (but not with each most recent release, in part in order to see "the other way"). <Devil's advocate>It would be nice for people with slow puters to retain an option to disable the signifcant overhead using ft2lib imposes. Minimum CPU requirement for Mozilla remains Pentium-133 class. (I'd hate to have to routinely run with ft2lib enabled on one of those, or even on a 300.) Also, if running high resolution (1400x1050 or higher) and commensurate size default fonts, there isn't nearly as much improvement in font appearance with over without (AFAICT). A few might rather have more speed there than the small improvement.</Devil's advocate>
This new code does not force you to use FT2LIB. If you don't have it installed, or if it is disabled for you application, then it just works like it has always worked.
Attached patch patch v1.1 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This patch (1) enables USE_EXPANDED_FREETYPE_FUNCS, which should result in better performance since we don't need to convert from Unicode to UTF-8 before calling the functions; (2) removes the symbol font check in nsFontOS2FT::HasGlyph(), since the latest version of FT2LIB has fixed this issue; and (3) disables bold/italic simulation for bitmap fonts since FT2LIB currently does not handle this.
Attachment #144362 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached patch patch v 1.2 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Don't disable bold/italic simulation for bitmap fonts.
Attachment #144875 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached patch patch v1.3 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
(1) Properly enable printing when MOZILLA_USE_EXTENDED_FT2LIB is set. (2) Made GetTextExtentPoint32 and ExtTextOut helper functions return valid success/failure values.
Attachment #145019 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #146020 - Flags: review?(mkaply)
Attached patch patch v1.4 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
(1) No longer need to create converters for 1386/943 codepages in nsFontMetricsOS2.cpp. (2) Simplify #ifdefs in nsRenderingContextOS2.cpp.
Attachment #146020 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #146020 - Flags: review?(mkaply)
Attachment #146197 - Flags: review?(mkaply)
Attached patch patch v1.5 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
(1) Always check if Ft2QueryTextBoxW() and Ft2CharStringPosAtW() fail with PMERR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED. (2) Because of the above, we can get rid of all the special printing code added in patch v1.3. (3) Restore GpiMove() to ExtTextOut. If the string was over 512 chars, it would fail without GpiMove().
Attachment #146197 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #146197 - Flags: review?(mkaply)
Attachment #146291 - Flags: review?(mkaply)
Attached patch patch v1.6Splinter Review
Updating patch to trunk now that bug 189480 has been checked in.
Attachment #146291 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #146291 - Flags: review?(mkaply)
Comment on attachment 146511 [details] [diff] [review] patch v1.6 r=mkaply sr=blizzard (platform specific) a=mkaply (OS/2 only)
Attachment #146511 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #146511 - Flags: review+
Attachment #146511 - Flags: approval1.7+
Fix checked in.
Closed: 21 years ago
Keywords: fixed1.7
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment on attachment 146511 [details] [diff] [review] patch v1.6 >Index: gfx/src/os2/ >=================================================================== > nsGfxFactoryOS2.cpp \ > nsPrintOptionsOS2.cpp \ > nsGfxDefs.cpp \ >+ $(topsrcdir)/gfx/src/windows/nsUnicodeRange.cpp \ > $(NULL) This is badly abusing the build system... the makefile will not be able to track dependencies correctly. Please fix this by doing an nsinstall to the current dir (during the export phase) and then making from there. There are examples of this all over the tree (xpcom/glue/standalone is a good one)
Attached patch Makefile patchSplinter Review
Makefile patch based on bsmedberg's comments.
Attachment #146594 - Flags: review?(bsmedberg)
Attachment #146594 - Flags: review?(bsmedberg) → review+
Makefile change checked in.
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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