Closed Bug 238999 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

document colframe creation


(Core :: Layout: Tables, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: bernd_mozilla, Assigned: bernd_mozilla)





(2 files)

this bug is for boris.
Blocks: 233463
Blocks: 240245
Attached patch patchSplinter Review
Attachment #146869 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #146869 - Flags: review?(bzbarsky)
Bernd, I'll try to get to this in the next few days.... Thank you for doing it!
just a few review hints: and are fixes for the crashes that I wallpapered over in bug 240854 I believe this code is wrong since its checkin in 1999. So it deserves special attention. I believe that in // remove the col frames, the colGroup frame and reset col indices colGroup->RemoveChildrenAtEnd(*aPresContext, colGroup->GetColCount()); mColGroups.DestroyFrame(aPresContext, aOldFrame); these calls are redundant as we first remove all children of colgroup and then destroy the frame, I hope I did not overlook here something.
Blocks: 151996
Comment on attachment 146869 [details] [diff] [review] patch >Index: nsTableColGroupFrame.cpp >@@ -121,71 +121,26 @@ nsTableColGroupFrame::AddColsToTable(nsI >+ // we did set already the colindex for all colframes in this colgroup after >+ // the first inserted colframe, but there could be consequitive colgroups >+ // and their colframes need correct colindices too. Maybe more like: "We have already set the colindex for all the colframes in this colgroup that come after the first inserted colframe, but there could be other colgroups following this one and their colframes need correct colindices too." I was looking at ResetColIndices, and it looks like it's casting before checking the type, which is just evil. Feel free to file a separate bug on that.... >Index: nsTableColGroupFrame.h >+ /** Return the colgroup type from the bit 31 and 32 of the colgroups frame >+ * state. A colgroup can be caused by the content model, as wrapper of >+ * a content column or as wrapper for cells that need a column and a >+ * column group around this column The bit 31/32 thing is an implementation detail; no need to mention it here. I'd say something like: "A colgroup can be caused by three things: 1) An element with table-column-group display 2) An element with a table-column display without a table-column-group parent 3) Cells that are not in a column (and hence get an anonymous column and colgroup)." I'm not sure whether this comment should live next to this function or near where nsTableColGroupType is defined... arguably, nsTableColGroupType should be a inner struct (and called nsTableColGroupFrame::eType or something.....). Separate bug on that, if desired. >+ /** Real in this context are colgroups that either derive from context s/context/content/ ? That's not so clear... you mean "come from an element with table-column-group display"? >+ * or wrap around columns that derive from content. Same. > colgroups that are >+ * the result of creating columns for the cells and those columns need >+ * then to be wrapped are assumed to be non real. "Colgroups that are the result of wrapping cells in an anonymous column and colgroup are not considered real here." >+ /** remove the column aChild from the column group, if requested reenumerate s/reenumeate/renumber/ >+ * the subsequent columns in this column group and all following col groups. Consistency? "column group" vs "col groups"? Pick one. >+ /** Add column frames to the table storages: colframe cache and cellmap >+ * @param aPresContext - the presentation context >+ * @param aFirstColIndex - at this index aFirstFrame will inserted into >+ * the colframe cache. "the index at which aFirstFrame should be inserted into the colframe cache" Does this assume anything about whether the colframes are already in the frame list of the table? If so, document what it assumes. >+ /** next sibling to aChildFrame that is column frame, first column >+ *if aChildFrame is zero >+ */ >+ nsTableColFrame * GetNextColumn(nsIFrame *aChildFrame); s/zero/null/? "that is a column frame". >+ * @param aStartColFrame - if specified the reset starts with this column >+ * inside the colgroup add "; if not specified, the reset starts with the first column" >+inline void nsTableColGroupFrame::SetStartColumnIndex (int aIndex) That should take a PRInt32, not an int.... (yes, I know the old code was bogus). >Index: nsTableFrame.cpp >- // remove the col frames, the colGroup frame and reset col indices >- colGroup->RemoveChildrenAtEnd(*aPresContext, colGroup->GetColCount()); Yeah, this is totally redundant code. Don't you need to remove the painting hack that was added in bug 240854? r+sr=bzbarsky with that Bug 240245 is next, right? ;)
Attachment #146869 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #146869 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #146869 - Flags: review?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #146869 - Flags: review+
fix checked in
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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