Closed Bug 238219 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

nsIDocument changes cause Adobe SVG plugin to crash [was: crash [@ nsCSubstring::SetCapacity]]


(Core :: XPCOM, defect, P1)

Windows XP





(Reporter: chofmann, Assigned: darin.moz)



(Keywords: topcrash)

Crash Data


(1 file)

#8 top crash in early 1.7b data not much to do on here, but could it be related to string defrag landing? notice svg on the stack too. might need it to understand the bug better. Count Offset Real Signature [ 3 nsCSubstring::SetCapacity 6d2d286b - [ 1 nsCSubstring::SetCapacity ee83ea6e - [ 1 nsCSubstring::SetCapacity 5db5f36b - Crash date range: 19-MAR-04 to 21-MAR-04 Min/Max Seconds since last crash: 27 - 4461 Min/Max Runtime: 418 - 4461 Count Platform List 3 [Windows NT 5.1 build 2600] 1 [Windows NT 5.0 build 2195] 1 [Windows 98 4.90 build 73010104] Count Build Id List 5 2004031615 No of Unique Users 3 Stack trace(Frame) nsCSubstring::SetCapacity [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpcom/string/src/nsTSubstring.cpp line 445] nsCSubstring::SetLength [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpcom/string/src/nsTSubstring.cpp line 481] nsCSubstring::Assign [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpcom/string/src/nsTSubstring.cpp line 278] nsCSubstring::Assign [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpcom/string/src/nsTSubstring.cpp line 330] nsCSubstring::Assign [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpcom/string/src/nsTSubstring.cpp line 358] nsDocument::SetDocumentCharacterSet [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/content/base/src/nsDocument.cpp line 963] NPSVG3.dll + 0x4194 (0x53004194) NPSVG3.dll + 0x3c23 (0x53003c23) NPSVG3.dll + 0x5058 (0x53005058) nsPluginStreamListenerPeer::SetUpStreamListener [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/modules/plugin/base/src/nsPluginHostImpl.cpp line 2456] nsPluginStreamListenerPeer::OnStartRequest [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/modules/plugin/base/src/nsPluginHostImpl.cpp line 2101] nsHttpChannel::CallOnStartRequest [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/netwerk/protocol/http/src/nsHttpChannel.cpp line 638] nsHttpChannel::ProcessNormal [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/netwerk/protocol/http/src/nsHttpChannel.cpp line 767] nsHttpChannel::ProcessResponse [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/netwerk/protocol/http/src/nsHttpChannel.cpp line 722] nsHttpChannel::OnStartRequest [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/netwerk/protocol/http/src/nsHttpChannel.cpp line 3315] nsInputStreamPump::OnStateStart [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/netwerk/base/src/nsInputStreamPump.cpp line 381] nsInputStreamPump::OnInputStreamReady [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/netwerk/base/src/nsInputStreamPump.cpp line 343] nsInputStreamReadyEvent::EventHandler [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpcom/io/nsStreamUtils.cpp line 119] PL_HandleEvent [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpcom/threads/plevent.c line 672] PL_ProcessPendingEvents [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpcom/threads/plevent.c line 610] _md_EventReceiverProc [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpcom/threads/plevent.c line 1413] USER32.dll + 0x3d79 (0x77cf3d79) USER32.dll + 0x3ddf (0x77cf3ddf) nsAppShellService::Run [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpfe/appshell/src/nsAppShellService.cpp line 524] main1 [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1308] main [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1712] WinMain [c:/builds/tinderbox/Mozilla1.7b/WINNT_5.0_Clobber/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp line 1734] WinMainCRTStartup() kernel32.dll + 0x214c7 (0x77e414c7)
hmm... the stack trace indicates that this is the code path: void nsTSubstring_CharT::Assign( const char_type* data, size_type length ) { // unfortunately, some callers pass null :-( if (!data) { => Truncate(); return; } but, the stack trace also indicates that we entered the string code here: void nsTSubstring_CharT::Assign( const abstract_string_type& readable ) { // promote to string if possible to take advantage of sharing if (readable.mVTable == nsTObsoleteAString_CharT::sCanonicalVTable) Assign(*readable.AsSubstring()); else => Assign(readable.ToSubstring()); } and found that the |readable| abstract string was not implemented internally, which makes sense since this plugin probably linked in its own copy of the string code. what's odd here is that the stack trace indicates that GetReadableFragment on the abstract string returned a fragment with a null valued data pointer. that shouldn't have ever happened in the old string code, so i think something else is going on. i'll need to test out the plugin for myself to learn more.
Severity: normal → critical
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.7final
i'm able to reproduce a crash with the latest SVG (Version 3) plugin from adobe's website. the crash occurs when i try to load any SVG document.
An Adobe SVG plugin crash is in popular bug 133567 - it used to be in the release notes.
well, it appears from the comments in that bug that this latest SVG plugin should work with mozilla.
sweetness! i have this exact crash in the debugger right now...
Ok, this is fallout from nsIDocument deCOMtamination. in fact, i think bug 222134 was the one that changed nsIDocument sufficiently to break the Adobe SVG plugin. in the case of this bug, the Adobe SVG plugin was not written to call SetDocumentCharacterSet here. since the vtable for nsIDocument changed, the Adobe SVG plugin is no longer valid. this is the result of Adobe using non-frozen gecko APIs. if we rev NS_IDOCUMENT_IID that might be enough to prevent this crash. i haven't confirmed yet, but i think that if we've learned anything from the past it is that we should always rev IIDs when we make interface changes.
changing NS_IDOCUMENT_IID solved the crash, and the Adobe SVG seems to be functional. i'm not sure what part isn't working (presuming that it needed nsIDocument for something).
Summary: crash [@ nsCSubstring::SetCapacity] → nsIDocument changes cause Adobe SVG plugin to crash [was: crash [@ nsCSubstring::SetCapacity]]
Attached patch v1 patchSplinter Review
Attachment #144494 - Flags: superreview?(jst)
Attachment #144494 - Flags: review?(bryner)
Attachment #144494 - Flags: review?(bryner) → review+
i presume other deCOMtaminated interfaces need to be similarly updated. anyone have a list of updated interfaces?
Flags: blocking1.7?
Blocks: 238446
Comment on attachment 144494 [details] [diff] [review] v1 patch I don't have a list of all interfaces that have been changed... But I bet nsIScriptContext and nsIScriptGlobalObject need the same treatment here. And maybe nsIContent too.
Attachment #144494 - Flags: superreview?(jst) → superreview+
Definitly nsIContent, nsIHTMLContent and nsIStyledContent too. Maybe nsINodeInfo and nsINodeInfoManager too.
Attachment #144494 - Flags: approval1.7?
shaver had this crazy idea to extend xpidl to generate uuids for unfrozen interfaces by hashing the signatures, noticing changes. We could use some tool support in enforcing, or warning, about unfrozen API usage -- and in enforcing frozen API UUID invariance. Thoughts? Is someone going to file bugs on the other interfaces? /be
should we get "team deComification" together to brainstorm what areas need to look at. how about 4:00p friday before the cantina?
Flags: blocking1.7? → blocking1.7+
patch checked in for 1.7 final marking fixed, filing a new bug for similar work.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Crash Signature: [@ nsCSubstring::SetCapacity]]
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